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Reaction Paper

“It’s More Fun in the Philippines”

It’s quite on the satirical side that this research colloquium happened in the middle of an
issue that triggers the argumentative and scholarly side of students (whether they may be in the
primary, secondary, tertiary, master, doctorate, etc.) and other people who are research-inclined
and pro-education. The meme is now widely spread that I need not included a picture here for me
to highlight the fact that this businesswoman (not deserving of her title as “politician”), seem to
not know the importance of research or any other field that the government should and utterly need
to (in urgency) put a big bulk of its budget to.
Two researchers pioneering change. First, Simulating Cascading Rainfall-triggered
landslide hazards in the Philippines (SCaRP), and second, Philippine Structural Integrity
Monitoring System, these are only but just two of the many researches that is currently undergoing
study (too bad we had class, I could only attend these two particular sessions, reaction: sad). In a
sentence, these researchers aim to develop a control system and somehow an open website that is
available and self-adjusting in itself 24/7 of the particular hazards that they want to test. SCaRP
for the rainfall-induced, PHIL sims for the “infamous” earthquake aftermaths in assessing “how
safe” you are. At first, the thought of how “ambitious” this projects were came across my mind
and I smiled.
Because research was ambitious.
Maybe few would understand that no matter how excruciating the work of research is, the
ambitious ideology of working on something that you are unsure about but nevertheless
approaching it in a manner like how a predator is prowling, is how you make the dream work
practically, effectively and efficiently.
Perhaps few would understand why people need the research. Perhaps few would
understand how research does the job whether it leads to failure or success. Perhaps few
understands the behind-the-scenes of the ground work of theses pioneering and demanding
researches. Perhaps, we don’t allot a lot of budget in this because it is considered and seen as
But see, we don’t have the answers to any of our questions without thoroughly examining
it and studying it. Pre-elementary would already teach you the idea and concept of problem-solving
then as you go higher in the ladder of education, analysis is the epitome of all the abilities and all
the concepts whether theoretical or application that can be integrated in your intelligence and
It is utterly sad that we don’t have much time for a question and answer portion. It is sad
that in the world of research there is still a hint of secrecy. There is still an agreement of non-
disclosure. This agreement, I understand but still abhor. I wouldn’t speak as an engineer in the
future. I would speak as someone who is in the field of research and education. My heart truly
desires to be involved in this field in the future rather than in civil engineering. I do not take for
granted the knowledge and the wisdom I have and will have by studying this as my bachelor’s. I
would like to think of this as a particular asset that would aid me in the future in pursuing something
that I am passionate about.
These researches are not just trying to save money. These researches, no matter which field,
disaster risk reduction management, theoretical-based researches e.g. physics and quantum and
nanotechnology, or application-based and action researchers or even as simple as a case study, is
not a selfish ambitious act. It would always entail “beneficiaries”. It would always entail a
“significance of the study”. The name of research always offers itself to others. Both SCaRP and
PHIL sims, the team in these researcher aim but only one: to be of help to the Filipino people.
“Para sa Pilipinas”.
And I think that is beautiful.

KUDOS to all these pioneering projects!

Although how I wish that these projects would want to involve students in learning. The “secrecy” in these projects
are a thing that I understand yet abhor. I hope that sooner or later, they could involve students to be in the field and
work towards these researches together with the professionals. I believe, a curious mind would always be beneficial
to the minds that “know” what they are doing. I high-key would volunteer to the idea of being involved in all of
these, although I must up my game in academics in order to be deemed worthy.

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