You Can't Have Light Without Dark

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That's the way I look when I get home late; black and blue.

La- da- da- da- dah. Just be happy.

Do an almighty painting with us. You're meant to have fun in life. We'll take a little bit of Van
Dyke Brown. These things happen automatically. All you have to do is just let them happen. It's
a super day, so why not make a beautiful sky? A tree cannot be straight if it has a crooked

Water's like me. It's laaazy ... Boy, it always looks for the easiest way to do things Let's build an
almighty mountain. Put light against light - you have nothing. Put dark against dark - you have
nothing. It's the contrast of light and dark that each give the other one meaning. Working it up
and down, back and forth.

We might as well make some Almighty mountains today as well, what the heck. I thought
today we would do a happy little picture. Painting should do one thing. It should put happiness
in your heart. We'll throw some happy little limbs on this tree.

Without washing the brush, I'm gonna go right into some Van Dyke Brown, some Burnt Umber,
and a little bit of Sap Green. Just a happy little shadow that lives in there. Put your feelings into
it, your heart, it's your world. Here's something that's fun.

There we are. Maybe there's a happy little bush that lives right there. And maybe, maybe,
maybe... We spend so much of our life looking - but never seeing. Let's make a nice big leafy
tree. It's all a game of angles. That's what makes life fun. That you can make these decisions.
That you can create the world that you want. That's crazy.

By now you should be quite happy about what's happening here. Think about a cloud. Just
float around and be there. Life is too short to be alone, too precious. Share it with a friend. If
you overwork it you become a cloud killer. There's nothing worse than a cloud killer.

If there's two big trees invariably sooner or later there's gonna be a little tree. Trees grow
however makes them happy. Just make little strokes like that. We're trying to teach you a
technique here and how to use it.

I'm gonna start with a little Alizarin crimson and a touch of Prussian blue This is an example of
what you can do with just a few things, a little imagination and a happy dream in your heart.
Everybody needs a friend. Just a little indication. And that's when it becomes fun - you don't
have to spend your time thinking about what's happening - you just let it happen. All you have
to do is let your imagination go wild.

It's a very cold picture, I may have to go get my coat. It’s about to freeze me to death.
Automatically, all of these beautiful, beautiful things will happen. Nice little fluffy clouds laying
around in the sky being lazy. Pretend you're water. Just floating without any effort. Having a
good day. Put it in, leave it alone. You can spend all day playing with mountains. Poor old tree.

Even the worst thing we can do here is good. You can't have light without dark. You can't know
happiness unless you've known sorrow. It's beautiful - and we haven't even done anything to it
yet. We don't make mistakes we just have happy little accidents. Take your time. Speed will
come later.

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