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Origin of the soil texture classification system

used in Japan

Hirotatsu Murano, Yusuke Takata & Toshiyuki Isoi

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Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2015), 61, 688–697


Origin of the soil texture classification system used in Japan

Hirotatsu MURANO1, Yusuke TAKATA2 and Toshiyuki ISOI1
Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan and 2Natural Resources Inventory Center, National Institute for
Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan

The classification systems for soil particle size ranges and soil texture differ among countries and/or
associations. Unique systems have also endured in Japan over the last six decades. However, the original
reports explaining the rationale for these systems have gradually been lost, so there is no source written in
either Japanese or English for authors to reference the origin of the Japanese soil classification systems. In
this light, we reviewed the origin of the Japanese classification systems for soil particle size ranges and soil
texture. The size range system was adopted from International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) standards. The
soil texture classification system was introduced by Tommerup in his paper at the ISSS Commission I (Soil
Physics) meeting in 1934. This soil texture classification system was modified by Yamanaka in 1955, and
was henceforth adopted as the conventional soil texture classification system in Japan. This ISSS-defined soil
texture classification system has been in use since that time.
Key words: soil texture class, size range of particle, Japanese system, International Society of Soil Science
system, historical context.

INTRODUCTION When determining a soil texture classification, there is

no significance given to its physical properties or the
The need to designate soil textural classes first arose when soil’s crop productivity; therefore, some researchers sim-
soil researchers engaged in field work. The class to which ply describe the weight ratio of soil particle size class (Mu
a soil belonged was judged by its “feel” when some of the et al. 2008; Nakao et al. 2012; Fujii et al. 2013). The
surface material was rubbed between the fingers. Those classification systems for particle size ranges and soil tex-
who did early survey work closely observed the textural ture used by countries and/or associations outside Japan
designations used by farmers. They soon learned that also differ. In Japan, soil textural classifications are deter-
there were sometimes surprising inconsistencies in terms, mined by the particle size distribution (Fig. 1a) and the
whereby a soil composition term used in one location proportion of the particle size distribution (Fig. 2), known
meant something completely different elsewhere. Soil and described as the ISSS (International Society of Soil
researchers in the field would examine a soil sample Science, restructured into the International Union of Soil
from a soil textural class, give it a name and then send Sciences or IUSS in 1998) method. Soil texture cannot
the soil to the laboratory for analysis of its particle size fully describe soil properties, but even today, thus-condi-
range and soil textural classification (Davis and Bennett tioned soil texture is still deemed to be suitable in order to
1927; Kyuma 2009). Today, soil textural class is deter- gain an overview of a soil’s physical-chemical properties
mined by the weight ratio of the soil particle size (Soil and fundamental fertility. Therefore, soil texture is men-
Survey Division Staff 1993; Nakai 1997; Food and tioned in almost every basic Japanese soil science text-
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2006). book (Inoue 1997; Inubushi 2001; Matsunaka 2003;
Sakurai 2005; Hayashi 2010). Soil texture is also used
Correspondence: H. MURANO, Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo as a basis for determining suborder in Japan’s soil classi-
University, 1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tenpaku, Nagoya, Aichi 468- fication system (Obara et al. 2011).
8502, Japan. Tel: +81-52-838-2437; Fax: +81+52+838-5524. The ISSS soil texture classification system contains 12
Email: textural classes that are defined by their ratios of sand,
Received 27 June 2014.
Accepted for publication 11 December 2014.
silt and clay (Fig. 2). The determination of soil texture

© 2015 Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

Origin of soil texture class in Japan 689

Figure 1 Soil Particle Range Systems (a) ISSS: Schucht (1914), ISSS (1929) (b) Explanatory texts of Agronomic maps of the Empire of
Japan, “Dosei-zu setsumeisho”: Tsuneto (1888) (c) Agricultural Sciences of Japan: Agricultural Sciences of Japan (1926) (d) FAO:
FAO (1990) and FAO (2006); FAO (1968) and FAO (1977) used USDA-defined soil particle ranges. (e) USDA (from 1938): USDA
(1938), Soil Survey Staff (1951) (f) USDA (until 1938): USDA (1896) (1) Before 1947; fine gravel (2) When determining soil texture,
fine gravel was included in the soil fraction. VC: very coarse.

