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Chapter 4, Question 7

Spring River Resort Inc. opened for business on June 1 with eight air-conditioned units.
Its trial balance before adjustment on August 31 is as follows.


Trial Balance
August 31, 2008
Number Debit Credit
101 Cash $19,600
126 Supplies 3,300
130 Prepaid Insurance 6,000
140 Land 25,000
143 Cottages 125,000
149 Furniture 26,000
201 Accounts Payable $6,500
208 Unearned Rent 7,400
275 Mortgage Payable 80,000
311 Common Stock 100,000
320 Retained Earnings -0-
332 Dividends 5,000
429 Rent Revenue 80,000
622 Repair Expense 3,600
726 Salaries Expense 51,000
732 Utilities Expense 9,400
$273,900 $273,900

Other data:

1. Insurance expires at the rate of $400 per month.

2. A count of August 31 shows $900 of supplies on hand.
3. Annual depreciation is $3,600 on cottages and $2,400 on funiture.
4. Unearned rent of $4,100 was earned prior to August 31.
5.Salaries of $400 were unpaid at August 31.
6.Rentals of $800 were due from tenants at August 31.(Use Accounts Receivable)
7. The mortagage interest rate is 9 percent per year. (The mortgage was taken out on
August 1.)

Date Account Titles and Explanation Ref. Debit Credit

Aug 31 Insurance Exp 1,200
Prepaid Inaurance 1,200
Aug 31 Supplies 2,400
Supplies expense 2,400
Dep. Exp- Cottage 900
accumlated Dep. -Cottage 900
Dep. Furniture 600
accumlated Dep. -furniture 600
Unearned rent 4,100
Rent revenue 4,100
Salary Expense 400
Salary Payable 400
Accounts Recievable 800
Rent revenue 800
Interest Expense 600
Interest Payable 600
TheChapter 4, Question
Thayer Motel, 10 for business on May 1, 2008. Its trial balance before
Inc., opened
adjustment on May 31
is as follows.


Trial Balance
May 31,2008
number Debit Credit
101 Cash $2,500
126 Supplies 1,900
130 Prepaid Insurance 2,400
140 Land 15,000
141 Lodge 70,000
149 Furniture 16,800
201 Accounts Payable $5,300
208 Unearned Rent 4,600
275 Mortgage payable 35,000
311 Common Stock 60,000
332 Dividends 1,000
429 Rent Revenue 9,200
610 Advertising Expenses 500
726 Salaries Expense 3,000
732 Utilities Expense 1,000
$114,100 $114,100

In addition to those accounts listed on the trial balance, the chart of

accounts for Thayer Motel also contains the following accounts and account numbers:
No.142 Accumulated Depreciation-Lodge, No 150 Accumulated Depreciation- funiture, No
212 Salary Payable, No 230 interest Payable, No 320 Retained Earnings, No 619
Depreciation Expense-Lodge, No.621 Depreciation Expense-Funiture, No.631 Supplies
Expense, No 781 Interest Expense, and No. 722 Insurance Expenses.
Other Data:
1. Insurance expires at the rate of $200 per month.
2. A count of supplies shows $900 of unused supplies on May 31.
3. Annual depreciation is $2,400 on the lodge and $3,000 on Funitures.
4, The mortgage interest rate is 12%. (The mortgage was taken out on May 1.)
5. Unearned rent of $2,500 has been earned
6. Salaries of $800 are accrued and unpaid at May 31.

(a) Journalize the adjusting Entries on May 31.

Date Account Titles and Explanation Ref. Debit Credit
May 31 Insurance Expense 200
Prepaid Insurance 200
31 Supplies Expense 1000
Supplies ($1900-900) 1000
Lodge 67,600
Depreciation 67,600
Furnitures 13,800
Depreciation 13,800
Mortgage Interest 4200
Interest pay 4200
Unearned rent 2500
Rent receivable 2500
Salary expense 800
Salary Payable 800

(b) Prepare a ledger using the three-column form of account. Enter the trial balance amounts, and post
the adjusting enteries. (Use J1 as the posting reference.)
Cash No.101
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 2500
Supplies No.126
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 1900

Prepaid Insurance No.130

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 2400

Land No.140
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 15000
Lodge No.141
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 70,000
Accumulated Depreciation-Lodge No.142
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 67,600
Funiture No.149
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 16800
Accumulated Depreciation-Funiture No.150
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 13,800
Accounts Payable No.201
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 5300
Unearned Rent No.208
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 4600

Salaries Payable No.212

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 800
Interest Payable No.230
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 350
Mortgage Payable No.275
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 3500
Common Stock No.311
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 60,000
Retained Earnings No.320
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 2500
Dividends No.332
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 1000
Rent Revenue No.429
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 9200

Advertising Expense No.610

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 500
Depreciation Expense-Lodge No.619
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 200
Depreciation Expense-Funiture No.621
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 250
Supplies Expense No.631
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 1000
Interest Expense No.718
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 350
Insurance Expense No.722
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 200
Salaries Expense No.726
Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 3000

Utilities Expense No.732

Date Explanation Ref Debit Credit Balance
31-May 1000
C. Prepare an adjusted trial balance on May 31.


Adjusted Trial Balance
For the Month Ended May 31, 2008
Debit Credit
Cash $2,500
Supplies 900
Prepaid Insurance 2,200
Land 15,000
Lodge 70,000
Acc. Dep. Lodge 200
Furniture 16,800
Acc. Dep. Furniture 250
Accounts Payable 5,300
Unearned rent 2,100
Salary Payable 800
Interest Payable 350
Mortage Payable 35,000
Common Stock 60,000
Retained Earning 2,500
Dividents 1,000
Rent Revenue 11,700
Advertising Expense 500
Dep. Ex. Lodge 200
Dep. Ex. Furniture 250
Supplies Expense 1,000
Interest Expense 350
Insurance Expense 200
Salary Expense 3,800
Utility Expense 1,000
$115,900 $ 118,000

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