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Learning Activity 4

Evidence world leaders

For this evidence, you will need to prepare the materials for doing a presentation about the
world leader you most admire. You will need to carry out exhaustive research on the main
aspects of your leader’s life.

These are the main aspects you have to take into account:

1. You need to do the evidence in a presentation.

2. You need to structure your presentation bearing in mind the vocabulary related to
leadership and responsibility and use it consistently during your materials.

3. You need to give enough evidence supporting the selection of your most admired
world leader.

4. You need to present numerical and/or statistical data that represents aspects of your
leader’s career or achievements you would like to highlight. At least one graph must
be included and explained.

5. You need to use APA style consistently throughout the materials.

6. You need to include a complete list of references at the end of your presentation.
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Good morning everyone! I’m Carlos Urueña. Welcome to this presentation about the world leaders.
I'm going to talk about the Chief Information Officer of the Public Function in Colombia.

Chief Information Officer of

the Public Function in

 What is the CIO?
 Training model for ICT leaders of the Public Sector in
 Role of the CIO in Colombia
 Public value
 Challenges of the CIO
 The CIO's participation in the Colombian innovation system
 Conclusion

To start, these are the topics I will cover today.

 What is the CIO?

 Training model for ICT leaders of the Public Sector in Colombia
 Role of the CIO in Colombia
 Public value
 Challenges of the CIO
 The CIO's participation in the Colombian innovation system
 Conclusions
 Reference
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What is the CIO?

The CIO (Chief Information Officer) are the leaders of the strategic
management of Information Technology, in charge of planning,
organizing, coordinating, managing, and controlling the strategy of use
and appropriation of IT, and everything that this task entails.

Let's start by defining what the CIO means as a leader in information technology

What is the CIO?

The CIO (Chief Information Officer) are the leaders of the strategic management of Information
Technology, in charge of planning, organizing, coordinating, managing, and controlling the strategy
of use and appropriation of IT, and everything that this task entails.

Training model for ICT leaders of the Public Sector in Colombia

Now we will continue with a brief description of the CIO training model that works for the
public sector.
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Training model for ICT leaders of the Public Sector in Colombia

The training of the CIO of the public sector in Colombia is based on competencies (TBC) that is
composed of three elements:

 The Knowledge
 The abilities
 The attitudes
This trilogy supports a person's ability to solve a problem in a specific context.
TBC is supported for its successful functioning by problem-based learning (PBL) and project-
based learning (PrBL). These two learnings are developed as didactic strategies

Public value
Moore (1998) postulates that public organizations aim to create “public
value” - solve problems, satisfy needs and enable the exercise of rights
through the provision of goods, services, transactions, legislation and
Here we call “public value” the benefit recognized by the genuine
recipients from the results and emerging effects of the benefits received
from public organizations. It is an eminently subjective value,
associated with the perception and recognition, by the recipient, of the
coverage of a need or the solution of a relevant problem for him, based
on certain benefits received.

Now we continue to clarify Moore's concept of “public value” that allows us to foresee that
the public CIO synthesizes an example of value dissipation in our informational policies and

Public value
Moore (1998) postulates that public organizations aim to create “public value” - solve problems,
satisfy needs and enable the exercise of rights through the provision of goods, services,
transactions, legislation and regulations.
Here we call “public value” the benefit recognized by the genuine recipients from the results and
emerging effects of the benefits received from public organizations. It is an eminently subjective
value, associated with the perception and recognition, by the recipient, of the coverage of a need
or the solution of a relevant problem for him, based on certain benefits received.
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Role of the National CIO in Colombia.

The central role of the National CIO in Colombia is to lead the transformation that
the State requires so that Information Technologies (IT) generate public value. The
exercise of this role implies:

a) Define policies, guidelines, and standards for public entities to adopt them,
b) train, accompany, advise, and provide mentoring to public technology
c) create mechanisms to evaluate and monitor progress, and
d) Determine what is the impact of the transformative guidelines; for
example, to what extent modern technologies are being adopted in public
management, to what extent the opportunities of “the cloud” are being
exploited, among other transformations.

Now we will highlight some roles of the public sector CIO in Colombia:
Role of the National CIO in Colombia.
The central role of the National CIO in Colombia is to lead the transformation that the State requir
es so that Information Technologies (IT) generate public value. The exercise of this role implies:
a) Define policies, guidelines, and standards for public entities to adopt them,
b) train, accompany, advise, and provide mentoring to public technology leaders,
c) create mechanisms to evaluate and monitor progress, and
d) determine what is the impact of the transformative guidelines; for example, to what extent
modern technologies are being adopted in public management, to what extent the opport
unities of “the cloud” are being exploited, among other


First, we face a great challenge that is also a global problem: the possibility of
having IT Talent to drive the great transformations that we must translate.