classifications by particle size distribution originated source (Nakai 1997). Consequently, scientific papers
from the soil textural designations used by farmers. published today, including our previous ones, which
Thus, while there must be some underlying rationale mention soil texture classes and soil particles size ranges
for dividing soil texture into 12 classes, no basic based on the ISSS standard do not cite the correct source
Japanese soil science textbooks published in the last of their methods (Kitagawa et al. 2005; Maejima et al.
few decades offer any such rationale. Nor does Japan’s 2011; Eguchi and Tamura 2012; Makabe-Sasaki et al.
soil texture classification method handbook credit any 2013; Matsumoto et al. 2013). Thus, addressing this
690 H. Murano et al.

textural class. Soil survey, “dosei chosa,” in Japan was

first established by the Geological Survey of Japan and
then was made into a more sophisticated survey by Max
Fesca, which altogether had a great impact on defining
soil texture (Tomoda 1978; Kyuma 2009). In this case,
“dosei” means soil but not soil texture. Fesca was a
German agricultural scientist employed by the Japanese
government as a foreign advisor from 1882 to 1894
(Kyuma 2009). He compiled the first soil map,
“Agronomic map of Kai Province with explanatory
text,” in 1887 (Fesca 1887), and the terms “soil” and
“map” in the title were translated to “dosei” and “zu” in
Japanese, respectively. Thus, in this case, “dosei” means
the soil itself and not soil texture. In the explanatory text,
Fesca defined 10 soil textures as “dosei” classes, so in this
case, “dosei” meant soil texture. Thus, the definition of
the term “dosei” was complicated from the time since it
was first used. Furthermore, as we describe later in this
Figure 2 International Soil Science Society (ISSS)-defined soil paper, the soil survey “dosei for soil textural class” came
texture classification system used in Japan (Yamanaka 1955). to include all of the aforementioned three meanings.
Before Fesca’s work, soil textures in a soil survey were
scientific oversight and clarifying the source is important determined not only by the soil particle size distribution
for both Japanese researchers and the international but included the organic matter and lime content
scientific community of soil researchers. In this paper, (Geological Survey of Japan 1882) as well. Then Fesca
we review the origin of the Japanese systems for classify- (1887) defined 10 classes of soil texture: clay, loamy clay,
ing soil texture and soil particle size ranges. gravel clay, clay loam, loam, sandy loam, gravel loam,
sand, loamy gravel and gravel. He decided that the soil
texture, “dosei,” would be determined by the distribution
HISTORY OF SOIL TEXTURE of the size range of the soil particles, fine earth (< 4 mm)
CLASSIFICATION IN THE EARLY DAYS and coarse clay (< 0.01 mm). He did not present any
OF JAPAN’S MODERN SOIL SCIENCE tabular data corresponding to these 10 soil texture classes
or particle size distributions at that time. One year later,
The Japanese word for soil texture is “dosei.” Kyuma however, an “Agronomic map of Musashi Province
(2009) clearly explains the history of soil texture in Japan (Northern Part) with explanatory text” was compiled by
in the early days of modern soil science, and suggests that in Tsuneto (1888) under Fesca’s tutelage. In this description,
those days, “dosei” originally had three meanings: the soil texture classes (left column of Table 1) were
determined by the particle size distribution defined in
1. Nature (mainly physical properties) of crop produc- Fig. 1b. This procedure for determining soil textural
tivity; “dosei” for productivity; classes, as defined by Tsuneto (1888), was also used in
2. Elements, physical properties and classification basis the paper “Agronomic map of Awa Province with expla-
of soil; a concept used in soil surveys, i.e., “dosei
natory text” (Kamoshita 1894). However, in the
chosa” for soil map, “dosei-zu” established by Max
Fesca and “dosei” for soil survey; “Agronomic map of Wakasa and Echizen Provinces
3. Soil class derived from the ratios of clay, silt and with explanatory text” published in 1895 (Hayakawa
sand; “dosei” for soil textural class determined by 1895), the procedure had been changed, as shown in
particle size distribution. Fig. 1b and Table 2. Hayakawa (1895) determined soil
texture from particle size distribution as well as from the
Today, “dosei,” when it means soil texture, is used for soil’s crop productivity, chemical composition and physi-
“particle size distribution.” But the meaning of “dosei” as cal-chemical properties. His paper may have been influ-
“productivity” and as “soil survey” also influenced enced by discourse on soil texture, Dosei ben, (Sato 1914,
“dosei” meaning “soil texture,” especially for Japan’s first edition published in 1874) which was not truly a
government soil scientists up until the early 1970s. scientific book, but was widely read throughout Japan at
Before examining the explanation for why the ISSS soil that time (Kyuma 2009). In Dosei ben, soil texture classi-
textural classification system has been used in Japan, we fication was based not only on the size range of soil
first review the history of the definition of “dosei” as soil particles and their stickiness and plasticity used in the
Origin of soil texture class in Japan 691

