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NICHOLAS BEAZLEY AIRPLANE CO.ING. . ‘Main Office and Werchouses = MARSHALL, MO. ‘WESTERN BRANCH. 3769 So. Moneta Los Angoles, Calif. PARTS FOR WRIGHT, VELIE, LAM- eu ae. SUL ene BERT, WARNER, CURTIS OX5-OXX6, MOTORS, PARTS, MATERIALS HISPANO-SUIZA AVIATION Engines CATALOG J AIRPLANES MOTORS —PARTS SUPPLIES Including Complete Parts Lists of Curtiss OX5, Curtiss OXX6, Velie, Lambert “afd Warner-Scarab Engines Authorized Wright Engine Parts Dealers NiCHOLAS- BEAZLEY AIRPLANE COMPANY, INC. Parts and Supply Division HOME OFFICE « » MARSHALL, MISSOURI Western Branch: 3769 South Moneta, Los Angeles, California Cable Address: NIBCO - Bentley's Code Printed in the United States < NICHOLA EAZLEY AIRPLANE CO., NC., MARSHALL, MoO. |e Every Conceivable Aero Part and Supply Ready For Service on Your Order C ITH this new catalog, (which is coming to you in a new and improved form), our latest listing of parts, W supplies and accessories appertaining to the aviation industry is brought to you. In changing the size of this, Catalog J, we hope to make our listings more compact so they will be more convenient as an aid to you in making up your orders. The larger pages enable us to more completely list related items on the same page. and open double pages spreads before your eyes a more comprehensive presentation of these various supplies. You will find this new size more convenient to handle, too. It is through the co-operation of the various manu- faccurers who have so liberally assisted us in the com- pilacion of chese pages that we are able to make this cat- alog as complete as it is. We extend to them our ap- preciation. Much time and effort has been expended in searching the various markets to obtain the best of mer- chandise and this we offer to you at the lowest price. It is ever uppermost in our minds to first give complete service to our customers through quality mechandise at the lowest possible prices. COMPLETE STOCKS In our spacious stock room is row after row of shelves, built from the floor to the ceiling, all filled with complete lines and stocks of all of the popular tried and proven items of parts and supplies as used by the aviation industry. This immense con- centration of aero accessories, await- sponsible for our ever popular “Ship- the-Same-Day” service. No delays, no backordering and waiting for the supplies you need NOW. It is a hard and fast rule in our shipping depart- ment that every order goes out to the ceived. And our department heads are careful co see that it is strictly adhered to, too. f COMPLETE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Nicholas-Beazley organization is one built up of experienced aero- nautical men. They are all familiar with your problems and are ready and willing to help you in any way that they can. We want all of our customers to be absolutely satisfied and we are willing to meet any reasonable demand in way of adjust- ments or other problems that might 1. A general view of our parts room showing linge stocks of wheels and fives. Note the long rows of bins, chuck full of thousands of items of our stock room showing part of our immense Bolt stock and also shelves filled with popular items. of belmets. 3. Cabinet of winter flying clothing and an aisle of stock bins. 4. A view of ous sbipping room tbowing orders cavaiting xpress and. mail wagons. Competent packer and fillers see that your order is started 10 you, in first class shape and on lime ing service on your orders is re customer the same day that it is re as ie all I r tion ero liar ady way our fied any ust- ight wing Tong items vense pular ising sting | hers ) you | NICHOLAS-BEAZLEY AIRPLANE CO., I ~ MARSHALL, MO. |¢ Complete Stocks and Our Ship-Same-Day Policy Bring All of Your Orders to You Promptly arise. All of our merchandise is guaranteed to be exactly as represented or money will be refunded. The Nicholas- Beazley Company is well known from coast to coast as the largest of aero parts suppliers and, too, has built up a large representation in foreign fields. A separately oper- aced export department is maintained to serve this field. OUR NEW FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE Within the past cwo years we have constructed a modern airplane factory and warehouses which now have a cotal of over 75,000 square feet of floor space. Our im- mense stocks of supplies are shelved here ready for ship- ment on your orders. Three miles south of the city on paved highway No. 65 is maintained a 4-way landing field, equipped with facilities