Another great challenge is to achieve the interoperability of information systems,

which allows entities to share information and enable services so that the State
functions as a single organization for the citizen.

The third challenge lies in developing the capacity to generate open data in all
institutions, which means breaking with the paradigm that entities and their
officials are the "owners" of the information they have.
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Here are some of the major challenges facing a public sector CIO.


 First, we face a great challenge that is also a global problem: the possibility of having IT
talent to drive the great transformations that we must translate.
 Another great challenge is to achieve the interoperability of information systems, which
allows entities to share information and enable services so that the State functions as a single
organization for the citizen.
 The third challenge lies in developing the capacity to generate open data in all institutions,
which means breaking with the paradigm that entities and their officials are the "owners" of
the information they have.

The CIO's participation in the Colombian innovation system

Now we will see this statistic of how the CIO's participation in the Colombian innovation
system is compared to other countries

Colombia’s innovation system is still modest and lacks a strong business core. Research and
development (R&D) expenditure is low at 0.2% of GDP, compared to 2.4% in the OECD. Only
30% of total R&D is performed by the business sector, compared with 70% on average for OECD
countries. Colombian firms engage little in innovation and only a small portion of firms introduce
new products.
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The CIO (Chief Information Officer) or technology director is the position of
maximum responsibility in all the technological processes of an entity. At present, it
is gaining enough strength to the point of being considered a determining agent for
achieving business success.

The functions of a CIO are focused on the implementation of strategies that will
gradually introduce innovative technology solutions to state organizations. The
objective of these solutions is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the
internal and external processes carried out by the entity. But the CIO is also
responsible for planning security protocols that shield your organization from a cyber
attack or other action that makes it vulnerable. He is also the one who must exercise
governance to achieve interoperability towards digital government

Finally, I conclude on the importance of the CIO in the public sector


The CIO (Chief Information Officer) or technology director is the position of maximum
responsibility in all the technological processes of an entity. At present, it is gaining enough strength
to the point of being considered a determining agent for achieving business success.

The functions of a CIO are focused on the implementation of strategies that will gradually
introduce innovative technology solutions to state organizations. The objective of these solutions is
to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal and external processes carried out by the
entity. But the CIO is also responsible for planning security protocols that shield your organization
from a cyber-attack or other action that makes it vulnerable. He is also the one who must exercise
governance to achieve interoperability towards digital government.

To achieve our goals in life, we must be responsible, disciplined, perspicuous, have

charisma, perseverance, and dedication. Nothing in life is easy, but it's not impossible
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Griner, S., Mora, M., Porrúa, M. A., & López, R. (2014, November). Boletín -
Gobierno Red GEALC. RED GEALC.
MinTIC. (2018). CIO - Fortalecimiento TI. Web Page.
OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation: Going Digital in Colombia. (2019).
Sánhez Vargas, A. del P., & Sánchez, Adriana & Sánchez, J. M. (Editoras). (2016).
La función Chief Information Officer para el secto público en Colombia
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Ed.); Primera ed).

That’s it! This is my list of references. Thank you very much for your time. I hope you hav
e enjoyed my presentation.

Are there any questions? I’ll be happy to answer them now!

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows:
1. Click on the title of this evidence.
2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide
in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities and know how to do them
and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación

 Prepara presentaciones orales haciendo uso del vocabulario y las diferentes

estructuras gramaticales requeridas.

 Expresa ideas sobre liderazgo y responsabilidad usando el vocabulario

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Australian Government Department of Defense. (2016). Defence information and communications

technology (ICT) Strategic Direction 2016-2020.

Chief Information Officer Group (CIOG). (2010). Doing Business With Ciog — Opportunities For
Department of Defence.


El CIO: Motor de la transformación digital segura de las entidades - Gobierno Digital. (n.d.).
Retrieved August 24, 2020, from

Griner, S., Mora, M., Porrúa, M. A., & López, R. (2014, November). Boletín -Gobierno Red

Mekhala Roy. (n.d.). El rol del CIO en el viaje de transformación digital de TI. Retrieved July 21,
2018, from
viaje-de- transformacion-digital-de-TI

MinTIC. (2018). CIO - Fortalecimiento TI. Web Page.

Obi, T., & IOS Press. (2010). The innovative CIO and e-Participation in e-Government initiatives.
IOS Press.
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OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation: Going Digital in Colombia. (2019).

Sánchez Vargas, A. del P., & Sánchez, Adriana & Sánchez, J. M. (Editoras). (2016). La function
Chief Information Officer para el secto público en Colombia (Universidad Nacional de
Colombia (Ed.); Primera ed).

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