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[10 marks]
(Time suggested : 15 minutes)

Answer all questions in this paper.

The text below is an extract from the story, Fair’s Fair.

Question 1

Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is one
grammatical error in each line.

Correct the underlined words. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space
provided. An example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the
sentence. There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this text.

Lee was not too happy because he still had no money to go to

the fair. He asked his friends what jobs he could doing. Raj and e.g. do
Sam are very sure their mum and dad would not give them any job. (a)_________
A woman with the heavy shopping bag walked by them. Something (b)_________
fell out of her bag but she does not see and walked on up the street. (c)_________
Lee saw the purse on the ground and said it must have fall from her (d)________
bag. He picked up a purse and saw it had a lot of money. If they (e)________
kept the money, they would have a really great time in the fair. Lee (f)_________
looked at the purse and said he couldn’t kept it as it was not his. He (g)_________
would go and looked for the woman with the shopping bag. The (h)_________
woman was standing at the bus stop but Lee told her she had (i)_________
dropped her purse. He handed them back to her. She thanked and (j)_________
praised Lee and gave him five pounds for being honest.



(30 marks)
(Time suggested : 40 minutes)

Question 2

Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) - (j).

With the tagline “Qu Puteh, Qu Puteh, barulah putih”, Datuk Seri Dr Hasmiza Othman has
certainly carved her name into the Malaysians’ consciousness. More popularly known as Datuk
Seri Vida, she has built her cosmetic and health products empire of Vida Beauty Sdn. Bhd. from
ground up. Her two biggest selling products are the Pamoga health drink and Qu Puteh skin
whitening cream.

Currently living in Ipoh, this Kelantan born entrepreneur and former teacher has been
involved in various activities to promote her products. She had sponsored entertainment
programmes such as the “GegarVaganza” and “Anugerah Juara Lagu”. Now, her latest venture
takes her into the world of sports. She has just inked a two-season sponsorship deal with the
Kelantan football team.

However, it is not all bed of roses for this 44 years old gutsy lady. She had lost two of her four
children in a 2013 fire of her home. Though undoubtedly sadden by this incident, this strong-
willed lady continues to work hard to achieve great success.


Questions (a)-(j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.

Real name: Name of company:

(a)……………………………………………. (b)………………………………………….

Best selling products:




Sponsorship deals:

Previous occupation: (g)……………………………….


(f)……………………… (h)……………………………….


Great tragedy in her life: One of her characteristics:


…………………………………………… (j)………………………….

[10 marks]


Question 3
Read the following advertisements from a newspaper. Then, answer questions (a) – (j)

Pizza King
This restaurant serves Restaurant
delicious oven-baked pizza.
Value-for-money meals are
Piping hot creamy soup and
the main attraction here.
pasta, all perfectly prepared.
Cheap daily set lunches and
Excellent Italian desserts and
pastries are a must try.
dinners are available. The
Fragrant and crunchy garlic
atmosphere is cheerful and
bread is served with soup. friendly and the seating are in
air-conditioned room.
Suitable for budget-
Ocean Seafood Village conscious customers. Free
Fresh seafood is available wifi is available.
here. Pick fresh seafood of
your choice and enjoy your
meal. Special seafood
package for groups of more
than ten persons. You can
also enjoy live cultural

Sonata Café Golden Honey BBQ

This café is very famous for Crunches
Sunday buffet lunches and high
tea. Food is very delicious and The tastiest golden
well presented by highly skilled honey BBQ ribs at an
chef. You will be served with unbelievable prices of
wide variety of food to suit any RM 8.00 per serving. You
palate. You will also be will get free 2.5 litres of
entertained by classical soft drinks for purchases
background music. Diners will of more than RM30.00.
be amazed by the stylish decor.


