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1. 1. DESIGN OF AIR PRE HEATER AND ECONOMIZER Under the guidance of(Internal)
L.SURYA TEJA (101FA08141)
2. 2. CONTENTS 1. Process of Air pre-heater 2. Economizer 3. Boiler basics 4. Heat
Exchangers 5. Cross Flow & Compact Heat Exchangers 6. Design Calculation of
Economizer 7. Design Calculation of Air pre-heater 8. Boiler Efficiency 9. Heat Balance sheet
10. Conclusion
3. 3. Process of Air pre-heater • An air pre-heater (APH) is a general term to describe any
device designed to heat air before another process (for example, combustion in a boiler) with
the primary objective of increasing the thermal efficiency of the process. • There are two
types of air pre-heaters for use in steam generators in thermal power stations: One is a
tubular type built into the boiler flue gas ducting, and the other is a regenerative air pre-
heater. • Ambient air is forced by a fan through ducting at one end of the pre-heater tubes
and at other end the heated air from inside of the tubes emerges into another set of ducting,
which carries it to the boiler furnace for combustion
4. 4. • There are two types of regenerative air pre-heaters: the rotating-plate regenerative air
pre-heaters (RAPH) and the stationary-plate regenerative air pre-heaters. • Rotating-plate
regenerative air pre-heater
5. 5. • The rotating-plate design (RAPH) consists of a central rotating-plate element installed
within a casing that is divided into two (bi-sector type), three (tri-sector type) or four (quad-
sector type) sectors containing seals around the element. • In stationary-plate regenerative
air pre-heaters the heating plate elements are also installed in a casing, but the heating plate
elements are stationary rather than rotating.
6. 6. Economizer • Economizers are mechanical devices intended to reduce energy
consumption, or to perform another useful function such as preheating a fluid. • Economizer
performs a key function in providing high overall boiler thermal efficiency by recovering low
level energy from the flue gas before it is exhausted to the atmosphere. • Economizer
recovers the energy by heating the boiler feed water.
7. 7. • It scavenge the waste heat from thermal exhaust flue gases by passing the exhaust
effluent through heat transfer surfaces to transfer some of the waste heat to a process
media. • It Efficiency is in direct relationship to equipment design and stack gas velocities. •
Velocity increases through the stack as firing rate increases, which results in a decrease in
contact time with the economizer heating surfaces
8. 8. BOILER BASICS • The hot water or steam under pressure is then usable for transferring
the heat for the steam requirements of process industries or for power generation. • During
the combustion process, oxygen reacts with carbon, hydrogen and other elements in the fuel
to produce a flame and hot combustion gases. • As these gases are drawn through the
boiler, they cool as heat is transferred to water • The main components in a boiler system are
boiler feed water heaters, deaerator, feed pump, economizer, super heater, Attemperators,
condenser and condensate pump.
9. 9. Heat Exchangers Heat Exchangers are classified according to their function and
geometry: Function: Recuperative: two fluids separated by a solid wall Evaporative: enthalpy
of evaporation of one fluid is used to heat or cool the other fluid. Regenerative: use a third
material which stores/releases heat Geometry: 1. Double Tube 2. Shell and Tube 3. Cross-
flow Heat Exchangers 4. Compact Heat Exchangers
10. 10. Heat Exchangers • The heat transfer rate for most heat exchangers can be calculated
using the LMTD-method (Log Mean Temperature Difference), if the inlet (T1) and outlet (T2)
temperatures are known: U = Overall heat transfer coefficient [ W/m2-oC ] A = Effective heat
transfer surface area [ m2 ] F = Geometry correction factor = Log mean temperature
difference T T    2 1   F T T T ln  /  2 1 Q U A T   T
11. 11. Cross flow and compact heat exchangers • Cross-flow and compact heat exchangers are
used where space is limited. These aim to maximize the heat transfer surface area. •
Commonly used in gas (air) heating applications. • The heat transfer is influenced by
whether the fluids are unmixed (i.e. confined in a channel) or mixed (i.e. not confined, hence
free to contact several different heat transfer surfaces). • In a cross-flow heat exchanger the
direction of fluids are perpendicular to each other.
