Case History: Nama: Putri Vina Zakiah Kelas: 1D Nim: P1337430220147

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Nama : Putri Vina Zakiah

Kelas : 1D
NIM : P1337430220147
Case History
Mr. Billar, a retired bus driver, was unwell and in bed with a cough and general malaise when he
called in his general practitioner. An upper respiratory tract infection was diagnose and erythromycin
prescribed. Two days later, on second home visit, he was found to be a little breathless and
complaining he felt worse. He was adviced to drink plenty and continue with his antibiotic. Another
two days passed and the general practitioner returned to find the patient barely rousable and
breathless at rest. Emergency admission to hospital was arranged on the grounds of "severe chest
infection". On arrival on the ward, he was unable to give any history but it was ascertained from his
wife that he had been confused and unable to get up for the previous 24 hours. He had been
incontinent on several occasions during that time. He had been noted to have had increased thirst and
nocturia during the previous two weeks. 

His past history included appendicectomy at age 12, cervical spondylosis 10 years previously, and
hyperension for which he had been taking at thiazide diuretic for three years. His father has died at
62 of myocardial infarction and his mother had had rheumatoid arthritis. His wife kept generally well
but had also had a throat infection the previous week. Mr. Billar drank little alcohol and had stopped
smoking two years previously. 

Find the phrases providing information on the following:

1. Previous occupation
A retired bus driver

2. Initial symptomps

a cough and general malaise

3. Initial diagnosis

An upper respiratory tract infection

4. Condition prior to admission

Two days later, on second home visit, he was found to be a little breathless and complaining
he felt worse. He was adviced to drink plenty and continue with his antibiotic. Another two
days passed and the general practitioner returned to find the patient barely rousable and
breathless at rest

5. Reason for emergency admission

Emergency admission to hospital was arranged on the grounds of "severe chest infection".
6. Symptoms and their duration from his immediate past history

his wife that he had been confused and unable to get up for the previous 24 hours. He had
been incontinent on several occasions during that time. He had been noted to have had
increased thirst and nocturia during the previous two weeks. 

7. Past History

His past history included appendicectomy at age 12, cervical spondylosis 10 years
previously, and hyperension for which he had been taking at thiazide diuretic for three years.

8. Family History

His father has died at 62 of myocardial infarction and his mother had had rheumatoid arthritis

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