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Date:11.08.2021 Quarterly-2 Examination 2021-22

Grade: 12 Subject: English Marks: 40 Time:1 hr 30 min

General Instructions:

• Read the questions carefully before answering.

• All questions are compulsory except no. 3, 7 and 8.
• The total number of pages are 8.
• Write Quarterly-1, your name, date, subject, grade and section on the top margin of the 1st page.
• Scan the answer pages in a sequence and vertically.
• Rename the file as -roll no_name_exam name_subject
• Upload the answer sheets onto Google Classroom during the assigned time as a single pdf file.


1. Read the passage and answer the questions. (5m)

The coconut is an unusual food for many reasons. It is technically a seed, produced by the coconut palm
tree, and as such is one of the largest edible seeds produced by any plant. Its unusual contents also
make it unique in the seed world—the interior consists of both “meat” and “water.” The meat is the
white pith with which we are all familiar, as it is used extensively for cooking and flavorings; the
coconut water is a white liquid that is very sweet and thirst-quenching.

Portuguese explorers gave the nut its name in the 15th century, referring to it as coco, meaning “ghost”
in their language. The three dimples and the hairy texture reminded them of a ghost’s face, and the
tree has retained that name ever since.

The coconut has many varied uses. It is used to make margarine, as well as various cooking oils, and
these cooking oils are used by fast-food restaurants around the world to make such diet staples as
French fries. The coconut water is a favorite drink in hot climates, providing a cool and refreshing
beverage right off the tree. This water is also used by manufacturers of various sports drinks because of
its isotonic electrolyte properties. Even the shell itself has many uses, including cattle food and

Yet the coconut is also useful in many ways that have nothing to do with food. Coconut oil is used for
cosmetics, medicines, and can even be used in place of diesel fuel. Dried coconut shells are used in
many countries as a tool, such as a buffer for shining wood floors. The shells are also used for shirt
buttons, and are commonly found on Hawaiian clothing. They are even used for musical instruments
and bird houses!

And all these are only some of the uses found for the coconut fruit. The coconut palm tree, which
produces the nut, also produces countless useful items. It’s no wonder that the coconut palm has been
called “the tree of life.”

i) The underlined word pith, as used in the passage, most nearly means
a. outer layer.
b. hairy material.
c. the cover.
d. core

ii) The coconut earned the nick name “ghost” because

a. of its pale color.
b. it resembles a face.
c. it is round.
d. of its smell.

iii) What is the main focus of this passage?

a. the history of coconuts
b. coconut trees have many uses
c. how cooking oil is made
d. Portuguese discoveries

iv) Which of the following is NOT a use for the coconut palm?
a. margarine
b. buttons
c. helium balloons
d. diesel fuel

v) The coconut palm is also called “the tree of life” because

a. the Portuguese thought it cured disease.
b. nearly every part of the tree is useful to mankind.
c. it grows near the Equator.
d. of its green color.
2. Answer the questions below by choosing the correct option. (1mx7=7m)

a) ‘But promises like mine abound in every corner of his bleak world’. This suggests that

i) there is no dearth of promises which remain unfulfilled.

ii) there is a scarcity of people promising things for betterment.
iii) people make a lot of promises which are often fulfilled.
iv) promises made, live up to the expectations of people.

b) Imagine that the peddler from ‘The Rattrap’ turned his life around, and decided to write of his
experience. Which of the following is likely to be the peddler’s book, from the popular books
shown below?

i) ii)

iii) iv)

a) Option I b) Option ii
c) Option iii d) Option iv

c) Gandhi’s protest in Champaran is most appropriately a great model of

a) power. b) leadership.
c) charity. d) sponsorship.

d) Choose the correct option out of the ones given below.

i) Personification

Those who prepare wars, wars …his hurt hands, clean clothes…
with gas, wars with fire…

ii) Symbolism Metonymy

The Earth can teach us …brothers in the shade, doing nothing

iii) Pun

Now I’ll count up to twelve and Let’s stop for one second, and not move
you keep quiet… our arms so much.

Palilogy Metonymy

Those who prepare wars, wars For once on the face of the earth let’s not
with gas, wars with fire… speak in any language

a) Option i b) Option ii
c) Option iii d) Option iv

e) Choose the option that does NOT reflect what the tigers represent in the poem.

a) Aunt Jennifer’s undying hopes b) Aunt Jennifer’s failing marriage

c) Aunt Jennifer’s artistic merit d) Aunt Jennifer’s frustrations

f) ‘That’s why they left, looking for gold in the big city.’ Here ‘gold’ indicates

a) misfortune of circumstances. b) ample wealth.

c) means of survival. d) a sign of luxury.

g) Pick the option that states the reason why Jo wanted to change her father’s narrative.

a) Jo was getting bored of her father controlling the entire narrative.

b) Jo thought of the skunk’s mother as a villain for not letting him make friends.
c) Jo was interrupting her father’s narrative just to annoy him and have fun.
d) Jo liked the wizard more and so she took pity on him for getting beaten.

