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TRUMP AND THE DEATH OF It is no coincidence that Twitter, his pre- together represent the ‘me’ and ‘you’ divested
THE IMAGE ferred social media platform and public form of a social ‘they’. Trump’s honesty has to be
A response to Appadurai of self-broadcasting (he joined in 2009), is rule-breaking and even criminal by a logic that
best suited to his need to communicate directly goes beyond his personality. This is why all
This is a sharp and provocative interven- to his fan base, which at the time of writing the accusations levelled at him, from fraud and
tion in the American culture of the ‘image’ stands at 87 million followers. Twitter, as the tax evasion to misogyny and worse, end up
as connected to the rise of mass media and least ‘image’-oriented of all the current domi- working for him. And yet, because these traits
commercialization, and extended to the realm nant social media platforms (compared with can never themselves be transmuted into social
of political culture. The latter has become Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, for example, truth or acceptability, they remain eccentric
dependent on the work of spin doctors, media which were mentioned in the opinion piece), and are unable to replicate themselves and
advisers and communication strategists. In allows the user to dominate, manipulate and become the foundation for a new order. This is
sum, it is the result of a complex and well- steer public debate through retweets as a form not a story about the re-emergence of fascism
oiled machinery that puts the spotlight on the of endorsement and hashtags to guarantee or totalitarianism.
political leader, i.e. POTUS, as the end product trending, without much in the way of control Militias like Proud Boys or conspiracies like
of savvy media campaigns and micromanaged or consequences. Twitter’s attempts to block QAnon reject Trump’s efforts to close the gap
image-making. Trump’s factually incorrect and violent content between his person and persona. Both see him
Trump seems to have said goodbye to all of have been met with an irate response by the as possessing some secret message concealed
that, as this guest editorial brilliantly points President, who threatened to shut down his behind a buffoonish image. His excesses serve
out. It is spot on in singling out Trump as the preferred social media platform in revenge. If as mortifications of the kind familiar to his
narcissist without sleekness, an uncouth and that were to happen, it would be the complete Christian supporters. What Trump’s opponents
openly vulgar President who not only eschews death of the image for Mr Trump. l see as dog-whistle politics, in other words,
any principles of diplomacy, etiquette and Sandra Ponzanesi become sacrificial acts for his supporters,
political correctness but also ignores his best Utrecht University, NL both parties otherwise agreeing on a view of
advisers by non-filtering, non-editing or non- presidential profundity that tries to find old-
styling his utterances and appearances. Yet this fashioned reason in his antics. This attempt to
conclusion could seem counterintuitive given return to the logic of the image by a via nega-
his writing off of $70,000 for ‘Hairstyling’ in TRUMP’S TRUTH tiva does nothing but demonstrate its crisis.
his tax returns and his megalomaniac obses- a response to Arjun Appadurai Even here the ‘they’ from whose convention-
sion with visibility and self-aggrandizement. ality liberation is sought fails to materialize.
This form of apparently ‘unmediated’ pres- It has become commonplace to argue that The social ‘they’ must be found in a
ence serves, in fact, to centre the eye of the Trump represents a perverse return to authen- changing list of enemies, from Muslims,
beholder exclusively on him, and nothing but ticity in public life, even if only in the liberty Mexicans and migrants more generally to
him. He is the focus of the perspective in each to give offence. The brilliance of Appadurai’s liberals and socialists. Each represents an
setting and framing, and his unfiltered and analysis is to take such arguments in a new image whose weakness is compensated for
unpolished appearances are meant to convey direction by linking the contempt for hypoc- by another. Just as Trump doesn’t represent
authenticity, truth and authority. No need for risy, political correctness and other alleged the kind of authenticity which emerged in the
staff, support and backstage operations. He examples of dishonesty or bad faith to the nineteenth century to break through the crust
is the only one in the spotlight of what seems repudiation of society itself. He does so of convention with its deeper truth, his sup-
like a truly bad TV reality show. As John by making the case that Trump is the first porters’ efforts at racism or fascism are pale
Berger stated in his Ways of seeing (1972), American President who is unconcerned with revivals of a past to which they have no real
images speak louder than words, and the rise presenting an image of himself to the public. access. This does not mitigate their violence
of Donald Trump and the list of right-wingers By refusing even the possibility of a gap and might even explain it as self-justification.
(Putin, Bolsonaro, Johnson, Orbán and Salvini, between his person and persona, he rejects the But it confirms Appadurai’s argument that
for example) suggests a much grimmer conclu- third-party character, the ‘they’, that defines abolishing the image leaves behind a void that
sion than anyone anticipated. society through the image’s normative power. can only be filled by more images l
This is of course not unlike authoritarian While Trump might indeed represent the Faisal Devji
propaganda machinery and visual techniques death of the image as a vector of the social, the St Antony’s College, University of Oxford
used in the past. Trump’s approach has been pleasure of liberation from its mediation can
often compared to the fascist rhetoric used only occur by repeatedly reinstating it in the
by former dictators, and his leadership style form of the social ‘they’ who must be mocked
is reminiscent of Benito Mussolini, who and defeated. Could the crisis of the image in
astutely manipulated new media technologies, contemporary America, then, turn not on its
such as newsreels and cinema, to reach out power but on its enfeeblement, which Trump
to the masses directly while proclaiming that recognizes and attacks as he always has the
‘cinema is the strongest weapon’. Ruth Ben vulnerable? Indeed, his attacks have the para-
Ghiat comments in her latest book Strongmen: doxical role of propping up a failing form in
Mussolini to the present upon the parallels in order to safely enact the pleasure of liberation
image-making and leadership style between from it as a typical piece of Trumpian theatre.
Mussolini and Trump, who both present The conservative or, rather, reactionary aspect
themselves as ‘strongmen’, and, therefore, as of his politics becomes evident here, as it does
over-the-top examples of masculinity, virile in his promotion of big capital or executive
and invincible. Even during his short bout of force.
Covid-19, Trump made sure that he stayed in Does this fake radicalism explain why only
the picture, however dishevelled, and showed Trump is allowed to disdain the image and not
that he had nothing to fear and that he had his associates? Only he must have an unmedi-
overcome this challenge as a deus ex machina. ated connection with his support base, who


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