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The Shameless

Truth Report
Justin was relieved to finally get enough space to pry Sarah’s clingy
desperation away from him, just long enough to finally get a night out with the guys.

Most of them were tied up with their own obsessive wives and girlfriends, but Justin
didn’t mind, because at least Chris was free to shoot the bull, like they used to do in
old times.

Before Justin could even get his coat on, Sarah had managed to pry herself onto his
phone, demanding to make certain that no ”new” contacts better be appearing on his
phone, because she had ”memorized” exactly how many contacts he had.

Thinking that she was beyond crazy, he was happy to finally convince her to in the
very least, let him leave, as long as he promised to leave his phone on. Of course he
promised, but the minute he got in his car, he made damn sure to quickly turn that
nightmare off.

Finally free, to be himself, in what felt like ages, ideas of his clingy and psycho
girlfriend began to slink away as he partied the night away with Chris. That was the
beauty of having guy friends, is that they never over complicated things. Men didn’t
bring their ’feelings’ into the mix, every step of the way. Men just simply did things,
and that was it.

Justin felt all of his tension melt away as he finally found an emotional freedom that
he had been longing for, for ages, with just one simple night out. Finally able to relax,
and be himself, Justin found himself pressured to wonder if Chris was feeling the same
kind of pressure.

Chris had been in a married relationship, for 4 years now, and was a loyal and good
guy, but even though that was true, Justin had to wonder if sometimes it was normal
to feel this MUCH pressure from a woman.

It didn’t take long, naturally, for him to begin asking Chris about how things were with
his wife, and if he ever had ‘problems’ in his marriage.

Finally in a position to shoot the bull, and be brutally honest about his situation for
once, without having to worry about the backlash, Justin finally admitted out loud, for
the first time ever, that he really didn’t know what to do with a woman like Sarah.
”I just feel like we are so different from one another, and like she is on one extreme,
after another, no matter what I do. I mean she is beyond clingy and obsessive and the
more I try to talk to her about it, the worse she gets.”, Justin had explained.

The words had slipped so easily out of Justin’s mouth too, with no feelings of shame
or guilt rising up. It was the truth after all. Why should he feel bad about the truth?

Naturally, Chris, being the down to earth kind of guy that he was, agreed, telling
Justin, “Hey man, I know exactly what you mean. Before I met my wife, I dated this
girl named Justine, it was just crazy. You know she was good in other ways, but most
of the time, she was just a psycho. She began calling up my friends asking them
where I was, when I was not around her, and then she began texting me every
second. Can you believe that?

Then she got pregnant after only 2 weeks of knowing her, and blamed me for it, even
though I hadn’t even been intimate with her yet. I was just like, man. I mean how
desperate can you get? I realized fast that I didn’t want this, and I dumped her real

Turns out she lied about being pregnant anyway. So glad, that I got out as quick as I
got in, and now I am happily married to the right woman, so I guess everything
worked out. Maybe you need to reassess your situation too. If she’s really making you
feel that miserable, why don’t you just leave?”

Justin couldn’t help but agree, feeling equally as pressured by Sarah in the
relationship, to almost unreasonable levels, he revealed ”Yeah, you know I just don’t
know what to do with Sarah. I care about her, but she’s just going too far, you know?
I mean, I had to turn my phone off just to be able to have a night out to myself. I bet
if I turn it on right now there will be 5 missed calls, and a ton of text messages. It’s
just crazy. Like she doesn’t own me. You know? I own me.”

Chris quickly consoled Justin, by reminding him that he was always free to leave, and
that he should never invest something that he felt was ‘crazy’, and that chicks like that
were just a dime a dozen anyway.

Agreeing with this reality, Justin decided that he was going to ignore Sarah for a few
days after this, to distance himself from her intense level of freakish neediness. Chris
was right. Justin didn’t need to get caught up with a woman who couldn’t even handle
her man’s needs when it came to wanting a little time out, or a little space.

It was ridiculous, and he felt pressured beyond reason, so he did the only thing that a
guy knew how to do best. He backed away, and never looked back.

Of course after that Sarah had called him numerous times, and left many text
messages, and sent many emails. Justin just decided that it was best to have Chris tell
her that they were no longer an item.

He couldn’t bring himself to face the intense level of ‘crazy’ that he felt Sarah was
projecting anymore. He didn’t want to constantly feel miserable simply for having
needs as a man.

He felt as though Sarah was punishing him all the time, and didn’t want to always
have to spell it out for her, clear as day either. Talking seemed to do no good, as she’d
only twist everything he said into some sick reality where suddenly he was the bad
guy again.

