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Book 2

Chapter 3

Q. 1 Define human development.

A. 1 Human development is a process of enlarging the range of people’s
choices, increasing their opportunities for education, healthcare, income and
empowerment and covering the full range of human choices from a sound
physical environment to economic, social and political freedom.
Q. 2 Give two reasons for low levels of Human Development in most of
the Northern States of India.
A. 2 The reasons for low levels of human development in most of the
northern states of India:
1. Lack of social awareness due to illiteracy.
2. Poverty is due to lack of opportunities.
Q. 3 Give two reasons for declining child sex ratio in India.
A. 3 The reasons for declining child sex ratio in India:
1. The mind-set that girls are a curse and a burden. This is the problem of
2. Sex-selective abortion and infanticide.
Q. 4 Discuss the spatial patterns of female literacy in India in 2011 and
bring out the reasons responsible for it.
A. 4 The overall literacy rate of India now is 81.3%. Out of this, the female
literacy rate is 65.7%. This denotes a large gap, where the female literacy rate
is much lower than the national average. When studied over the various
regions of India we find that the female literacy rate in the state of Kerala is
much higher at about 92% followed by Mizoram at 89%. Kerala is a
developed state, and has the best sex ratio. It is the outlook towards the
female child in these two states which has enabled them to have a good
female literacy rate. On the other hand, Rajasthan has a very traditional
approach concerning females. So it has the lowest female literacy rate at
52%. All the Union Territories have a good female literacy rate of more than
80%. We can also see a large difference in the rural areas where the female
literacy is much lower than in the urban areas.
Q. 5 Which factors have caused spatial variations in the levels of Human
Development among the states in India?
A. 5 The following are the factors which have caused spatial variations in the
levels of human development among the states in India:
1. Healthcare: This is easier to access in urban areas than in rural areas.
The urban areas have all the modern facilities, while they are absent in
the rural areas. Healthcare includes the facilities for the new born
babies and infants, for the expectant mother and the new mothers, the
common population and for the elderly and dependent people. Such
facilities are better in developed states and where the people are
educated. Such people do not go in for the traditional village medicines
and black magic, etc. but for the modern medical facilities provided at
village, district or state level.
2. Education: The ease with which a person can access education and stay
enrolled is better in the urban areas than in rural areas. Also in the
states of India where there is more awareness about education, people
make more efforts to ensure that they complete their studies. The states
who have a better human development index are the ones which are
better with education. For example, Kerala has better literacy rate than
3. Empowerment: The states which have better human development are
the ones where the people are better educated, and are well aware of
their rights and duties. This empowers them to fight for their rights.
Also, the urban population is better in this regard than the rural

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