Table 1 Examples of soil texture classes described in explanatory texts to the Agronomic maps of the Empire of Japan, “Dosei-zu

Definition of the class in the agronomic maps of the empire of Japan

Soil texture class 1888–1905 1902–

Clay (Shoku-do) Soil containing more coarse clay than very fine earth Soil containing about 60% of coarse clay
Loamy clay (Joshitsu- Clay having loam character Clayey soil between clay and loam
Clay loam (Shokushitsu- Loam having clay character Soil between clay and loam but not loamy clay
Loam (Jo-do) Soil containing large amounts of very fine earth but Soil containing from 30 to 50% of sand and
small amounts of coarse clay between clay and sand
Sand (Sa-do) Soil containing a lot of sand but a little very fine earth Soil containing about 80% sand
Any gravelly class Soil containing less than half gravel and sand _______________________________
Any class gravel Soil containing more than half gravel and sand _______________________________
Sandy gravel (Sareki-do) Soil containing one third very fine soil and two
thirds gravel or sand

Table 2 Soil texture classes in explanatory text to the agronomic map of Wakasa and Echizen Provinces, “Wakasa-Echizen dosei-zu
setumei-sho” (Hayakawa 1895)

Soil texture
class Character

Clay Clay is more sticky when wet, and cracks when dry. Its texture is very dense, and air or water does not penetrate
easily. It is usually cool, wet and of low crop productivity. It absorbs nutrients and contains a large amount of
macronutrients for plant growth.
Loam Loam contains less coarse clay than clay and is classified between clay and sand. Its crop productivity depends on its
chemical contents. It is the best agricultural soil from the point of view of the particle size distribution and
physical properties (bulk density, particle density and water constant).
Sand Sand is usually dry, warm, coarse, light and porous. Therefore, the penetration of water and air is good. Extractable
chemicals easily run out, and those contents in it are low.
Gravel Gravel contains a large number of fragmented rocks. Most plants usually cannot grow on it, but the growth rate of
crops in gravel containing some fine soil or more fine soil is a little higher.

field study of the present day (Japanese Society of of Buzen Province with explanatory text,” but he used the
Pedology 1997), but on crop productivity as well. former criteria listed in the left column of Table 1. These
Minari (1898) determined soil texture on the basis of historical legacy soil maps are available on the
particle size distribution (Fig. 1b and left column of National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
Table 1) in “Agronomic map of Owari and Mikawa (NIAES) Website, the Soil Information Web Browser
Provinces with explanatory text.” But he also recom- (, NIAES 2008).
mended that determinations of soil texture should also The abovementioned descriptions clarify that during
involve careful examination of the varieties of the parent these early years, the system for soil textural classification
rock, the degree of weathering, the soil profile and the soil was not fixed. Japan was undergoing a transitional period
structure, followed by experiments to determine particle in the standardization of soil texture classification, and
size distribution, chemical composition, physical-chemical soil maps of Japan’s provinces continued to be produced
properties and nutrient adsorption. Kamoshita (1902) by the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce until 1948
determined soil texture solely from particle size distribu- (Hamazaki and Nakai 2002).
tion, and he defined the soil texture much more clearly There also existed a definition or understanding of soil
(right column of Table 1) in “Agronomic map of Uzen texture other than that used in soil surveys by the Japanese
Province and Akumi District of Ugo Province with expla- government during this period. Terashi (1881) translated
natory text.” Matsuoka (1905) also determined soil tex- into Japanese the “Cyclopædia of Agriculture” that had
ture solely from particle size in “Agronomic map of been edited by John Chalmers Morton, a Scotsman. In the
Empire of Japan, Bungo Province and south-eastern part text, soil textural class is defined by the ratios of silicate,
692 H. Murano et al.

