Suello, Nola Mae C. Bsed Iii Mathematics

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Assessment Tasks 2!

1. Discuss at least 3 research studies which focus on reading difficulty cases and its appropriate
remediation. You can retrieve such research studies through online journals.
a. Reading difficulty cases. Students making slow progress in fluency and com prehension. Poor
readers do not see reading as a search for meaning. They do not monitor their own
comprehension, engage in strategies when there is a breakdown in comprehension, or modify
their choice of strategy to meet the task demands.
Remediation. Need strategies that link decoding and comprehension, along with sufficient
guided practice applying these strategies during reading so that deployment of strategies
becomes habitual. Children with reading disabilities demonstrate not only slow progress in word
reading and vocabulary, but also limitations in their knowledge and application of cognitive
strategies during reading, compared to same-age, skilled readers. Students need to take an
active role in word learning, but for this to happen, they need knowledge about the structure of
the words and strategies for inferring the meanings of words. Context and morphology are the
two major sources of information immediately available to a reader who comes across a new
word. Teaching students how to derive meaning from unfamiliar words as they read is beneficial
for building independence during reading.
b. Reading difficulty cases. Students who are experiencing significant difficulties, or who have a
disability in reading and written expression.
Remediation. Teachers can change the trajectory for children at risk for failure in reading by
intervening early and providing explicit, intensive, and extensive instruction. The expectation is
that students are taught listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and representing skills
throughout their school careers. When students continue to struggle with the acquisition of
proficient literacy skills, appropriate adaptations need to be made to enable them to
successfully meet the demands of the curriculum. Success is dependent on educational
programming that is suited to the student’s individual strengths, needs, and learning
c. Reading difficulty cases. The development of reading skills of the students having difficulty in
Remediation. For the development of the reading skills of the students having reading difficulty,
construction of appropriate reading environment and implementation of enrichment reading
programs can be effective. In addition to this, students should be supported with materials
matching their interests and abilities. While developing reading programs, the teacher and the
family should be involved in the process. The program developed should be a long-term
program and be based on strategic teaching. The expectations about the reading performance
of students should be kept low at first and be increased over time. The teacher and family
should always be supportive. The research proves the effectiveness of informing students about
the difficulties they experience and strategy-based programs conducted with the cooperation of
the teacher and family.
2. Analyze one situation highlighting a person experiencing difficulty in reading due to an extrinsic
factor. Discuss also his/her strategies in overcoming such reading problem.

- A person experiencing difficulty in reading due to an extrinsic factor often creates pressure
and contrary to what he may think because brain just doesn’t work well under pressure and
that’s when the cognitive skills like creativity, memory, and learning to read with
comprehension of a person are weaker. There is this person who will study and memorize
every single word in order to easily answer the questions especially if it is enumeration yet
do not know what are the deeper meaning of the words being memorized just for the sake
of having good grades and to be praised by his teacher/parents. And on the next day, he will
just forget what he memorized. A person who are under the influence of extrinsic
motivation will do something that he/she need to do but don’t do it willingly.
- In order to overcome such reading problem, he asks some encouragement from his teacher
and parents. He practices his self to have this reading habit and boosts his curiosity upon
knowing the deeper meaning of an unfamiliar words.

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