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Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Title Page

Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19




San Marcos Elementary School


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Table of Contents

Title Page.........................................................................................................................................1

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................2

Review of Related Literature and Studies...........................................................................5

Projecting the Potential Impact of COVID-19 School Closures on Academic Achievement.........6

Conceptual Framework........................................................................................................8

Research Questions..............................................................................................................9


A. Instrument/s

B. Assent and Consent Forms

C. Scanned Copy of Landbank ATM Card (indicate branch, account number and 3

sample specimen signatures)


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Reading is one of the simplest ways to transport yourself to another world. We can travel

many places by reading. It functions as a time machine, allowing us to go back in time and

appreciate the beauty of the places, objects, or even people we read about in a particular book.

Reading books allows us to learn about everything and anything around us. It may bring different

emotions, new knowledge and wisdom, and even a friend or companion.

Reading provided us with pleasure, happiness, and memories that we will cherish for the

of our lives. It has an impact on the mind and heart of anyone who reads a story they want to

Whether it's a book about history, science, horror, or love, one's mind and soul can feel what's

going on in the books they read. Perhaps this is why there are so many bookworms all over the


According to Dr. Nell Duke, pre-reading is any skill or strategy that will help students learn

to read in kindergarten, and some examples include: phonological awareness, or the ability to

distinguish sounds from one another, listening skills, learning new words, print recognition, or

knowing what books are and how to hold them, and blending sounds into complex words (like

“read”). When most people think of reading, they think of stories, particularly books. However,

there are numerous other types of reading materials that children can use to practice their

developing reading skills. Some of them are magazines and newspapers. However, when it

to Kindergarten students, it is best to start with books that contain the alphabets and their sounds.


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Previous research has found that pandemics have a significant impact on students' learning.

Reading is one of the macro skills that the majority of them struggled with. Teachers assist

students by employing effective strategies that are tailored to the needs and level of the students.

In this new normal setting, Kindergarten students must distinguish between different sounds of

oral language in order to achieve understanding. Regardless of the current situation, different

approaches to teaching reading strategies are widely used by teachers for the learning and

development of each learner.

In recent years, our department has soared to new heights in terms of reading level. On the

record, the reading level with comprehension in the Elementary level was seen. Many students

capable of reading and responding to questions. However, due to the pandemic we experienced,

is possible that things will not be the same as they were. The covid 19 destroyed some of the

learners' good foundations in terms of knowledge and reading comprehension. They are unable

attend school because face-to-face classes have been cancelled. Despite this, the department

continues to provide good and quality education to all students.

The outbreak of the corona virus infection known as COVID-19 has had an impact on the

Philippine education system. Pandemic adjustments have an impact on teachers, parents, and

students. “Education cannot wait,” says DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones, who believes that

student learning should be implemented continuously.


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Since education is no longer confined to the classroom, parents now work alongside

teachers as educators. As home facilitators, parents are extremely important. Their primary role

in education is to connect with the child and guide him or her (FlipScience, 2020). As a result,

Kindergarten students are eager to adapt and learn more under the supervision of their teachers

and parents.

Teachers are obligated to develop innovative initiatives that help overcome the

limitations of virtual teaching. Teachers are actively collaborating with one another at the local

level to improve online teaching methods. As educators, parents, and students share similar

experiences, there are unrivaled opportunities for collaboration, creative solutions, and a

willingness to learn from others and try new tools (Doucet et al., 2020). Thus, in this time of

pandemic, online reading class and assessment is critical, particularly for Kindergarten students.

Furthermore, many parents guide and support their children during the learning process, and the

extent and degree of support varies greatly.

“Learning to read is one of the most difficult tasks that schoolchildren face, and we fear

that a prolonged loss of instruction could be disastrous,” said Yale's Ken Pugh, associate

professor of linguistics and radiology and director of research at Haskins Laboratories. The

abrupt change in education has an impact on students' learning. As a result, the goal of this study

was to assess the reading level of Kindergarten students in the Calumpit South District.


