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Muhammad Shahroz Asif


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This research study is carried out with the objective to analyze the impact e-word of mouth on
brand personality and purchase intention of Air-Conditioning brands in Islamabad. The study
engaged e-word of mouth as independent variable, purchase intention as dependent variable, and
brand personality as mediating variable. A sample of 200 individuals was selected for the study.
The study engaged numerous statistical tools; descriptive statistics, correlation analysis,
regression analysis and Preacher and Hayes (2004) model 4 to investigate mediation. Overall
results of the study revealed that e-word of mouth significantly and positively affect brand
personality and purchase intention of air-conditioning brands. On the other hand brand
personality partially but strongly mediates the relationship between e-word of mouth and
purchase intention of air-conditioning brands.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................... ii
Dedication ..................................................................................................................................... iii
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction of Study ...................................................................................................................... 1
Background of the Problem.............................................................................................. 2
Identification of Gap ........................................................................................................ 4
Problem Statement ........................................................................................................... 4
Research Objectives ......................................................................................................... 4
Significance of Study ....................................................................................................... 5
Research Questions .......................................................................................................... 5
Delimitations .................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................... 6
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 6
Electronic Word-of-mouth .................................................................................................... 6
Brand Personality .................................................................................................................. 7
Buying Intention .................................................................................................................... 9
e WOM and Brand Personality ........................................................................................... 12
Brand Personality and Purchase intention ........................................................................... 13
Theoretical Framework ....................................................................................................... 17
Hypotheses .......................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Research Methodology ................................................................................................................. 18
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 18
Research Design .................................................................................................................. 18
Research Approach ............................................................................................................. 18
Data Collection .................................................................................................................... 18
Research Instrument ............................................................................................................ 19
Population and Sample ........................................................................................................ 19

Unit of Analysis .................................................................................................................. 20
Time Horizon ...................................................................................................................... 20
Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 20
Chapter # 4 .................................................................................................................................... 22
Results and Discussions ................................................................................................................ 22
1. Gender of Respondents .......................................................................................................... 22
2. Age of Respondents ............................................................................................................... 22
3. Qualifications of Respondents ............................................................................................... 23
4. Descriptive Statistics ................................................................................................................. 24
5. Reliability Analysis ................................................................................................................... 25
6. Correlation Analysis ................................................................................................................ 25
7. Regression Analysis “e WOM impacts on Purchase Intention” .............................................. 26
8. Regression Analysis “e WOM impacts on Brand Personality” ............................................... 27
9. Regression Analysis “Brand Personality impacts on Purchase Intention” .............................. 28
10. Mediation of Brand Personality to influence e WOM on Purchase Intention” ...................... 29
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations .............................................................................. 30
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 30
Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 30
Limitations and Future Directions....................................................................................... 31
References ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Questionnaires............................................................................................................................... 36

Introduction of Study

Electronic word of mouth eWOM has found an effective construct to influence the opinions of
others on social media websites. It is very convenient for the customers to discuss, review and
rate the goods and services so their friends, acquaintances and even strangers on social media so
they can get well aware of the subject brands and services. Conversation on social media is
different from other computer based conversations as it encompasses a very wide audience, more
accessibility and greater interaction among userss. Typically social media is considered as
blogging, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and even virtual world of gaming (Kaplan &
Haenlein, 2010). eWOM can deeply influence the brand personality as in numerous cases
customers are both fully aware of the evaluation of product or service itself so they rely on the
brand and its claim for a product's function. This is a situation where purchase intention of a
customer can be greatly influenced by eWOM. Consumers are willingly then replace the need of
production information with the image or personality of a brand (Amblee & Bui, 2011). Various
studies have been conducted such as review of Kudeshia and Kumar (2017) showing that
businesses may influence brand personality resulting into purchase intention and this can be done
by leveraging recommendations and reviews by users on social media websites.

This study investigates the effects of e WOM and brand personality on purchase intentions of
customers. Both theoretical and empirical reviews were included in the investigation to present
the objectives of this study. The current literature also aims to shed light on the appropriate usage
of social media networking for eWOM. It tries to fills the gap that exist in past researches
regarding the maximum utilization and benefits of social media websites as eWOM because
however a lot of investigation have been done in the fields to evaluate the effects of eWOM on
buying trends but very less has been done to study that how it may affect the brand personality
and buying trends of customers specifically by using social media networking.

Three variables have been taken to evaluate and analyze the objectives of study that is eWOM as
independent variable, brand personality as a mediator and purchase intention as dependent
variable. Air conditioner brands in home appliance category of Islamabad were chosen to

conduct the research on nature of influence of eWOM through social media networks on brand
personality and thus on purchase intention. A field research is conducted in the air conditioner
companies to seek out the impact of social eWOM on brand personality and intention to
purchase Air Conditioner brands.

The results of the study can be a constructive source of assistance for the managerial class of air
conditioner brands in Islamabad where they can implement the results in their marketing strategy
to gain greater profits and maximum productivity by using eWOM effectively. This study will
also help the customers to understand the rapidly changing buying trends and evaluate the quality
and value of brands and their products which will eventually simplify their decision making
towards the desired products. Various studies from past researchers and experts have been
referred in this study to explain the objectives more vividly.

Background of the Problem

In the contemporary era, the Word-of-mouth (WOM) has become a popular construct that has
affected the overall attitudes and purchase intention customers (Naz, 2014). Different scholars
and marketing practitioners have endeavored to elucidate the effects of Word-of-mouth (WOM)
on the online and offline behavior of different companies and brands, especially related to the
overall buying behavior (Hu et al., 2014). Fundamentally, the electronic word-of-mouth
(eWOM) takes place through an array of different mediums. For instance, the online channels
such as social networking sites, discussion forums, emails, and product reviews can be
considered as important mediums for electronic word-of-mouth (Dwyer et al., 2007).
Furthermore, many scholars claim that eWOM technology is actually an innovative version of
the traditional form of word-of-mouth communication, and the online channels such as social
media networks are responsible for the altering of face-to-face technology into the electronic
word-of-mouth communication which is computer mediated (Rui et al., 2013).

