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Performance Report


Designation: Trainee Engineer

Department: Smart MRT

Date of Joining: 3 Dec 2020,

Date Duration (Hr.) Description

3 Dec 2020 9 am to 6pm I joined the processing department of Sadaqat limited as a trainee
engineer. At the very first day I learned about the major
departments of Sadaqat limited. Sadaqat Limited basically has two
main departments.
1- Processing Department
2- Knitting Department
In processing department Home Textile is made like bed sheets,
towels, pillows, Quilt etc.
In knitting department wearing textile is made like T-Shirts, Jeans
There are more many other departments like:
 Wadding department
 Quilting department
 Pillow department
In wadding department Home Vicky quilts are ready at initial step
before going into quilting department. In quilting department
covers of different colors and design wear and stitched.
4 dec 2020 9am to 6pm Three boilers are present in utility department.
1- 20 ton per hour generation (coal fired and water tube
2- 25 ton per hour generation(coal fired and water tube
3- 10 ton per hour generation(Gas fired and fire tube boiler)

It’s a standard rule that 120kg coal produced 1 ton of steam. This
steam is further supplied to the whole industry to do different
I learned about the boiler’s working mechanism.
I learned about the Economizer’s function and its importance for

1 Sadaqat Limited, 2 KM Sahianwala Road-

Performance Report
the boiler.
I also learned about types of compressor and their working
I also learned about oil heater working mechanism.
I also learned about water treatment plant working mechanism,
chemicals used in this process and its use.
I made the layouts of Wadding, quilting and Pillow filling
departments after knowing about all processes from raw material
to final products.

5 dec,2020 9am to 6pm I visited the electrical/electronic department that is under control
of electrical manager Mr.shafique.
I learned about maintenance and repairing of different categories
of motor.
Types of motor:
 AC synchronous and Asynchronous motor
 Brushed and brushless type motor
I also learned about different type of electrical/electronic
components in which included following:
 Relay (5v,12v)
 Diode and its type
 Sensor and its types
 Transistor
 Resistors
 Actuators
I also learned about in this department maintenance and repairing
of electronic module.
I learned the mechanism of servo motor and its application in plant
I learned the servomechanism, its application at plant site and its
uses in industries.
7 dec,2020 9am to 6pm I learned the working mechanism of espriTech folding machine, its
maintenance and all about its sensors.
In maintenance of machine our team of mechanical smart MRT lab
repaired (welding of plate done) and fitted the steel plate of
espriTech machine.
For welding purpose we used TIG Type welding.
 Retroreflective type photo sensors used in espriTech
folding machine. company sick,
 Solved an assignment of difference between IR and photo
I visited the power house in second half.

8 Dec,2020 9am to 6pm I made a control flow chart of Hauser cutting machine and

2 Sadaqat Limited, 2 KM Sahianwala Road-

Performance Report
Orientation of Houser Cutting.
I visited Texpa department, Smart MRT and utility department in
second half.
9 Dec,2020 9am to 6pm Working with magnetic sensor to actuate AC motor.
I noted the numbers of motors install on dryer 1, seinging 1and
mercerizing 1 machine and their rating values in second half.
10,11, 12 9am to 6pm I noted the numbers of motors install on bleaching 1, 2 and
DEC 2020 mercerizing 2 machine and their rating values. i compiled all rating
values in excel.
I learned Smart MRT Hanger Transfer mechanism after knowing all
about of its sensors.
I saw how to change and fitted the pushers of Smart MRT Hanger
Transfer machine and actually what was the problem.
14,15,16 9 am to 6pm I made a presentation on smart MRT mechanism after knowing
Dec,2020 about its all sensors working.
I made a excel file of all motors data by using VBA in excel.
I made a flow chart of Hauser cutter in Lucid chart software.

17-25Dec 9 am to 6pm Installed the solid work 2016 software.

I took all dimension of my small project (Test table for Head of
Texpa machine) and made a word file.
I made a list of all compatible components that I need in my
Table base and head fitting plate designed in solid work.
I saw the daily base maintenance of different machines (setting the
belt of sheet control espriTech machine).
26 Dec 9 am to 6pm Designing of different parts of Test table of TEXPA head on solid
27-31Dec 9am to 6pm Assembly of all parts test table and made a proposal.
Made a list of compatible components that we need in project.

1 Jan 9am to 6pm Timing pulley design in solidwork.

2 Jan-6 Jan 9am to 6pm Conveyor belt design in solidwork.
Derived all mechanical and electrical calculations for conveyor belt
and made a report in MS-word.
Three phase griper hanger design in solidwork.
I made a list of all desire components for 8 head grinder machine in

6 Jan -14 Jan 9am to 6pm Mechanical design of 8 head grinder machine in solid work.
Made a proposal of 8 head grinder machine in MS-word.
14 Jan – 26 9am to 6pm Design an electric circuit of 8 head grinder machine in AutoCAD
Jan electrical.
26 Jan–6Mar 9am to 6pm Button hole and elastic waistband marking machine mechanical

3 Sadaqat Limited, 2 KM Sahianwala Road-

Performance Report
design in solidwork.
Button hole and elastic waistband marking machine electrical
design in solidwork.i worked on physical setup of machine.

6Mar-31Mar 9 am to 6pm Working on wireless remote based gate opening and closing
1April- 8:30 am to Working on smart MRT.
20April 4:10pm
27,29 Nov 8:30 am to Working with magnetic sensor to actuate AC motor.
2020 4:10pm Working on designing of Compensator.
30 Nov 2020 8:40 am to Working on designing of compensator with assembly animation

4 Sadaqat Limited, 2 KM Sahianwala Road-


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