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Therefore, rejected.

I don’t even feel the need to think about this o… who is this? Who is sending
messages at this time of day…

『I want you to properly think about it~』

Like I said, don’t just calmly appear during my alone time!

『Calm down. I only heard from the 4th one~』

I can’t calm down! Good grief, I don’t have any relief items.


I turned my phone off.

Jeez, should I just turn my phone off whenever I’m at home?

Now then, putting that aside, everything was “therefore, rejected” in the end.

It can’t be solved like this. Nothing can solve this problem.

What do I do? What would be the best thing to do?

I think about all the plans I thought up until now again in my head.

Think of the least risky, reliable, plan that has a peaceful ending.

……I guess it can’t be helped. If I compare it to the other plans, that plan
seems to be safe so let’s go with it.

In any case, that ESPer is a problem. As soon as she sees my face, she’ll
realize something is up.

If that’s the case then I’ll just say it now. だったらこっちから言ってしまえ。

That’s right. My choice is “Outcome two”.


No matter how much you don’t want to do it…… If you decide to do it, do it.
That’s my motto.

During the next day’s lunch break, I opened the door to the eternally gloomy
feeling library, and already, Pansy was on standby in the reading space.

「Hello Jouro-kun. I baked cookies today, so let’s eat them together~」

While I sat down on a chair, Pansy took out and presented a drawstring bag
containing cookies in high spirits.

Why did you make and bring these cookies? Well, whatever.

Today, I have that to be concerned about, so I have no time for fun and

「Pansy. I have something to say.」

In response to my words, Pansy pouted. Suddenly, she forced a cookie on me

just like that.

「The cookies come first~」



Pushing a cookie strongly against my mouth, Pansy appealed to me to eat.

Because I didn’t have the time to waste on quarreling here, I grabbed the
cookie from Pansy’s hands and took a bite. I ate it quickly, so that it was
impossible for a “say aah~” situation to happen.

「Is it delicious?」

「You, go out with Sun-chan.」

In response to Pansy’s quesiton, I said that.

In that moment, Pansy’s eyes became slightly sharper.

「No way.」

「No, go out with him.」

「You’re being pushy, don’t you think?」

「I’m being pushy.」

「How did it end up with this?」

「Figure it out.」

「When you asked Ooga-kun about the person he liked, it ended up being
me right? Then, stupid you thought about what would be good to do. One,
“Hinata-san or Akino-senpai goes out with Ooga-kun”; Two, “I go out
with Ooga-kun”; Three, “Jouro-kun goes out with Hinata-san or Akino-
senpai”; Four, “I go out with Jouro-kun”. Out of those four outcomes, the
simpleton you figured I would find out about your plan regardless and
decided to pick outcome two, and now you’re trying to get me and Ooga-
kun to go out with each other right? Out of all those choices, me going out
with you would be the the most delightful~」
「I didn’t need you to say what you understood up until there in detail!
…… But, well that’s how it is!」

「No way. Definitely no way.」

Pansy indifferently refused my words while using a tone in the key of B2.

「Isn’t it fine? Sun-chan is a good guy. I can guarantee it.」

「The person I like, the person that I always think of wanting to be
together with… is only the person in front of my eyes right now.」
Bringing her face closer to me, Pansy said that with trembling lips.

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