According to Henning-Thurau et al. (2004), the eWOM construct should not only be restricted to
the statements of the different customers, but rather the construct should also incorporate the
retailers’ posts and other published sources (Brown et al., 2007). Furthermore, a categorization
has been done by Hu and Ha (2015), in which they have divided the eWOM into four classes on
the basis of communication forums and functions:

The specialized eWOM involves the reviews of customers that are posted on the platforms which
do not engage in the product selling activities including rating websites or the comparison-
shopping; the affiliated eWOM is associated with the reviews of customers that are affiliated
with the retail websites. For instance, the reviews of customers on eBay and Amazon; the social
eWOM is known to indicate any information regarding the exchange of products or brands by
users on the social networking sites such as Facebook; and the miscellaneous eWOM indicates
information of different products or brands that are exchanged on other online media platforms
for instance, discussion boards and blog sites (Hu and Ha, 2015).

Although the customer reviews on the different specialized and affiliated forums have proven to
be effective in the eWOM, but the social eWOM through social networking sites also has
massive significance (Hu et al., 2014). Social eWOM takes place when the customers explore or
give informal recommendations related to the product through different unique applications of
the social networking sites. So, we can claim that the platforms such as Twitter and Facebook
have completely transformed the use of online word-of-mouth (Jeong and Koo, 2015). For
instance, the users can influence an entire network of other users by sharing their views about a
certain brand or product on their profile pages.

Moreover, the consumer electronics are selected as a category for the study which is the devices
manufactured to be purchased and utilized by the end users (Techopedia, 2014). This is because
the consumers tend to rely on the online platforms to buy these electronic products. Further, the
study will endeavor to understand the role of Air conditioner brands as a variant.

In this study, the primary objective is to extend the literature that has already been produced on
the social networking platforms as a eWOM, and how they can affect brand personality and the
purchase intention of the consumers. Present study investigates mediating role of brand
personality in relationship between customer purchase intention and eWOM. This study has
chosen the social networking platform of Facebook as a sample from where users’ responses will
be collected based on their interactive role being played on official pages of top air conditioner

Identification of Gap

It is witnessed that, in the international discourse on eWOM, the amount of literature present on
the social media networking sites as a tool for eWOM lacks in magnitude. There is a massive gap
that needs to be filled in the existing literature regarding the overall usage of social media
networking as eWOM and how it affects the buying trends of the customer and brand
personality. Although there are number of studies done on the overall effects of eWOM on the
purchase intention but the specifics have not been discussed, especially in the context of
mediating role of brand personality (Nielsen, 2014). This study will strive to put forth innovative
ideas that can be conducive to the overall strengthening and promotion of brands in the eyes of
the customers through brand personality (Naz, 2014).

Problem Statement

The social networking sites are becoming an increasing popular and effective medium for the
promotion of brands online. More and more users are reviewing different products and brands;
consequently, a number of other users are affected from the reviews generated by those users and
therefore, a large network of users comes into existence. This social media networks are a part of
the eWOM construct that has revolutionized the marketing industry (Hu and Ha, 2015). In other
words, customers are largely affected by other people and their buying decisions are based on the
reviews of other on the social media networks.

This effect on buying trends of the consumer can also vary considering the type of product or
brand in hand. For instance, this study is studying the buying intentions of the different Air
Conditioner brands in Pakistan. By considering the different cases of online reviews of certain
products, we will extract our results.

Research Objectives

• To study the impact of social eWOM on brand personality towards Air

Conditioner brands.
• To study the impact of social eWOM on intention to purchase towards Air
Conditioner brands.

• To study the impact of brand personality on intention to purchase towards Air
Conditioner brands.

Significance of Study

This research study is of immense significance as it not only seeks to fill the literature gap on
social media as a tool for eWOM, but it also endeavors to investigate different mechanisms that
shape the overall decision making processes of the customers. The study can be used by different
marketing companies and corporation in order to maximize the productivity of their firms and to
attain appreciable profits. Also, the customers can benefit from the study by analyzing the
different trends that have a direct impact on their buying intentions, and gain awareness of the
overall value and quality of the product that they intend to buy. This study is significant as it
directly brings into light the growing importance of eWOM through social media networks.

Research Questions

What is impact of eWOM on brand personality?

What is impact of eWOM on intention to purchase?
What is impact of brand personaility on intention to purchase?
What is mediating role of brand personality in relationship between eWOM and intention
to purchase?


As there is a large amount of literature on the specialized and the affiliated eWOM context,
therefore this research is focused on eWOM and for that purpose a particular social media
platform such as Facebook is chosen. The sample data section is only taken from Islamabad, and
a quantitative methodology is applied for the purpose of collecting data. Variables of study are
delimitation and the selected industry as well. More specifically, the consumer electronic brands
chosen for the study are the ones that market and sell Air Conditioners. Therefore, the survey of
study is only for Air Conditioners.


Electronic Word-of-mouth

With the proliferation of information technology and globalization, more and more potential
consumers are now using the eWOM as a construct for the purpose of gaining information and
knowledge about a certain product or a corporation (Kim, 2016). It is witnessed that the
development of the internet, diffusion of the social media platforms, and an increasing popularity
of the social media applications serve as the primary underpinnings for the emergence and
establishment of the eWOM technology. Furthermore, this eWOM construct is publicly available
and has significant reach which contribute to its strength (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2004).

The electronic word-of-mouth marketing is actually associated with the reviews of users that are
utilizing the different specialized, affiliated, social, or miscellaneous platforms for sharing their
reviews about a certain product or company (Hu and Ha, 2015). In retrospect, the traditional
word-of-mouth practice was considered to be an efficient way to attract a large number of
customers. In the modern era, the same practice has evolved into a stronger, more effective, and
far reaching method for the purpose of attracting customers (Ahrens, Coyle, & Strahilevitz,
2013). This fact is elucidated as it is witnessed the tapping of eWOM into the recent trend of the
consumers in actively publishing, modifying, and working together. These activities transform
these consumers into significant message distribution members of a channel. An establishment of
this environment can and does lead to great potential (Coyle et al., 2011). It is observed that over
70 percent of the customers prefer turning to the different eWOM platforms such as social media
channels for the purpose of gathering information and knowledge about a certain company,
brand, or product. Then almost 50 percent of these customers actually make their purchase by
using the information that they have gathered from online eWOM platforms (DEI Worldwide,

Another aspect of the eWOM is that customers regard this construct to be quite trustworthy as
oppose to the other platforms of information seeking on brands and products. This is because of
the fact that the consumers are able to relate more with the other average customers and
therefore, the customers reviews on the eWOM are more significant to the potential customers

rather than the reviews of professional on different platforms (Greene, 2009). The customers
regard the users’ reviews to be more trustworthy than the marketer’s or expert’s review (Huang
and Chen, 2006). Further, the female customers are mostly utilizing the eWOM platforms more
than the males. It is observed that the female customers will tend to rely more on the
recommendations or reviews of their friends regarding different products and brands than the
recommendations made by the experts (Garbarino and Strahilevitz, 2004). Also, this behavior of
the females in relying upon the users’ reviews is found both online and offline (Strahilevitz,
2007). Hence, it is also proved by the previous research that sharing information requires
sufficient credibility and therefore, the source credibility can serve as a predictor of information
sharing (Richins and Root-Shaffer, 1988). This concept is also applied on the eWOM technology
and we can claim that the source credibility in eWOM is considered as a potentially influential
aspect in information sharing on the online platforms (Ho and Dempsey, 2010).