12. 12. Compact heat exchangers • In Compact heat exchangers, the heat transfer rate is
directly related to pressure loss Advantages: • very small • Ideal for transferring heat to / from
fluids with very low conductivity or where the heat transfer must be done in very small
spaces Disadvantages: • high manufacturing costs • very heavy • Extremely high pressure
13. 13. DESIGN OF ECONOMIZER ASSUMPTION: • The properties are remains constant
under steady state conditions and neglect surrounding losses. Kinetic and potential energies
are neglected. DESIGN ANALYSIS: Heat Transfer, Q = m x c x Δt • Where m = mass of fluid
in kg C = specific heat of water in kj/kg oc Δt = temperature difference
14. 14. • Here m = 1800 kg/h = 5 kg/sec • Specific heat of water is 4.18 kj/kg oc • Temperature
difference, Δt = (70oc - 40oc) = 30oc Q = 5 x 4.18 x 30oc Q = 627 kW • Heat loosing fluid Qc
= m x c x Δt = 16 x 1.005 x (200 – 160) = 643.2 kw.
15. 15. • In Counter flow LMTD = ((Th1 – Tc2) - (Th2– Tc1)) / ln ((Th1 – Tc2 ) - ( Th2 – Tc1 )) =
((200-70) – (160-40)) / ln ((200-70)/ (160-40)) = (130-120) / ln (130/120) = 10 / ln (1.083) =
10 / 0.0797 • LMTD = 125.47oc
16. 16. • Actually this economizer is a cross flow economizer so, the LMTD equation becomes,
(LMTD)cross = F X (LMTD)counter Here F = correction factor • It is calculated by using
graphical method by using dimension parameters P, Z from graph, P= (Tc2-Tc1)/(Th1-Tc2)
P= (70-40)/ (200-70) P= 0.2307
17. 17. • Z= (Th1-Th2)/(Tc2-Tc1) Z= (200-160)/ (70-40) Z= 1.33 • From this values we get F =
0.98 (from graphically, pgno:31) • So we have multiplied the counter flow LMTD with
correction factor F, then we get LMTD of cross flow (LMTD) cross = F X (LMTD) counter =
0.98 x 125.47 = 122.96oc
18. 18. • From heat transfer equation we calculate the area of economizer as follows Q = UA
ΔTm x F Here F = Correction factor F = 0.98 A = Area of Economizer A = (627 x 1000) / (850
x 125.4 x 0.98) A = 6.01 m2 U = 850 w / m2 oc (from tables)
19. 19. • From Average velocity in the tube and discharge we Calculate total flow area m = ρ A u
Here m = mass of water A = Tube flow area U = velocity of flow = 0.2 m/sec A = 5 / (1000 x
0.2) A = 0.025 m2
20. 20. • The above area is equal to actual cross – sectional area of tube 0.025 =n x π/4 x d2
0.025 = n x 3.14 x (0.025)2 / 4 n= 50 • From Equation 1 the area is 17.47 m2 • Then the total
surface area in 2 tube pass is given below 2nπdL = 6.01 L = 6.01/(2 x 0.025 x 3.14 x 50) L =
76 mtrs
21. 21. • Each tube = 2.2 mtrs No. of passes = 2 No. of tubes = 50
22. 22. DESIGN OF AIR PRE HEATER • ASSUMPTIONS: The properties are remains constant
under steady state conditions and neglect surrounding losses. Kinetic and potential energies
are neglected. • DESIGN ANALYSIS: Heat Transfer, Q = m x c x Δt Where m = mass flow
rate C = specific heat of air in kJ/kg oc C = 1.005 Δt = temperature difference in oc
23. 23. • Here m = 5 kg/sec Specific heat of water is 4.18 kJ/kg oc Temperature difference, Δt =
