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Running head: BALANCING 1


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Christian healthcare administrators are responsible for the entire management and

oversight of the healthcare organizations they serve. They face numerous demands, which if not

accomplished can compromise the quality of care. One major demand is striking a balance

between the significance of financial efficiency and customer satisfaction. Often, the

administrators view both financial efficiency and customer satisfaction as incompatible goals,

which might not be the case if they seek a balance.

The Christian health administrator should focus on learning customer needs in the bid to

strike the balance between financial efficiency and customer satisfaction. Understanding what

clients of health care services need, can help to avoid the wastage of financial resources on

providing products and services that do not suit their demands (Cosgrove et al., 2013). The

insights provided by clients regarding their needs can be translated into innovations that can

enhance the quality of services offered. Once the customers are satisfied with the improvements

made, the healthcare organization can measure the rate of satisfaction and maintain the services

over time.

Segmentation of health services can also help to strike a balance between financial

efficiency and customer satisfaction. The Christian health administrator can organize training for

hospital staff so that they can be in a position to offer unique services specific to the various

patient segment. The differentiated service provision increases the satisfaction of patients while

also ensuring that the healthcare organization keeps a lead on low costs (Cosgrove et al., 2013).

The Christian healthcare administrator will manage to high output out of the available resources

in the health care organization, thus attaining financial efficiency.

A focus on patient centered care can also help the Christian health administrator in

creating a balance between financial efficiency and customer satisfaction. Patient centered care is

respectful and observant of the patients` needs, values, and preferences when making clinical

decisions. Engaging patients in the care process is associated with positive health outcomes and

reduced health costs (Cosgrove et al., 2013). As such, the Christian health administrator should

encourage the staff to engage in constant communication with patients to understand their

ailments in the bid to provide better care outcomes. Knowing what the clients of health services

need, ensures that a health organization specializes in resources that appeal to the customers

while reducing wastage.

Christian health administrators that strive for consistency can attain a balanced score card

on financial efficiency and client satisfaction. Consistency should entail the administrators

putting patients first on every encounter. Consistency ensures provision of quality services in all

units or departments of a health organization. Patients at the center of every interaction have full

access to the range of service offered, thus attaining patient satisfaction and high loyalty scores

(Cosgrove et al., 2013). Besides, ability to integrate various services for the sake of the customer

helps the health administrator to coordinate revenue and yield management of resources, which

enhances financial efficiency.

The Christian health administrators can also balance the significance of fiscal efficiency

and customer satisfaction through utilizing advanced technology in the healthcare system.

Presently, technology affects every crevice of healthcare. Numerous medical providers are

spending a lot of money on the purchase of electronic medical record systems (EMRS) that allow

physicians to share information on patients. The technology is also used in electronic

communication, ordering of entry systems, advanced imaging, and making of evidence-based

decisions. As such, the Christian healthcare administrators can ensure financial efficiency and

customer satisfaction by introducing the best technology to improve patient outcomes and allow

efficient operations (Cosgrove et al., 2013).



Cosgrove, D., Fisher, M., Gabow, P., Gottlieb, G., Halvorson, G., & James, B. et al. (2013). Ten

Strategies To Lower Costs, Improve Quality, And Engage Patients: The View From

Leading Health System CEOs. Health Affairs, 32(2), 321-327. doi:


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