Risk Assessment

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WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 1

Goolwa Primary School Excursion/Incursion Risk Management Plan

Date(s) of Excursion Thursday 2nd of August 2018 Excursion Destination Victor Harbor
Students will be travelling by bus to Victor Harbor town hall where they will be watching a performance, Students will return to Goolwa by
Describe the Activity and bus once the performance is finished.
Departure and arrival Depart Goolwa at 11:15am and arrive at Victor Harbor at 11:40am. Water hazards? Yes/No
times Depart Victor Harbor at 2:15pm and arrive at Goolwa 2:40pm. If yes, detail in risk assessment below
Important Contacts Position Held Signature Date
Adele Kenny Deputy Principal 0428470406
Health and Safety Representative
Tyne Crickmar Excursion Lead Teacher 0432922197

Additional Information
Method of transport including proposed route if relevant Bus.
Number of Students 41 students
DECD Adult to Student Ratio for this activity 1:10
First Aider to Student Ratio 1:30 (refer to the Workplace First Aid Procedure for correct ratio)
First Aider/s Tyne Crickmar 0432922197
Emergency Management Plan of venue attached
Map of entry/access points attached (for open areas/terrain)
Preparation for excursion or activity to identify any potential hazards Read Hazard Management Procedure and Teachers to sign acknowledgement of excursion
DECD Camps and Excursions Guidelines. preparation.
Complete WHS General Risk Assessment risk
assessment tool document.

Items to take on excursion

First aid kit List of adults participating in the excursion (attached)

List of children attending the excursion (attached) Contact information for each adult (attached)

Contact information for each child (attached) Mobile phone / other means of communicating with the service & emergency services

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 2

Risk Assessment Existing Risk Hierarchy Residual Risk Assessment
Risk Controls to
Hazard Type Hazard Description Likelihoo Consequenc Controls in place of Risk Consequenc
Risk Rating be Implemented Likelihood Risk Rating
d e Controls e

Vehicle Road traffic accident – D 5 Extreme Licensed bus driver Admin. Check licences are E 5 High
bus transport to/from Seat belts Engineering current
destination Driving at speed Admin.
First Aid kit in bus Admin
Physical Movement around D 5 Extreme Student, volunteer Admin. Review and update D 4 High
excursion location: and staff medical more robust
Medical emergency: needs to be checked emergency
heart attack, stroke, prior to excursion. management
onset of asthma Any required procedure for
medication will be excursions.
organized by
teacher. Qualified first aid
Apply first aid person in
Contact emergency attendance.
Contact school Check medical
action plans and
medication plans on
the day.
Physical Movement around D 3 Medium Supervision Admin. Volunteers to be E 3 Medium
excursion location: Instruction to stay Admin. placed around the
Broken limb, bones, on paths/tracks course with mobile
soft tissue injury. phones.
Physical Public locations: D 3 Medium Supervision Admin. Briefing to occur at E 3 Medium
Student becomes lost. Instruction to stay commencement of
Students, other on paths/tracks. activity.
excursion participants Appropriate adult – Distribution of
encounter undesirable student supervision Emergency
persons ratios in place. Management Plan.
Roll book is Clarification of
marked. Head Assembly Point.
count occurs during
and after activity. Whistle to be used
Adults positioned as emergency
WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 3
Risk Assessment Existing Risk Hierarchy Risk Controls to Residual Risk Assessment
Hazard Type Hazard Description Likelihoo Consequenc Controls in place of Risk Consequenc
d e
Risk Rating be Implemented Likelihood e
Risk Rating
around the course. signal.
Clearly define
meeting areas
(middle of Marist
Physical Movement around D 4 High Supervision Admin. Asthma and E 3 Medium
excursion location: Instruction to stay medication
Bites and stings. on paths/tracks management plans
Apply first aid. to be reviewed.
Contact Emergency
Environmental Severe weather: D 3 Medium Weather forecast to Admin. E 3 Medium
Bushfire risk. be checked leading
up to, and on the
day of the
Excursion will be Elimination No risk
cancelled if
weather conditions
will create hazards.
Physical Walking in groups: D 3 High Required adult – Admin. Use all pedestrian E 3 Medium
Collision with vehicle. student supervision crossings available.
Road crossing. ratio to be in place.
Dog bite. Instructions to stay
Road rage. with excursion
First Aid and
management plan
to be implemented.
Environmental Communication issues: D 2 Low Second adult to Admin. Upon arrival, test E 2 Low
Loss of mobile phone. have mobile phone. phone signal.
Out of phone range. Vehicle to be in Arrange to use
close proximity to neighboring
WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 4
Risk Assessment Existing Risk Hierarchy Risk Controls to Residual Risk Assessment
Hazard Type Hazard Description Likelihoo Consequenc Controls in place of Risk Consequenc
d e
Risk Rating be Implemented Likelihood e
Risk Rating
excursion location. school’s telephone
if required.
Environmental Lack of Emergency D 3 Medium Risk assessment Admin. Identify adult to E 3 Medium
Service Access rating to determine meet emergency
if excursion/activity services if needed.
should occur.
If risk assessment is
medium or above, a
map is provided
showing access
Identify access
points for
emergency service