(110 oc - 50 oc) = 60 oc Q = 5 x 1.005 x 60 oc Q = 301.5 kw Heat loosing of fluid Q = m x c x
Δt = 5 x 1.005 x (270-200) = 351.75 kw
24. 24. • LMTD = ((Th1 – Tc2 ) - ( Th2 – Tc1 )) / ln((Th1 – Tc2 )- ( Th2 – Tc1 )) = ((270-110) –
(200-50))/ln ((270-110)/(200-50)) = (160-150)/ln (160/150) LMTD = 156.46 oc • Actually this
Air pre-heater is a cross flow Air pre-heater so the LMTD equation Becomes, (LMTD)cross =
F X (LMTD)counter Here F = correction factor
25. 25. • It is calculated by using graphical method by using dimension parameters P, Z from
graph, P= (Tc2-Tc1)/(Th1-Tc2) P= (110-50)/(270-110) P= 60/160 P=0.375 Z =
(Th1-Th2)/(Tc2-Tc1) Z = (270-200)/(110-50) Z = 70/60 Z = 1.16 • From this values we get F
= 0.94 (from graphically)
26. 26. • So we have multiplied the counter flow LMTD with correction factor F, then we get
LMTD of cross flow (LMTD)cross = F X (LMTD)counter = 0.94 x 156.46 = 147.07 oc • Q =
UA ΔTm x F Where U = overall heat transfer coefficient A = Area of Air Pre heater F =
correction factor U = 50 w / m2 oc (As per standard tables)
27. 27. • From Average velocity in the tube and discharge we Calculate total flow area Here
correction factor F = 0.94 A = q / U ΔTm x F = (301.5X 1000) / (50 x 0.94 x 156.4) =
43.015m2 m = ρA u Here m = mass flow rate kg/sec A = Tube flow area m2 U = velocity of
flow = 0.2 m/sec ρ = 1.5 kg / m3
28. 28. • From continuity equation Q = A1 X V1 5 / 1000 = 3.14 X (0.04)2 X V1 V1 = 3.98 m/sec
m = ρA u A= m/(ρ x V1) A=5/(1.5 x 3.98 ) = 0.83 m2 A = 0.83 m2
29. 29. • The above area is equal to actual cross – sectional area of tube 0.83 m2 = n X π/4 X d2
n = 658 tubes Length of tube for two passes nπdL = 43.015m2 L = 43.015 / (658 x 3.14 x
0.04) L = 0.52m No. of tubes = 658 No. of passes = 2, Length = 0.52m
30. 30. BOILER EFFICIENCY • Now we calculate the boiler efficiency of thermax boiler. •
Capacity of boiler = 6 tons/hour • Exisisting values • Water temperature (tw) = 35 oc • Mass
of steam (ms) = 6000kg/hr • Mass of fuel (mf) = 1250 kg/hr • Calorific value of husk = 3500 = 14644.35kj/kg ( 1 joule = 0.239 ) • Temperature of steam (ts ) = 190 oc •
Boiler efficiency = ms (hs-hw)/mf x c.v
31. 31. • Enthalpy of water at 35 oc hw =hf +x hfg (x = 0, i.e., dryness factor, by using steam
tables) hw = 151.5 + 0 x hfg hw = 151.5 kj/kg • Enthalpy of steam at 190 oc hs =hf +x hfg hs
= 8067 + (0.8 X 1977.5) hs = 2388.7 kj/kg • Therefore, boiler efficiency = ms (hs-hw) /(mf x
c.v) x 100 = 6000(2388.7-151.5)/1250 x 14644.35) x 100 = 0.733 x 100 = 73.3%
32. 32. 8.1 BOILER EFFICIENCY WITH ECONOMIZER • Now introducing economizer the
temperature of water increases from 35 oc TO 50 oc now water temperature (tw) = 50 oc
And quality of steam increases up to 90 percent • Economizer with boiler efficiency = ms(hs-
hw)/mf x c.vx100 • enthalpy of water at 50 oc (hw) = hf + x hfg = 213.7 + 0 x hfg hw = 213.7
33. 33. • enthalpy of steam at 190 oc (hs) = hf+ x hfg = 806.7 + (0.9 x 1977.5) (here quality of the
