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Name : Netta Delyana Putri

Nim : 112011192

A. Complete the conversation below with the words in the box

Claire One proposal is that we bring out a new product under the Topalino brand.

a. Afraid b. How c. Opinion d. Perhaps e. see f. so g. views h. why

So, what are your See 1. on this ?

Nikola In my Opinion 2., this is the best solution if we want to regain market share.

Ivan Why 3. don’t we focus on our pricing policy first ? Isn’t that the key issue ?

Jasmine I’m Afraid 4. I can’t agree. What we need to do to begin with is repositioning our market

Rick How 5. about doing both, Jasmine ? We can certainly bring out a new product and reposition

another at the same time

Jasmine I Views 6. what you mean, but we’ve got to start somewhere, and thinking about our best-

selling product is what’s most important at this stage

Claire I think So 7., Perhaps 8. we could agree to bring out a new product later this year

B. Location & Direction ( Use prepositions & Verbs to show locations when answering the question)

Between, Next to, On the Corner of, Across From, Behind, Cross, Turn Left, Turn Right, Go Past, Go
straight Ahead

1. Where is the gas station, please? It’s on main street. Acroos from bank. Beside bookstore and

2. Where is Departement store? It’s on Main Street. Next to bus station, behind bank and across
from book store And restaurant

3. Where is the bus station? It’s on Main Street, go past department store, across from Subway

4. Where can i find the subway station? It’s on main street. Across from bus station. Beside
bookstore and restaurant.

5. Where is cafe the nearby from here? It’s on the corner of Center Avenue, from main street turn
right, next to bank, across from mall
C. Match the part of a sentence in column B with the other part of that sentence in coloum A


1. Michael & Vanessa Are Students

2. Is he An engineer

3. I Am Not A President

4. You Are a Doctor

5. Are they Teachers


1. Are a doctor

2. teachers

3. Are Studentss

4. An Engineer

5. Am not a president

C. Describe your jobs in more detail, also express your feel using positif of negative adjective

I am a repair operator in the printer repair field. I should repair problem printers. I am
responsible for the results of my performance every day,because in repairing a printer it takes the
shortest possible time and a quick mind so that the product can be right again. Most of my time is
spent in the company where I work, approximately 12 hours I am in the company and on the way

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