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4 Golden Tips for Organic SoundCloud Promotion

Musicians and artists earlier used SoundCloud to share and discuss recordings with
each other. Later it developed into a publishing and distribution tool, and now it has
grown to be one of the most popular and biggest online music platform.
It has massive traffic of 175 million users monthly which gives musicians the power
to publish and promote their own music. However, with time the competition has
become much higher, and for a newbie, it seems impossible to gain proper exposure.
But with a few tips, you can promote your music much easier than others.
4 Tips to promote your music on SoundCloud
Marketing Plan: Be clear with the goals you want to achieve and make Organic
SoundCloud Promotion plan accordingly. Are you publishing a piece of new music?
Do you want more followers? Would you like people to share your music?
As a musician, you have to be keen on statistics too. Like what genre do your fans
prefer? What age group they fall into? What geographical locations your fans are
coming from? Do they like clubbing or music festivals?
For an artist having a clear Organic SoundCloud Promotion plan will help identify
your typical listeners. This will help you in pinpointing and targeting your loyal fans
and have the best outcome.
If you are new to the music industry or struggling with promotions, you can also hire
professional services like TrackPromoters. They have been in the music promotion
industry for more than 15 years and are well known for their Organic SoundCloud
Promotion campaigns which have helped hundreds of artists to gain their desired
Share your music on Social Media: The best way to get the new listeners and
followers on SoundCloud is to share your music directly on social media accounts.
SoundCloud has options for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr but don’t limit
There are many ways for Organic SoundCloud Promotion on social media other than
simply sharing your music link and hoping people to listen to it. You can ask
questions, conduct polls, ask for shares, retweets, and reposts. Be sure to use hashtags
and create your own hashtags. Also give out free downloads, discounted merchandise,
tickets to gigs, and other great offers.
You can also rely on professional services like TrackPromoters if you don’t have
much following on social media. TrackPromoters over the years have created massive
communities of millions of music enthusiasts on every major social media platform
for Organic SoundCloud Promotion. Your music will be promoted on each platform
so that you get established as a brand. 
TrackPromoters also have collaborations with famous social media influencers who
have millions of followers. These influencers will also promote your talent to their
loyal and active followers.
Connect with PR, Magazines, and Music Blogs: Press release distribution sites,
music magazines and blogs is a great way to get thousands of plays and followers on
SoundCloud. Perhaps the best way because it builds a good reputation for an artist
after getting published in an international PR site, magazines or blogs. But, it will not
be an easy task to get featured in these PR sites, magazines and blogs. Thousands of
other artists are also trying to get in touch with these publications, and only a few
make it through. The inbox of these publications are always full of feature requests.
However, there’s another way to get your talent on the pages of these publications.
With TrackPromoters and their unique Organic SoundCloud Promotion campaigns, it
is easy to get access to publications. Over 15 years, TrackPromoters have built a
strong relationship with several international PR sites, magazines and music blogs.
Each of these PR sites, Magazine and Music Blog, is read by thousands of music
lovers. You can also get your face in these internationally renowned publications with
TrackPromoters and their lowest rate packages in the industry.
Things to Avoid: There are many sites online which will encourage you to buy fake
plays or followers. Surprisingly these websites rank high on Google. It is tempting to
get thousands of plays and followers for SoundCloud, and many websites even claim
to be doing Organic SoundCloud Promotion. But beware since big platforms like
SoundCloud do the regular cleanup of these fake plays and followers, and your
account may even get banned for using such unethical methods earning you a bad
reputation as an artist.
You should always use professional and trustworthy services like TrackPromoters
who promote your music to the real and targeted audience only. These real and
targeted audiences will promote your music further. 

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