Brand Personality

As the first part of this study endeavors to understand the role of social eWOM in affecting the
brand personality, we shall firstly consider the literature focused on the understanding of the
overall influence of social eWOM on the brand personality. The primary job of the brands that
are working in the market is to connect with the consumers and the audiences through different
promises of quality in their products (Veloutsou & Moutinho, 2009). The marketing campaigns
and logos of the brands are mostly propagated using the premises of reliability and trust in the
overall quality of the product. Therefore, a brand is manufactured to for the purpose of
differentiating a product and also an accumulation of knowledge takes place related to the
company, product, or the service that is being offered. The shaping of brand personality is
dependent on the efficient working of the brand. The concept of brand personality stands on the
foundations of efficacy and efficiency in the work of the corporate brand and how the brand
portrays its image. A good personality anticipated when a company is known for the selling of
good quality services or products (Angelina Nhat Hanh Le, 2011).

Corporation must make sure that it is connected with the audiences in way that it is transparent
and innovative, and has been able to sustain the markets for the products. If a corporation works
on these underpinnings, it is very likely that the corporation would gain the fruits of a good brand
personality. Brand with good personality can gain the trust of the customer and stake holders

which can provide gains in market share and the purchase intentions can also be improved
(Abimbola & Vallaster, 2007). Establishing a strong brand play valuable role in attaining
competitive advantage over its rivalry for an organization. Brand is also regarded as a significant
instrument for organizational marketing strategies. It can add discreet value to the product in the
light of perception of consumer and considered as more long-lasting asset of products and
services. Therefore, researchers have showed a developing interest in the concept of brand
personality (Delgado-Ballester & Manuera-Aleman, 2005).

Researchers Muniz & Marchetti (2012) have raised the concerns that whether brands and
products could have their own personalities and the brands due to their dimensions could induce
emotions, feelings and behaviors in a similar way as human being are branded as forthcoming,
aware, intelligent and friendly. Therefore, it is contended that brands as similar to human beings
can also be allocated the profiles of personalities that are explained through a series of
characteristics. Brand personality is defined as “the perception of consumer regarding the brand
on the personality of a man to conceive” (Batra, Lehmann, & Singh, 1993) whereas, Aaker
(1997) described brand personality as linking human traits with the brands.

It is confirmed that brand personality play significant role in differentiation and it is a valuable
source to publicize and advertise the brand (Plummer, 1985). It is also asserted that brand
personality contemplates a copious and more fascinating reality than any reality exclusively
based on the attributes of a product. Brand personality serve as a promoter and it is considered as
an applicable brand’s image component: brand’s perceived value; since it is part of copious
metaphoric and vocabulary of symbols than that contemplated by functional and physical
brand/product attributes. Whereas, the brand personality is also referred to as a means of
maintaining its exceptional nature, fundamental psychological values, assuming the competitor’s
capacity to compete and getting over functional advantages (Muniz & Marchetti, 2012).

It is defined by Aaker (1997), brand personality is considered as a multifaceted concept, which

comprises of several dimensions, i.e. competence, excitement, sincerity, sophistication, and
ruggedness. Theses dimensions are regarded as a comprehensive brand personality framework,
which is widespread over several categories of products. The framework comprises of five
dimensions and it has been developed with several subgroups which comprises of dimensional
aspects to clarify the structure and character of all the dimensions. It is contended that consumers

are influenced by different dimensions in different ways, for instance; competence, sincerity and
excitement impact the inner personality of human, whereas the ruggedness and sophistication
dimensions entice consumers who desire this, but do not have it (Andreasson & Streling, 2007).


Sincerity Excitement Competence Sophistication Ruggedness

• Down to • Daring • Reliable • Upper Class • Outdoorsy

earth • Spirited • Intelligent • Charming • Tough
• Honest • Imaginative • Successful
• Wholesome • Up-to-date
• Cheerful

Source: Aaker (1997)

On the other hand researchers Valette-Florence & Barnier (2012) have proposed micro and
macro approaches to brand personality. Both of the terms, micro and macro were initially
introduced two particular approaches of social psychology in the study of social values. The
micro approach was introduced by looking at the particularity of each examination area demands
for targeted study and that engaging overly comprehensive inventories of values is inappropriate.
On the contrary, the macro approach introduced to measure exhaustive social values through
multiple comprehensive inventories of values. On the other hand, brand personality measurement
relies upon the field of study or industry, since there is hardly any comparison amid the available
brand personality scale. Generally, researchers use holistic approaches that are viewed as a
macro form of brand personality, for which diverse domains of brand personality are combined
together (Malik & Naeem, 2013).

Buying Intention

Another aspect that is affected by social eWOM is the buying intension of the consumers. Now,
it is important to understand that the relation of influence between the eWOM and the buying
intention of the consumers can be direct as well as indirect. The direct relation means that the

social eWOM has a direct impact on the buying intention while the indirect influence or relation
implies that a third factor can be in between the two variables. For instance, the variable of brand
personality can serve a medium variable through which the impact travels from the social
eWOM and then influences the buying intention. Ghorban (2012) argue that is important for the
marketers to first develop the brand personality of the consumers through different advertising
and promotional activities; consequently, this will result in a positive impact and increase in the
buying intention of the customers. This means that advertising and customer satisfaction has a
positive relation with the brand personality which similarly holds a positive relation with the
buying intention of the consumers. This concept will be discussed later on but now we shall
consider the fundamental aspects associated with the buying intentions of the customers (Baur &
Nyström, 2017).

