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3 Fatal Mistakes That Push a Man

Out of Love 1
By Alexandra Fox

Copyright © 2008 – 2009

Unforgettable Woman Publishing

All Rights Reserved 2

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You must be 18 or older. 3
Dear Reader,

Have you ever wondered why men suddenly turn cold sometimes? Does it
confuse you sometimes that a man suddenly becomes distant or loses interest?
Do you ever feel frustrated that it's so difficult to make him realize how right you
are for each other? Wouldn't it be great if you could just make a guy love you on

I used to be puzzled by these questions myself. I felt that I had no control over
how a man feels towards me: He either loves me or he doesn't. The best thing I
can do is to cross my fingers and hope that Cupid's arrow doesn't miss its aim at
his cold, little heart.

After studying attraction and male psychology for many years now, I've finally
come to realize that falling in love is not a purely random process. Chemistry is
not some kind of magic that just happens between two people. There are certain
responses a woman can elicit from a man if she triggers the right buttons. On the
same token, there are certain things a woman can do that are guaranteed to push a
man out of love.

Let me show you an example:

We all know some great public speakers who have amazing influences on people.
When they speak to a crowd, the crowd goes through a series of emotional highs
and lows.

Do you think this is a purely random process that just happens?

Absolutely Not.

You bet the speakers have studied human psychology and have, through years of 4
practice, figured out what words, tones of voice, and gestures elicit the responses
they want. After a period of trials and errors, they figure out what works and
what doesn't. That's how they become effective, believable, and so persuasive
that they can move thousands of listeners to tears.

Let me show you another example:

Have you ever listened to a speaker who is just so booooooooring that you have
to fight not to fall asleep. After three cups of strong Starbucks coffee, you still
have to use all your willpower not to yawn at the speaker.

This boring speaker may look just as good, with just as great a voice as the
captivating speaker. The only difference that separates these two people is that
one person understands what works with the audience, while the other person is
just clueless, with a big C.

Making a man fall in love is the same way. If you understand how a man
responds to certain things you say or do, you'll be able to exert amazing power
over him. If you don't know what you are doing, you'll push him out of love
without your even knowing it.

Before discussing the three fatal mistakes women make to push men out of love, I
want to clarify one thing to make sure we are on the same page.

There's a huge difference between learning how attraction works and playing
games, tricking a man, or purposely breaking a man's heart. It can't be further
from the truth. Taking the time and effort to learn about what attracts men is
about having CHOICES and OPTIONS in life.

A woman who's loved by more men is a woman who has more options when
choosing her mate. A woman who's admired by more men is a woman who has a 5
better shot at finding the perfect match for herself. If you do the math, the chance
of a woman finding a guy who meets all her criteria becomes so much higher
when she has 100 men to choose from, instead of 10.

Understanding how attraction works is all about quality of life. It's about being
the lucky girl who is living a life that other women could only dream about. It's
about taking responsibility for yourself and believing that everything is possible.
The only thing that prevents you from living your dream is the fact that you
haven't figured out the right path to succeed yet. Once you've found the right
path, it's only a matter of time before you arrive at your dream castle with your
true prince waiting for you.

In what follows, I'll show you three fatal mistakes that push men out of love.
Unfortunately, over 80% of women have made at least one of these 3 mistakes at
some point in their lives. What you are about to learn are the foundational stones
for you to embark on the journey of catching the man of your dreams. Are you

Mistake #1: The Two Extremes of the Spectrum

From my coaching experiences with women, 95% of the women who have
difficulties in their relationships fall into one of these two extremes:

(1) Pressuring the Man Too Much

(2) Pleasing the Man Too Much

Let's talk about number one first …

Sometimes, when a woman feels a great connection with a guy, she feels that 6
she'll make such a perfect couple with him, but for some reason, he is not
responding the same way. This frustrates her. She wonders, “how can I just
make him see it? How can I just make him see how perfect we really are?”

This is where the trouble starts ...

When a woman starts to feel frustrated that the guy is not responding the way she
wants him to, she pressures him. She asks him hard questions; she tries to
analyze everything.

The other side of the extreme is pleasuring the man too much. It's deeply rooted
in human nature that we tend to please the people we like.

Although it's natural for a woman to want to please a man she loves, you need to
fight this instinct, especially at the beginning of a relationship.

When a woman tries to please a guy too much, it turns him off. On the other
hand, a woman who focuses on making herself happy and always putting herself
first excites a man beyond belief. Here's a rule of thumb:

To make a man fall in love with you, you have to stop trying too hard, pleasing
him too much, or pressuring him.

Mistake #2: Missing Crucial Moments to Move the

Relationship Forward

Moving a relationship forward is the same as keeping a ball rolling: you have to
keep the momentum up. If you have the relationship stall at a particular stage too
long, you risk losing the momentum to move the relationship to the next stage. 7
Here's one thing about male psychology. If a man is happy with his current state,
he wants to keep things just like they are. And the happiest state for most men, is
the casual, fun, no-strings attached phase. So, if you're not doing anything to
move the relationship forward, your man will be happy to stay exactly where it is
and delay commitment as long as it's possible.

There are certain moments in a relationship when a woman has to do a little

pushing to move the relationship forward. If she doesn't, 80% of the time, the
relationship will end up stuck in the same place for years and years.

Mistake #3: Missing the Most Important Step –

Emotional Bonding

To have a man fall in love with you, there's one thing that must happen:
emotional bonding. If a guy never emotionally bonds with you, you can bet your
money that he'll leave for the next exciting thing, if not next month, next year. To
make a man emotionally bond with you, there are two things you have to do:

(1) Don't obstruct the process of emotional bonding

(2) Help a man focus on emotional bonding, from the very beginning.

Let me explain each one in detail.

First, don't obstruct the process of emotional bonding. Physical bonding

obstructs emotional bonding. How a man sees the relationship on day one is how
he's going to see it ten years later. If the relationship starts as something purely
physical, a man will always see it as something physical and in most cases, his 8
perception of it never changes.

Once a man sees the relationship as something physical, he will unconsciously

stop himself from forming an emotional bond with you because a physical
relationship, in his mind, doesn't need any kind of emotional bonding. So, by
starting the relationship physically, a woman actually makes it almost impossible
for a guy to form an emotional bond with her.

Now, let's move on to the second thing a woman needs to do to get a guy fall in
love with her: helping a guy focus on emotional bonding, from the very

Men are easily distracted. Their attention tends to focus on the most exciting
thing at the moment. Unless you help your guy focus on emotional bonding, his
attention will be diverted to just having a good time. And that does nothing to
help you get the emotional bonding you want. 9
A Final Word

To make a man fall in love with you, you have to first avoid the three mistakes I
discussed in this report. This is the first essential step towards capturing the heart
of your true prince. In my book, “77 Secrets to Make Every Man Adore You,
Chase You, Love You, and Commit to You,” I go one step further and discuss the
RIGHT things a woman needs to do to make a man fall and fall hard in love.

If you have any comments or suggestions on

what you've just read, please email me at 10

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