PART B - 28 Marks
Writing Skills

3. You are Ashmit/Shamita of Shahpura, Lucknow. You have a 2 months old refrigerator and washing
machine to sell. Draft a suitable advertisement in 50 words to be displayed on the society’s notice
board. (3m)


“My first trivial tremor experience had been in Southern Africa

And now this puny earthquake I felt in Tanzania.
I saw everything waltz to and fro and lightly shake
Bottles turned ballerinas dancing slightly to the quake
I watched glass decors on the walls quiver and jolt
Scared me was half asleep, no wonder didn't bolt.”

Based on your understanding of the poem above, prepare a poster in 50 words educating people on
the precautions to be taken on the same.

4. After reading the lesson ‘On the Face of It’ you realize that people with disabilities often suffer
from how others react to them and this contributes to diminishing their self-esteem and to a
tendency to take little care of themselves, which may subsequently hinder social inclusion.
Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily in 150 words expressing your views on the
importance of developing a high self-esteem and suggest ways to overcome this negative self-
image. You are Nitin Verma/Nimisha Verma of 21, Ring Road, Mumbai. (5m)

5. The life of the average married woman in the 1950s and 60s was very different from that of
today’s woman. It was the age of respectability and conformity. Should a woman find herself
in a loveless or violent marriage, she was trapped; she had no money of her own and no career.
Based on your understanding of the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’, write an article in about 150
words on the need for removing the obstacles to women’s active participation in all spheres of
public and private life through a full and equal share in economic, social, cultural and political
decision-making. You are Nitin Verma/Nimisha Verma. (5m)


6. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. (1mx4=4m)

“DERRY: What do you do all day?

MR LAMB: Sit in the sun. Read books. Ah, you thought it was an empty house, but inside, it’s full.
Books and other things. Full.
DERRY: But there aren’t any curtains at the windows.
MR LAMB: I’m not fond of curtains. Shutting things out, shutting things in. I like the light and the
darkness, and the windows open, to hear the wind.
DERRY: Yes. I like that. When it’s raining, I like to hear it on the roof.
MR LAMB: So you’re not lost, are you? Not altogether? You do hear things. You listen.
DERRY: They talk about me. Downstairs, When I’m not there.”

i) According to Mr. Lamb, what does the idea of being ‘lost’ signify?

a) He who does not hear what other people say is lost.

b) He who does not appreciate man and nature is lost.
c) He who does not pause to reflect on wind and rain is lost.
d) He who is closed off to nature and its wonders is lost.

ii) Read the following analysis of Mr. Lamb’s character based on the given extract. Choose the
option that fills in the given blanks most appropriately.
Mr. Lamb’s (i) ____________ and daily activities reflected the values he lived by and the kind of
person he was. His openness, inquisitiveness, and his (ii) ____________ to nature were embodied
in his work and words. Being close to and experiencing (iii) __________was not only significant to
him, but was at the heart of finding meaning and (iv) ________ in life.

a) (i) preferences (ii) attunement (iii) nature (iv) direction

b) (ii) choices (ii) loyalty (iii) the sermons (iv) hope
c) (iii) words (ii) preferences (iii) sermons (iv) attitude
d) (iv) gardening (ii) proximity (iii) life (iv) values

iii) Choose the option that best describes the sequence of Derry’s emotions in the above extract.

a) shyness – friendliness – reluctant acceptance

b) inquisitiveness – nostalgia – mild sadness
c) curiosity – measured delight – disappointment
d) defiance – excitement – grouchy insecurity

iv) “I’m not fond of curtains. Shutting things out, shutting things in. I like the light and the darkness,
and the windows open, to hear the wind.” The given statement shows that Mr. Lamb was

a) an introvert
b) a naturalist
c) a rambler
d) misanthropist

7. Answer any three of the following in 50-60 words (2mx3=6m)

a) Gandhi makes it clear that money and finance are a secondary aspect of the struggle
in Champaran. Comment on aspect that you think was most important for Gandhi.
b) Why do you think Mukesh is content to dream of cars and doesn’t dream of flying a plane?
c) Why does one feel a sudden strangeness on counting to twelve and keeping quiet?
d) Read the given quote. In your opinion, what silence does the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ break?
‘Every poem breaks a silence that had to be overcome.’
- Adrienne Rich

8. Answer either of the two questions in about 150 words. (5mx1=5m)

a) Certain traditions and lineage, condemn thousands of children to a life of abject poverty and
choke their aspirations.
• Do you agree? Explain.
• How can we change this? With reference to Mukesh in ‘Lost Spring’, suggest some ways to
tackle this issue.


b) Imagine that the encounter with Mr. Lamb marked a turning point in Derry’s life. Many years
later, Derry is invited to present a TED Talk on the challenges he faced and overcame. He thinks
about the bitterness he carried earlier towards people and the world, and how his attitude
changed. He decides to speak about the transformation in his relationship with himself, and
understanding what kindness towards oneself might actually mean.
As Derry, create the speech draft for the TED Talk.


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