In fact, she’d use whatever he said or did against him, to such an extent that ignoring
or avoiding became the only reality that gave him room to exist. It was as if she
wasn’t happy, until she made it clear to him that he was not good enough.

Either way, Justin he was sick and tired of Sarah, and he was through with her. He had
spent more than enough time trying to reason with her level of ‘crazy’, but now he just
wanted to feel normal again.

It didn’t bother him either, to listen to all of her messages crying to him about how
she needed him, after the fact. It didn’t bother him anymore either, to read her
messages calling him all kinds of nasty names, blaming him for everything.

It didn’t matter, because he knew deep down inside that this woman really was out to
lunch, and that was putting it politely.

In his mind, she was the most unattractive, ugly, and useless woman he had ever
come across, and he was glad to be rid of her.
What was even more peculiar was the fact that Justin wasn’t even normally this kind
of a guy. Normally he was a nice guy, but he kept on attracting women who were
completely out of their rockers, time and time again.

He just simply didn’t have the energy anymore to face the level of insanity that most
women were bringing to the table, and he didn’t have time for their mind games
anymore. It was much simpler to avoid, and ignore it now, altogether, even if that
meant breaking a few hearts.

It was better to break it early, than to get so deep into it, only to struggle to get out
later on if things got more miserable, he reasoned.

And so, this is the typical story, of how Justin, like a lot of guys, comes to feel about
women, think about women, talk about women, and approach women.

Now it’s important to note that not ALL guys are this way, but a great many men
actually are just like Justin, in that there are certain things which they just wish their
women wouldn’t do. Worse yet, is the fact that many men feel like they just can’t be
honest with their women, because even when they are, those very same women don’t

It’s also important to note, that guys like Justin are ACTUALLY the nice guys, deep
down inside, so if you think they are rude, mean, arrogant, cruel, or worse… then I
want you to imagine how bad it is, inside the mind of men who actually ARE intending
to be jerks.

You see, if you could be a fly on the wall, during the moments when your man can
ABSOLUTELY be honest, without having to worry about whether or not you would
overhear him, you’d be shocked. Conversations like the one between Chris and Justin
are the kinds that happen all of the time, between guys, when they can actually sit
down, and be brutally honest with one another about the women that they love,
admire, or desire.

The thing is, while not every conversation is as in depth as the one between Justin
and Chris, trust this much: every single time that a man has to sit down and assess
the woman he is dealing with, trust that internally he will be about as brutally honest,
and even COLD as the one you just witnessed.
It’s just that men don’t actually vocalize this, and it’s even VERY rare for a man to talk
about the woman he is with, with another man as well. In fact, many men don’t do
this at all, and bottle it up inside.

This ’bottling it up’ behavior, means that once a man is finally dealing with this
thoughts and feelings, that they are coming out HARSHLY by that stage.

You see, this is why men have NO problems being cold with a woman, once they feel
that they have been pushed past their breaking point. What’s even more profound
about this reality, is that men have a very LOW breaking point.

It basically means, that they are like a chunk of glass. If you drop it on the floor, it
gets shattered into a million pieces. This is how easily a man can be broken.

Now I know this goes against all conventional belief systems, because men are
supposed to be strong, independent leaders who are confident in themselves.

But that’s only true when they are working around the parameters of their life
OUTSIDE of intimacy.

When it comes to intimacy however, men are like freakish deer, who quickly bolt at
even the SLIGHTEST hint of an intimidating sound or threat.

Now this may sound funny, comparing guys to skittish deer, running at the slightest
sound, but this is truly how men are, around women, especially the more intimate
they get with a woman.

Guys basically compare this experience, emotionally, to walking into a field of mines,
but not knowing if the next step means that it will be their last.

That’s really how it feels to most men, which is why they are extremely skittish, in the
first place.

This is often why men are cold, distant, and dry around women, even if they have
known that woman for a long time. Again, why would a man put up that many walls,
barriers, or throw up that much emotional distance between himself and a woman?

He’s beyond fragile, and skittish about the whole reality of being with a woman.

Why are men like that?

Men are forced to be this way, because of something called the Ultimate Fear.

The Ultimate Fear is a nightmarish fear that all men have, of being trapped, caged, or
of losing their life, because of a woman. Now when I say ‘losing their life’, I don’t
mean that men fear death.

But rather, I mean that men fear that the quality of their life, would slowly lower, until
they eventually die on the inside, emotionally, because the woman they chose to be
with, ends up being an energy sucker, and emotion killer.

This is a man’s ultimate fear, and it gets activated around women, especially if those
very same women are doing things to trigger it.

