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15. 03. 2020. Bioperine (Containing Piperine) Safety Information | ConsumerLab.


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Bioperine Safety
Is it safe to take Bioperine (which contains piperine from black pepper)?

Piperine (from black pepper) can enhance the absorption or bioavailability of certain compounds, such as
curcumin from turmeric. Bioperine is a branded extract of black pepper which is 95% piperine and is
commonly included in curcumin supplements, but is also sold separately. Be aware that piperine can
interact with many medications and may also have anti-platelet effects. In addition, it may cause
gastrointestinal side-effects and, potentially, bleeding, at somewhat higher-than-suggested doses. See
the "Concerns and Cautions" for black pepper extract within the Turmeric/Curcumin Supplements

Learn More About Black Pepper Extract

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15. 03. 2020. Bioperine (Containing Piperine) Safety Information |

Carrie17237 October 14, 2018

I personally had a bad experience with Bioperine added to Tumeric. I am Bi-Polar type II and take
several medications. After taking the new kind of Tumeric with pepper additive I just did not feel "right".
Something was off for 2 months with my moods changing. It was only in hindsight that I considered the
new Tumeric as the problem. I stopped taking it and within a week I felt better. Since then I make sure I
do not take any supplement containing a pepper adjuvant. The FDA should stop its usage...99% of the
population will not know how it can mess with other medications.
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Carolyn18196 August 13, 2019

Better idea: Have the FDA simply tell Bioperine users where to find the information explaining
how piperine works in the liver. Once that knowledge is widely available then people can make
their own decision to use or not based on their own situation. That will allow us 1%er's to
continue to getting the maximum benefit from curcumin.
Comment on Post

This CL Answer initially posted on 8/30/2017. Last updated 10/14/2018. members may submit questions to We read all

questions and try to answer those of popular interest.

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