steam 90%) = 806.7 + 1779.5 = 2586.45 kj/kg • Economizer with boiler effieciency = ms(hs-
hw)/mf x c.v x 100 = 6000 (2586.45 - 213.7)/(1250 x 14644.35) x 100 =0.77 x 100 =77%
34. 34. 8.2 BOILER EFFICIENCY WITH AIR PRE-HEATER • Now we are introducing air
preheater the husk consumption reduced to 1250 kg to 1083 kg/hr • Boiler efficiency with air
preheater = MS (HS –HW)/MF X CV X 100 = 6000 (2586.45-213.7)/1083 X 14644.35) X 100
= 14236500/15859831.05 X 100 = 0.89 X 100 • Boiler efficiency with air preheater = 89%
35. 35. • Water consumption per hour = 4250 • Specific heat of water = 1 ΔT = T2-T1 = 95 OC
-85 OC = 10OC • MCPΔT = 4250 X 1 X 10 X 24 = 1020000 K.CAL = 291.42857 KJ/KG •
Therefore 291.42857 KJ/KG Rice husk is saving
36. 36. Heat Balance Sheet • Pressure of Steam = 14.2 bar • Steam produced = 6000 kg/hour •
Coal used = 1250 kg/hour • Moisture in Fuel = 2% of mass • Mass of Dry Fuel gas = 9 kg of
fuel • Calorific Value of Fuel = 3500 • Temperature of gas = 2000c • Temperature of
Boiler room = 280c • Feed water Temperature = 500c • Specific heat of gas = 1.005 kj/kg •
Quality of steam = 0.9%
37. 37. • Heat supplied for the fuel = mf x c.v H.S = 1 x 3500 = 3500 • Heat supplied = 3500 • If moisture is present then heat supplied by 1 kg of fuel = (1- mm) c.v • Where mm is
percentage of moisture = (1-0.02) x 3500 = 3430 = 4913.043 kj • Heat utilized in
producing Steam = ms/mf (hs-hw) →1 Where hs = hf + x hfg = 806.7 + (0.9 x 977.5) =
2586.45 kg
38. • hw = hf hw = 806.7 = 6000/1250 (2586.45 – 206.7) = 4.8 x 2379.75 = 11422.8 kj
39. 39. • Heat carried away by the exert gases = mg cp g (Tg-Ts) = 9 x 1.005 (2000c – 500c) =
1356.75 kj • Heat carried away by the moisture in the fuel = mm (2676 + 2.1 (Tg – 100) – hf)
= 0.02 (2676 + 2.1 (200 – 100) - hf) = 0.02 (2676 + 2.1 (200 – 100) – 121.4) = 55.292 kj
40. 40. 1250 1250 1083 1300 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30
20 10 0 1 2 3 fuel consumption ( kg/hr ) boiler efficiency (%) Name fuel consumption ( kg/hr )
Boiler efficiency (%) without airpreheater and economizer 1250 73.3 with economizer 1250
77 with airpreheater 1083 89
41. 41. CONCLUSION • In this course of project it came to learn about the Design of Air pre-
heater and Economizer in boiler. • By using the Air pre-heater and Economizer boiler
Efficiency can be increased. • Gas flow distribution or heat transfer into the economizer
section is improved through use of guide vanes at inlet of economizer duct. • Analysis of
economizer module was carried out to predict the economizer feed water outlet temperature.
• The economizer size optimized by reducing the number of tubes of module by enhancing
the heat transfer across the module. • By installing the Air pre-heater and Economizer the
total husk consumption rate is reduced and the efficiency of the boiler is also increased to
73% to 89%

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