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 5

Risk Assessment Matrix

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 6

Emergency Management Plan and Procedures
These emergency management plans and procedures are intended to cover the following aspects: response to an emergency, including notifying emergency services and
medical assistance, evacuation procedures and communication expectations.

Actions During Off Site Emergency Actions After Off Site Emergency
1. Call 000 and inform emergency services of the nature of the emergency as soon as 1. Advise the School and Principal that the emergency is over.
possible. Advise them of the closest access/egress points. 2. Determine if there is any specific information
2. Example script to follow when speaking with emergency services is: “We are in students, staff and visitors need to know (e.g. areas of
Marist Park, Mt. Gambier up the first access road which is opposite 108 the facility to avoid or parent reunification process)
Sheperdson Rd. Travel in a left direction through to the main carpark area and we 3. Print and issue pre-prepared parent letters and give
are approximately 200 metres on in the scrub area adjacent to the oval cricket these to students to take home (as required).
pitch” or similar depending on where the emergency event is taking place. 4. Ensure any students, staff or visitors with medical or
3. Apply first aid if required. other needs are supported.
4. Identify which Assembly Point you will evacuate staff, students and visitors to 5. Ensure all staff are made aware of Employee
(refer to Excursion Location Map). Assistance Program contact details (if needed for
5. Evacuate staff, students and visitors to the nominated Emergency Assembly Point. additional support).
6. Take the student attendance list, staff attendance list, your Emergency/First Aid kit 6. Seek support from DECD Education/Corporate Office if
and this Plan. required.
7. Once at Assembly Point, check all students, staff and visitors are accounted for. 7. Undertake operational debrief with relevant staff
(including WHS committee if applicable) to review the
8. Report the emergency/evacuation to:
off-site and procedural changes that may be required.
a. Principal/deputy: [Principal 0437 968 560 Deputy 0428 470 406]
8. Complete an IRMS incident report.
b. School:[ 85 552261]
9. Principal will then notify:
a. Education Director: [insert number here].
b. Workplace Health and Safety on 8226 1440
c. SafeWork SA on 1800 777 209 if the incident is
immediately notifiable (refer to the Injury incident
reporting and investigation procedure).
10. Ensure communications with emergency services is maintained.
Wait for emergency services to arrive or provide further
11. Contact parents if required.

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 7

12. Maintain a record of actions/decisions undertaken and times.

Review and testing of emergency management plan and procedures:

Testing of the emergency procedures, including the frequency of testing;

 This Emergency Management Plan and Procedure will be reviewed annually and adjusted according to the needs of the excursion.
 In the event that the emergency plan is activated, the emergency response team (Principal, teachers, volunteers etc.) must debrief as soon as practical after the
situation has been managed to gather learnings from the event and update the emergency procedure / plans accordingly

Information, training and instruction to relevant workers in relation to implementing the emergency procedures:

 All volunteers and staff will be provided a copy of and receive training in the Emergency Management Plan and Procedure prior to the excursion and relevant phone

Emergency Contacts

Name Emergency First Aider Principal Deputy Principal School Relevant Education Police Assistance Line Local Police
Services Office (non-urgent)
(Police, Fire,
Phone 000 0432922197 0437 968 569 0428 470 406 85 552261 Fleurieu 131 444 85 552018
Number Partnership

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 8

WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 9
WHS General Risk Assessment Tool 10

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