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Beginner’s Guide to Cross-Stitch

Beginner’s Guide to Cross-Stitch Formatted: Font: Not Bold

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Cross stitch is a popular form of embroidery that is quite easy to learn. The pattern is
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usually made of even squares that resembles pixel art. In this guide we will walk you
through how to prepare and complete your first cross-stitch work as a beginner. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Materials NeededNeeded Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.25", No bullets or
• Cross Stitch Color Threads numbering

• 1 Embroidery Hoop Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Bold

• 1 Aida Cloth Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
• 1 Pair of Scissors Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
• 1 Embroidery Needle
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
• 1 Water-Soluble Pen
• Floss Bobbins Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1,
2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5"
All items can be purchased from If you do not know where to start, it is + Indent at: 0.75"
also recommended to purchase a starter kit like the one linked here: Cross-Stick Starter Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial

Preparation Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1,
2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5"
+ Indent at: 0.75"
Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
Decide on a pattern.
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You can either create a pattern yourself or find one online. I suggest starting with a
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pattern that is simple and small.
Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1,
2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5"
+ Indent at: 0.75"
1. Secure fabric in embroidery hoop.
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1. Loosen the screw on the embroidery hoop to separate the two hoops apart. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
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2. Place the smaller hoop on a flat surface.
2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5"
2. + Indent at: 0.75"
3. Place the fabric over the smaller hoop.
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4. Place the larger hoop on top of the fabric. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial
4. Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1,
5. Press down the larger hoop until it “clicks” with the smaller hoop.. 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5"
5. + Indent at: 0.75"
6. Stretch the fabric while tightening the screws until fabric is nice and tight. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Bold
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2. Mark the center of the fabric. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial

a. 1. Find the center pixel of the pattern. Mark it with a pen. Formatted: Normal, Indent: First line: 0.5", No bullets
or numbering
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b. Choose a pixel around the center of the fabric. Mark it with a water-soluble pen. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial

c. You will use this center pixel as a reference when counting squares. Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numbering
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Make Your Your
First First Stitch
As an alternative, you may also follow this YouTube video. Tip: For cross stitch, we usually
1. For cross stitch, we usually start from the center of the pattern from the
because it iscenter
easy of the pattern,
to count. Pick a color close to the center to start with. so it is easy to count.
2. Find the embroidery thread with similar color. Split out two strands of it.
3. Thread a needle with the two strands.
4. Find the pixel you would like to start from. Count it from the center using the
marked center pixel.
5. Start from the bottom-left (1) corner of the pixel. Place the needle underneath
the fabric and make your first stich. Do not pull the thread through completely.
Leave around 1–2 inch on the back.
6. Make your next stitch at the upper-right (2) corner of the pixel. This time pull
needle through completely. This should leave a “/” pattern on the fabric.
7. Make your next stitch at the bottom-right (3) corner.
8. Make your next stitch at the upper-left (4) corner. Now you have completed your
first stich. You should see a “X” shaped pattern on the fabric.

9. Repeat the process until you finish the entire pattern. To switch thread, first finish
your stitch on the back side of the fabric, then tug the thread behind other
threads on the back before cutting it.

Finish Finish
1. After finishing the pattern, take if off the embroidery hoop.
2. Wash it gently to resolve any marks left by water-soluble pen.
3. Place a towel on top of the fabric and iron it gently.
4. Frame your work and enjoy!

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