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Creating a Minecraft Server

This guide will show you how to set up a Minecraft server. While the process seems to
contain a lot of technical jargon, the actual steps are relatively simple when broken down. The
only thing that the user needs to get started is access to their router.

Basic Set up:

1. Make sure the PC that will run the server is properly port forwarded. This basically
means that the incoming server traffic from people connecting is correctly directed to the
PC running the server. The process for this varies based on the router brand, so you will
have to research or read the manual on how to port forward based on your specific router.

2. Download and set up the server file, this can be found at
us/download/server. The file that will be downloaded is server.jar. Put server.jar in its
own folder and run it by double clicking it. You will also need to make sure java is
installed on your PC, it can be downloaded from this link

3. Open eula.txt and change “eula=false” to “eula=true”. The eula.txt file will have shown
up in the server file after server.jar has been run once.
4. Start the server by clicking server.jar, the rest of the files needed will be automatically
created. The server is active as long as the server window is up.

5. Connect to the server by finding your public IP. This can be found simply by typing
“what is my IP” into Google.

Cannot connect to server using public IP address.
The most common reason for failing to connect is the port was not properly
forwarded. A solution may be to forward an alternate port.
How to forward an alternate port-
1. Find alternate port in the router control
2. Port forward alternate port
3. Change default port used by server by modifying file

I used to be able to connect, but it does not work anymore.

Standard IP addresses periodically change; an easy solution is simply to find
your new public IP from Google. However, if many people use the server,
providing a new address a lot can be annoying; but it is possible to make it so
the IP address never changes.
How to create static IP-
1. Log into router
2. Find section related to public IP
3. Select option to create static IP

The server constantly crashes.

This is most commonly attributed to there not being enough ram allocated to
support the server.
How to allocate more ram-
1. Open notepad
2. Type java-Xmx3072M-Xms3072M-jar server.jar
3. Save file as run.bat (save in same folder as the server)
4. Use the new .bat file to launch the server from now on.

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