silicate sand, river cobbles, clay, lime, plant residues and Table 3 Soil texture classes of the Agricultural Sciences of Japan
animal residues. The Ministry of Education of Japan (1926)
(1884) also translated “Elements of Agricultural Content of clay
Chemistry and Geology,” written by the Scotsman James Soil texture class fraction (%)
Finlay Weir Johnston, into Japanese. In this text, soil tex-
tural class is defined by the ratios of clay and sand. In both Clay (Shoku-do) More than 50
Clayey Loam (Shoku-jo-do) From 37.5 to 50
of these texts, soil textural classification did not use the Loam (Jo-do) From 25 to 37.5
Japanese term “dosei.” However, the soil textural classifi- Sandy Loam (Sa-jo-do) From 12.5 to 25
cation system based on soil particle distribution had been Sand (Sa-do) Less than 12.5
introduced to Japan before Fesca compiled the first soil
map of Japan in 1887, as indicated by the Ministry of
Education of Japan publication (1884). SOIL TEXTURAL CLASS AS DEFINED
Additionally, each prefecture used its own unique soil
textural classifications and soil particle size ranges, which
differed from those established by the Japanese govern- JAPAN
ment in its soil surveys (Yamanaka and Abe 1896). The Agricultural Sciences of Japan set up an investigative
However, the use of soil particle size ranges for conducting committee to address soil classification, nomenclature
soil surveys in Japan gradually came to be accepted in each systems and soil survey chaired by Seki in February
prefecture (Agricultural Experimental Station of Niigata 1926. In August of that year, the committee submitted
Prefecture, 1915; Agricultural Experimental Station of its report which included a definition of soil particle
Hiroshima Prefecture 1926) and by Japan’s academics ranges (Table 3) and soil textural classes (Fig. 1c;
(Seki 1926). However, the soil textural classification sys- Agricultural Sciences of Japan 1926). This report had
tems used in Japan’s soil surveys was not consistently used been in use until shortly after the Pacific War. On one
by all Japanese academics (Uchiyama and Ogawa 1918; hand, undoubtedly, the soil textural classification system
Seki 1926). In other publications, only soil particle distri- defined by the Agricultural Sciences of Japan (1926)
bution has been described, and there was no mention of the followed the soil survey system used by Japan’s
soil textural classification (Aso and Muramatsu 1907; Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. But no reason
Daikuhara 1919). was given as to why the committee chaired by Seki
As is clear from the above, in 1884, soil textural established the soil texture classifications shown in
classification based on soil particle distribution was Table 3. The committee defined clay as having a particle
already in practice, and this method for determining size < 0.01 mm, which agreed with Japan’s soil survey,
the soil textural classification had spread to the academic but the size boundary between gravel and sand was set at
scientists at Japan’s universities. Fesca’s “dosei chosa” 2 mm, which was different from the 4-mm boundary
soil survey in Japan also determined soil textural class, used in the surveys. The committee may have taken
“dosei,” only on the basis of soil particle distribution at into account the German and US systems that had been
first. However, since “dosei chosa” does not mean soil introduced into Japan (Daikuhara 1919), or it may have
textural class but soil survey, the definition of “dosei” as followed Atterberg’s system which had been proposed to
a soil science term, especially in Japan’s soil survey, was the International Agro-Geologists Conference,
complicated and had three meanings, as mentioned “Internationalen Agrogeologenkonferenz” (Atterberg
above: (1) “dosei” for productivity, (2) “dosei” for soil 1912), the precursor of the ISSS, and had been approved
survey and (3) “dosei” for soil textural classification at its Commission for Mechanical and Physical Soil
based on particle size distribution. Furthermore, Analysis, “Kommission für die mechanische und physi-
Japan’s soil survey, the procedure for determining kalische Bodenuntersuchung” chaired by Atterberg him-
“dosei,” i.e., a soil’s textural class, went from being self (Schucht 1914).
based on soil particle size distribution only to including
its distribution along with the soil’s productivity, profile
and physical-chemical properties. After the Pacific War, INTERNATIONAL SOIL SCIENCE
by 1946, the term soil survey in Japan was changed from SOCIETY’S SOIL PARTICLE RANGES
“dosei chosa” to “dojo chosa.” “Dojo” means soil in
Japanese. But in Hokkaido prefecture, soil surveys were
called “dosei chosa” until 1972 (Kyuma 2009), which
indicates how deeply ingrained the term “dosei” had In this section, we review the history of ISSS’ determina-
come to mean “soil survey” in the minds of Japanese tion of the soil particle ranges and soil texture classifica-
government soil scientists. tions used in Japan and the era in which these ISSS
Origin of soil texture class in Japan 693