The buying or purchase intention of the customers is actually known for representing the desire
of the consumers to purchase products from a specific outlet. According to different research
studies, product quality, social influence, socio-economic condition, and brand image are key
factors that have a solid effect on the customer buying intention to shop from a specific outlet
(Sohel, Haji-Othman, & Osman, 2015). Furthermore, another research argues that ethics of a
brand or corporation also matter a lot in impact the overall buying intention of the consumers.
Therefore, if a firm behaves ethically, the buying intention automatically be positive. On the
other hand, if a firm is involved in unethical practices, the buying intention will be on the
negative side (Creyer, 2013). In this regard, the purchase intention theory plays a vital role in the
gaining of a sound understanding of the different factors that affect the buying intention.
According to this theory, the concept of buying intention is actually rooted in the psychological
and behavioral studies (Dodd & Supa, 2011). Furthermore, the theory of Planned Behavior states
that the buying intention of consumers is determined through subjective norms, attitudes, and
perceived behavioral control. These three factors are of immense significance as they are
responsible for predicting the overall intentions (Han, Hsu, & Sheu, 2010). Also, according to a
study carried out by Mirabi, Akbariyeh, and Tahmasebifard, the factors of brand advertising and
name, and product quality had the highest influence on customers' buying intention. On the other
hand, the two variables of price and packaging were quite moderate in nature and did not have a
significant impact on customers' buying intention (Mirabi, Akbariyeh, & Tahmasebifard, 2015).

Chu and Kim (2011), eWOM on the different social networking sites included three significant
aspects which include: opinion giving, opinion seeking, and opinion passing. The consumers
have a very high tendency of opinion seeking which affects the overall brand personality of the
customers and therefore, this opinion seeking behavior can be a variable between the eWOM and
brand personality. High levels of opinion seeking will leads to a larger tendency to search for
information and recommendations on the internet before the consumers make a purchase
decision Chu and Kim (2011).

The contextual factors of the eWOM also play a significant role in affecting the brand
personality in minds of consumers. This means that the opinions of the consumers could vary
according to the context or environment of the situation. For instance, a consumer could have
negative beliefs about certain brands but the reputation is subject to change based on the

The behavioral intention will be directed towards a specific brand because of the contextual
factors of eWOM. In simple words, a positive attitude and the good impression of the consumers
will be reflected in the positive evaluation of the product or the brand (Alina, 2013). Moreover,
other studies have stressed upon the point that the customers must be first engaged in eWOM
through different means in order to build confidence about a brand. Also, this engagement will
also bring about a passion and pride for the brand in the eyes of the consumers and they will start
believing the integrity of that specific brand (McEwen, 2004).

Furthermore, another study Saks (2006) has argued that the idea of engaging the consumers in
eWOM has a positive relationship with the overall intentions and behaviors of the customers.
The social judgment theory also states that the consumers regard the existing feelings to be
important and they would judge the newly acquired information based on their feelings. This is
considered to be a type of framework that guides the behaviors of the consumers with regards to
the process of information. Therefore, whenever an assimilation effect takes place, the different
contextual information and the judgment of the consumers are positively correlated. This means
that the positive context inducement results a judgment that is relatively positive and the negative
context inducement results in a judgment that is negative (Schwarz, 2007).

e WOM and Brand Personality

eWOM is prevalent on the different social media platforms has a substantial role in the
development of a positive and negative image and that shapes brand personality. According to
researcher Lindenblatt (2014) there are a number of ways through which the corporation
responds positively towards the eWOM on the social media platforms. These paradigms include:
the proper establishing and identifying if a social media team; being active and posting gradually
on social media related to products; always answering the queries of the social media users in an
effective manner; Train the responsible people in the company through workshops and seminars;
and never underestimate the influence of social eWOM on personality of a brand.

According to Hanna et al. (2011), the negative eWOM is known to have epic influence on the
brand personality of a corporation. The authors state that the consumers of a corporation are
more than just recipients of a passive nature in the process of marketing exchange. In the
contemporary world, the people and users using the eWOM are taking a more solid role in the
co-creation of almost everything including the promotional messages to the designs of the
products. The traditional one-way communication has amazingly changed through the
introduction and development of model web 2.0 which is a revolution in the field of
communications. Because of this highly interactive interface, the eWOM users can propagate
different kind of information and data on the internet. This is done through the sharing of the
positive as well as negative experiences of the users on the internet and therefore affecting the
brand’s reputation in a positive as well as negative manner. After the sharing of these reviews,
the brands and corporations can then gain access to insights of customers which are almost

According to researchers Krishnamurthy & Kucuk (2009) the brands worth and its overall
personality is affected globally in the sense that users are allowed to share their reviews through
texts, pictures, and videos. Therefore, they are able to effectively communicate with people from
all across the globe, sharing their perception with a massive number of diverse audiences from
all over the world. The experiences and perceptions of the people are shared online and this tells
a lot about the brand worth and its overall personality. The networked markets are so developed
that they are having more knowledge about a certain corporation than the corporation has
knowledge about itself. And whether that knowledge it good or bad, it is transferred to the entire

globe. Therefore, as a consequence, the consumers rely more on these networks than the
companies themselves. According to Bernoff and Li (2009), the balance of power is now shifting
from the corporations towards the consumers, and it is the consumers who decide the brand value
of a corporation in the end.

Brand Personality and Purchase intention

According to Jung and Seock (2016), the performance of a company is heavily reliant on the
favorable brand, its image or personality. It is considered to be an intangible asset that is known
for the deriving of the overall performance of a corporation. It is important to understand that the
brand personality is actually different from the image and identity of the brand. It is defined as
all interactions that consumers have with a brand, whether direct or indirect, generate and impact
the perceptions of the brand personality traits. Therefore, the brand personality is very closely
linked to the subjective evaluation of the customers about the brand. Spreng and Page (2001)
have observed that the brand personality have been able to significantly impact the consumers
brand attitude. This impact then shapes their overall purchase intention, and results in the better
performance of company. Furthermore, researchers Angelina Nhat Hanh Le (2011) have also
provided the evidence that the brand personality also significantly affects the behavior of the
customers and brand equity which are both related to the purchasing intentions.

In addition, Davies et al. (2018) witnessed that good brand personality result in positive attitudes
of consumers towards the purchase intention and to understand this concept further, researchers
have also examined the impact of perceived product quality and awareness of brand on the
purchase. Also, researchers have also found that the decision-making process, which leads to
purchase intention is more affected by negative information which is considered to be more
informative and diagnostic that the positive information. Thus, in the current business
environment, the purchasing intention of the consumers is greatly affected by the brand its
personality. Saleem & Ellahi (2017) carried a research study to examine the influence of e-word
of mouth on the buying intention of fashion products on social networking websites. An
investigation was performed on the results of e-word of mouth on buying intention of Facebook
users. The study selected a sample of 504 of Facebook users, and data was collected through a
survey questionnaire. Results of the study revealed that e-word of mouth play significant role in
influencing the buying intention of fashion products. Furthermore, it is also found that

expertness, high fashion involvement, homophily, informational influence, and trustworthiness
are important factors that determines e-word of mouth.

