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© ® Fourier Series (FS). The Fourier Series 1 a mative matical tool that allows the TepresentaHon Sf amy periodic signal an te sum of harmonically yelated sinusaida. Ai period signal, ie. one for wmich x(t) = (t+T), can be expressed by a Fourier series provided Anak, a) if ak & Abconfinaour, there are a finite number of di centinucun in dre period TS ily ik hae a finite average value over the period T5 ii) 3 ron a finihe number of positive and negalive marina in Hee period Ae When dnece conditions (also Rnovin 99 Dirichlet satisfied, the Fourier sevies exis The Fourier series is of tro typer: () Trigonometrie Fourier Series (b) exponen Hal Fourier Series: cendibione) are 4 Trigonometrie Fourier Series The trigonometric Fourier series in expressed ony 2 KH= Oe +S (an cos (nut) + bn sin (net) - = -0) na Where, a, ,an and by ave the trigomebric Fourier series co-efficients, and these ave obtained from alt) uolng the folloniing relation, - aor + | xtak (pe Tew) On =e (Tete) cos (nat) Ak (At Term) : bn= 2 face cin(mwot)dt (At Term) ° Note: these conditions for Ankeqration is alse flexible. Thus, dhe integrations can be carried out from -T2 +0 T/2 or tg other full period that may simplify the calculation. 4 Tolar Form Represenlation There are two Wauys to represent polar form | tho Fourier Series in Cones Assume, @y = Cy cos (On) \ it br=-tn sin (Pn) wD where, Cp and On are related on, G =A Cn = fapee, 3 for YL By = tan! (-bn/an) Replacing the Men variables An eq (1) we yt o Zk) = e+ YS (Cy He Oy COS MWGE ~ Cn sinOy sin(nust)) mel =o + J Cy cos(ngt + On) nel oo Je |K(H) = Co + Y Cy cos (nut + On) | neh | Case D Aesume, An = Cy Sin ($y) bn = Cn sin (4) and &, are related to On amd bn On, ashere, Cy Co =40 Cn= YaRab, > for nyt met bp = tom! (SE Similarly , replacing the new variables in eq®(1) we gets UE) = Oo + 5 [ensin(4y) coe (niugt) +en 28 () sin(nwet)] mel = Oot 5 Ca Sin(nwot + $,,) nel Te ,, = SeEES=s be = Co + F.Cn Sin(nwet + $y) i (i) ¥ Some important properties: = per ties a. Jsincmest) at £05 Jor all values "yn 3 7 b. [ess runt dak = 0 5 for alk n tO ° Tv a. J sin (most) cos(nurt) dk = 0 5 for alk mn 4. , sin(mugt) sin (nist) ab = ‘1 5 mp ° In) MeN T . @. 5 ewe(mesgt) 68 (rbot) dt = ‘9 3 men ° To > men % Example! Find the tigono melyi The waveform in periodic Tear, xt) and te fundamental frequency e Fourier Series Jor the shown pave fore Woz R/T = 1 DMatamatically y he waveform in given bys 410 - KAD = oe S OL ORE eviec Of the signal male) Dy The. Fourier oo alt) 2 Bo + Y, (An cos (not) + br sin (nest) ) mel ° athe Fourier coefficients ares ay = (Tete) de _ + PF s0 _ iS £]F- ogee fe M28 Similarly be e 2 ( (184 dam = 2s { 7te coe (nent dA = 5 ( (424) cvs (rt) at = a [tin sin rt) + he cos(nt)|™* = im [ens (anz) - co» (0)] . (un) Similarly, q bs \ rele) sin (nuit) dt ° Uh co : 10 ( \ de J gd) sina = 2, [of eaeln) « fasintnt ra ° = 10 ne Final expression for the Fourier Seviec of dhe x(t) , becamen Xt) = B= 5 (o% 20 © sin(nt)) n=t Example #2. Determine the Fourier Series expression of Ihe given. sqpsane rave signal belo xe) +A ra fe] The woneform periodic With te He period T= 2. Hen, Hu fundamen tal frequency become, = T/2K = AR/ox) For ane qiven signals the signal det™: wll be, AY LOR ee “AS KML wR Dole that, He signal h odd he KGA=— HID. Pemee we com unit the, _- Ooaz] xibde vie gl x x . war = b aL J xtod + frwoar , 2 J 0 : =a ]afi ia |-0 Simi Narly ‘ 7: { At) cos (nut) dX One & Ss = z | 214) tos (nook dF 7 ° 20 ama, H bn 2\ alt) sin (not )br lo x XR — 2h} -* ws(nt = 24 |- t wesn8) |" ee AMS pn ebb a O35 tk RED Aor dens, He trigonometric oo ett) = 5 bn sin(nt) mel & sin t) + Hene, Relative Amp * Exponen Hol Fourier Series 3- The exponential Fourier series © 400 : xt) = FX einwet ‘n=-00 Where y ° fourier Series of He ge signal ote Senter xn st | alt) OME de x nm ‘cos (neta -af cos (rut) ES aes Fe a A a fra A sin(nt) de 28 (i= cos (nx)) o odd values even values. yb, AA eintat) + 2% sin 6H) 4° BR BR tae Fourier Sevies Line Spechrum will bes ¢ te signal (9h expressedan, are the exponential Fourier series coefficients of th signal elt). Relation bebieen trigometric Fourler Serlee_and Exponential Fourier Series. Recall that, 2 : Xe) = a + Y (an Ws (nwot) ton sin (not) ne Snot -inubt, @ +e | + bal = % + Lloml x smut, omens Gea > -e reer E (e { 2 ) net (= ont (aH) om'| oe zoe t Fo n=) an=ibn Assume, Xn = zi dena, : i j2{ : cats 2 32) xWsin now, oe t (+ if ALE) 08 (nist) dk - J = ) ° ip . al ree) ESE de ° Thus, tne exponential Fourier series fh just another nay of rebresenlation of Trigonomatric Pourler Series or viee versa. The two form carry exactly Adentical in formation. Example 43 Determine the Fourier serles expression feir the signal E(k) = cos( Suit) +cos*(2u,t) He howe, ( con =tabeestx amd %Llt) = Cos (Bnet) + Cos? (2 Wt) ot coc (ust) + jsin(ost) ) = cos@Burt) +245 cos(4uyt) ee . . S ae wot geet] +t of ioe godvet hy 5 (et, Sat) +t (emt gidut) ---@ EY A Ty 44 yarmonie De Brd Harmonie wo rte) = Cerne 2-00 iz Sule Sug Saet 7 2 oy te ry eC OY cy eddrety, Dor! cembare exf() amd (2) and we wrth, to =e @, =0 Gro enw, tue dint shectrum Isecomer, Amplituds Dido Bide Abe Review Problems lL. Find the exponential Fourier Series and sketch the corresbonding Fourier sbectrum Xn versus & for ne -wowe sbectrum of sing wane signa. Matnematical expression ef such signal bs ace) = & sin (4) 5 O RhEL RR 3. Determine the Line spectrum of tr signal, x(t) Wich defined or, aloe {9 vera O, Ake 2.

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