Now, this report is aptly called the Shameless Truth report, because of the fact that I
am going to reveal to you, exactly what it is that a man would NEVER say to you, but
wishes he could, especially when it comes to everything you are doing that triggers
this exact fear in a man.

You see, the problem is, that any time you trigger this fear in a man, even remotely,
he will run for the hills, and duck for cover, as if you are an atomic bomb itself.

That’s how seriously men take this fear, even when just a HINT of a trigger is created,
men react, again, just like deer, and run away skittishly. They do this to protect
themselves, and they ESPECIALLY do this without thinking twice about it, if they have
no emotional attachment to you yet either.

In the story I gave at the beginning of this report, about Justin trying to come to
terms about his ULTIMATE FEAR when it came to his girlfriend Sarah, you will notice
that he didn’t really seem to have a whole lot of emotional attachment to her.

This made it especially easy for him to just completely ignore her, and to turn his
phone off, without even so much as caring about how she felt about it.
Why wouldn’t he care?

Here’s the first secret I am going to let you in on:

If you make a man feel like YOU don’t care about him, or his feelings...he will
reciprocate that emotion 10 times more intensely.

Now it doesn’t even matter if you didn’t intend on making a man feel that way either,
because so long as a guy THINKS that you don’t care, and can prove it with your
actions, or words, your intentions no longer matter to him.

It’s important to note, therefore, that men pay attention to your actions, and barely
listen to your words.

You could tell a guy, as an example of this, that you love him, but if you are calling
him like crazy, and can’t seem to get away from spending time with him, he will think
that you don’t love him, but that you are crazy for him.

I don’t just mean this in the polite “I am extremely devoted to you, in a passionate
way”, kind of crazy. When I say ‘crazy’, in guy-lingo, this actually means crazy, as in he
thinks you are nuts, or obsessive!

Why does a guy think you are obsessive? Again, he is looking at the actions. If the
actions are showing him that you want to grab a hold of him and make him your
slave, as you take as much time as you possibly can to be around him, and suck the
energy right out from him, he will have no choice but to think you are crazy and

Again, even if you meant well, and even if you were only doing that because you
really liked him a lot, it doesn’t matter. He listens to what you are doing, not what you
are saying.

Now I know that this might not sound fair either, because sometimes the guy doesn’t
tell you that this is how he is thinking, and thus you don’t learn until after the fact that
it actually bothered him.
So let’s say that you called him a lot, and he never really complained, or never really
told you that it seemed weird to him. Well I have news for you again. Here’s another
brutal truth.

Guys hate having to spell everything out for you.

They want you to be able to get it on your own. They hate having to baby you into
realizing simple things all on your own. They hate having to feel like a father figure to
you, as they basically teach you the alphabet from A to Z.

Men want you to be able to pay attention, listen, and get hints before they have to
come along and punch you in the gut, just so you will listen.

What’s even worse, about this reality, is that there is an even more disturbing truth
lying in this mix. What truth is that?

The fact, that men will LIE to you, if they feel that by doing this, they don’t
have to face any conflict.

Men are actually forced to lie, just to avoid confrontation or to avoid a negative
reaction from your end, because as a woman, you almost always don’t accept reality
as it is. That’s because you think with your emotions, instead of logic.

Now I know that you don’t want to always be stuck in a place where your man is
always feeling like he has to lie to you, because he feels like telling the truth would
cause an argument.

So, what can you do, then in this case? Well, you learn the truths about men, before
they can use those truths against you, so that you know what to do in the future, to
avoid making your man feel ”skittish”, or fearful around you.

I know that there are things that men hide from women all of the time, and there are
TONS of things that men would NEVER EVER tell a woman, at all costs.

Luckily for you, however, I have compiled those things together into a neat little list of
dirty truths that men almost NEVER tell the women they love.
In fact, men would avoid having to do this, like the plague itself. Again, they’d rather
lie to you and have things not get complicated, than be THIS brutally honest.


Because again, men want to avoid conflict. Just like Justin, did, in the story from the
beginning of this report. He too wanted to avoid conflict, because he felt with each
pressing moment, that it became harder and harder to deal with his girlfriend.

You don’t want your man, again to feel like it’s hard to deal with you. You don’t want
him to feel like he needs to fear you, and you don’t want him to feel like he can’t be
open either.

Thus, once again, the real key to getting the truth from a man, is to learn about it all
indirectly. I have revealed juicy pieces of dirty and even disgusting truths about men,
and how they think about you, throughout the rest of this report.

