EAPP11-FinalExam (Bulahan, Joneighbel)

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Bagontaas, City of Valencia 8709 Bukidnon

Junior High School
Final Term Examination
S.Y 2020-2021
English for Academic and Professional Purposes

General Instruction: Do not write anything on the questionnaire. Shade the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

For nos. 1 to 10, identify the type of fallacy the statements comprise.
1. If you don’t adopt that puppy today, they might put him down. Do you want to be responsible with that?
A. Appeal to Pity
B. Appeal to Authority
C. Bandwagon Appeal
D. Appeal to Ignorance
2. Everyone on campus is wearing Air Jordans. I need to buy those sneakers.
A. Appeal to Pity
B. Bandwagon Appeal
C. Appeal to Authority
D. Appeal to Ignorance
3. Right when I sneezed, the power went off. I must have caused the outage.
A. Post Hoc
B. Ad Populum
C. Ad Hominem
D. Dicto Simpliciter
4. If we allow our 14 year-old to have her first date tonight, what’s next? A wedding?
A. False Cause
B. Slippery Slope
C. False Dilemma
D. Personal Attack
5. Since the students have no questions concerning the topics discussed in class, the students are now ready
for the test.
A. Appeal to Pity
B. Bandwagon Appeal
C. Appeal to Authority
D. Appeal to Ignorance
6. President Jones raised taxes, and then violent crime went up. Jones is responsible for the rise in crime.
A. False Cause
B. Slippery Slope
C. False Dilemma
D. Personal Attack
7. Green Peace’s strategies aren’t effective because they are all dirty, lazy hippies.
A. Post Hoc
B. Ad Populum
C. Ad Hominem
D. Dicto Simpliciter
8. You’re either with us or against us.
A. False Cause
B. Slippery Slope
C. False Dilemma
D. Personal Attack
(9-10)You don’t believe in ghosts because you’ve never seen one? That doesn’t make any sense since you
surely believe that molecules and black holes are real things even though you’ve never seen them in your eyes.
(ONE answer only)
A. False Cause
B. False Attack
C. False Analogy
D. False Dilemma
(11-13)Which is the LEAST attention grabbing hook? (ONE answer only)
A. The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
B. Do you want the summer heat to kiss you or the cold raindrops to embrace you?
C. Season is each of the four divisions of the year marked by particular weather pattern.
D. Not all raindrops that fall from the sky reach the ground. Under specific conditions, sometimes rain
can fall but never touch the Earth.

14. Which is NOT part of the counter-argument?

A. author’s response
B. recommendations
C. author’s argument
D. opposing argument
15. Which topic is applicable in an argumentative essay?
A. Tourist Spots in South Korea
B. Competition in the Classroom
C. Stages of Human Development
D. Personality and Mental Disorders

(16-17)What type of thesis statement is highlighted in the example below? (ONE answer only)
While some people say that diary writing is a waste of time and effort, studies claim several benefits of diary writing.
A. Roadmap
B. Cause and effect
C. Refute objections
D. Question and answer format
(18-19)What is missing in this argument? (ONE answer only)
A diary creates a map that holds secrets to a person’s own revolution. For instance, you don’t have to
hold a college degree in the Science and Graphology (handwriting analysis) to see how your own handwriting
reveals secrets about your psychological state of being. Noticing how your handwriting changes as you grow
older, when it is bold and confident versus when it was small and timid, is just is just one of the interesting
benefits of keeping a diary over a long period of time.
A. Topic sentence
B. Introduction of evidence
C. Explanation of evidence
D. Concluding sentence
20. What parts of the application letter contain the sender’s address, date, name of the employer, position, and
company’s name and address?
A. salutation and heading
B. heading and inside address
C. inside address and signature
D. signature and complimentary close
21. Which is NOT found in the third paragraph of an application letter’s body?
A. job experiences
B. none of the above
C. seminars attended
D. educational attainments
(22-23) In what order do the accomplishments are presented? (ONE answer only)
Awards Received Institution Year
Best Thesis: MBA Program Asian Institute of Management 2000
Magna cum laude University of the Philippine Diliman 1996
Outstanding Student Award Junior Marketer’s Association 1995
Go-Negosyo Outstanding Business Award Go-Negosyo Philippines 1994
Class Valedictorian North Pole High School 1992
Class Salutatorian North Pole Elementary School 1988

A. logical
B. illogical
C. chronological
D. reverse chronological
24. What is the BEST way to write a salutation?
A. Dear Sir
B. Dear Ma’am/Sir
C. Dear Sir Evangelista
D. To whom it may concern
(25-26) FJ is a graduating student of Bukidnon State University. In his research, he wants to highlight the
effectiveness of the Student Body Organization in their college. What survey question type will he use to gather
data from group of people? (ONE answer only)
A. Nominal questions
B. Likert Scale questions
C. Rating scale questions
D. ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ questions
27. Which is NOT a step in making a questionnaire?
A. ask one question at a time
B. create an impartial language
C. use a vague research process
D. arrange your questions logically
28. What type of survey question presents people with numerous choices?
A. Nominal questions
B. Likert Scale questions
C. Rating scale questions
D. ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ questions

(29-30)Which is the second step in writing a movie report? (ONE answer only)
A. Closely analyze a movie
B. Take note of your observations
C. Take note of what you want to find out
D. Think of probable issues from the movie

Joneighbel Bulahan STEM11

1. A 11-13. A 25-26. C
2. B 14. B 27. B/C
3. A 15. D 28. A
4. B 16-17. C 29-30. B
5. D 18-19. C
6. A 20. B
7. C 21. D
8. C 22-23.
9-10. C 24. C

Score: 21/30

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