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From all of us here, I want to wish you happy painting and God bless, my friends.

In this world,
everything can be happy. You gotta think like a tree. Let's give him a friend too. Everybody
needs a friend. Don't be bashful drop me a line.

We start with a vision in our heart, and we put it on canvas. We'll play with clouds today. There
is no right or wrong - as long as it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone. The only
prerequisite is that it makes you happy. If it makes you happy then it's good.

Everyone wants to enjoy the good parts - but you have to build the framework first. Isn't it
fantastic that you can change your mind and create all these happy things? It all happens
automatically. Let your imagination just wonder around when you're doing these things.

Just take out whatever you don't want. It'll change your entire perspective. These things
happen automatically. All you have to do is just let them happen. Only God can make a tree -
but you can paint one. We're trying to teach you a technique here and how to use it. And
that's when it becomes fun - you don't have to spend your time thinking about what's
happening - you just let it happen. Think about a cloud. Just float around and be there. Put it
in, leave it alone. That's what painting is all about. It should make you feel good when you

It looks so good, I might as well not stop. So often we avoid running water, and running water
is a lot of fun. I guess that would be considered a UFO. A big cotton ball in the sky. All those
little son of a guns. And right there you got an almighty cloud. The man who does the best job
is the one who is happy at his job. I'm a water fanatic. I love water.

A beautiful little sunset. Just let your mind wander and enjoy. This should make you happy. I'm
gonna start with a little Alizarin crimson and a touch of Prussian blue Let's have a little bit of
fun today. At home you have unlimited time.

Let's do it again then, what the heck. The light is your friend. Preserve it. You have to make
these big decisions. Nature is so fantastic, enjoy it. Let it make you happy.

La- da- da- da- dah. Just be happy. Take your time. Speed will come later. Poor old tree. What
the devil. That easy. Play with the angles. Working it up and down, back and forth.
A little happy sunlight shining through there. Let's get wild today. That is when you can
experience true joy, when you have no fear. You can do anything here. So don't worry about it.

Decide where your cloud lives. Maybe he lives right in here. If you overwork it you become a
cloud killer. There's nothing worse than a cloud killer. Mountains are so simple, they're hard.
As trees get older they lose their chlorophyll. Now then, let's play. I'm going to mix up a little
color. We’ll use Van Dyke Brown, Permanent Red, and a little bit of Prussian Blue. The little tiny
Tim easels will let you down. If you've been in Alaska less than a year you're a Cheechako.

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