JOKER English Pychology

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This present essay entails an analysis from the psychological perspective in relation
to the film The Joker (Arthur Fleck) played by Joaquín Phoenix, where the
personality of the character and the causes of certain factors that make his
behavior violent towards others are determined. In the same way, a trait that it
contained called psychosis that began to flare up with more intensity for several
possible reasons such as the total suspension of its 7 medications.

Returning a little to the childhood of the character in the film, this is reflected in
how Arthur's mother does not have a good attachment figure since his mother also
suffered from a psychological disorder and arrives at a point in the film that he
remembers through history In fact, when the abuse has a sexual component, the
probability of suffering from psychotic symptoms that also began to develop for
other reasons increases.
Due to the disappointment of his mother, his friend who offered him the gun, the
TV presenter that he appreciated very much, chose to have his personality change
one where he was Arthur and another the joker, in Arthur you see an individual
who He tries to fit in with society and is aware of his disorder such as depression,
anxiety and his pseudobulbar syndrome that causes emotional lability and
exaggerated reactions such as uncontrollable and inopportune laughter attacks,
among other symptoms, he connects with his emotional world, he knows that he
suffers, He knows that he wants to be happy, he also connects with others by
showing many moments of empathy, for example when he meets Bruce and is
about to kill the butler, Arthur realizes that Bruce is looking at him and thinks
that he can cause emotional damage or psychological for the child and stops.
In addition to empathy, he also shows social justice and orderly behavior, knows how
he has to fit in, understands social norms, tries to adapt to them and also distinguishes
people who are good and those who are bad with him, for example, he does not kill his
partner with dwarfism because he has always treated him well, has been kind to Arthur
and lets him go. Then a psychopathy or psychosis is totally ruled out since a
psychopathy for what is most characterized in addition to the fact that it does not
usually develop as such, but is more like a personality trait of a person with that
disorder, therefore, the psychopath is unable to connect with his feelings and also with
those of others, we can realize this by applying a differential diagnosis.

Several of the main causes of the appearance of the Joker in Arthur's life is that in
addition to constantly receiving emotional damage and other attacks that accumulate
tension, stress and more suffering, there comes a point where his therapist tells him that
The state has cut funds and they can no longer continue with therapy, this causes the
medication they are taking, which is seven drugs, to suddenly suspend it and that is
something that should never be done since a person who is taking one Medication as
serious as for example antidepressants, antipsychotics or mood stabilizers and even
more so when there are several at the same time, when cutting suddenly can have very
adverse effects to the point that a person with a simple depression by suddenly stopping
antidepressants can increase the ideas of suicide, withdrawal syndrome and in some
cases develop a psychotic break.
Arthur continues to receive blows and emotional damage each time, we see how he is
more reactive to what happens around him just as before he could control anger or
frustration a little, each time we see him reactive and it costs him more to control
himself by the things that happen around him until he reaches the trigger for the whole
story of his mother that when he found out that his mother is actually the person who
has done all the damage to him and until then his mother was the only thing he had in
his life and also sees his idol who is making fun of him, creates a feeling that the whole
belief system he had and everything that was important to him falls apart and that's
when Arthur decides to kill his mother by suffocating her and telling him that he used to
think that his own life was a tragedy but then he sees that it is quite a comedy and it is in
a way like a step of breaking with himself and also killing Arthur.
Little by little in this period of stress he has been developing in his alter ego, the Joker
and that laugh that was previously something unpleasant and distressing that he tried to
control, as the joker takes over him, he stops trying to contain the laughter and simply
the loose and is that in a way he is accepting that his new alter ego possesses him, it is
also very important to note that this alter ego is the only time in his life in which he has
received social approval and recognition, people applaud that character who It was
created then he feels that instead of continuing to be Arthur it is much better to be the
Joker and in a way it is like he already forgets his real self and gives way for the Joker
to come himself.
Even when he asks Murray to present him on TV as Joker and we can already see his
new alter ego fully present, it is the first time we see that Arthur has a less shy, more
daring behavior, he enters and everyone smiles, everyone applauds him, how he walks
as he introduces himself, here we could start to talk that the Joker as we know him is a
person with an antisocial personality disorder or sociopathy, so when I entered the set
they were seductive for the first time , he arrives and kisses the doctor, in the interview
he talks about what he wants without any concern and the laugh that used to appear in
times of stress does not appear, makes unpleasant comments, jokes that people do not
like without caring nothing and then that is when we begin to see this essence of
antisocial personality, a person who seeks to break with social norms, who is not
interested in fitting in or adapting, does not care what they think of others, he begins to
have a very eccentric and narcissistic behavior and there begins this inability to
empathize with others or perceive suffering and that is how without any remorse he
shoots Murray who at some point was his idol. It is right there where he shoots it again
and smiles, dances and shoots it again, at this point is where the Joker dominates
Arthur's personality

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