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Brgy. 04, Tumauini, Isabela

S. Y. 2020-2021

Quarter 4 – Module 1&3:
I’m Glad I was Born Poor
by Nilda G. Milan

I’m Glad I was Born Poor by Nilda G. Milan
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature
and other text types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing
world; also how to use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals,
active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
competently performs in a full-length play.
Performance Standard:
The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying
effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following
criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions
Most Essential Learning Competency:
 Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and the
effectiveness of the presentation

At the end of the module, the learners are expected to:
1. evaluate the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material;
2. react critically to assertions made by a speaker or writer; and
3. discover literature as a means of having a better understanding of human
beings and their environment.

Good morning class! Before we start our lesson, let us first feel the presence of the
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your
V. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created.
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful,
grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His
consolations. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


This module helps you evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view.
I`m Glad I Was Born Poor
Nilda G. Milan
“Education is the most powerful tool to combat poverty and eradicate social
I come from humble beginnings. My father had worked
as a carpenter and my mother a plain housewife. As my
father receives minimum wage, my mother struggles to cut
the coat according to our cloth. We were taught to live
within our means so to speak. I am the fourth in the brood
of five. Luckily, it was only my youngest brother and I who
got a college diploma.
I could still vividly recall how I struggled when I entered high school. I
enrolled myself in a private school without a single centavo in my pocket. That time,
it was more practical to enrol in private school especially when talking of daily
fares. In my four years of stay in the school, I have gone to the principal`s office in
not less than 20 times begging our principal to grant me an examination permit
without paying my monthly due. Recess is student`s favorite for this means “chicha”
time. While my classmates enjoy the food in the canteen, I content myself with the
free reading materials in the library. Besides, I fed my tummy with enough rice at
breakfast with a dish that revolves around three menus served alternately. For
example, dried fish(tuyo) today, steamed camote tops the next day, and the following
morning is boiled or fried duck`s egg that has an unlikely aftertaste. However, if my
stomach complains of emptiness, I could fill it with the cheapest cassava, otherwise
known as “nilupak” at the canteen. With fads and fashion, well, as always, it`s out of
the blue since my uniforms and other things I had were all hand-me-down clothes and
items. My shoes never escaped from quest for poverty and since it`s the cheapest in
town, it shows a winsome smile when there`s a heavy downpour of rain. And to help
my parents with the expenses, I applied as a saleslady, dishwasher, and janitress
on summer vacations so I have a penny to buy my school needs. These experiences
propelled me to dream BIG to combat poverty. So I prayed ardently to pass NCEE or
National College Entrance Exam. The passing score is our ticket to college.
In college, my struggle was doubled since my school is many miles away from
home. Aside from homesickness, my allowance then had also made me sick for I had
to meet both ends in order to survive college. To gain extra money for my escalating
expenses, I worked as a Student Assistant in the University Registrar, receiving
Php300 per month. I also learned to sell RTW`s (ready-to-wear clothes) and other
“kikay” items for extra income. I boarded in a dormitory which only cost Php100 per
semester. It`s pretty cheap but you need to obey house rules including staying up late
during our monthly general cleaning. It was hard but I know it would be harder if I
lived in an apartment or cottage which my parents could not afford.
I successfully finished college. I may not have graduated with flying colors,
but as a professional, I had lived by the ideals that my school has taught me –
hardwork and dedication.
San Miguel National High School had paved its way for me to realize my
potentials. It had opened doors of opportunities for me to receive remarkable awards
and recognitions such as Outstanding Teacher in English, Best Reading Teacher,
Division Winner and Regional Runner-up Winner in PROJECT MISSION (a contest
in innovation), Division and Regional Coach to Readathon contestants, Division and
School Level Resource Speaker, writer and Theatre Arts Coach to stage plays, module
writer, and awardee in Gawad Ybarra Global
Teacher Award and Global Leader Award.
I`M GLAD I WAS BORN POOR. This paradoxical statement simply tells
that poverty, if taken positively, is not a deterrent to success. Had I been born with a
silver platter, I wouldn`t have been where I am now- a TEACHER, imbued with
utmost dedication to tap the hidden potentials of my students and with commitment to
inspire and touch the lives of my students who are now and soon to be lawyers,
doctors, pilots, engineers, accountants, nurses and just like me… dedicated teachers.
I`M GLAD I WAS BORN POOR … for I was born by poor parents who
have strongly believed in the power of education. Just like my parents, I have equal
faith and conviction that education, more than just a status symbol, is a mighty
weapon to clash with poverty and to rule out prejudice.
Indeed, POVERTY has taught me practical lessons in life that in every single
step of sacrifice coupled with faith in God and in the power of education, it can bear
tremendous downpour of success.