Use these honest truths as a guideline into understanding and handling your man in
the future, because these are the things that your men WISH very deeply that they
could tell you, but almost every man is TOO afraid to actually do that, due to the
previously explained reasons.

And now, as a parting gift, I’d like to leave you with a laundry list of 80 things that
women do, which SECRETLY makes men sick, as told in the first person perspective,
for the extra level of honest and brutal juiciness. Just think of this, like a little secret
diary, that your man has been keeping about you this entire time.

Again, remember that this is the SHAMELESS truth report, so no holds barred with
anything listed here:

#1: I hate it when I am busy with work, but you ask me to talk to you
anyway. My head is in the game. I am busy problem solving, strategizing, and I am
wrapped up in my purpose outside of you. Yet here you are, interrupting that
productivity, by asking me to talk to you when I am at work.

Isn’t it enough that I talk to you, and see you after work? Why do you have to come
in and distract me?

Let me make it clear for you…if I am busy doing something, and you come in yapping,
I get annoyed, real fast!

#2: When I am doing something, but you want me to instantly drop

whatever I am doing, to listen to whatever you have to say that very
minute. Honestly, it doesn’t even matter if I wasn’t busy either! If I am somewhere
else, doing something else, it means that I am NOT stopping for you, just because,
especially when you barge in with a slurry of useless information, and take 10 years to
get to your point.

#3: Will you just get my side of the story already? Quit trying to attach
your own hidden agendas, strange assumptions, or anything else to what I am saying.
Take it as it is, because I am sick and tired of always having to defend everything I
say, because you can’t just accept it as it is. If you can’t accept my answers, don’t ask
for them then!

#4: When I give you a yes or no answer, or a very short answer, and
you don’t accept it- Why did you ask for my opinion then? Better yet, forget trying
to ASSUME that there must be more to my answer, that I am not telling you. If I gave
a short answer… that is all there is to it. It doesn’t mean that I am hiding something.
It means that this is all I cared to think, especially if your question is random and has
no context.

#5: When you want me to explain how I feel, it makes me feel like you
are trying to turn me into one of your girlfriends. I am not going to spend 10
minutes talking about how I feel, if you need that kind of a thing, go ask your
girlfriends. Otherwise, I will get straight to the point. If I am hungry, I will tell you that
I am hungry. If I am tired, I will say that I am tired. I don’t need to explain away my
feelings for 10 minutes to convey that reality, so quit asking me to do that for you.

#6: Sometimes I really am thinking about nothing. I know it’s hard for
you to believe, as 10,000 random thoughts flutter through your brain, even as I say
this, but sometimes I just have a blank mind. I’m a guy. I can do that. Learn to accept
it. I can literally just sit here and NOT think about anything, and guess what? It
happens ALL the damn time too. So I hate it when you come in, asking me about
what I am thinking about, and then when I say “nothing”, you argue, saying that it
can’t be nothing, and ask me again and again, until I finally answer. But guess what?
When I answer you, it’s with some crappy excuse, designed to simply get you off my

#7: Will you just get to the damn point already? Here you are, again,
revealing detail after detail, after detail again. I am not a chick. I don’t need all the
details. I want the bottom line. I am all about the final outcome. If you want me to
listen to you, will you please just give me the SHORT version? Otherwise I am sitting
here for the next hour, wondering only one thing: what is your point? So don’t tell me
a million different things. Make it short and sweet.

#8: Stop trying to change me, already. You chose me, so accept me
already. Otherwise, why are you even here, in this relationship? It really makes me
question what you really want, and if you really want me, when you punish me, for
just being myself. I can improve, but I can’t be a different man for you.

#9: When you tell me that I can’t do something, but then I catch you
doing that very same thing later, you better expect what’s coming next! I
hate being told to do, but I ESPECIALLY hate being told to do, under the premise that
it is a compromise, only to find out later that you weren’t even doing it yourself. So,
let me get this straight… you can do whatever you want, but I must bend over
backwards? Yeah, that’s not going to happen.
#10: When you point out the obvious, but then you sound so dumb
doing it. Here you thought you were trying to be clever, but I am just wondering
what your point was? Just because something pops up into your head, this doesn’t
mean that you immediately have to blurt it out. It just makes me wonder if you really
have lost your mind.

#11: I care about how you look. If you’ve gained weight, don’t think that I
don’t notice that. Now to your face, I will try to be fair, and nice, for your feelings’
sake, but secretly, I want you to do something about it. I hate even having to have
this discussion too where you ask me if you are fat, or if you are pretty. Yes, initially.
But if you just let yourself go, and don’t try after, I am going to regret being with you.

