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Author: Sonia Bordin Aykroyd

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has pressed the scientific community into a better
understanding of the mechanism of aerosol droplets in viral dissemination.

Infectious aerosols are suspensions of pathogens in small particles in the air. The size of the
particles is a determinant factor of aerosols’ behavior. The capacity of a particle to be
deposited in different parts of the body is also determined by its size.

Environmental conditions and the rate the droplets evaporate, can directly influence the
size of the particles, the time infectious particles remain suspended in the air and the
distance they travel from the infected source, posing a considerable health risk.

There is a need to better understand the role environmental conditions and particle size
play on viral infection and dissemination, a special concern in enclosed environments.

We reviewed the literature and reported an overview on the importance of particle sizes as
an essential foundation for understanding the spread of airborne diseases.


• Due to their size, composition, ability to and to remain suspended and travel long
distances, small, infected aerosolized particles pose a considerable health risk.

• Nasal filtration of particles smaller than 0.5 microns is low, so smaller particles can
pass easily into the lower respiratory tract to infect the lungs.

• Particles smaller than 0.1 microns can access and travel the bloodstream and
directly infect organs, heart, and brain.

• This has clinical significance, since the average size of the corona viruses are 80 to
120 nm in size, with spikes of 9 - 12 nm.

• Environmental factors such as air dynamics, temperature and humidity influence

the size and transport mechanism of particles, therefore, appropriate guidelines
must be followed to reduce the viability of viral transmission, especially in enclosed



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