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To: Sara Lee CCA

From: Shaun Jacob CCA

Subject: Plan for exhaust emissions

Dear Sara,

Hello Sara, I hope everything is going well with the family and your new puppy! I just wanted to
reach out to you regarding our plan moving forward with reducing air emissions.

As a state California has led the charge for environmental cleanup; Whether that be harsher
fines on littering, laws being passed on air pollution for major corporations such as the clean air
act, and so much more. But there is one problem that is so rampant when it comes to air
pollution that needs to be solved. That problem is vehicle exhaust emissions. As the Coalition
for Clean Air we have the power and following that would be great to help carry out a new plan
to help emissions from transport. I call it the Electric Transport Plan. If we could get the state of
California to pass a law that all gasoline based vehicles cannot be produced and bought after
five years. It would be better if this could be done now, but making that drastic of a change is
not realistic.

To make sure this does not affect poorer families who have gas powered vehicles we can ban
just the production and purchase of vehicles produced after 2025. That way companies will
make more of a push to create and sell electric lines of vehicles which hopefully would
eventually transition to roads with strictly electric cars, buses, etc. I would love to hear your
thoughts on the matter.

Thank you for your time,

Shaun Jacob

Memo post

Date: 7/29/2021

To: Clean Air Coalition planning team

From: Shaun Jacob

Subject: Clean Air plan Memo

Distribution List: Clean Air Coalition leaders

This memo lays out a plan for reducing transport based CO2 emissions based off the meeting

from last friday. I appreciate the Coalition and you specifically for selecting me to come up with

our next plan for cleaning up air emission. The plan I came up with is to make a push for

California to pass a law that bans the production and sales of gasoline based vehicles by 2025.

This will make electric vehicles the new majority in the state and will help emissions. With

California taking the charge the hope is that other states will see what they are doing and follow

suit. As a California based organization there is no better group to partner with on this mission.

The plan is as follows:

How to get to the emissions law

The best way to start the process of presenting the law to the California state government is
with some old fashioned ground work. First signatures must be collected by people who are also
worried about air pollution and the earth’s future. The signatures should make a statement so
the goal for the amount of signatures should be set high. 1000 to 2000 signatures is the goal but
your input on that would be very appreciated to see if something like that is possible for our
organization. Then after getting the signatures a draft of what the law could look like should be
created with a team of our lawyers so it is done as professionally as possible. Once the draft is
created a presentation showing how bad air pollution is in California and projections of how
much it would improve with this law should be created and finalized. After all this has been done
the state senator and representative should be contacted and a meeting should be set where
the plan can be proposed. A rough plan has been drafted below as well as exceptions. This can
be used as a starting point after the signatures

Plan Draft and Exemptions

The plan is that all vehicles producing CO2 emissions will be production banned in California by
2025. First you go out and get the signatures to prove that this is an issue that the people of
California are passionate about. The more signatures the better as it demonstrates the
magnitude of the issue being faced. Then a plan for a law is drafted with the following
requirements: The sales of any gasoline based vehicles will be permitted as long as they were
produced before 2025. This will make the electric vehicle market in California a lot more
profitable which also brings business and jobs to the state. All gasoline based vehicles that are
already owned by families in California will be allowed as long as there is a statement of when it
was bought. In cases of families not being able to afford an electric vehicle an appeal can be
made. Hybrid vehicles can be purchased up to the year of 2030 to give people more transition
time for electric vehicles. These requirements make it so that it is easy for people to transition to
electric vehicles and the production of electric vehicles is encouraged. This is the perfect time to
do it as electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular and most car manufacturers
have an electric or hybrid model already. If they don’t they most likely are planning to build one
for the future. The most difficult part of this process will be getting a meeting with the senator
and representative. If that is done months in advance it gives us a goal to strive for to get the
signatures, plan and presentation completed. Thinking ahead, if the law does get passed in
California we move to the next state and try to implement the plan again. The way we know we
have succeeded is if we inspire other people to follow suit. We are not just trying to fix the
problem, we are trying to bring awareness and inspire a new generation of people to look after
the earth’s wellbeing.

Your Input:
We want your input on this plan as you are the ones with the most experience.

How many signatures should we aim for?

Is 2025 a reasonable year to set as the time limit for gas emission vehicles?

Do you think the people of California would support this plan?

What are some of our obstacles?

Do you support this plan?

What changes would you suggest to make this plan better or more efficient?

When can we meet to discuss this further in person?

What kind of a budget would we need to make this plan succeed?


In summary we will start first by getting signatures to show the government that this is an issue
people care about. After that we will send our plan to the legal team and have them draft up a
law to present. The draft should include exceptions so the plan is realistic and people are not
affected negatively. Then we will meet with the Senator and Representative to present the law.
If all goes well we will have a new law that will help us on our fight towards an earth with clean


1. We need to put together a team to gather signatures

2. We need to let the legal team know of our plan so they can start coming up with ideas

for the law draft

3. We need to reach out to the senator and build up that relationship.

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