Feedback Is A Gift: Lesson 1: Introduction To Feedback Management System

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Feedback is a Gift

Lesson 1: Introduction to Feedback Management System

1. What is Feedback?
Feedback is any positive or negative information given to a group or to an individual. Feedback is usually
about behavior on an activity task or situation.

2. Importance of Feedback
Customer feedback indeed matter to our business. If we will not deal with their complaints effectively, we
might end up losing our future and may lead to unemployment, store closure and recruitment cutting.

3. Feedback Management System (FMS)

It is a program to monitor the organization’s relationship with its customers, employees, suppliers,
other stakeholders and business partners in an ongoing basis. FMS Manages multiple feedback covering
all relevant business processes within the organization

4. Objectives of Feedback Management System

“To institutionalize an Integrated Feedback Management Systems that will drive continuous improvement
of the business processes towards a globally competitive brand.”

Integrated Feedback Management systems applies to both external and internal customers. Other than
complaints, FMS also includes recommendation or suggestion, commendation and inquiry. FMS drives
continuous improvement in our policies, procedures and processes. When we say Globally competitive it
means we are comparable to world class organization.

5. Benefits of Feedback
If we effectively manage feedback…
 Reduce the risk to reputation linked with badly handled complaints
 Improve employee satisfaction, self-esteem and retention through empowerment

6. Policies on Feedback Management System

A. We have a positive attitude to feedback
We believe that our organization’s future depends on our ability to keep our customers and ensure their
continued satisfaction

Every feedback:
- is a gift
- is justified
- represents an opportunity to improve

Every customer who gives feedback:

- is a friend
- should be thanked for taking the trouble to give feedback

B. Everybody is trained in feedback management

 Employees are trained in handling criticism and turning complaints around from something
negative into something positive.
 All personnel, particularly the frontliners, are trained in customer service and effective feedback
 All employees know the organization’s products and services.

C. Our staff are empowered

Personnel are empowered to make decisions in accordance to company policies for handling feedback.

A. We monitor customer satisfaction
> We keep ourselves informed about our customers’ attitudes to the organization, its people,
products and its services.
>We know how many customers we have and how many new customers we can get. We are
aware of the customers we lose and why.

B. We encourage our customers to give feedback

> We encourage our customers to come forward with their feedback
> It should be easy for the customers to give feedback. It is clear to the customers where and how to give
feedback; a customer who wants to give feedback is not passed from one person to another or from one
department to another.

C. We have customer-friendly systems

> Our systems are designed to make things easy for our customers rather than for ourselves.
> We take feedback from our “internal” customers seriously.
> We believe that an organization with satisfied “internal” customers finds it easier to make “external”
customers satisfied.
> All employees are encouraged to take constructive criticism from other employees as a means of
helping them achieve greater levels of personal job satisfaction and self-esteem.


A. Feedback are processed promptly

> All feedbacks are processed immediately; critical feedback are attended to within 24 hours.
> A customer with feedback receives a preliminary reply at once.
> The result of effective processing and handling of feedback is that:
- we keep our customers
- the customer with complaint becomes a “goodwill” ambassador of the organization

B. We treat “unreasonable” feedback reasonably

> As a key principle, we consider all feedback to be justified and reasonable. However, we do not accept
customer claims that are obviously unreasonable.
> We have clear definition of what we consider “unreasonable” claims. All personnel with customer
contact are familiar with these considerations.
> If an existing rule or policy does not make sense in a specific situation, then the staff is authorized to
change it. If this is so, reason for the change is reviewed and analysed. This may be an opportunity for
process improvement to ensure continuous customer satisfaction.
C. We learn from feedback
> We become aware of repeated mistakes. We analyze their cause, learn from the mistake, correct the
mistake and try to prevent recurrence.
> We change our products, services, systems and policies as a result of the feedback we receive.

D. We recognize effective handling of complaints

> We give recognition to all employees who help to find, correct and anticipate mistakes.
> Employees who turn customers who complain into “goodwill” ambassadors of the organization
are openly appreciated and rewarded.

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