Questions (a) –(d): Based on the brochure, state whether the following statements are TRUE

(a) One who wishes to eat spaghetti, pizza and thick creamy
soup may go to Pizza King. __________[1 mark]
(b) The best place to take your classmates is Sonata Café. __________[1 mark]
(c) If you have a tight budget, you should go to Golden Honey
BBQ Crunches. __________[1 mark]
(d) Pocketbook restaurant opens every day. __________[1 mark]

Questions (e) – (i) : Read the advertisement carefully and answer the questions below.

(e) Elly enjoys pizza sprinkled with cheese and mushroom soup. Where should she go?

_____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(f) Which place provides the customers with free wifi?

______________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(g) Fill in the table with appropriate words from the advertisement.

Meaning Word

(i) aromatic

(ii) blown away

[2 marks]

(h) Explain what is meant by ‘budget-conscious’.

_______________________________________________________________[1 mark]

(i) Give a reason why someone would dine at Pocketbook Restaurant.

_______________________________________________________________[1 mark]


(j) Your family are gathering for the coming weekend. You plan to take them for dinner. In
about 50 words, write an e-mail to your brother.

In the e-mail:
State the place you have chosen.
Give reasons to support your choice.
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting.


















[10 marks]


[ 20 marks ]
( Time suggested : 20 minutes )

Question 4

Read the text below.

Dinosaurs were animals that lived million of years ago. There were lots of different
types of dinosaurs – little ones, big ones, fierce ones and shy ones. All dinosaurs lived on
land – and they died out a long time ago. There are no dinosaurs living today.
It is thought that the first dinosaurs lived around 230 million years ago. They roamed
the Earth for the next 165 million years, before becoming extinct about 65 million years ago.
Dinosaurs lived all over the world. At that time, the weather was much hotter than it is
today. The word ‘dinosaur’ means ‘terrible lizards’, even though dinosaurs weren’t lizards!
Lots of plant-eating dinosaurs swallowed their food without chewing. Instead, they gobbled
stones and pebbles, which stayed in their stomachs. When they swallowed food, the stones
helped to mash the food up, turning it into a pulp.
Early plant-eating dinosaurs did not eat fruit or grass – none had appeared yet!
Instead, they ate plants called horsetails, ferns, cycad and conifer trees. Like reptiles today,
such as crocodiles and alligators, dinosaurs were covered in super-tough scaly skin. The
scales would have protected a dinosaur against the teeth and claws of enemies and the bites
of pests such as mosquitoes and flies.
About 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs became extinct. No one knows for sure
why this happened, but something HUGE must have taken place to affect all life on the
planet. It is thought that more than two-thirds of all living things died at the same time as the
dinosaurs, including sea creatures and plants.

Read the text carefully and answer questions (a) to (i)

( a ) When did dinosaurs live on Earth?


[ 1 mark ]

( b ) What does the word ‘dinosaur’ mean?


[ 1 mark ]

( c ) Why did the dinosaurs gobble stones and pebbles?


[ 1 mark ]


( d ) What were the names of the plants that the dinosaurs ate? Name any two.

(i) ________________________________________________________________[ 1 mark ]

(ii) ________________________________________________________________[ 1 mark ]

( e ) Fill the table with an appropriate word / phrase from the text.

Meaning Word / Phrase

(i) moved about or travelled aimlessly
(ii) crushing food into smaller pieces
(iii) lost or died out
(iv) rough and dry skin
[ 4 marks ]

( f ) What was the function of dinosaurs’ super tough scaly skin?


[ 1 mark ]

( g ) When did the dinosaurs become extinct?


[ 1 mark ]

( h ) Which of the animals today that you think are similar to the dinosaurs? Give two


(i)________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ]

(ii)________________________________________________________________ [ 1 mark ]

( i ) State two possibilities of what might happen if the dinosaurs still exist today.


________________________________________________________________[ 1 mark ]


_________________________________________________________________[ 1 mark ]


Question 5

Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) – (d).
My Hero
My dad’s as brave as a dad can be, He’s not afraid of vampires,
I rate him Number One, Or a wolf-man come to get him,
He’s not afraid of the dead of night, If Frankenstein’s monster knocked on our door,
Or anything under the sun. He wouldn’t let that upset him.