Judging the Relevance and Worth of Ideas, Soundness

of Author’s Reasoning, and the Effectiveness of the Presentation
Authors have opinions that influence how they present their subject matter.
Sometimes, an author slants facts towards his or her personal beliefs.
As a reader, it is useful to recognize the ways in which an author uses bias to
slant a piece of writing. It is also important to distinguish between a fact and opinion
so you can detect whether the information is correct or not. A fact is a truth. A fact is
a statement of truth that can be verified and can be proven as true. On the other hand,
an opinion is a statement that reflects an author`s or the speaker`s point of view,
beliefs, perspective, personal feelings, and values. Opinions cannot be verified and
proven to be true or false.
Read the brief passage below and identify the fact and opinion.
Research has indicated that a person`s pulse rate, blood pressure and respiratory
rate increase when the person is under stress. All people, therefore, should do stress
management techniques on a daily basis.

The fact in the above statement is – A person`s pulse rate, blood pressure and
respiratory rate increase when the person is under stress. (This statement has been
proven to be true.)
The opinion in the above statement is – All people, therefore, should do stress
management techniques on a daily basis. (This is subjective and has not been proven
to be true.)
It is also important that as a reader or listener, you should also learn how to
react critically and emotionally to issues raised and assertions made by a speaker or
writer. When reacting critically to what you read, judge the relevance and worth of the
ideas presented, the soundness of the author`s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the
presentation of the topic being discussed.
When we say relevance, it means important to the matter at hand. To judge the
relevance of the material, ask the following questions:
1. Does the information relate to your research question?
2. How complete is the information?
3. Does it still reflect the present situation?
4. Is the information correct?
5. Are factual descriptions correct and based on hard facts?
6. Are opinions supported by facts?
7. Is it a fake news?

On the other hand, an argument or reasoning is sound if it is both valid in

form or it makes sense. Consider the following questions:
1. What do you notice about the structure of the essay?
2. How does it begin?
3. What is included in the body paragraphs?
4. How does the essay end?
Note: Arguments should begin and end with the claim. Each body paragraph should
contain one sound reason that supports the claim with evidence that is related to and
relevant to the reason.

I`m Glad I Was Born Poor. This paradoxical statement simply tells that
poverty, if taken positively, is not a deterrent to success. Had I been born with a silver
platter, I wouldn`t have been where I am now – a teacher.
Moreover, if an argument is sound, the conclusion must be true. Analyze the
sample syllogism below.
Syllogism – a deductive scheme of a formal argument consisting of a major and
a minor premises and a conclusion.
Premise – something taken as being true or factual

Premise1: Every virtue is laudable.

Premise2: Kindness is a virtue.
Conclusion: Therefore, kindness is laudable.
In this example, the premises 1 and 2 and the conclusion are true. Therefore,
the argument is sound or valid.
When it comes to presentations, a written work can be judged using the following
1. Appropriateness
Are the materials used suited to the assertions made by the speaker? For example,
when a speaker makes assertions on technology innovations, are televisions and
recordings appropriate to use?
2. Effectivity
Do the materials support the speaker`s assertions? Do they facilitate better
understanding of the assertions?
3. Clarity
Are the materials understandable? Are they organized?


This is now the end of our module. I would like to congratulate you for being patient
and for exerting effort in finishing your task. May God continue to give you wisdom
and may he continue to bless and guide you in order to achieve your goals and
aspirations in life. God bless for your next task!

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