for night landings, govern- ment beacon, government teletype weather service, complete repair and hangar service. This is for conven- ience of those customers who want to fly in for their supplies or to visit us. LET US CARRY YOUR INVENTORY This catalog has been compiled with the idea in mind chat you use it as a listing of your own inventory. With our immense stock only 24 hours from your door ic is not neces- sary that you carry in your places of business a great amounc of stock. Do away with your own card index file of items you carry in stock—eliminate your system of making material req- uisitions from your stock, With our large and complete stocks you merely have to use this catalog as a guide, make out the order for the parts that you need right now, send it in to us and by the nexe train out we will for- ward your order, complete. Almost as quick as you can obtain it from your stock room and then you do not have to have a lot of good working capital tied up in inventory. Let us catty it for you. Order it out as you 5, A general birdseye view of our stock room. Whike nor very dissinct tives you an idea of |p the bxevess of it and proves that when we say | BIG we veally have this bigness to back up this Statement. 6. Tubing, erm. plate, coiled. and thee! alumivim and sheet steel bins, stocking all” populer sizes for. immediate shipment 7, Anotber ste! tnbing bin. 8. Ply-wood and sheet aluminum, These last two items again substantiate our claims that we carry larg stocks uf all popular selling items. These are all actual photographs, unrctouched. need it. That is the one big service Nicholas-Beazley has for you and we hope that you will avail yourself of the opportunities it presents NEW ITEMS ADDED AS PRODUCED While every effort has been made to make this 1931 catalog complete in every way, each week brings out new products in this fast growing industry. Being ever on the alert for these, they will be added to our stock as fast as they have been investigated and proven. If you do not find any item for which you are looking, just write us about it. We are here to give you complete service and it is yours for the mere asking. “| _NICHOLAS-BEAZLEY AIRPLANE CO., INC... MARSHALL, MO, |¢ TTT TERMS - PRICES - HOW TO ORDER PRICES: This is of vital incerest to all who are engaged in this new and active industry. You will fin our established lise prices are based on the lowest cost of materials purchased by us in large quaatities. While our prices are usually best we do not place cost before quality, buying for distribution U. S, Army Ait Corps specification materials. ‘ ‘The fluctuating market on our purchases makes it necessary that our prices be quoted subject to change without notice. Any price decline will be billed at decreased figure and any price increase on items will be billed at the higher price, the items being subject to your reraen if pice is not satisfactory. Bonafide dealers or manufactusers are entitled ’o a discount on most of the catalog prices ‘A small handling charge will be made on orders shipped as insteucted uc accepted for credit ERMS: Our terms are cash. Firms, who have an established credit, will be extended the courtesy of a "Con: v venience Account” payable between ist and 10th of the following month. Such accounts ace not opened mul proper investigation through commercial agencies and trade reference has been made SERVICE: Ic is our desire (© stay at the head of this fast growing industry and we are stocking all the New Production material for which there is any reasonable demand. All of your inquiries vill receive peorpt attention. Let us give you the best of service, quality and co-operation ae all. times, HOW TO ORDER: 1 ordering parts and supplies piease obseeve the following rules and we will be able to ship you exactly what you want and avoid errors and delays. 1, Give full name of part, catalog number, catalog page, listed price, and any other description desirable. 2. Specify if you desice shipment by parcel post, express or freight. Wi by parcel post, be sure to include in your remittance enough to cover parcel post chagges. Any over-payment he immediately refunded. If by express ot freight, and there is no express or freight office in your town, give nearest shipping point Enclose remittance covering at least 25 per cent of the amount of your purchase. Balance:can come C. 0. D. Please use Western Union when telegraphing as there is no local Postal Telegraph office located in Marsbali, Mo. DAMAGED SHIPMENTS: We

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