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Review of Related Literature and Studies

The Department of Education (DepEd) is enhancing its reading program through the

implementation of the Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Program, which is in line with

the K to 12 Program and the goal of making every child a reader. DO 18, S. 2017 – Guidelines

On The Utilization Of The 2017 Every Child A Reader Program Funds For The Early Language,

Literacy, And Numeracy Program: Professional Development Component seeks to help Filipino

children develop reading and numeracy abilities as well as attitudes that will help them learn for

the rest of their lives. The Department's mission is to improve the reading and numeracy skills of

learners in Kindergarten through Grade 3 who are following the K–12 Basic Education

Curriculum by building a long-term and cost-effective professional development system.

According to the study of Domingue, Benjamin W. Hough, Heather J.Lang, David

Yeatman, Jason entitled Changing Patterns of Growth in Oral Reading Fluency during the

COVID-19 Pandemic, students in the study come from districts that use the Literably ORF

assessment. They concentrate on the N = 111 districts that have agreed to participate (districts

were given a choice to opt out of this study). The average district contributed 885 students and

4205 points. The IQR for the number of students ranged from 86 to 806, while the IQR for the

number of scores ranged from 185 to 2366

DEPED Memorandum No. 173, series of 2019 entitled :HAMON: BAWAT BATA

BUMABASA strengthen the reading proficiency of every learner and to nurture a culture of

reading which is requisite skill in all content areas. To be effective readers, children need to be


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

able to use the six elements in combination. These are: Oral Language, Phonological Awareness,

Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Comprehension.

In addition, Deped Memorandum No.66 S,2020 “Every Parent a Reading Teacher

Project” aims to elevate reading comprehension of the learners by amplifying its campaign of

establishing reading home hrough project “ Every Parent a Reading Teacher Program” . The

project aims to educate the parents on how to be a reading teacher at home and provide reading

materials that can be used by struggling, frustration, instructional, and independent readers.

Another study conducted by James Soland, Beth Tarasawa, and Megan Kuhfeld

emphasizing the Potential Impact of COVID-19 School Closures on Academic Achievement, the

researcher projected the effects of COVID-19 on student achievement trends from the spring of

2020, when schools were first closed across the United States, to the start of the 2020–2021

school year in this study. The researcher used a national sample of 5 million students in Grades

3–8 who took MAP® GrowthTM assessments in the 2017–2018 and 2018–2019 school years to

provide preliminary estimates of the potential effects of the extended pause in face-to-face

academic instruction during the pandemic (about 22 percent of the approximately 22 million

U.S. public school students in Grades 3 to 8 according to the National Center for Education

Statistics, 2018). It was specifically compared typical growth trajectories over a standard-length

school year to learning projections that assume students were absent for the last three months of

the 2019–2020 school year, based on several different scenarios for the effects of that gap in


Cited by Terry Lynn Wood, Kindergarten Reading Readiness and Developmental

Indicators for the Assessment of Learning stated that 22 percent of students entering


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

kindergarten did not have the necessary reading readiness skills based on the DIAL-4, 44 and

there was a need to clarify the extent to which the gap was closed over the kindergarten school

year. The examined changes in total RBI test scores using RBI pre and post assessment

composite score data from the 2016-2017 school year. In terms of reading readiness skills as

measured by DIAL-4 scores, two groups were compared: those entering kindergarten with a gap

and those entering school without a gap. These data in the form of pre and post assessment

scores facilitated my research by allowing me to focus on answering the research questions.