standards became widely used. The ISSS standard soil

particle range used in Japan (Fig. 1a) originated from the
method proposed by Atterberg in 1910 to the
Commission for Mechanical and Physical Soil Analysis
(die Kommission für die mechanische und physikalische
Bodenuntersuchung). The soil particle ranges and an
analysis method also proposed by Atterberg were
approved by the commission in 1913 (Schucht 1914).
Both methods proposed by Atterberg were reviewed in a
preliminary meeting before the first commission meetings
of the International Congress of Soil Science at
Rothamsted in 1926 (ISSS 1927). At the first meeting
of ISSS in Washington, DC, in 1927, Atterberg’s particle
size distribution method was recommended for use there-
after in international publications (ISSS 1929). Atterberg
offered a rationale for his proposed soil particle ranges
(Schucht 1914, p. 3) as follows:
In a 2.0–0.2 mm particle range, the capillaries [are]
too coarse to retain water. This particle group yields
dry ground, which is only suitable for use as forest Figure 3 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-
soil. In a 0.2–0.02 mm particle range, the capillaries defined soil texture classifications used until 1951 (Davis and
retain water well. This group constitutes the main Bennett 1927). The soil texture classifications of Fig. 4 had been
component of “good sandy soil” and capillary water considered prior to 1951 (Joffe 1949).
moves quickly. In a 0.02–0.002 mm particle range,
the capillaries have a compact storage of grains that
are too small for the root hairs of grasses to penetrate,
and capillary water moves well. This group constitu-
tes the main component of loamy clay soil. In a less out that these soil particle range differences between the
than 0.002 mm particle range, capillaries are too Agricultural Sciences of Japan (1926) and ISSS classifica-
small to allow bacteria to move freely and capillary tion systems (Schucht 1914), and the differences in the soil
water movement is very slow. This group often con-
stitutes the main component of heavier clay soils.
texture classifications between the Agricultural Sciences of
Japan (1926) and ISSS (Tommerup 1934), caused transi-
tional confusion. But Yamanaka concluded that the soil
However, the ISSS-defined soil texture classification sys-
particle ranges and soil texture classification system defined
tem used in Japan was proposed by Tommerup (1934) at
by the Agricultural Sciences of Japan (1926) were consid-
ISSS’ Commission of Soil Physics held in Versailles. It is
ered to be a convenient ISSS standard, and suggested
uncertain when the ISSS-defined soil particle ranges and
further that those classifications defined by the
texture classification system began to be used widely in
Agricultural Sciences of Japan were essentially no different
Japan. To the best of our knowledge, the first descriptions
from those of ISSS. Yamanaka (1955) also divided the
of them occur in Kanno’s (1953) handbook, Soil Survey
loamy sand defined by Tommerup (1934) into loamy
Method. In this handbook, Kanno indicates that the clay,
sand and sand (Fig. 2) in order to more precisely classify
identified as falling within a certain soil particle range
the soil texture of sand dune soil which is widely distributed
defined by the Agricultural Sciences of Japan (1926),
in Japan. Saito (1978) mentioned that the soil texture
includes particles that do not have the characteristics of
classification system used in Japan had introduced by
clay. As a result, some researchers began to use the ISSS-
Tommerup (1934) and that this system had later been
defined soil particle ranges. Kanno recommended a revi-
revised. But Saito (1978) did not mention that the revision
sion of the soil texture classification system defined by the
had been made by Yamanaka (1955). The soil texture
Agricultural Sciences of Japan, and proposed that until
classification system, as revised by Yamanaka (1955), has
these revisions had been submitted, in order to correctly
been generally used as the ISSS standard in Japan since that
distinguish soil characteristics, researchers should use the
ISSS-defined soil texture classification system (Fig. 2; with
The ISSS-defined soil texture classification system
no distinction between loamy sand and sand, both of
proposed by Tommerup (1934) was constructed by
which fell into the loamy sand class; Tommerup 1934) or
applying the ISSS-defined soil particle ranges proposed
the soil texture classification system of the United States
by Atterberg (Schucht 1914) to the USDA-defined soil
Department of Agriculture (USDA; Fig. 3; Davis and
texture classification system (Fig. 3). Thus, the concept
Bennett 1927; Shaw 1928). Yamanaka (1955) pointed
694 H. Murano et al.