#12: Don’t slobber all over me, with affection (and pet names, as if I am
a baby). I am a grown man. I want to be treated with respect. I don’t need you
mothering me. It grosses me out.

#13: What were you thinking? Sometimes you do something SO stupid,

that I actually do sit and wonder… what were you thinking? What’s even worse is
when you come to me seeking approval, as if I am going to sit here and tell you that
what you did was smart. Please, for once, just be smart, about some of this stuff.

#14: Are you serious? Sometimes the problem that you have, is so hilariously
pathetic, that I have to ask you, ARE YOU FRICKING, KIDDING ME? If you’re going to
come to me with a problem, at least make it challenging and respectful to my level of
intelligence. Don’t come to me with useless crap, that you should be able to deal with
on your own by now, expecting me to baby you. I am not your father. I am your man.

#15: When you try to wear the pants in the relationship, it makes me
feel like you don’t even need a man. If you want to be the man, why do you need
me? Either you want a man, and you want to let him do his job, or you want to be the
man, in which case, why am I here again? Appreciate my role as the man in the
relationship, and don’t step all over on my toes as I try to be that man for you.
#16: When you actually ask me to tell you more, or to answer
something, but then you cut me off and don’t even let me finish. Excuse me,
but there are two people in this relationship, and there are two people in this
conversation. Do you want me to talk, or do you just want to be heard? Don’t ask me
to talk, if you just want to yap your face off. It’s rude and disrespectful.

#17: When you don’t take my advice, but listen to everyone else
instead, even if they said the same thing that I said. So you came to me,
asking for my opinion. I gave it straight to you, but the next thing I know, you are
completely ignoring that advice. Yet if somebody else tells you the same thing,
suddenly it’s “gold” to you. Then when I remind you that I said it first, you get all
mousey, yet you still do this over and over again. Why even ask me then?

#18: I am insecure too. You think that you can just say anything to me, do
anything to me, and that I am indestructible? Just because I am a man, doesn’t mean
that I am not insecure too. I let you be insecure, but you make fun of me if I am.
What do I even do with that reality? You tell me.

#19: I want to feel like a king. Just like you want to feel like a queen. I am
tired of always having to work to make you feel like a queen, because sometimes I’d
just like to stop, and have you make me feel like a king in return. And no, I don’t
mean sexually. Sometimes I just wish that you’d respect me, and my authority a bit
more. Is that too much to ask?

#20: Yes, I look at other women, but so what… I know you look at
other men! Oh boy, here we go again. I am the bad guy. So I stared at another
chick. And? You act as if doing this, is the equivalent of mentally undressing her. And
so what if I was doing that? Are you going to tell me that you never do that mentally
with the men that you find attractive? Give me a break already! Quit trying to play it
all innocent here too, as if I am the only one doing this in this conversation.

#21: Oh, and just because I look at women, it doesn’t meant that I
want to be with them! I’m a visual creature. I can’t help it. But punishing me for
this by getting severely jealous each and every time this happens doesn’t make me
feel good about being exclusive to you either. In fact it makes me question why I even
bothered, because you clearly don’t understand the difference between a thought and
an action. Thinking is not the same thing as doing something, my dear.

#22: I can never make enough money! I know this. But I don’t need you
on my back about it every second either, and I also don’t need you on my back about
it, when I am trying to get more money. So if I work longer hours, to accomplish this,
don’t hate me. I let you have your dreams, so let me have mine.

#23: Sometimes I go to work, or even stay late at work, just to escape

having to deal with you. If you are really moody, or if you argue with me too often,
I will sometimes go to work, just to escape having to deal with you. I even stay late at
work, just to be able to avoid you.

#24: I wish that sometimes you’d be more reasonable. You twist what I
say and turn that back on me. You make a mountain out of a mole hill. You get moody
and expect me to read your mind. Can’t you just be a little bit more reasonable
sometimes, and get to the actual issue, so that I can know what it is that is actually
going on in your head?

#25: I hate how it’s always about how you feel. Can’t it just sometimes
be about how something really is, without dragging your emotions into everything,
every second of the day? I mean I bend over to your reality, but can’t you bend over
into mine, at least some of the time?

#26: Will you get a life already? You barely go out with your friends
anymore, and you don’t really have any hobbies outside of me. After a while this just
feels too intense for my liking. Can’t you just get your own life already? Quit trying to
hog mine.
#27: Don’t start an argument you don’t want to finish. If you’re going to
go out of your way to insult me, or to take a jab at me, then you better be able to
handle the argument that follows. You can’t just come in, guns blazing, and expect me
to sit idly by and be OK with it.

#28: If I withdraw, don’t automatically assume that it’s your fault.