This study's findings provide the data-derived findings that local administrators and other

stakeholders need to address the pre-kindergarten service delivery model and curriculum used to

reduce the number of pre-kindergarten students entering kindergarten without the necessary

reading readiness skills. Educators may gain a better understanding of when students begin to

fall behind and the role kindergarten plays in students' academic success as a result of this

research study. The results of this research affirmed the reading interventions for the schools

studied. However, similar studies could find for the need of remedial resources when students

who enter with a gap do not catch up to their peers by the end of kindergarten. This, in turn,

would support the development of instructional strategies targeting students’ development of

early childhood readiness skills. The results of this study provide best practice recommendations

for teaching staff, administrators, and parents of the necessary educational practices needed to

ensure all students have the necessary literacy skills, which can lead to improved reading,

academic, and career success.

School preparation includes early childhood experiences, developmental possibilities, and

perspectives of children's transition to kindergarten (Cameron, Pinto, Hunt, & Léger, 2016).


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Gaynor (2015) described "school readiness" as "a complex construct that fundamentally pertains

to a child's readiness to learn in a school environment at the age of five.". Some researchers use

both children's chronological age and other readiness characteristics when determining school


During the preschool years, children's language skills increase substantially. The early

years of school provide the groundwork for a student's future success. Students who do not

understand literacy skills often fail to read successfully (Luther, 2012). The format and focus of

literacy programs varies by grade level, but students should have mastered the essential literacy

skills by the end of third grade. There are two sorts of fundamental literacy skills: constrained

skills and unrestricted skills that affect literacy (Snow & Matthews, 2016).

Conceptual Framework

-Factors that affect

the Reading Level
Reading Level of Improve Reading
Kindergarten -Intervention used Level
Pupils to improve the
reading level

Table 1. Describes the conceptual framework of the study where the input is consisting of

reading level of kindergarten pupils. On the other side are the factors that affect the reading level

and the intervention used to improve the reading level. The output is the improvement of reading

level of kindergarten pupils.


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Research Questions

Start typing the general aim/goal or problem of your research. Specifically, it aims to answer

the following:

1. What is the reading level of Kindergarten pupils in the time of Covid 19?

2. What factors influence Kindergarten pupils reading level?

3. What interventions were used to improve the pupil’s reading level?

4. How was the reading level intervention carried out?

5. Is the intervention truly beneficial to the improvement of pupils in reading?

Significance of the Study

This study makes the following significant contributions to knowledge and education:

Pupils. The results will determine the Kindergarten pupils progress in their reading

skills this time of pandemic.

Teachers. The given data would guide the teachers to have a monitoring in the reading

assessment and to identify the needs of every kindergarten pupils.

Parents. The given data would help the parents in helping and guiding their children in

reading. The findings would also help them to the actions they need to be taken for their


School Heads and Administrators. They will gain insights as to what interventions are

appropriate to help the teachers in educating kindergarten pupils in reading.

Module/ Curriculum Writers. The given data will serve as a reference to them to

bring the desired outcomes in writing modules.


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Future Researchers. The ideas presented may be used as a reference data in conducting

new researches and will help them to have a background and insights about the topic.

Scope and Limitations

The research will be carried out in the Calumpit South District. The study focuses solely

on Kinder teachers. The primary goal of this research is to learn about kindergarten students'

reading abilities and the interventions used by kindergarten teachers. This study takes into

account every aspect of the teacher's personal information that influences kindergarten students'

reading levels, such as personal experience, reading materials, and intervention used.


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19


Type of Research


Sampling Method

Sources of Data


Data Collection Procedure


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19

Ethical Considerations

Data Analysis

Timetable/ Gantt Chart

Target Time Person/s

Objective Strategy/Activity Expected Outcome
and Date Involved
 

Cost Estimates

Plan for Dissemination and Advocacy


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19



Arvindgiri K. Aparnath. (2014). A Study of Academic Anxiety of Secondary School Students

With Relation To Their Gender and Religion. International Journal of Indian

Psychology, 1(4), 1–6.

Briones, L. M. (2020, October 2). Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the

Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan. Department of Education.


Reading Level of Kindergarten Students in the Time of Covid 19


A. Instruments

B. Assent and Consent Form

C. Scanned Copy of Landbank ATM Card (indicate branch, account number and 3 sample

specimen signatures)


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