Table 4 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-defined soil texture classes and field classification method, corresponding
to the International Soil Science Society (ISSS)-defined soil texture classes used in Japan

Corresponding to ISSS
USDA (Shaw 1928) (Tommerup 1934) Character

Clay: including Sandy Clay Heavy Clay, Sandy Clay, Clay is a fine textured soil that usually forms very hard lumps
and Silty Clay Light Clay and Silty Clay or clods when dry, and is quite plastic and usually sticky
when wet. When the moist soil is pinched out between the
thumb and fingers it forms a long, flexible “ribbon.” Some
fine clays which are very high in colloids are friable and lack
plasticity in all conditions of moisture.
Clay Loam: including Sandy Clay Loam, Sandy Clay Loam Clay loam is a fine-textured soil which usually breaks into
Clay Loam and Silty Clay and Silty Clay Loam clods or lumps that are hard when dry. When the moist soil
Loam is pinched between the thumb and finger it forms a thin
“ribbon” which will break readily, barely sustaining its own
weight. The moist soil is plastic and will form a cast that will
bear much handling. When kneaded in the hand, it does not
crumble readily but tends to work into a heavy compact
Silt Loam Silty Loam Silt loam is a soil with a moderate amount of the fine grades of
sand and only a small amount of clay, over half of the
particles being of the size called “silt.” When dry it may
appear quite cloddy but the lumps can be readily broken,
and when pulverized it feels soft and floury. When wet, the
soil readily runs together. Either dry or moist, it forms casts
that can be freely handled without breaking, but when
moistened and squeezed between thumb and finger, it will
not “ribbon” but will give a broken appearance.
Loam Loam Loam is a soil having a relatively even mixture of different
grades of sand and of silt and clay. It is mellow with a
somewhat gritty feel, yet fairly smooth and slightly plastic.
Squeezed when dry, it forms a cast that will bear careful
handling, whereas the cast formed by squeezing the moist
soil can be handled quite freely without breaking.
Sandy Loam Sandy Loam Sandy loam is a soil containing high quantities of sand but has
enough silt and clay to make it somewhat coherent. The
individual sand grains can readily be seen and felt. Squeezed
when dry, it will form a cast which will readily fall apart,
but if squeezed when moist a cast can be formed that will
bear careful handling without breaking.
Sand Loamy Sand (Yamanaka (1955) Sand is loose and single-grained. The individual grains can
divided this class to Loamy Sand readily be seen or felt. Squeezed in the hand when dry it will
and Sand) fall apart when the pressure is released. Squeezed when
moist, it will form a cast, but will crumble when touched.