There’s nothing more disappointing, and annoying, than when you don’t get that
sometimes I just need my own space. I have my own personal issues, just like you do,
and sometimes I pull away to deal with them. Can’t I just take space, to do that,
without you freaking out and taking it personally?

#29: When will you actually listen to me, instead of always hearing
what you want to hear? Here I am explaining myself, and then suddenly you are
twisting everything I said around into something that I didn’t even say, or didn’t even
mean! What the heck is that?

#30: When you tell your girlfriends something that was supposed to
be private between us, I secretly hate you! I don’t go around revealing your
private business to a bunch of other people, so why do you do that to me? It really
makes me question whether or not I should trust you, but it really hits me below the
belt too, when you do this with private and intimate information! I shared it in
confidence, so at least respect me enough to keep it that way!

#31: I don’t care how many times you tell me that you love me, if you
don’t respect me! I want you to respect me more than I want you to love me! I
don’t care if you love me, if you are disrespecting me every step of the way. Respect
means more to me, than 3 stupid words that you can’t back up with action.

#32: Why do you ask me to help you, if you don’t even want to listen
to my advice? There is nothing more annoying, than a woman who listens, but who
doesn’t follow my directions. You asked me to help you, but then you go and do the
opposite of what I said. That’s like telling me that my advice was dumb, and that you
chose to do something else instead! Forget it then! I hate helping you when this is
how you repay me, and don’t ask for my help again after this!
#33: If I am deliberately ignoring you, it’s for a reason! This was by NO
accident. It means that I tried telling you to stop doing something that was making
me angry, and you ignored me. I’d rather not hurt you, so I take space, in hopes that
you will notice this and listen to me finally. But then you come in, and do something
like this next point…

#34: I hate it when you ask me what you did wrong, when I clearly
told you what you did wrong. This is basically like completely disregarding the fact
that you hurt me, or made me angry, by coming in and forgetting the fact that you
did. If I have to keep telling you what you did wrong, I am going to start wondering
about whether or not you actually just want me to spoon feed you every step of the
way. Use some logic, next time.

#35: How much MORE do you really need? More kisses, more shoes, more
cuddling, more talking about your day…. Sometimes, just sometimes, can there please
be an end to your need for ‘more’, just so that I can take a break from having to
constantly provide for you all of the time? I need to rejuvenate my energy, to be able
to do more for you all the time too. A little break from time to time, in your needs
never hurt anybody.

#36: How obsessive can you be? No really. When I first asked myself this, I
found myself asking this again, and then again? I mean really? How can one woman
be this needy? Can you just tone down the obsession and desperation just a tad bit so
that I don’t feel like I am dealing with a stalker, instead of a girlfriend?

#37: Can you stop jumping to conclusions? I mean really, I was on page
one, and suddenly you jumped to page 250, without explanation, and somehow all of
the information between page one and 250, I am at fault for, and am supposed to be
aware of.

#38: One question at time, dammit! I hate it when you bombard me with
question after question, without even stopping to first let me answer the first
question. I need some time to answer you, sometimes, but you never seem to realize
this, as you blast me with question after question, just because I didn’t answer you
right away. Don’t assume that just because I didn’t answer you, that I am NOT going
to. Give me some time to do that, dammit!

#39: You are the NAG HAG! Sometimes I wish I could take my hand, and
cram it down your throat, because you just nag, and nag, and nag, and then nag
some more. Honestly woman, SHUTUP! I got your point, 35 nags ago, but you’re still
going on.

#40: Can you just drop some of this stuff already? I mean this is the
250th time that we are talking about it, and I already damn talked this so many times
with you. I thought we worked through this, and here you are bringing it up again!
Deal with it privately then, if you just can’t get over it, because I am done with it!

#41: Don’t ask me to be brutally honest, if you can’t even handle it. It’s
like setting me up to be punished. How cruel can you be? Either you want honesty, or
you want me to lie to you. But you better make up your mind which thing you want,
because you can’t have both realities at once.

#42: It’s really unattractive when you act like such a whiny cry baby!
You’re crying all the time, over all kinds of things. I said something, you took it the
wrong way, now you are balling your face off. You are mad, now you are crying.
Sometimes I wonder when the heck, are you NOT crying though? Woman up just a
little bit here, and stop acting like an overgrown baby! I can handle your emotions,
but if you have to cry and whine, go outside.

#43: Don’t act so helpless all the time; I know that you can do some
of this stuff yourself. I can’t be and DO everything for you. Sometimes your
helplessness is pathetic, and it really turns me off, because I feel like I have to carry
my weight, plus your own. Pull your own weight in the relationship, by carrying
yourself first.

