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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

I had selected the moon Reaktion book so I read that first before I started writing. Then I planned out
my sections of the paper. I felt I had enough information from the book to write my whole paper so I
did not look for external sources. I looked for images to support my information and got to work.

First Draft (for peer editing)

After that I started just getting my thoughts down on paper and formed a rough draft. From there I
went through and organized my information into paragraphs that made sense and then I copied it
into the document. I added my images, the table of contents, and transition sentences between
paragraphs to make it flow. Then I turned it in to be peer reviewed.

Second Draft (for your packet)

Not a single person peer reviewed my packet so I emailed the professor who told me to submit what
I had. I went through and corrected any grammatical and punctuation error then submitted.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

I had gotten a lot of feedback on my paper and realized that I could not salvage a paper worth
turning in from the paper I had presented so I went back and selected another Reaktion book. Read
through it and rewrote the paper about air. I found sources online to support ideas I had in my paper
and I found images as well. I added a citation page this time, and I chose appropriate sections. An
introduction, the problem, the solution, and what the solution would do. This paper is actually one I
am way more proud of than my first draft. I hope you enjoy it as well because it took me about 4
hours to complete start to finish.
Document Development Exposition: White Paper

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