of the ISSS-defined soil texture classification system soil texture classification system (Fig. 2) is also derived
used widely in Japan is based on USDA-defined soil from the classification method developed in the field
texture classification system concepts (Table 4; Shaw (Table 4).
1928). Until the early 20th century, there had been no
nationally standardized soil particle ranges or soil tex-
ture classification systems in the United States. IS THE ISSS-DEFINED SOIL TEXTURE
Therefore, the USDA constructed soil texture classifi- CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM USED IN
cations (Fig. 3) based on its soil particle ranges
(Fig. 1e; Davis and Bennett 1927). As shown in
Table 4, the USDA soil texture classification system
was based on the feel of the soil particles when rubbed We have reviewed the history of the ISSS-defined soil par-
between the fingers in the field. Soil texture classifica- ticle ranges and soil texture classification system used in
tions determined by soil particle range (Fig. 3) origi- Japan. There are original standards for soil particle ranges
nated from soil texture classification determined by the and soil texture classifications in every country around the
feel of the soil (Table 4). Therefore, the ISSS-defined world. ISSS standards for both the soil particle ranges and
Origin of soil texture class in Japan 695

soil particle ranges to the USDA-defined soil texture

classification system. Yamanaka (1955) revised this
ISSS-defined soil texture classification system, and this
revised system has been used widely in Japan. We have
found no Japanese or English references that mention the
origin of ISSS-defined soil particle ranges and soil texture
classifications used in Japan. Therefore, most researchers
have not correctly understood these Japanese standards.
We hope this review will promote a more accurate
understanding of the soil particle ranges and the soil
texture classification system used in Japan.

The authors give special thanks to Kazutake Kyuma,
Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University, for his guidance
and detailed commentary on our review.

Figure 4 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-

defined soil texture classifications used from 1955 (Soil Survey
Staff 1951). These soil texture classfications had been considered
prior to 1951 (Joffe 1949). Agricultural Experimental Station of Hiroshima Prefecture 1926:
Report of fertilization system in Hiroshima prefecture vol. 1,
“Hiroshima-ken sehi hyoujun-chosa seiseki, dai 1 gou,”
Agricultural Experimental Station of Hiroshima Prefecture,
soil texture classification are employed in Japan. However,
Hiroshima, Japan (in Japanese).
while ISSS soil particle ranges are accepted internationally,
Agricultural Experimental Station of Niigata Prefecture 1915.
the ISSS-defined soil texture classification system is not. Report of agronomic survey, “Dosei-chosa houkokusho,”
Verheye and Ameryckx (1984) referred to the ISSS-defined Agricultural Experimental Station of Niigata Prefecture,
soil texture classification system modified by Yamanaka Niigata, Japan (in Japanese).
(1955), but they did not indicate its source and they ques- Agricultural Sciences of Japan 1926: Report of investigation of
tioned whether or not it was truly international. The Food soil classification, nomenclature system and soil survey,
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) “Dojo no bunrui oyobi meimei narabini dosei chosa oyobi
uses the USDA-defined soil particle ranges (Fig. 1f; Soil sakuzu ni kansuru chosa houkokusho,” Agricultural
Survey Staff 1951) and soil texture classification system Sciences of Japan, Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese).
(Fig. 4; Soil Survey Staff 1951; FAO 1968). But in 1990, Aso K, Muramatsu S 1907: Soil Science; Library of Geology,
Series 15, “Dojo-Gaku; Chigaku Sosho Dai 15 Kan,” 170–
FAO established its own unique soil particle ranges
185. Dainippon tosho, Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese).
(Fig. 1d; FAO 1990). In general, USDA-defined soil particle
Atterberg A 1912: Die mechanische Bodenanalyse und die
ranges and soil texture classifications have been used more Klassifikation der Mineralböden Schwedens. Internationale
widely internationally than the ISSS standards. Mitteilungen für Bodenkunde 2, pp. 312–342. Verlag für
Fachliteratur G.m.b.H., Berlin (in German).
Daikuhara G 1919: Lecture of Soil Science; The Second
CONCLUSION Volume, “Dojo-Gaku Kogi; Tyu-Kan,” pp. 810–853.
At present, soil texture classification in Japan is deter- Shokabo, Tokyo, Japan (in Japanese).
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