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Practicum Module

Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)


I. Objectives
The objectives of this practicum are:
1. To understand the definition of anthropometry and be able to measure the
anthropometry data.
2. To understand the limitations and advantages of the human anthropometry in
designing an optimum work system.
3. To apply the principle of human-integrated systems in designing an optimum
work system.
4. To analyze and evaluate work system to improve work system in the future.

II. Literature Review

The primary guideline is to design the workplace to accommodate most
individuals with regard to structural size of the human body. Designing the
workplace, tools, equipment, and work environment to fit the human operator is
called ergonomics. Rather than devoting a lot of space to the underlying theory
of the physiology, capabilities, and limitations of the human, (Freivalds &
Niebel, 2014).
The science of measuring the human body is termed anthropometry and
typically utilizes a variety of caliperlike devices to measure structural
dimensions, for example, stature and forearm length. (Freivalds & Niebel, 2014).
This approach will better assist the methods analyst in designing the
workplace, equipment, and tools to meet the simultaneous goals of increased
production and efficiency of the operation and decreased injury rates for the
human operator. In designing a product, there are three types of principles
according to the purposes (Freivalds & Niebel, 2014):
a. Design for Extremes
It implies that a specific design feature is a limiting factor in
determining either the maximum or minimum value of a population variable
that will be accommodated. Usually using the 5th percentile of females and
95th percentile of males.
b. Design for Adjustability:
It is typically used for equipment or facilities that can be adjusted to fit
a wider range of individuals. Chairs, tables, desks, vehicle seats, steering
columns, and tool supports are devices that are typically adjusted to
accommodate the worker population ranging from 5th percentile females to
95th percentile males.
c. Design for the Average
It is the cheapest but least preferred approach. Even though there is no
individual with all average dimensions, there are certain situations in which
it would be impractical or too costly to include adjustability for all features.
The percentile used is the 50th percentile of males and females.

Industrial Engineering Laboratorary

Industrial Engineering Departement 1
BINUS University
Practicum Module 2
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)
Human Factors and ergonomics have always had much in common, but
their development has moved along somewhat different lines. (Bridger, 2018).
Main factors that cause data variability:
1. Age
2. Gender
3. Ethnic variability
4. Type of work
Other factors:
1. Disability
2. Pregnancy
3. Clothes (width)

III. Tables and Pictures

Table 1.1 Guideline for the Measurement of Body Position

No Dimensions Applications
A main measure for comparing
Stature population samples. Reference for the
1 The vertical distance from the floor to minimal height of overhead obstructions.
the top of the head, when standing. Add height for more clearance, hat, shoes,
and stride.
Eye height, standing Origin of the visual field of a standing
The vertical distance from the floor to person. Reference for the location of visual
the outer corner of the right eye, when obstructions and of targets such as
standing. displays; consider slump and motion.
Shoulder height (acromion),
Starting point form arm length
measurements; near the center of rotation
3 The vertical distance from the floor to
of the upper arm. Reference point for hand
the tip (acromion) of the shoulder,
reaches; consider slump and motion.
when standing.
Elbow height, standing
Reference for height and the distance of
The vertical distance from the floor to
the work area of the hand and the location
4 the lowest point of the right elbow,
of controls and fixtures; consider slump
when standing, with the elbow flexed
and motion.
at 90°
Hip height (trochanter), standing Traditional anthropometric measure,
The vertical distance from the floor to indicator of leg length and the height of the
the trochanter landmark on the upper hip joint. Used for comparing population
side of the right tight, when standing. samples.
Knuckle height, standing
The vertical distance from the floor to Reference for low locations of controls,
6 the knuckle (metacarpal bone) of the handles, and handrails; consider slump and
middle finger of the right hand, when motion of the standing person.
Fingertip height, standing
Reference for the lowest location of
The vertical distance from the floor to
7 controls, handles, and handrails; consider
the tip of the extended index finger of
slump and motion of the standing person.
the right hand, when standing.
Source: (Kroemer, 2017)
Industrial Engineering Laboratorary
Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 3
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)
Table 1.1 Guideline for the Measurement of Body Position (Continued)
No Dimensions Applications
Sitting height Reference for the minimal height of
The vertical distance from the sitting overhead obstructions. Add height for
surface to the top of the head, when more clearance, hat, and trunk motion of
sitting. the seated person.
Sitting eye height Origin of the visual field of a seated
The vertical distance from the sitting person. Reference point for the location of
surface to the outer corner of the right visual obstructions and of targets such as
eye when sitting. displays; consider slumps and motion.
Sitting shoulder height (acromion) Starting point from arm length
The vertical distance from the sitting measurements; near the center of rotation
surface to the tip (acromion) of the of the upper arm. Reference for hand
shoulders, when sitting reaches; consider slump and motion.
Sitting elbow height
Reference for the height of an arm rest, of
The vertical distance from the sitting
the work area of the hand and of keyboard
11 surface to the lowest point of the right
and controls; consider slump and motions
elbow when sitting, with the elbow
of the seated person.
flexed at 90°
Sitting thigh height (clearance)
Reference for the minimal clearance
The vertical distance for the seating
needed between seat pan and the underside
12 surface to the highest point on the top
of a structure, such as a table or a desk; add
of the horizontal right thigh with the
clearance for clothing and motions.
knee flexed at 90°.
Traditional anthropometric measure for a
Sitting knee height
lower leg length. Reference for the
The vertical distance from the floor to
13 minimal clearance needed bellow the
the top of the right kneecap, when
underside of a structure, such as table or
sitting, with the knees flexed at 90°.
desk; add height for shoe.
Sitting popliteal height
The vertical distance from the floor to
Reference for the height of a seat; at height
14 the underside of thigh directly behind
for shoe.
the right knee; when sitting with the
knees flexed at 90°.
Shoulder-elbow length
The vertical distance from the other
side of the right elbow to the right Traditional anthropometric measure for
acromion, with the elbow flexed at comparing population samples
90° and the upper arm hanging
Elbow-fingertip length
The distance from the back of the Traditional anthropometric measure.
16 right elbow to the tip of the extended Reference for fingertip reach when
middle finger, with the elbow flexed moving the forearm in the elbow.
at 90°
Source: (Kroemer, 2017)