A study was performed by Luong, Vo, & Le (2017) with the objective to explore the effect of e-
word of mouth on brand image, buying intention and buying decision in the tourism industry of
Vietnam. A sample of 524 individuals was selected and a survey questionnaire used to collect
data from the respondents. The study employed correlation test, t-test, ANOVA, and structure
equation modeling to deduce results. Findings of the study depicted that e-word of mouth has
significant and positive influence on buying intention and brand image. Moreover, it is also
revealed that buying intention has significant and positive impact on buying intention. The study
suggested that online customer reviews should be kept track of by managers and they should
provide timely solutions to consumers.

Koponen (2017) performed a research study with the aim to determine the impact of e-word of
mouth on purchase intention of cosmetic products. The study used a sample of 155 individuals
on Facebook, and data was collected through an online research questionnaire. Data was
analyzed by engaging descriptive statistics, t-test, and regression analysis to test the
predetermined hypotheses of the study. It was evident from the results that e-word of mouth has
a significant positive impact on the purchase intention for cosmetic products. In addition, the
study suggested that marketers can possibly target ego-defensive and knowledge function
attitudes to acquire high rate of purchase intention.

A research study was carried out by Torlak, Ozkara, Tiltay, Cengiz, & Dulger (2014) with the
purpose to examine the effect of e-word of mouth on brand image and purchase intention of cell
phone brands for youth consumers in Turkey. A survey questionnaire design used to collect data
regarding identified variables from the sample of 248 individuals. Results of the study revealed
that brand image has significant impact on purchase intention regarding cell phone brands
through e-word of mouth. Furthermore, it is also revealed in the study that e-word of mouth
significantly influences brand image. The study suggested that managers can consider reviews
acquired from customers e-word of mouth channels and utilize them in establishing the brand

Vahdati & Nejad (2016) executed research study with the aim of investigating the effect of brand
personality on customer purchase intention through the mediating role of e-word of mouth. The
study carried out in the banking sector examines that if brand personality, brand equity and e-
word of mouth are determining elements that influence the purchase intention of bank’s
customers that can later lead towards their purchase decision. A sample of 394 individuals was
selected, and data was collected from research participants through questionnaires. The study
employed structural equation modeling to test the hypothesis. Findings of the study illustrated
that e-word of mouth; brand personality and brand equity have significant and positive impacts
on bank’s customers purchase intentions. Furthermore, it is also evident that brand equity and e-
word of mouth demonstrate positive mediating roles.

A cross contry study between Sweeden and Germany was carried out by Baur & Nyström (2017)
with the purpose to explore the impact of e-word of mouth components on brand attitude and
purchase intention. The study engaged material culture, observation and interviewing as
qualitative data collection technique. A total sample of 21 students was collected from Germany
and Sweden, 11 and 10 students from each respective country. Results of the study through
qualitative analysis revealed that the selected five components i.e. channels, valence, inorganic e-
word of mouth, length and information type are not viewed as unique, but they are linked to each
other and relay on surrounding component factors. Moreover, it is suggested that opinion
towards the e-word of mouth components rely on the culture of recipient.

Sa’ait, Kanyan, & Nazrin (2016) performed a research study to examine the effect of e-word of
mouth on customer purchase intention. The study engaged relevancy, accuracy,
comprehensiveness and timeliness as components of e-word of mouth as independent variable
and customer purchase intention as dependent variable. A sample of 361 individual was selected
for the study and data was collected through administering survey-based questionnaire. The
study employed correlation analysis and regression analysis to test the proposed hypothesis.
Findings of the study demonstrated that all of the e-word of mouth elements; relevancy,
accuracy, comprehensiveness and timeliness have significant and positive impact on customer
purchase intention. Accuracy as a component of e-word of mouth was found to have strong
impact on customer purchase intention among the four components.

A study with the purpose on examining the effect of brand personality on brand loyalty in the
companies’ microblogs was carried out by (Zhang, Wang, & Zhao, 2014). Sincerity,
competence, excitement, and sophistication were used as dimensions of brand personality. The
study selected a sample of 236 individuals and data was collected from the research participants
through survey-based questionnaire. Results of the study revealed that all the four dimensions of
brand personality; sincerity, competence, excitement, and sophistication have significant and
positive effect on consumer satisfaction, which increases the loyalty of consumers toward
brands. The study found consumer satisfaction as an important mediator that links brand
personality and brand loyalty in companies’ microblogs.

Kudeshia & Kumar (2017) carried out a research study with the purpose to explore that how
positive user generated e-word of mouth through Facebook affects brand attitude and influence
the purchase intention of smartphone brands. A sample of 311 respondents was selected for the
study and data collection carried out through a survey-based questionnaire. Structural equation
modeling was employed in the study to analyze the results. Findings of the study showed that
positive user generated e-word of mouth on Facebook (social networking site) significantly and
positively influences brand attitude and customer purchase intention of smartphone brands. The
study implied that e-word of mouth on social networking sites can be utilized as a
communication tool, that not only facilitates marketers to reach customers but to identify and
evaluate its significant role in influencing brand attitude and purchase intention of products.

Su & Tong (2015) in their study aimed to examine the effects of brand personality on brand
equity in the sportswear brands. The study engaged brand personality framework to empirically
examine the sportswear brands personality and the impact of brand personality on brand equity.
A sample of 420 college students was selected for the research, data collection technique from
the participant selected for the study through research questionnaire. Findings of the study
concluded that brand personality of sportswear can be explained in seven dimensions;
attractiveness, innovation, ruggedness, competence, sincerity, excitement and attractiveness.
Furthermore, it is revealed that attractiveness, innovation, competence and sincerity among all
seven dimensions were significantly contribution factors in establishing brand equity of
sportswear brands.

Riyas & Herath (2016) execute research study to investigate the impact of brand personality
determinants on purchase intention branded umbrella products in Sri Lankan market. Sincerity,
excitement, competence, ruggedness and sophistication were used as brand personality
determinants. A sample of 100 individual was selected and data collection was carried out
through research questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis used to test the hypothesis revealed
that ruggedness and excitement significantly and positively affect purchase intention, whereas
sophistication, sincerity and competence were not positively associated to purchase intention.

