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Unit 1

1. Define Contract indemnity. Explain the duties of indemnity Holder?

2. Write a note on Indemnity Holder
3. Define Contract indemnity in with respect to Indian law how it is different from English
law on Contract Indemnity.
4. Define Contract of guarantee and Discuss the distinction between Contract of Guarantee
and Indemnity
5. Explain the circumstances in which a Surety can be discharged from his liability?
6. Discuss the different modes of discharge of the liability of Surety?
7. What are the rights of the Surety against the principle Debtor, Creditor and co- Sureties?
8. Define Contract Guarantee explain the rights of surety?
9. The surety is a favoured debtor. Discuss
10. Write a short on Rights of Surety and Co-Surety
11. What is Continuing Guarantee? Explain the various modes of discharging of duty of
surety from his liability?
12. Write a note on Continuing Guarantee
13. What is Continuing Guarantee? When and how it is revoked or terminated?
14. Write a note on Continuing Guarantee.

Unit 2

15. Define Bailment and pledge when is pledge created by Non-Owners is it valid
16. What is Bailment? Discuss the rights and duties of Bailor?
17. Define Bailment. Explain the essential features of Bailment with decided cases
18. Define Lien. What are the rights of Bailor in respect of Lien?
19. Write a short note on Hypothecation, Right of Lien and Duties of Bailee
20. Explain the finder of goods and liability towards the true owner?
21. Define pledge? Explain the Rights and Duties of pledge?
22. Define pledge. State the circumstances in which a non-owner can make valid pledge.
23. What is meant by pledge? Who can pledge. Discuss
24. Define Pledge. Explain the rights and duties of pledge
25. Discuss regarding rights and duties of Pawnee and Pawnor
Unit 3

1. Who is an Agent? Explain the different modes of termination of Agency?

2. Define Agent. Explain the different kinds of Agent?
3. Discuss the rights and duties of Agent
4. What are the duties of Agent?
5. Write a short note on Agent’s right of Lien
6. Write a short note on Revocation of contract Agency.
7. Discuss the rule “Himself a delegate an Agent shall not delegate his authority”.
8. How to create an Agency and discuss regarding kinds of Agency
9. Define Agency explain the modes of creation of Agency
10. Explain about Del Credere agent and Agency coupled with interest?
11. What is test of Agency? Discuss the extent of an Agent’s authority?
12. What is contract Agency? Explain the different modes of termination of Agency?
13. Define Agency. Explain different modes of Agency?
14. Write a short note on Agency ratification or Agency by Ratification?
15. What is Agency by ratification? Examine the condition of a valid ratification with
16. What is Agency by ratification? Explain the relevant rules?
17. Write a note on Irrevocable Agency and personal liability of an Agent
18. Explain the different modes of termination of an Agency?
19. Write a short on termination of agency
20. Discuss the principal relationship of Principal and third parties

Unit 4

1. Define partnership what test you apply to determine the existence of a partnership?
2. Define partnership explain the rights and duties of partnership?
3. What is partnership? Explain the liability of the partner to third parties and among
4. Discuss the nature and mode of determining the existence of partnership?
5. Write a note on types of partners and main features of a partnership firm?
6. “Although sharing of profits is an essential element partnership it is not sole test”.
7. Sharing of profit is only prima facie evidence to show that there exist partnership Discuss
8. Can a minor be partner in a partnership firm? Explain the legal status of a minor partner in
a partnership firm?
9. Write a note on implied authority of a partner and good will of a business
10. Explain the admission and retirement of partner under partnership firm?
11. What is meant by dissolution of firm? Explain the different grounds on which a firm is
dissolved by order of a court?
12. What can a court order dissolution firm
13. Explain the consequences of dissolution of a partner firm?
14. Discuss the different methods of dissolution of Partnership firm?
15. What is meant by dissolution of a firm? What are the different modes of dissolution?
16. When can a court order for dissolution of a firm?
17. How partnership firms are registered? What are the consequences of registration of firms
and consequences of non registration of partnership firm
18. Explain the effects of non-registration of partnership and implied authority of partner?
19. Explain the detailed procedure of registration of firm and the consequence of its non-
20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of registration of a partnership firm? Discuss

Unit 5

1. Explain in brief conditions and warranties implied by law under a contract of sale of goods
2. Explain the maxim “NEMO DAT QUDO NON HABET” and state the exceptions if any
3. Define contract sale state the distinction between sale and agreement to sell?
4. Explain the concept “CAVEAT EMPTOR” state the exceptions to this rule?
5. Explain the doctrine CAVEAT EMPTOR state the exceptions to this rule
6. Write a short note on CAVEAT EMPTOR and auction sale
7. Discuss the unpaid seller’s right lien how does it differ from the right to stopping in transit
8. Define Lien explain different kinds of Lien?
9. Discuss the rights of unpaid seller towards the goods
10. Write a short note on Unpaid seller and goods
11. Discuss the remedies available for breach of contract under sale of goods Act
12. Write a short note on contract of sale and unpaid seller
13. Discuss the rights on unpaid seller towards the goods?
14. In a contract of sale when does property in goods pass from the seller to the buyer
15. Explain the rules relating to passing of the property in goods from seller to buyer
16. What are the rights available to seller and buyer for breach of contract
17. Who is unpaid seller? Explain various rights of an unpaid seller?
18. Define contract of sale and distinguish from an agreement
19. “No one can transfer a better title than he himself has” discuss the statement
20. Explain the remedies available for breach of contract sale
21. Define condition and warranty distinguish between condition and warranties
22. Write a short note on Implied warranties
23. State the rule regarding settlement of amounts of the firm after dissolution?

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