#44: Quit trying to make me jealous, it just makes you look immature.
I can see through it, and I can see why you are doing it, but it’s not going to work on
me! It just makes you look bad, and you demean yourself, by using stupid tricks to try
and get my attention.

#45: Can you fight about something, without taking it personally, for
once? Every time we try to talk about something serious, you suddenly come in and
take it personally, so now we aren’t dealing with the actual problem, but are dealing
with your insecurities. Can you just keep it on the actual subject for once?

#46: Stop using sex as a weapon to get what you want! When you
withhold it from me, it only makes me feel like ultimately you aren’t even truly
attracted to me.

#47: Don’t judge me based on my past actions. That’s basically like

refusing to move on from them, and secondly, that’s like being in a state where you
NEVER want to forgive me or move on either! I am living here in the now. Don’t drag
me back to the past all of the time. Recognize my efforts in the present time.

#48: Use your own discretion around me, instead of always assuming
that I will tell you what to do all of the time. So, if something is going to hurt
you, it’s better not to ask me, if you KNOW this. Don’t assume that I know this, and
don’t assume that I will just come in and tell you what to do about that either, or don’t
think that I will always know the right thing to do. Use some of your own discretion
first, so that you aren’t always putting me in a place where I will become the bad guy,
it’s bad of you, to do that to me!

#49: Quit being so insecure. I find you attractive, and want to be with you,
but you keep on pushing doubts onto that reality, by constantly pointing out all of the
things that you hate about yourself, but then you expect me NOT to notice that.

#50: Don’t expect me to reward you for bad behaviour. Misbehaving or

throwing emotional temper tantrums is not something that I usually respond to, or
even reward. If you want me to change my behaviour or want me to get a point, spit
it out directly, instead of indirectly punishing me with bad behavior, thinking that I will
change just because you got moody. If anything, I will avoid you!

#51: Quit being such an attention hog. It can’t always be about you.
Sometimes it needs to be about me. Sometimes, it even needs to be about US. Stop
seeking negative attention too, because I am not going to give in to you, just because
you throw a temper tantrum every time.

#52: I need you to take care of your finances. I can’t always be your
personal accountant. I have my own finances to take care of too. It’s time that you
started managing your money properly.

#53: Stop making it hard for me to please you. Tell me exactly what you
need, as you actually need it. Don’t tip toe around the actual subject, and make it
absolutely clear. Otherwise I might do what you asked, but it won’t be what you
wanted, if you aren’t clear.

#54: Mean what you say, and say what you do for a change! Quit being
so contradictory for once, and actually have your actions match up to your words, so
that you are finally doing the same thing that you said you would. In other words: if
you tell me that you are going to do something, go damn do it!

#55: When you try too hard to please me, you come across as
insecure. I don’t want an insecure woman. I want a woman who is completely
comfortable in herself and her own skin. I don’t need a Queen of Desperation.

#56: I can’t heal your past, nor am I your past. If you have unnecessary
baggage, leave it at the damn door! I don’t mind that you have a past, but don’t bring
your old patterns into our relationship, or compare me to your exes. I am a different
person, therefore give me a chance to actually be that person, instead of trying to
pigeon hole me into your past, in some way or another.

#57: Quit fighting for no reason. I am tired of always having to argue with
you over absolutely nothing, just because you are bored, or feel like you need
attention. It will make me stop taking your

#58: Don’t expect me to fulfill all of your wishes. I am not a magic genie,
and I cannot even attempt to fulfill unreasonable wishes. I can’t take you on a magical
carpet ride, but I can try to do things that are within reason, and that are asked in
moderation at least.

#59: Stop trying to compete with me. We are in a relationship, and we are
not enemies. It’s time to learn that there is nothing to win from me.

#60: Stop trying to be my MOTHER. I already have a mother. I don’t need

you to tell me what to do, and I especially don’t need you to baby me. I know how to
take care of myself. It’s time you started respecting that.

#61: Do you understand, the meaning of “NO”? I meant it when I said it

the first time. Stop trying to turn that into a challenge, to change my mind, and get
me to say yes. If I said no, I said it for a reason. Learn to accept it. How would you
like it, if I forced a similar thing on you?

#62: Respect my boundaries. I have them too. It means that sometimes I

am not comfortable revealing something to you, or doing certain things. I need that
reality to be respected and accepted too.

