Kates NBCBT 4th Term Paper

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Cover Sheet

Introduction to Bible Theology

Catherine Olmedilla-Yu.

“Why do we need to start young in knowing god to have a very meaningful life?”

Encouraging our youth to grow in faith in God is very essential for them to grow in faith
with the lord. Our youth will be the future leaders and citizens that they need most to
have a solid foundation of spirituality with education for them to be equipped as god’s
workers in fulfillment of their purpose in serving god and others. The youth nowadays
are very distracted by all sorts of gadgets, situations, and especially social media. We
need to guide our youth to walk in the ways of our god that we adult Christians should
be their ambassadors.

Table of contents

I. Introduction
II. Literary Reviews
III. Research Methodology
IV. Conclusion
V. Bibliography


Our youth is the future of mankind. They are also a part of god’s promise of our
tomorrow, Parents and guardians always thought that their children are their inspirations
in our daily lives with the goodness and the will of God. We as adult Christians are
obliged to provide them shelter, food, clothing, education, and especially love and care
and guide them spiritually for them to have a meaningful life. Walking with them through
life with God is the best love that we can give them.

II. Literary review.

This section is about several kinds of literature that are gathered for
supplementary detail about guiding our youth to walk with God.
Foreign Literature

“Perspectives from God’s Word”

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is,
seated at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1).

“And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a
disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward” (Matthew 10:42).

“Perspectives from God’s People”

“Let no one apologize for the powerful emphasis Christianity lays upon the doctrine of
the world to come. Right there lies its immense superiority to everything else within the
whole sphere of human thought or experience. …We do well to think of the long
tomorrow.” —A. W. Tozer

“If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the
present world were precisely those who thought most of the next.” —C. S.

“We should see God as the Source of all good and our Sustainer through everything
bad. God alone is the Fountain of Life.
We should see God everywhere in His creation: in the food we eat, the friendships we
enjoy, and the pleasures of family, work, and hobbies. But we should never let these
secondary pleasures eclipse our love for God (in fact, sometimes we must forgo them).
We should thank Him for all of life’s joys, and allow them to draw us closer to Him.”

When I believe ultimate happiness is found only in God, then I will shut out distractions
and open His Word. If I buy into the lie that happiness is to be found in wealth, beauty,
fame, or any number of endless pursuits besides Christ, I’m doomed to unhappiness
because I’m pursuing the wrong things. But when I believe that ultimate happiness and
transcendent joy are to be found only in God, then I will turn off the TV and turn off talk
radio and sports radio. It takes work to set the Lord always before you and to find your
happiness in Him. But when you do, the payoff is huge.

He said, “I am THE way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except
through me” (John 14:6).

God is eternal. His Place is eternal. His Word is eternal. His people are eternal. Center
your life around God, His Place, His Word, and His people, and reach out to those
eternal souls who desperately long for His person and His place. Then no matter what
you do for a living, your days here will make a profound difference for eternity—and you
will be fulfilling the biblical admonition to fix your eyes on what is unseen.
Know the Truth about God

“Many people claim they believe in God, but they don’t hallow His name because they
don’t have true knowledge of who He is. Discovering and believing truth about God
demonstrates reverence for Him; willing ignorance or believing wrong doctrine
demonstrates irreverence.”

“we must live every day of our lives in a continual state of God consciousness.
Spasmodic reflection does not hallow God’s name. I am sure He is on the thoughts of
many right after a Sunday morning worship service, but what about later that day and
throughout the week? Those are the times you must consciously draw Him into every
daily thought, word, and activity if you would truly hallow God’s name. That was David’s
focus: “I have set the LORD continually before me” (Ps. 16:8). But that is still not
enough to truly hallow God’s name.”

“My kingdom is not of this world,” Jesus told Pilate. “If My kingdom were of this world,
then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews”
(John 18:36). No human kingdom or society can ever merge with God’s kingdom, even
partially. Sinful man cannot be a part of the divine reign. That’s why we can never
advance God’s kingdom by trying to improve the morals of our society.

The Promise of God

The one who has the right to rule and reign is none other than the King Himself, the
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Psalm 2:6–8 says of Him, “I have
installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain. I will surely tell of the decree of the
LORD: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I
will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your
possession.’” Isaiah 9:6 says, “The government will rest on His shoulders.” Jesus Christ
is the One who fulfilled the promise of a coming King. He is the Messiah—the “anointed
one.” He is the hope of Israel, the hope of the church, and the hope of the world.

Foreign Studies

“Our greatest desire as believers should be to see the Lord reigning as King in
His kingdom, having the honor and authority that have always been His but that He has
not yet come to claim. That leads to the second petition in our pattern of prayer from
Matthew 6:10. To pray “Your kingdom come” is to pray for God’s program to be fulfilled
—for Christ to come and reign.