He’s not afraid of a late-night film, My dad’s as brave as a dad can be,
Full of horrors on the telly, And he’s always ready to prove it,
And is he afraid of skeletons? So why, when a spider’s in the bath,
Not dad, not on your Nelly! Does Mum have to come and remove it?

He’s not afraid of meeting ghosts,

He’d even smile and greet ‘em,
And things that scare most dads the most,
My dad could just defeat ‘em,

a) What type of movies is shown on the late night television?

_____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

b) According to the child what would the father do when he meets with ghosts?

_____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

c) Why do you think the mother, not the father, has to remove the spider?


_____________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

d) Do you think the father has lied to the child about his bravery? Give a reason for your answer.


____________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

[5 marks]


[40 marks]
(Time suggested : 45 minutes)

Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
You went on a holiday with your family to a hill resort. Based on the picures and notes below,
write a letter to tell your friend about your holiday.

short walk - green trees - thrilling rides - funfair -

fresh air - butterflies and birds games - won prizes

shopping - watched movies -

variety of shops

When writing out your letter:

you may use the notes given

suggest one benefit of going on a holiday with your family

add any other relevant information

write between 120 to 150 words.






You should spend 15 minutes on this question.

The following are the short stories studied in the Literature Component in English Language.

1. CHEAT! – Allan Baille

2. FAIR’S FAIR – Narinder Dhami

Based on one the short stories above, write about a character that you like most. Provide
evidence from the text to support your answer.

Write :

Not less than 50 words.

In continuous writing ( not in note form )

[ 10 marks ]

Answer Scheme: Form 2. Set A. 2016

Question 1

a are Were
b the A
c does Did
d fall Fallen
e A The
f in At
g kept Keep
h looked Look
i but And
j them It

Question 2

(a) (Datuk Seri Dr) Hasmiza Othman

(b) Vida Beauty Sdn. Bhd.
-Pamoga health drink // Qu Puteh skin whitening cream
(e) Kelantan
(f) teacher
(g) and (h) INTERCHANGEABLE (Choose 2)
- (the)“GegarVaganza”
- (the)“Anugerah Juara Lagu”.
- (the) Kelantan football team.
(i) loss of/ lost her two children in a fire (just “Fire” is not acceptable)
(j) gutsy // strong-willed // hard working (spelling must be as shown) (1 answer only)

Question 3

(a) True
(b) False
(c) False
(d) True

(e) Pizza King
(f) Pocketbook Restaurant
(g) (i) fragrant
(ii) amazed
(h) Concern on how much money one should spend /people who are not willing to spend
too much/ or any logical answers
(i) The price is reasonable and free wifi is provided/ any acceptable answer


Note: award ‘0’ mark when there is :

No response or response written in language other than English; or
Mindless lifting of irrelevant chunks from other sources including rubric

Question 4

a) 230 million years ago

b) ‘ terrible lizard ‘
c) The stones helped to mash the food up ( turning it into a pulp )
d) (i) and (ii) (choose any 2)
horsetails // Ferns // cycad // conifer trees
( award 2 marks for any two correct answers )
e) i) roamed
ii) chewing
iii) extinct
iv)scaly skin

f) To protect them against the teeth and claws of the enemies // to protect them
against the bites of pests
g) 65 million years ago
h) (i) and (ii) crocodiles // alligators
(accept any other logical answers that might not be in the text like iguanas)
i) (i) and (ii) Choose 2 and accept any other possible answers
Smaller animals will become extinct as they become dinosaurs’ food // Humans will
be eaten by dinosaurs // The dinosaurs will become human’s transport // The
dinosaurs will rule the earth

Question 5

(a) horror // horror movies

(b) (he would) smile and greet them
(c) the mother is braver // the father is actually a coward // the father has a phobia of spiders//
any other logical answer.
(d) No, he is not afraid of the things mentioned by the child, but he might have a phobia of
spiders // any other logical reason
/// Yes, he wanted to look good to his child, so he lied // any other logical reason


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