Theoretical Framework



eWOM Purchase


H1: eWOM has significant impact on brand personality

H2: eWOM has significant impact on intention to purchase

H3: Brand personality has significant impact on intention to purchase

H4: Brand personality mediates impact of eWOM on intention to purchase

Chapter 3
Research Methodology


The research methodology chapter provides the justification of researcher’s choice and methods
used in the study. Research methodology comprises of a set of rules and procedures that direct
researcher towards the assessment and replication of research findings to establish new set of
comprehensions. Research methodology covers the research design, sampling techniques and
size, research instrument measurement, statistical methods and many different processes that
generate research evidence (Gray, 2009).

Research Design

Research design serves as a principal plan defining the procedures and techniques for gathering
and analyzing required information. Design of this study is hypothesis testing research study.
The hypothesis testing research design demands for unambiguous description of what, therefore
it is to be carried out to test the hypotheses in present study.

Research Approach

Deductive research approach and quantitative research approach is considered appropriate for the
study. Deductive research approach involves theory and then testing the theory by conducting
empirical observations. It begins with theory, hypothesis development and then testing
hypothesis through empirical data collection and analysis to deduce conclusions (Sekaran,
Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach, 2003). The quantitative research
approach is used in the study, since the nature and design of research study allows to carry out
survey for data collection to test the hypothesis.

Data Collection

Collection of data in a research study is regarded as the innermost research onion layers. It is
essential for researcher to make sure that biasness is not involved in data collection. There are
two types of data collection sources; secondary data source, and primary data source. This study
in particular used both, secondary and primary data collection sources. Secondary data source

includes collection of data from the published journals, periodicals, conference proceedings,
websites, and e-books for theoretical and empirical reviews whereas the primary data source
includes data collection through survey-based questionnaire.

Research Instrument

The study used a structured adopted questionnaire to collect primary data on the studied
variables. A survey-based questionnaire is a list of prudently organized questions, selected after
extensive testing with a prospect to draw out reliable responses from research participants. The
questionnaire adopted for this study comprises of four sections. The first section involves
questions related to demographic variables, i.e. gender, age, and education. The second section
comprises of four items related to e-word of mouth variable. Third section includes three
questions related to brand personality. Lastly, the fourth section comprises of three questions
regarding purchase intention variable. All the questions related to variables are designed on five-
point Likert scale ranging from (1) strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree. Questions related to e-
word of mouth and purchase intention are adopted from the study of Kudeshia & Kumar (2017),
whereas as questions related to brand personality are adopted from the study of Le, Cheng, Lee,
& Jain (2012).

Population and Sample

In order to gather adequate reliable population, the researcher made rational decisions related to
population and sample. Population in the field of statistics is described as the whole group
regarding which information is needed to be collected. It can be also referred to as the entire set
of people with detailed features set. Whereas sample is a subcategory of population Sample is
explained as gathering objects or individuals from the population that has standardized
characteristics (Bryman & Bell, 2011). Population for the study includes users of air conditioner
brands in Islamabad. However the number of elements in population is unknown for the study.
Sample on the other hand is regarded as a subset of population and it is valuable concept in the
field of statistics. It refers to the number of people selected from the population. A total of 200
research participants have been selected as a sample size for this particular study. Comfrey and
Lee (1992) suggests that sample might be evaluated roughly based on following scale 50 very
poor, 100 poor, 200 to 300 good, and 301 to 500 very good 1000 or more excellent.

Sampling method is used to select a sample size from within the general population. It is
essential for researcher to use appropriate sampling method to eliminate biasness in sample
selection process. Engaging appropriate sampling method facilitates research in reducing costs
and efforts in collecting sample for the study (Mathews & Ross, 2010). The study considered
convenient non-probability sampling technique as an appropriate method to select sample, which
is considered as time saving, cost reduction and effort reducing technique, since researchers are
confronted with cost and time constrains. The convenient non-probability sampling involves
research participants who can be easily approached, and it is also referred to as accidental or
opportunity sampling (Alvi, 2013).

Unit of Analysis

Unit of analysis is explained as the level of aggregation of collected data throughout the
subsequent stage of data analysis. Unit of analysis for this specific study is the users of
Facebook, since each response from the research participants are treated as individual data

Time Horizon

Time horizon of the study determines that whether research study is longitudinal of cross-
sectional. When the data is collected for a research study for two or more than two times is
referred to as longitudinal study. On the other hand, when the data is collected just once over a
period of time is referred to as cross-sectional study. The nature of the study recommends using
cross-sectional time horizon, as the data collection from research participants is carried out only
once over a period.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is carried out by using numerous statistical tools through software. The study has
engaged several statistical tools such as; frequency distribution, reliability, descriptive statistics,
correlation analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS software. Descriptive statistics
facilitates researcher in completing the data process through interpreting and analysis, describing
the evidences either supporting or rejecting hypothesis. Frequency distribution measures the

central tendency, location and dispersion and depicts different categories and observation for
each variable (Manikandan, 2011). Reliability is performed for the accuracy of measurement
scores and it facilitates researcher in assessing the usefulness of measures and depicts the
measurement accuracy (Sekaran, Research Methods for Business: A Skill-Building Approach,
2003). Correlation analysis is engaged to check the measure of linear relationship between two
variables, it shows strength and direction of variables relationship. Regression analysis was
performed to examine the dependence of one variable over another variable. The study also
employed Preacher and Hayes (2004) model 4 to investigate mediation.

Chapter # 4
Results and Discussions
1. Gender of Respondents

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Male 118 59.0 59.0 59.0
Valid Female 82 41.0 41.0 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0

118 participants are male and other 82 participants are female respondents. Male respondents are
59 percent and female respondents are 41 percent. Graphical illustration is given below.




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

2. Age of Respondents

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
18-25 138 69.0 69.0 69.0
26-32 38 19.0 19.0 88.0
Valid 33-40 10 5.0 5.0 93.0
41-46 14 7.0 7.0 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0

In results from table 2, 138 participants are in age group 18-25, 38 participants are in age group
26-32, 10 participants are in age group 33-40 and 14 participants are in age group 41-46.
Participants from age group 18-25 are 69 percent; participants from age group 26-32 are 19
percent, participants from age group 33-40 are 5 percent and participants from age group 41-46
are 7 percent. Graphical illustration is given below.