Industrial Engineering Laboratorary

Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 4
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)
Table 1.1 Guideline for the Measurement of Body Position (Continued)
No Dimensions Applications
Overhead grip reach, sitting
Reference for the height of overhead
The vertical distance from the
controls operated by a seated person.
17 sitting surface to the center of a
Consider ease of motion, reach, and finger/
cylindrical rod firmly held in the
hand/ arm strength.
palm of the right hand.
Overhead grip reach, standing
Reference for the height of overhead
The vertical distance from the floor
controls operated by a standing person.
18 to the center of a cylindrical rod
Add shoe height. Consider ease of motion,
firmly held in the palm of the right
reach, and finger/ hand/ arm strength.
Forward grip reach
The horizontal distance from the Reference for forward reach distance.
19 back of the right shoulder blade to Consider ease of motion reach and fingers/
the center of a cylindrical rod firmly hands/ arms strength.
held in the palm of the right hand.
Arm length, vertical A traditional measure for comparing
The vertical distance from the tip of population samples. Reference for the
20 the right middle finger to the right location of controls very low on the side of
acromion, with the arm hanging the operator. Consider ease of motion,
vertically. reach, and finger/ hand/ arm strength.
Downward grip reach
The vertical distance from the right Reference for the location of controls low
acromion to the center of a on the side of the operator. Consider ease
cylindrical rod firmly held in the of motion, reach, and finger/ hand/ arm
palm of the right hand, with the arm strength.
hanging vertically.
A traditional measure for comparing
Chest depth
population samples. Reference for the
22 The horizontal distance from the
clearance between seat back rest and the
back to the right nipple.
location of obstructions of the trunk.
Abdominal depth, sitting A traditional measure for comparing
The horizontal distance from the Population samples. Reference for the
back to the most protruding point of clearance between seat back rest and the
the abdomen. location of obstruction in front of the trunk.
Buttock-knee depth, sitting
The horizontal distance from the
Reference for the clearance between seat
back of the buttocks to the most
24 back rest and the location of obstructions in
protruding point of the right knee,
front of the knees.
when sitting with the knees flexed at
Buttock-popliteal depth, sitting
The horizontal distance from
the back of the buttocks to back of
25 Reference for depth of a seat.
the right knee just below of the
thigh, when sitting with knees
flexed at 90°.
Source: (Kroemer, 2017)
Industrial Engineering Laboratorary
Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 5
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)
Table 1.1 Guideline for the Measurement of Body Position (Continued)
No Dimensions Applications
A traditional measure for comparing the
Shoulder breadth (biacromial) The
population samples. Indicator of the
26 distance between the right and left
distance between the centers of the rotation
of the two upper arms.
Shoulder breadth (bideltoid)
Reference for the lateral and clearance
The maximal horizontal breadth
27 required a shoulder level. Add space for
across the hips or thighs, whatever
clothing and ease of motion.
is greater when sitting.
Hip breadth, sitting
The maximal horizontal breadth Reference for seat width. Add space for
across the hips or thighs whatever is clothing and ease of motion.
greater, when sitting.
A traditional measure for comparing
The distance between the tips of the
29 population samples. Reference for sideway
middle fingers of the horizontally
outstretched arms and hands.
Elbow span
The distance between the tips of the
elbows of the horizontally Reference for the lateral space needed at
30 outstretched upper arms when the upper body level for ease of motion and tool
elbows are flexed so that the use.
fingertips of the hands meet in front
of the trunk.
Head length
The distance from the glabella
A traditional measure for comparing
(between the browridges) to the
31 population samples. Reference for head
most rearward protrusion (the
gear size.
occiput) on the back, in the middle
of the skull.
Head breadth
A traditional measure for comparing
The maximal horizontal breadth of
32 population samples. Reference for head
the head above the Attachment of
gear size.
the ears.
Hand length
A traditional measure for comparing
The length of the right hand
population samples. Reference for hand tool
33 between the crease of the wrist and
and gear size. Consider manipulations,
the tip of the middle finger with the
gloves, and tool use.
hand flat.
A traditional measure for comparing
Hand breadth
population samples. Reference for hand tool
The breadth of the right hand across
34 and gear size, and for the opening through
the knuckles of the four fingers.
which a hand may fit. Consider
manipulations, gloves, and tool use.
Foot length A traditional measure for comparing
35 The maximal length of the right population samples. Reference for shoe and
foot, when standing. pedal size.
Source: (Kroemer, 2017)

