The Effects of Global Warming On Climate

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NAME: Hazem Ahmed El-gohary class: 7-B

THEEffects of Global Warming on Climate, Crops

and Human Health
Global warming is a serious world-wide problem that individuals like you need to
confront and solve. In order to prevent irreparable harm to not only the world’s
climate, but also societies’ agriculture and your health, these devastating effects
of global warming need to be dealt with now.

There are many hazardous effects of global warming. Worldwide

temperatures are steadily increasing and, as a result, record heat, intense
floods and droughts, and food shortages have already hit many areas. You,
your family, and your friends need to do your part to prevent our planet from
becoming unlivable in the near future.

Dangerous Changes in
Climate are Coming
The most noticeable of the global warming effects, climate change is already
taking place and has been for many years. There are two major ways that global
warming is affecting the climate:
 Alarming rise in sea levels predicted: The average temperature of the
Earth has been on a steady uphill climb ever since the beginning of the
Industrial Revolution, when societies began burning fossil fuels for energy.
This greenhouse effect is melting the polar ice caps at an alarming rate.
Some experts believe the Arctic could be ice-free within five years [1], raising
sea levels by several feet worldwide and putting a huge damper on your next
beach vacation.
 More catastrophic weather events: In 2008 alone, more than 220,000
people lost their lives [2]from natural disasters. Hurricanes, as well as
droughts, floods, wildfires, and heat waves, have become more common all
over the world, wreaking havoc on your everyday life.

Global Warming’s Effects on

Your Country’s Agriculture
With the impact of global warming’s effects, agriculture becomes increasingly
difficult. Farmers will find it hard to grow crops in the face of droughts and other
natural disasters. Will you be able to eat the same foods you’re used to eating?
What will happen to the world’s food supply?

 Diseases and fungi will attack crops, lowering quality and production.

Without the normal cold spells, diseases and invasive species will spread more
easily, affecting more of our world’s food supply. Farmers will either have to
sell the food as is, or spray it with harmful chemicals that may hurt your
 Natural disasters will destroy existing crops. Flooding, drought, and
hailstorms are just some of the problems farmers will have to deal with more
often as global warming worsens.
 Once abundant foods may disappear or become more expensive. The
destructive, frequent natural disasters, combined with a swelling world
NAME: Hazem Ahmed El-gohary class: 7-B

population, will lead to an increased demand for staples like rice, maize, and
wheat. This will cause food shortages and dramatic price increases around the

Global Warming Will

Harm Your Health
The effects of global warming on your health could be devastating:

 You won’t be able to eat healthy foods. As global warming wreaks

havoc on our crop production and food supply, there will be less of a selection
of good fruits and vegetables in your local grocery store.
 Diseases will take over your hometown and become uncontrollable
epidemics. Malaria is spreading as the climate shift causes disease-carrying
mosquitoes to move to new, different areas, and other diseases you may have
thought were eradicated are reappearing. Also, new diseases are showing up
in the human population more and more. Many people may die before we find

Can You Do Anything About

These Horrible Effects?
These global warming effects may seem dire, but you have more power to
fight these effects than you realize.

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