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Exercise 5.

Formulating Hypothesis and Errors in

Hypothesis Testing

Name: __________Reympnd B. Luna___________ Score: __________

A. Consider each of the following situations and indicate for each of the four
actions whether it is a CORRECT DECISION, a TYPE I error or a TYPE II

Ho : A training course is effective.

1. Approve an ineffective training course. - ____TYPE 2__________________
2. Disapprove an ineffective training course. - ___CORRECT DECISION______
3. Disapprove an effective training course. - ____TYPE 1__________________
4. Approve an effective training course. - ____CORRECT DECISION_________
Ho : A large manufacturing firm is being charged with discrimination in its hiring practices.
5. The jury gave an innocent verdict to the guilty firm. - ___ TYPE 1___________
6. The jury gave a guilty verdict to a not innocent firm. - _ CORRECT DECISION
7. The jury gave a guilty verdict to an innocent firm. - ___ TYPE 2___________
8. The jury gave a “not guilty” verdict to an innocent firm. - CORRECT DECISION

B. For the given problem, formulate an appropriate null (Ho) and an

appropriate alternative (Ha) hypothesis. Define any term or symbol which
you would be using. Also, identify the situations when Type I and Type II
errors will be committed.

From past experience, it has been determined that a qualified operator of a

certain machine turning out 500 items per day produces 25 or fewer
defective items per day. A new operator is being hired to run the same
machine and the hypothesis is made that he is a qualified operator.

Null Hypothesis (H0): Null Hypothesis (H0):

A qualified operator can produced a A qualified operator can’t produce a

25 items per day was hired. 25 items per day was hired.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): Alternative Hypothesis (Ha):

A qualified operator can produced a An operator can’t produce 25 items

25 items per day wasn’t hired. per day was hired.

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