How To Download Bluej Final Version

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How to Download BlueJ and Create

a Java Program

By Ben Heidinger

This tutorial DOES NOT show how to write Java code!

Have you ever wanted to write your own program in Java but just don’t know where to
do it? There are lots of ways to write and test java code but the easiest way is to use the
BlueJ JDE. JDE stands for Java Development Environment and is a type of software you
can use to write and test your java code. BlueJ is a JDE created by King’s College
London and supported by Oracle, the developers of Java.

This tutorial will show you how to download and install the BlueJ software as well as
begin your first coding project.

Warning! Make sure you have a version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed
on your computer. This tutorial does not cover how to install a Java JDK but it is a
prerequisite for working with Java code and using the Java Virtual Machine
Step 1: Go to the BlueJ Website and Install BlueJ for your
Operating System

1. First go to the link and click on your operating system below
“Download and Install”

If you are on Windows, download the Windows version. If you are on Mac, download
that version or a different version if you choose to do so.

This tutorial will focus on the Windows 10 version of BlueJ

2. Once your download is complete click “Next” on the setup wizard and follow the

3. Once the download has finished, you should be automatically prompted with the BlueJ
Setup Wizard. If you are not presented with the setup wizard, go to your downloads and
click the file that says “BlueJ-windows”

4. Simply follow the prompts the setup wizard asks, it will ask you where you want to
install it to.
If you are on the Chrome web browser, press CTRL + J to open up your downloads

Step 2: Once the setup finishes, click the “Finish” button to

complete the installation
If your computer prompts you and asks if you are sure you want to install the program,
click YES

Step 3: Navigate to where you chose to install BlueJ and

open the program
After the loading screen, a screen similar to the one shown below should appear, it’s ok if
it does not have the “test” box

Step 4: Click “Project” -> “New Project”

Step 5: Name the project, select where you want to put the
file, and click “OK”

Step 6: Click on “New Class” below “Project” then enter in

the name of your class
> Select Java for Class Language

> Select Class for the Class type

Step 7: Click on the box that appears with the name of your
class to open up the coding interface
The coding screen should look like this:

Step 8: Delete everything below line 10 except for the last “}”
and begin typing your code. Good Luck!
Once your code is without errors, click compile. You will need to repeat steps 6,7 and 8
to create a class with a main() method if you want to run your code

Congratulations! You’ve just begun your first coding project

on the BlueJ JDE. Now you can use it to create whatever
java program you want!

For more information visit the BlueJ website and if you want
to learn more about Java coding, use the Oracle website at

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