Industrial Engineering Laboratorary

Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 6
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)
Table 1.1 Guideline for the Measurement of Body Position (Continued)
No Dimensions Applications
Foot breadth
A traditional measure for comparing
The maximal breadth of the right
36 population samples. Reference for shoe
foot, at right angle to the long axis
size, spacing of pedals.
of the foot when standing.
A traditional measure for comparing
Weight (kg) population samples. References for body
37 Nude body weight taken to the size, clothing, strength, health, etc. add
nearest tenth of kilogram. weight for clothing and equipment worn on
the body.
Source: (Kroemer, 2017)

Industrial Engineering Laboratorary

Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 7
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)

Source: (Kroemer, 2017)

Figure 1.1 Illustration of Measured Body Dimensions
Industrial Engineering Laboratorary
Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 8
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)
Table 1.2 Guideline for The Measurement of Hand Position
No Hand Measurement
1 Hand Length
2 Palm Length
3 Thumb Length
4 Index Finger Length
5 Middle Finger Length
6 Ring Finger Length
7 Little Finger Length
8 Thumb Breadth
9 Thumb Thickness
10 Index Finger Breadth
11 Index Finger Thickness
12 Hand Breadth (Metacarpal)
13 Hand Breath (Across Thumb)
14 Hand Thickness (Metacarpal)
15 Hand Thickness (Including Thumb)
16 Maximum Grip Diameter
17 Maximum Spread
18 Maximum Functional Spread
Source: (Ng, Saptari, & Fauzi, 2013)

Source: (Ng et al., 2013)

Figure 1.2 Illustration of Measured Hand Dimensions
Industrial Engineering Laboratorary
Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 9
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)
Table 1.3 Anthropometry Data
A B C D Σ P1 P5 P10 P50 P90 P95 P99

Industrial Engineering Laboratorary

Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 10
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)
Table 1.4 Hand Anthropometry Data
A B C D Σ P1 P5 P10 P50 P90 P95 P99

Industrial Engineering Laboratorary

Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 11
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)

Source: (Scott, Kogi, & McPhee, 2010)

Figure 1.3 Optimum Sitting Position for Computer Work

Source: (Scott et al., 2010)

Figure 1.4 A Well Designed Office Chair for Computer

Industrial Engineering Laboratorary

Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 12
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)
IV. Formulas
1. Mean:
2. Standard Deviation:
∑(𝑋𝑖 − 𝑋)2
𝑆= √
3. Formula for percentile:

Table 1.5 Formulas for Percentile

Percentile Formula
P1 𝑥̄ − 𝑆 2,33
P2.5 𝑥̄ − 𝑆 1,96
P5 𝑥̄ − 𝑆 1,645
P10 𝑥̄ − 𝑆 1,28
P50 𝑥̄
P90 𝑥̄ + 𝑆 1,28
P95 𝑥̄ + 𝑆 1,645
P97.5 𝑥̄ + 𝑆 1,96
P99 𝑥̄ + 𝑆 2,33
Source: (Freivalds & Niebel, 2014)

The formula for test data adequacy:

𝑘⁄ 2
𝑠 √𝑁. ∑ 𝑋2𝑗 − (𝑋𝑗)2
𝑁′ = ( )
∑ 𝑋𝑗

< N, maka data cukup

N’ = number of observations needed

k = confidence level
s = degree of accuracy
N = number of observations have been done
Xj = observations data

Industrial Engineering Laboratorary

Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University
Practicum Module 13
Human-Integrated Systems (ISYE6059)
V. References
1. Birdger, R. S. (2018). Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomic (4th
ed.). USA: Clearance Center
2. Freivalds, A., & Niebel, B. (2014). Niebel's Methods, Standards, and Work
Design (13th ed.). USA: McGraw Hill International Edition.
3. Kroemer, K. H. (2017). Fitting the Human: Introduction to Ergonomics (7th
ed.). Florida: CRC Press.
4. Ng, P. K., Saptari, A., & Fauzi, A. M. (2013). Hand Anthropometry: A
Descriptive Analysis on Elderly Malaysians. Malaysia: Research Gate.
5. Salvendy, G. (2012). Handbook of human Factors and Ergonomics. New
Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
6. Scott, P., Kogi, K., & McPhee, B. (2010). Ergonomic Guidelines for
Occupational Health Practice in Industrially Developing Countries.
Germany: University of Darmstadt.

Industrial Engineering Laboratorary

Industrial Engineering Departement
BINUS University

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