When you sincerely believe and genuinely confess Christ as Lord, you are confirming
that the direction of your life is aimed at His exaltation. Your own causes are valid only
insofar as they agree with the eternal causes of God revealed in Christ. When I pray,
“Your kingdom come,” I am saying to God’s Holy Spirit, “Spirit of Christ within me, take
control and do what You will for Your glory.” A true child of God won’t be preoccupied
with his own plans and desires but with the determinate program of God, revealed in the
person of Jesus Christ.

Foreign Articles

“Partnership in God's Liberating and Redeeming Action”

There is a love manifest in God's claiming human form and entering human history in
Jesus Christ that goes far beyond the grace expressed in creation, the righteousness
expressed in judgement, and the call to renewed societies. God goes to the most
extravagant extreme imaginable to identify with us in our finitude and vulnerability, in
our suffering and our estrangement. God's participation in the conditions of our finite
lives discloses a love that will not let us go—a love that will not give up on restoring
us to the fullness of the image of God. This is a love that simply will not consent to our
loss without the most costly effort to reclaim and redeem us. We are called to
partnership in this liberating and redeeming love of God.

Online Articles

“The trend today is to focus not on our eternal future (who cares about the “sweet
bye and bye”?) but our present circumstances, as if this world were our home. Yet
Scripture states the reality of our eternal future should dominate and determine the
character of our present life, right down to the words we speak and the actions we take
(James 2:12; 2 Peter 3:11–12).”

“ reality of the choice that lies before us in this life is both wonderful and awful. Given
the certainty of our two possible destinations, shouldn’t every person be willing to pay
any price to avoid Hell and go to Heaven? And yet, the price has already been paid.
“You were bought at a price” (1 Corinthians 6:20). The price paid was exorbitant—the
shed blood of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.”

“God says this present earth will be consumed by fire (2 Peter 3:10). Paul says the fire
of God’s holiness will consume whatever we’ve done that amounts to wood, hay, and
straw. But he tells us there’s something that will survive the fire and go right into the
new heavens and new earth—works of gold, silver, and precious stones (1 Corinthians

What will last for eternity? Not your car, house, degrees, trophies, or business. What will
last for eternity is every service to the needy, every dollar donated to feed the hungry,
every cup of cold water given to the thirsty, every investment in missions, every prayer
for the needy, every effort spent in evangelism, and every moment caring for precious
children—including rocking them to sleep and changing their diapers. The Bible says
we’ll reap in eternity what we’ve planted in this life (Galatians 6:7–8).”
“What we do in this life is of eternal importance. You and I will never have another
chance to move the hand of God through prayer to heal a hurting soul, share Christ with
one who can be saved from hell, care for the sick, serve a meal to the starving, comfort
the dying, rescue the unborn, translate the Scriptures, bring the gospel to an unreached
people group, further God’s kingdom, open our homes, or share our clothes and food
with the poor and needy.”

“Is resurrected living in a resurrected world with the resurrected Christ and his
resurrected people your daily longing and hope? Is it part of the gospel you share with
others? Paul says that the resurrection of the dead is the hope in which we were saved.
It will be the glorious climax of God’s saving work that began at our regeneration. It will
mark the final end of any and all sin that separates us from God. In liberating us from
sin and all its consequences, the resurrection will free us to live with God, gaze on Him,
and enjoy His uninterrupted fellowship forever, with no threat that anything will ever
again come between us and Him.”

III. Reasearch Methodology.

The researcher have gathered several readings of literature for the

supplementary knowledge about the faith in eternal perspective with god. Several
information were gathered through a printed materials, unpublished materials, research
papers and online articles for the required information.

IV. Conclusion.

Upon gathering several materials from written literature and articles, The
researcher concluded that every Christian needs to be aligned and always in the path
with the lord has set for us. Our modern times has a lot of distractions and could derail
us from our faith and the need for knowledge for god in our faith. Since we are currently
living in the Internet era and with the effects of social media, Most Christians are
derailed of the faith of eternity with our lord. We need to cope up and needs to have a
regenerative mind for us to think outside of the typical assimilation of religion without the
proper knowledge that can fuel our faith for the claiming on the Kingdom of our god;
That is our faith in eternal perspective with our god.

Foreign literature

Alcorn, Randy Seeing the unseen a daily dose of eternal perspective

Backhouse, Robert. Lloyd-Jones, Martin. Walking with God day by day.

Alcorn Randy. Spurgeon, Charles. We shall see God.

Foreign Article



Online Articles:




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