Semiotics and Identity: Adtext Analysis 1

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Semiotics and Identity: Adtext Analysis 1

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Semiotics and Identity: Adtext Analysis 2


Visual intensity is the norm in the society of today and has managed to make the world

spectacular and with exciting images. Every day, people are bombarded with a continuous and an

orderly stream of pictographic stimulation from all manner of media. More often, mediated

images are seen than read words and, therefore, we say that images sell everything. Signs are

ascribed to the social lie o people around the globe because they are designed to create attraction

and persuade the reader, audience and or consumer on the benefits of the product or service in

question. Spirit is something that is going to be the largest concern in the compilation o this

paper because it is derived from the different beverages under analysis. This paper uses semiotic

approaches to offer the readers analytical framework on how still images have become

meaningful in magazine ads.

Semiotic Analysis

Schweppes Mixers are carbonated water, which can be enjoyed on their own or combined

with fruit juice or alcohol. Moreover, it has a range of flavors that offers no sugar versions of the

typical carbonated drinks. Therefore, enjoyment is experienced with the low-calorie drink and

does not sacrifice on taste. The message of the advertisement is that of enjoyment since the bottle

has, and they have managed to use appropriate symbols and signs that have stimulated the

perceptual system of an individual into action. Symbols like, ‘sleekest presentation’ show how

the product has been modified and presented in a manner that meets the demands of the

consumers “on Premise Trade.” The pure and rich blend of the product is introduced with the

identification of the year 1783, which is a sign that shows pure love of the drink from

generations back. The images of the bottles with patches of water on the top side show that the

drink is chilled and ready for consumption. Furthermore, the words, “Premium Single Serve”
Semiotics and Identity: Adtext Analysis 3

also elaborate that the composition of the ad looked at different tastes and preferences of the


The signifier of the advertisement, the different flavors available, resembles the different

drink colors. The signifier is to the consumer, and it is evident that a variety of the same drink is

available and will meet the taste buds of different people in the market place. For a sporty man

and woman, this cold chilled drink will go down well and give her/his body temperature cooling

effects that will make them go back or more. Hence, signifiers also include the advanced

computer technology applied to the drink that attracts the consumer. Many of the commercials

have managed to appropriate the signifiers and thus, captured their clientele base. This is so

because people purchase the “right” products and hope that they signify a certain status, social

class and lifestyle.

The advertisement has managed to clearly out bring the aspect of having the assorted

premium range (agrum, Indian tonic water, soda water, dry ginger ale) of Schweppes. The

advertisement picture has also managed to insert a kind of “life energy” into the atmosphere by

using the warm colors that dominate like red and orange. The image and the written codes also

have a relation that depicts the flow of emotions since they can be able to share a drink with their

friends and family members and enjoy each other’s company. According to Peirce (1931-58,

2.302) ‘we think only in signs.’ Saussure asserts that, ‘a sign needs to have both a signifier and a

signified (1974, 102).’

Cascade brand is a non-alcoholic beverage that has managed to join the Coca-Cola

portfolio. The range of sarsaparilla, apple isle (sparkling apple juice), lemon lime & bitters and

ginger beer are the new classic flavors. The picture indicates that the packaging design is new

and sophisticated to show that it suits a broad base of Australian adult consumers. It also has
Semiotics and Identity: Adtext Analysis 4

improved formulations and has used glass in its packaging to show that the residual material

matters since it adds a touch of class to the beverage. In addition, the transparency of the bottle

gives an encouragement to the consumer and also gives the refreshment the appeal it requires.

Additionally, transparency shows the drinks clarity and light reflection is encouraged to

bring out the vibrant colors and its clarity. Cascade has managed to use water as it signified to

mean that it is a nourishing drink. The signifiers in this case are leaves and advanced computer

technology at the back of the picture. The background picture speaks a lot concerning nature, and

some audience will evaluate it to mean that the drink is best-suited or those who want to take a

nature walk and learn more about their environment. This leaves the consumer thirsting and

willing to plan for an excursion with friends and family in order to enjoy a drink in a relaxed and

calm environment. The signifiers have managed to attract an audience who are eager to learn

more about the product that attributes to be a product that suits the lifestyle of many people in

Australia and around the world.

Advertisement has misconceptions and effects that include: making products cost more,

helping sell bad products, making people buy things they do not need, and a waste of money

(Ralph 2005, p. 413). The myth behind this is that teenagers can use this drink and parents will

not be worried o having intoxicated their children.

The symbol of Coca-Cola products is generally red in color. The above picture has

portrayed the fundamental principle underlying in the product that has enabled it distinguish

itself from the other products available in the market. The 2012 Coca-Cola commercials used the

expression phrase ‘Available Now!’ The text on the Coca-Cola advertisement identified as

signifier, which is given in the middle of the picture. The signifiers are the words or letters as

individual units and signified about to alert and inform the audience that Coca-Cola has glass
Semiotics and Identity: Adtext Analysis 5

portfolio in different flavors like Diet Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero, Lift, ant and

Sprite. This also influences the audience and reminds them that Coca-Cola is a part of

consumers’ life. It is also worth noting that the bottle caps are similar to the ones found on the

plastic bottles, and this gives the bottle a style associated with up-market consumers.

The signifier of colors shows that the advertisement signified something concerning the

consumer of Coca-Cola. This color to the consumer signified that they consumed the drinks

products. The bottle is another signifier in the advertisement that signified that the drink is close

to the life of the people around the world, and they love to consume the drink. The phrase

“Available Now!” is also a signifier that symbolizes the evolution of the product. This has

managed to organize the consumers and has influenced their consciousness to consume the drink

since it is part of their life.

As such, meaning of the advertisement is derived by the consumer through reading the

phrase displayed and made them aware of the changes made to the product. This message carries

a lot of meaning especially because it ends with an exclamation mark that leaves the reader or

consumer marveled. The exclamation sign gives the audience a feeling of excitement and their

adrenaline rises. Therefore, their taste buds are triggered, and they buy the product and spread

the gospel of the new product in the Coca-Cola market. The last signifier is the ‘copyright’

message that is often considered to be a minor element built in the advertisement. However, that

is not the case because it is built as a signifier to imply to the consumer more about Coca-Cola’s

drink copyright as is labeled by the company. Therefore, it is a guaranteed beverage and brings

capitalism, which regards the capital industry and the trading system.

In conclusion, all the three advertisements analyzed suggest that the producer of the text

considered the emotions o the consumer who is the presumed individual and target o the
Semiotics and Identity: Adtext Analysis 6

message. This is because the advertisement is symbolic in nature and should portray its message

to the consumer. Therefore, it is true to say that the signs have managed to work together and

have brought out the real message intended for the audience. The connotations have been able to

work with consumers who are at the end of the marketing chain to reduce on the resources and

money used in producing or designing the ad. As a result, they have given a clear and elaborate

text or the consumers.

Semiotics and Identity: Adtext Analysis 7

Reference List

Chandler, D 2003, “Semiotics For Beginners,” viewed 25 August 2014,

Lester, PM 2000, Visual communication: Images with messages, 2nd edn, Wadsworth.

Peirce, CS 1929, Collected writings, 8 Volumes, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Ralph, EH 2005, Mass communication living in a media world, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc,

New York.

Saussure, F 1974, Course in general linguistics, Fontana/Collins, London.

Thwaites, A, Davis, L, & Mules, W 2002, Introducing cultural and media studies: a semiotic

approach, 2nd edn, Palgrave, New York.

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