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Desupported Features

The following features are desupported in Oracle Database release 19c, version 19.1:

 The MAX_CONNECTIONS attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization
parameter, for Oracle Data Guard redo transport
 The EXAFUSION_ENABLED initialization parameter
 The O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY initialization parameter


The SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION sqlnet.ora parameter is deprecated in Oracle Database


The SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION parameter defines the location of the software keystores

for Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).

To configure the software keystore location, instead of setting

initialization parameter, and the TDE_CONFIGURATION dynamic initialization parameter.

Oracle recommends that you use the WALLET_ROOT instance initialization parameter as soon as
possible, because the value is read once at instance startup time, so all sessions and server background
processes share the same path after startup. If the SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION parameter
is used, then it can lead to confusing misconfigurations, because different sessions can have different
SQLNET parameter values. Another reason to use WALLET_ROOT is that it is the directory within which
you can locate the wallets of other features, such as Oracle Enterprise User Security, and Transport
Layer Security.

This location can become the principal location for all server-side wallets.

Data Guard Broker MaxConnections Property Desupported

Starting in Oracle Database 19c, the Oracle Data Guard

broker MAX_CONNECTIONS attribute is desupported.
The Oracle Data Guard broker MaxConnections property ( pertaining to
the MAX_CONNECTIONS attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter) is desupported in
Oracle Database 19c. It is removed. Using commands to set this property from DGMGRL
returns errors.

Desupport of O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESS (Deprecated in Oracle 12C)

The initialization parameter O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY is desupported in Oracle

Database 19c.

The O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY parameter controlled restrictions on System

Privileges from accessing SYS owned objects. It was retained to enable certain backward
compatibility for earlier release applications. Desupporting obsolete features enables
Oracle to focus on security across all features and functionality. Oracle recommends that
you manage system privileges in accordance with standard security best practices.

To see the deprecated (obsolete) Oracle parameters, you can query v$parameter for two databases
using a database link and the MINUS clause:

SQL> Select name from v$parameter


select name from v$parameter@PRIOR_VERSION;

Oracle also provides the v$obsolete_parameter view to see deprecated initialization parameters, Oracle
provides a list of obsolete parameters with each version of the database:.

SQL> Select name from v$obsolete_parameter;

Three features are Desupported in Oracle Database release 19c, version 19.1:

The MAX_CONNECTIONS attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter,for Oracle Data

Guard redo transport is Desupported. (ORACLE DG BROKER)

The EXAFUSION_ENABLED initialization parameter is Desupported.

Oracle Streams is Desupported.

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