Primary MCQ BOF

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1. Concerning human insulin:

a. It is a polypeptide made up of 39 amino acids
b. It is produced by cleavage of a 42-amino-acid polypeptide called pro-insulin
c. It enhances gluconeogenesis
d. It enhances glycogen synthesis
e. It increases lipolysis

2. Concerning the adrenal gland

a. The cortex is ectodermal in origin
b. The medulla is mesodermal in origin
c. Development is not affected by development of the underlying kidney
d. Zona glomerulosa is NOT present at birth
e. Zona reticularis is NOT present at birth

3. Physiologic triggers for aldosterone synthesis include:

a. Reduced blood pressure
b. Increased serum ACTH
c. Reduced serum potassium concentration
d. High serum sodium concentration
e. Low angiotensin II levels

4. Hormones synthesized and released directly into the blood by the anterior pituitary gland:
a. Oxytocin
b. Vasopressin
c. Thyrotropin Stimulating Hormone
d. Growth Hormone
e. Cortisol

5. The following are correct of human dentition EXCEPT:

a. There are 20 teeth in milk dentition
b. There are no premolars in milk dentition
c. There are 32 teeth in adult dentition
d. There are 4 incisors in adult dentition
e. There are 4 canines in adult dentition

6. Effective digestive of dietary protein:

a. begins in the stomach
b. does not involve pancreatic enzymes
c. results in synthesis of amino acids
d. does not involve enzymes produced by the intestines
e. is partly dependent on alpha-1 antitrypsin

7. The following are true of disaccharidases in human digestion EXCEPT:

a. catalyze hydrolysis rather than oxidation reactions
b. result in release of maltose
c. are available in pancreatic juice
d. are not found in the stomach
e. are decreased in kwashiorkor

8. The following are aminoglycoside antibiotics:

a. Tetracycline
b. Gentamicin
c. Erythromycin
d. Penicillin
e. Cefoxitin

9. The following skull sutures and fontanelles are well-matched with participating bones EXCEPT:
a. Anterior fontanelle with two parietal bones and the frontal bone
b. Posterior fontanelle with two parietal bones and the occipital bone
c. Coronal suture with parietal bone and frontal bone
d. Sagittal suture with the pair of parietal bones
e. Lambdoid suture with the two halves of the frontal bone

10. The following are true of neural crest cells:

a. They are of ectodermal origin
b. They contribute to the formation of the vertebrae
c. Embryological importance is limited to the structures of the head and neck
d. They appear in the first week and regress by the 6th week of development
e. Persistence is associated with embryonal tumours

11. Which of these cranial nerves play a role in tongue physiology?

a. Fourth
b. Fifth
c. Sixth
d. Seventh
e. Eighth

12. The following statements are correct EXCEPT:

a. The tricuspid valve is found between the right atrium and the right ventricle
b. The mitral valve is found between right ventricle and the left ventricle
c. The mitral valve has only one pairs of cusps
d. The tricuspid valve is semi-lunar in shape
e. The mitral and tricuspid valves are derived from endocardial cushion

13. The following are true of the P-wave of a normal ECG EXCEPT:
a. represents atrial depolarization
b. has an amplitude of about 2mm
c. usually lasts about 0.8 second
d. it is normally bifid
e. it usually has a positive deflection

14. The following branches of the aorta are pre-ductal EXCEPT:

a. Left subclavian artery
b. Brachiocephalic artery
c. Left common carotid artery
d. Coronary arteries
e. Intercostal arteries

15. The embryologic truncus arteriosus develops into:

a. Internal and External carotid arteries
b. The brachiocephalic artery
c. The cephalic artery
d. Ductus arteriosus
e. The aorta

16. Going from before backwards:

a. The trachea is anterior to the oesophagus
b. The trachea is anterior to the thyroid gland
c. The thyroid gland is posterior to the oesophagus but anterior to the trachea
d. The oesophagus is between the trachea and the thyroid gland
e. The thyroid gland is posterior to both the trachea and the oesophagus

17. The following functions are controlled at brain-stem level EXCEPT:

a. Breathing
b. Heartbeat
c. Blood pressure
d. Swallowing
e. Pupillary reaction

18. The following enzymes are well matched with end product EXCEPT:
a. biliverdin reductase – bilirubin
b. hexokinase – glucose-6-phosphate
c. beta glucuronidase – glucose-1-phosphate
d. glucuronyl transferase – conjugated bilirubin
e. glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase – NADPH + H+

19. Concerning water reabsorption in the kidneys:

a. About 50% of filtered water is reabsorbed
b. About 50% of water reabsorption takes place in the thick ascending limb
c. Water reabsorption is mostly linked with sodium reabsorption
d. 90% of water reabsorption is linked with the action of vasopressin
e. The volume of water reabsorbed varies with solute load

20. The following are true of renal physiology EXCEPT:

a. Practically al the filtered glucose is reabsorbed in the proximal tubules
b. Sodium reabsorption commences in the proximal tubules
c. Sodium reabsorption occurs mostly in the loop of Henle
d. Acid secretion occurs mostly in the distal tubules
e. Bicarbonate reabsorption occurs in the proximal and distal tubules

21. The kidney functions to defend acid-base balance through the following mechanisms EXCEPT:
a. increased bicarbonate reabsorption
b. increased hydrogen ion excretion
c. increased titrable acid excretion
d. reduced urinary potassium loss
e. excretion of urinary buffers

22. Clinical correlates of giant haemangiomata include:

a. thrombocytopaenia
b. severe pain
c. leukaemoid reaction
d. susceptibility to infection
e. pan-cytopaenia

23. The following are true of haemostasis EXCEPT:

a. The intrinsic and extrinsic pathways meet at activation of factor X
b. Activation of thrombin takes place before that of fibrinogen
c. The intrinsic pathway begins with activation of factor XII
d. The extrinsic pathway involves activation of factor VII
e. All clotting factors are protein in nature

24. The following are true of pulmonary surfactant EXCEPT:

a. It is synthesized in the type I pneumocytes
b. It contains lecithin
c. It contains sphyngomyelin
d. It functions to reduce pulmonary surface tension
e. Production is impaired by perinatal asphyxia

25. A leftward shift of the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve:

a. Is caused by lower pH
b. Is triggered by increased heat in the muscle
c. Occurs when skeletal muscle is actively contracting
d. Results in faster release of oxygen by haemoglobin
e. Increases the capacity of haemoglobin for oxygen

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