White Mage

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The White Mage

By “Mantyluoto” components to fail.

Staff of the White Mage: A White Mage receives, as a gift
The White Mages Guild was formed to preach the beneficial from the guild, The Staff of the White Mage. It is a master-
use of arcane magic to the people. White Mages are people work staff of bleached wood, capped with a large crystal on
who know full well the death and destruction caused by top, jagged and unrefined. The staff is the symbol of the
magic and have vowed to help remove the stigma and fear of White Mage and of the White Mage Guild.
magic brought by the Mage-Kings. They work tirelessly for Oratory Expert: The White Mage has become so
the good of all against persecution and injustice, often putting proficient in persuading others of the beneficial nature of
themselves in peril to do so. arcane magic that he or she gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy
To the public, all members of this guild are known as checks when involved in guild business.
White Mages, but within the guild this title must be earned. Concealed Casting: This ability allows the White Mage to
Members spend the first several years within the guild honing cast spells without the use of verbal or somatic components.
both their arcane and diplomatic skills, learning a variety of The spell is treated as +2 levels higher if it should contain
beneficial spells while at the same time being taught how to both verbal and somatic components and +1 level higher if it
ease the fears of the masses. To become a fully-fledged has only one of them.
White Mage, one must have a well-rounded base of skills in White Fire: By sacrificing spell slots the White Mage is
these areas. Only then is a guild member truly a White Mage. able to channel a bolt of White Fire through his staff. This
White Mages can be encountered both as lone individuals fire cuts through all magical protections created by wizards
and in small groups. NPC White Mages encountered away or sorcerers who are of an equal or lesser level than the White
from their guild headquarters are always on a mission to Mage’s combined levels, making other wizards vulnerable to
educate the public, and to gain their trust. White Mage player damage. Any White Mage is immune to the White Fire. The
characters will often join parties of adventurers if they feel it fire causes 1d6 damage per spell level sacrificed, though only
will help them promote the use of beneficial magic. 1 spell per day can be sacrificed in this way. A saving throw
is allowed, the DC equal to what the spell would be if cast
To qualify to become a White Mage, a character must fulfill normally.
all the following criteria: Light Against the Darkness: At will, three times per day,
• Ability to cast 4th level arcane spells. the White Mage may summon forth a pure white light in a
• Skills: Knowledge (Arcane): 10, Knowledge 20’ radius. This light surrounds all within, protecting them
(History): 8, Diplomacy: 8, Spellcraft: 10, from attacks by evil creatures. The light gives these benefits:
Concentration: 10. +4 deflection bonus to AC, +4 resistance bonus on saves,
• Feats: Negotiator. Spell Resistance 25 versus evil spells and spells cast by evil
• Special: Must be a member of the White Mages creatures. The light also works to temporarily fight the
guild. Shroud, forcing it back, only to return when the White Mage
has passed. This light comes forth from the crystal on the
Hit die: d4. White Mage’s staff and can only do so if he carries it.
Calm Emotion: This ability calms agitated creatures. The
White Mage has no control over the affected creatures, but
The White Mage’s class skills are Concentration (Con), Craft Calm Emotion can stop raging creatures from fighting or
(Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (all joyous ones from reveling. Creatures so affected cannot take
skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), and violent actions (although they can defend themselves) or do
Spellcraft (Int). Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier. anything destructive. Any aggressive action against or
All of the following are class features of the White Mage damage dealt to a calmed creature immediately breaks the
prestige class: spell on all calmed creatures.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: White Mages are This ability automatically suppresses (but does not dispel)
proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light any morale bonuses granted by spells such as Bless, Good
crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armour Hope, and Rage, as well as negating a bard’s ability to inspire
or shield. Armour of any type interferes with a wizard’s courage or a barbarian’s rage ability. It also suppresses any
movements, which can cause her spells with somatic fear effects and removes the confused condition from all

The White Mage

Class Base Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Spells per Day
Level Bonus
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Oratory Expert +1 lvl of existing arcane class
2nd +0 +0 +0 +3 Concealed Casting +1 lvl of existing arcane class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 White Fire +1 lvl of existing arcane class
4th +1 +1 +1 +4 Light Against the Darkness +1 lvl of existing arcane class
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Calm emotion +1 lvl of existing arcane class
6th +2 +2 +2 +5 +1 lvl of existing arcane class
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Innate Spells +1 lvl of existing arcane class
8th +3 +2 +2 +6 Mass Suggestion +1 lvl of existing arcane class
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 +1 lvl of existing arcane class
10th +4 +3 +3 +7 Beacon of Hope +1 lvl of existing arcane class
targets. While the ability lasts, a suppressed spell or effect name. The target(s) of this ability, one per spell casting level,
has no effect. When the Calm Emotion ability ends, the can make a Will save to avoid the effects and the duration
original spell or effect takes hold of the creature again, can last up to one hour per level of the White Mage. Mass
provided that its duration has not expired in the meantime. Suggestion may be used once per day, plus the Mage’s
The effect lasts for 1 round per total caster level. The White charisma modifier. A very reasonable suggestion causes the
Mage may use this ability once per day, plus the Mage’s save to be made with a penalty (such as -1 or -2).
charisma modifier. Beacon of Hope: This ability is similar to the Light
Innate Spells: The White Mage may choose up to three 0- Against the Darkness ability but has a greater strength. The
3rd level spells and cast them without spell components as a deflection bonus to AC becomes +8, The resistance bonus to
spell-like ability, as a free action. These spells do not count saves becomes +8 and the spell resistance becomes +40. This
against the White Mage’s total spell slots. light radiates out in a 20’ radius and The White Mage
Mass Suggestion: Using the calming nature of his power a actually glows with the power. Beacon of Hope can be used
White Mage can influence the actions of the target creature three times per day.
by suggesting a course of action as per the spell of the same

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