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

3. Qualifications of Respondents

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Intermediate 22 11.0 11.0 11.0
Bachelors 115 57.5 57.5 68.5
Masters 42 21.0 21.0 89.5
M.S/M.Phil 20 10.0 10.0 99.5
Others 1 .5 .5 100.0
Total 200 100.0 100.0

In results from table 3, 22 participants are intermediate (FA/FSc/A Levels), 115 participants are
graduates (bachelor degree holders), 42 participants are masters (post graduate degree holders)
and 20 participants are M.S/M.Phil. In term of percentage, 11 percent participants are
intermediates, 57.5 percent participants are graduates, 21 percent participants are post graduates,
and 10 percent are M.S/M.Phil. Only one participant picked option others. Graphical illustration
is given below.






0 10 20 30 40 50 60

4. Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.

e WOM 200 1.00 5.00 3.7056 .82584

Brand Personality 200 1.33 5.00 3.5556 .79833

200 1.33 5.00 3.6884 .80478

Responses on e WOM (independent variable) has mean value = 3.70 its deviation value is .825.
Data series has normal deviation from its mean value. Mean is above than average 3.70 / 5.00.
To the brand personality (mediator) mean value = 3.55 its deviation value is .798. Again data
series of brand personality normally deviates from its mean. Mean is also above than average
3.55 / 5.00. Responses on purchase intention (dependent variable) has mean value = 3.68 its
deviation value is .804. However, std. deviation is quite normal and mean value is also above
than average 3.68 / 5.00.

5. Reliability Analysis

N Items Cronbach's Alpha

e WOM 200 4 .769
200 3 .788
200 3 .754

In reliability statistics, cronbach’s alpha value = (.769) for four items used to measure e WOM.
This value is reliable and consistent > (0.70). Cronbach’s alpha value = (.788) for three items
used to measure brand personality. This value is reliable and consistent > (0.70). Cronbach’s
alpha value = (.754) for three items used to measure purchase intention. This value is reliable and
consistent > (0.70).

6. Correlation Analysis

e WOM Brand Purchase
Personality Intention

Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 200
Pearson Correlation .524** 1
Brand Personality
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 200 200
Pearson Correlation .501** .572** 1
Purchase Intention
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 200 200 200

In correlation statistics, it is found that dependent variable purchase intention and brand
personality are correlated positively. It is due to the value (0.572 or 57.2 %). The correlation
relation is high however change in one may cause change in other. Next, it is found dependent
variable purchase intention and eWOM are associated positively. It is due to the value (0.501 or
50.1 %). The correlation relation is high however change in one may cause change in other.
Lastly, mediator (brand personality) and independent variable (e WOM) are positively associated
due to the value (0.524 or 52.4 %).

7. Regression Analysis “e WOM impacts on Purchase Intention”

Hypothesis IV DV R2 F Beta t-test Sig Status

.251 65.299 0.000
H1 e WOM .501 8.081 0.000 Accepted

In order to test first hypothesis, “e WOM has significant impact on purchase intention” table 7
signified R squared value .251. However, e WOM (independent variable) postulates 25.1 percent
change in purchase intention (dependent variable).
Regression model based on e WOM (independent variable) and Purchase Intention (dependent
variable) is anticipated fit owing to the F Statistics 65.29 in which chances of error are zero with
respective Sig. 0.000. However, predictor e WOM (independent variable) may signify significant
change in Purchase Intention (dependent variable).
Coefficient in the model contains (β) value = .501. It envisages .501 units change in purchase
intention (dependent variable) owing to the e WOM (independent variable). t statistics in model
is 8.08. However coefficient in model is other than zero. Consequently, influence of e WOM
(independent variable) is positive and significant on purchase intention (Dependent variable). H1
is therefore supported. It implies that positive e-WOM on social media network (Facebook) will
increase purchase intention of air conditioning brands. Results of the current study are consistent
with previous findings of Park, Lee, & Han (2007). They argued that the quality and quantity of
reviews posted on websites significantly and positively influence purchase intentions. Current
findings revealed that consumers of air conditioning brands often read other consumers or
friends’ comments and reviews to know the brand’s impression, to gather brand information, to
buy right brand and to have confidence on buying decision, making them intend to purchase
specific brands rather than other available brands.

8. Regression Analysis “e WOM impacts on Brand Personality”

Hypothesis IV MV R2 F Beta t-test Sig Status

.274 73.24 0.000
H2 e WOM .524 8.550 0.000 Accepted

In order to test second hypothesis, “e WOM has significant impact on brand personality” table 8
signified R squared value .274. However, e WOM (independent variable) postulates 27.4 percent
change in brand personality (mediator).
Regression model based on e WOM (independent variable) and brand personality (mediator) is
anticipated fit owing to the F Statistics 73.24 in which chances of error are zero with respective
Sig. 0.000. However, predictor e WOM (independent variable) may signify significant change in
brand personality (mediator).
Coefficient in the model contains (β) value = .524. It envisages .524 units change in brand
personality (mediator) owing to the e WOM (independent variable). t statistics in model is 8.55.
However coefficient in model is other than zero. Consequently, influence of e WOM
(independent variable) is positive and significant on brand personality (mediator). H2 is therefore
supported. The results entail that positive e-WOM through social media network will increase
and attach more positive attributes toward brand personality of the air conditioning brands. It is
evident from the previous study of Davies, Rojas-Méndez, Whelan, Mete, & Loo (2018) that
brand personality reflects a signaling theory, since companies edit and shape their
communications and to signals only definite brand aspects. Customers on the other hand, benefit
from such signals of brand personality aspects, which helps them in creating brand personality
for their own as well as promoting it to others through e-WOM. Findings of this study indicates
that research respondents through e-WOM on social media often read other consumers/ friends
comments and posts to know about air conditioning brand impression on others, to make sure
buying of right air conditioning brand, to collect information regarding air conditioning brand,
and to assess buying decision confidence, and then relate it to their air conditioner brand
personality as contemporary, energetic and stylish.