#63: Don’t just be nice to me for no reason. I hate it and it seems like you
are sucking up to me, because you either want something, or because you have an
ulterior motive. Even if you mean well, it doesn’t flatter my ego to have you be nice to
me, without even justifying it in the first place.
#64: Don’t apologize for everything! Sometimes you meant what you said,
we get it! You don’t have to be sorry for every little thing you do. If you apologize
after everything, even the things you meant, how can we be secure in anything that
you say or do, if you can’t even make up your mind either?

#65: Quit being so nitpicky. Sometimes all of the little details just don’t
matter, and don’t belong in the conversation! Sometimes, the little details even get in
the way, if we are trying to get something done in a hurry, or if we need you to just
get something done too.

#66: Lying about how much time something will take, doesn’t make it
any better when we realize that you’re going to take an hour to get ready anyway.
Lying me, just makes me feel like you assume that I can’t even handle the truth. I can
deal with the truth. I don’t like it, however, when you lie about something, just to try
and make it easier for yourself.

#67: Expect the differences, instead of fighting them. Don’t expect me

to be an exact replica of you. I have my own personality traits and my own quirky
habits. Expect me to be different, and better yet, ACCEPT that!

#68: When I give you a compliment, take it for once. Don’t try to argue
in your head, why this can’t be true, or deny it. If I am telling you this, it’s because I
truly mean it, so don’t trash what I am trying to say, by refusing to accept it, or by
trying to break my compliment down so that it can’t be true for you anymore.

#69: I actually like to help you, but only when it’s with something
new. When it’s the same problem over and over again, I grow exhausted of trying to
help you. I don’t mind a challenge, and I even love problem solving, but I hate it
when you give me the same problem over and over again, to solve.

#70: Don’t try to play stupid around me, because it just makes me feel like
I am dealing with an idiot. If anything it makes me feel stupid for even bothering to
try and waste my time with somebody who I thought could at least deal with things. I
guess you want to play around instead.

#71: Accept responsibility for once, for some of the things that you
actually should. You can’t always try to play coy, and avoid dealing with reality. It
will come back to bite you in the ass hard if you keep avoiding it, and only makes you
look like you can’t handle the serious stuff in the relationship.

#72: Don’t play frigging mind games with me! I am the master of games,
and you will sorely lose if you think that you can come in over my head, and
undermine me every step of the way. Either you want to be direct, or you want to
shoot yourself in the foot. Your choice, but don’t expect me to stay idle as you play
me for some kind of a fool each time.

#73: Remember that I have feelings too! Some of the stuff that you say,
stings me too, and some of the things that you do, really dig in deep. I might not
always say it, but you should at least be courteous enough to KNOW that I have
feelings too, before you get really snarky, rude, or insult me.

#74: Quit assuming that I only think about, or want sex all of the
time. Sometimes I like to cuddle too, and sometimes I am not in the mood too! Yeah,
that’s right! I can feel turned off as well. So don’t just assume that I am always
“game” for a little sexy time, every waking moment either. It has to feel right for me

#75: Make some of the things that I do, good enough for once! I’m
tired of always feeling as if some, or all of the things that I do are not good enough
for you. I can only do so much, so if I am trying my best, learn to appreciate that, and
acknowledge it for once, so that you can actually see the value in what I am doing.

#76: Don’t take everything so seriously! Seriously! Have a sense of

humour once in a while! Figure out sometimes, that I am being sarcastic, before you
get all offended, and start feeling hurt, over something that was meant to be a joke!
Oh, and don’t take yourself so seriously either. It’s no fun feeling like I have to walk on
egg shells around you, because you can’t even laugh at yourself! Lighten up!

#77: I don’t want to hear about all of the problems, that all of your
friends are having. Seriously. Sheesh. It’s bad enough that you had to sit through
hours of them complaining about their life, but it’s even worse when you make me sit
down and listen to it all too. Plus it seems like you’re a huge gossip queen, when you
do that. If I was forced to listen to you talk about a problem in general, I’d rather just
listen to you talk about your own problems.

#78: Quit being such a chicken! Be adventurous. Don’t be afraid to try new
things. It gets boring always hearing about how you are too afraid, too insecure, or
too uncertain to try new things, especially if those things are things that I want. I
bend for you, even when I am uncertain, so bend a little for me, in return.

#79: Don’t over-think everything. Let some of the things in the

relationship, and with me be simple for once. They don’t always need to be thought
about to infinity and beyond, and they don’t need to become complex either. It’s ok to
take pride in the little things, especially the everyday accomplishments.

#80: Let me be a man! Trust my guidance, and leadership for once! Trust
that I will provide for you! Don’t throw me under your doubt train every step of the
way, as you question or undermine my abilities. Try to let me lead, so that I can
actually start doing my job as a man for you.

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