9. Regression Analysis “Brand Personality impacts on Purchase Intention”

Hypothesis MV DV R2 F Beta t-test Sig Status

.324 95.55 0.000
Brand Purchase
H3 .572 9.775 0.000 Accepted
Personality Intention

In order to test third hypothesis, “brand personality has significant impact on purchase intention”
table 9 signified R squared value .324. However, brand personality (mediator) postulates 32.4
percent change in purchase intention (dependent variable).
Regression model based on brand personality (mediator) and in purchase intention (dependent
variable) is anticipated fit owing to the F Statistics 95.55 in which chances of error are zero with
respective Sig. 0.000. However, predictor brand personality (mediator) may signify significant
change in purchase intention (dependent variable).
Coefficient in the model contains (β) value = .572. It envisages .572 units change in purchase
intention (dependent variable) owing to the brand personality (mediator). t statistics in model is
9.77. However coefficient in model is other than zero. Consequently, influence of brand
personality (mediator) is positive and significant on purchase intention (dependent variable). H3
is therefore supported. The result implies that high brand personality leads to higher purchase
intention of air conditioner brands. Respondents of the research study revealed that they describe
their air conditioner brand personality as contemporary, energetic, and stylish which increases
their purchase intention and make sure that they buy air conditioner brand according to the brand
personality knowing that there are other brands available and intend to buy similar air
conditioner brand in future that fits their personality.
10. Mediation of Brand Personality to influence e WOM on Purchase Intention”

Hypothesis Effect t z p LLCI ULCI Status

Total Effect of .488 8.13 .0000 .3704 .6074
X on Y
Direct effect of .275 4.28 .0000 .1489 .4027
X on Y
Indirect effect .213 .1274 .3278
of X on Y
Normal theory 5.06 .0000

H4 Accepted

In order to test fourth hypothesis, “brand personality mediates influence of e WOM on purchase
intention” table 10 signified total effect value .488. However, e WOM postulates significant
positive change in purchase intention (dependent variable). t statistics value in model 8.13
(significant and positive) and LLCI = .3704 and ULCI = .6074.
Direction effect value .275 postulates the amount of change caused in purchase intention
(dependent variable) due to e WOM without intervention of brand personality. t statistics value
in model 4.28 (significant and positive) and LLCI = .1489 and ULCI = .4027. Indirection effect
value .213 postulates the amount of change caused in purchase intention (dependent variable)
due to e WOM with intervention of brand personality. z statistics value is 5.06 (significant and
positive) and LLCI = .1274 and ULCI = .3278. Consequently, brand personality mediates
influence of e WOM on purchase intention. H4 is therefore supported.
The result indicates that positive e-WOM through social media network adds to the brand
personality which increase the purchase intention of air conditioner brands. Research participants
revealed that positive and strong air conditioner brand personality aspects such as; contemporary,
energetic and stylish will create a positive e-WOM through social media and customers review
comments and posts of a strong brand personality leads to higher purchase intention of air
conditioner brands.

Chapter 5
Conclusion and Recommendations
This research study is carried out with the objective to analyze the impact e-word of mouth on
brand personality and purchase intention of Air-Conditioning brands in Islamabad. The study
engaged e-word of mouth as independent variable, purchase intention as dependent variable, and
brand personality as mediating variable. Both, theoretical review and empirical review performed
to provide the information required on the selected variables. Brand is produced to differentiate a
product or service offered by a company from its competitors, and it provides consumers the
knowledge related to the company. Consumers on the other hand use social media as a platform
for e-word of mouth, where reviews are created, associated with the brand which can influence
the buying intention of customers. A sample of 200 individuals was selected for the study. The
study engaged numerous statistical tools; descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression
analysis and Preacher and Hayes (2004) model 4 to investigate mediation.

Overall results of the study revealed that e-word of mouth significantly and positively affect
brand personality and purchase intention of air-conditioning brands. It is indicated that the effect
of e-word of mouth on purchase intention is significant and positive, and brand personality
partially but strongly mediates the relationship between e-word of mouth and purchase intention
of air-conditioning brands. Therefore, findings of the study support the proposed hypothesis, H1
that e-word of mouth has significant impact on purchase intention of air-conditioning. The
second hypothesis H2 proposed that e-word of mouth has significant impact on brand personality
is accepted. Third hypothesis H3 suggested is also accepted that brand personality has significant
impact on purchase intention. Whereas, the fourth hypothesis H4 proposed that social e-word has
significant impact on brand personality and purchase intention is also supported by the research
findings, implying that brand personality significantly, strongly and partially mediates the
relationship between e-word of mouth and purchase intention.

Since the proposed theoretical model depicting the effect of e-word of mouth on brand
personality and purchase intention has been tested and confirmed to be a valid theoretical model.
Therefore, it is recommended that using social media platform as a tool for e-word of mouth play

significant role in affecting brand personality toward a brand and intention to purchase it.
Marketing managers are required to crucially review and analyze the reviews provided by
consumers regarding product and services in order to shape their brand according to needs and
desires of customers. Therefore, a good brand personality can be developed through comments
and reviews of customers on social media networks, which could influence their purchase
intention. The empirical findings of affect of e-word of mouth on purchase intention will
facilitate marketing managers in analyzing sales and implement better social media strategies.

Limitations and Future Directions

This study is limited to the effect of e-word of mouth on brand personality and purchase
intention of air conditioning brands, which constrains the generalization of findings to other
products. Therefore, new insights to this area of research work can be provided by carefully
considering other category of products and services. This study is also narrowed down to the use
of Facebook, since there are various other social networking sites, and each having diverse
characteristics and different set of audiences. Thus involving other social media networks such
as: Twitter and Instagram to get more insights. Furthermore, this study is limited to one
independent variable, and other variables can be included for future studies to widen the research

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Gender Male : Female

Age 18-25 : 26-32 : 33-40 : 41-48 : 49-55 : Above 55

Education Intermediate : Graduation : Masters : MS/M


(1 Strongly Disagree, 2 Disagree, 3 Neutral, 4 Agree, 5 Strongly Agree)

I often read other consumers’/friends post to know what
products/brands make good impression on others
I often read other consumers’/friends post to make sure I
buy the right product/brand.
I often read other consumers’/friends post to gather
information about products/Brands
I often read other consumers’/friends post to have
confidence in my buying decision

(1 Strongly Disagree, 2 Disagree, 3 Neutral, 4 Agree, 5 Strongly Agree)

Brand Personality

Contemporary can be used to describe (my air conditioner

brand) very well.
Energetic can be used to describe (my air conditioner
brand) very well
Stylish can be used to describe (my air conditioner brand)
very well.

(1 Strongly Disagree, 2 Disagree, 3 Neutral, 4 Agree, 5 Strongly Agree)

Purchase Intention
I would buy my air conditioner’s brand products 1 2 3 4 5
I would buy my air conditioner’s brand products rather than 1 2 3 4 5
any other product available
I intend to purchase my air conditioner’s brand products in 1 2 3 4 5
the future also


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