ICSE SUPW and Community Service

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Emphasis should be placed on work practice and SUBSIDARY CRAFTS/SERVICES

classroom discussions in these classes. A component
of Contemporary Studies may be correlated with (i) Health and Hygiene
Cleanliness of the neighbourhood, well and pond
Work practice will include one main craft or and the disposal of garbage; construction of toilet
equivalent service and at least one subsidiary craft or
facilities and compost pits; making tooth picks,
equivalent service.
tooth powder; soap; detergents; disinfectants;
MAIN CRAFTS/SERVICES first aid boxes; construction of wastepaper-
baskets; dustbins; garbage cans; brooms;
(i) Health and Hygiene
brushes; cobweb cleaners; dusters; mops, etc.;
Growing medical plants; eradication of detection of adulteration.
communicable diseases; paramedical service.
(ii) Food
(ii) Food Distribution of fertilisers and insecticides;
Agro-industries; kitchen gardening; compost processing and preservation of food;
culture; crop and seed production; repair of farm hydroponics; mushroom culture; khandsari, gur
implements; soil conservation and desert control; and candy making; catering; making jam; jelly,
horticulture; animal husbandry and dairying; bee squashes, pickles, bari and papad, etc.; packing
keeping; poultry farming; fish culture; bakery; food; marketing.
confectionery; cooking.
(iii) Shelter
(iii) Shelter
Home, village and town-planning.
Pottery; Masonry work; Workshop practice
(mechanical); Workshop practice (electrical); Lac culture.
Workshop practice (electronics); Cane and Renovation and effecting minor repairs in
bamboo work; House-craft; Black smithy;
buildings, fittings, furniture and household
Foundry work; Carpet weaving.
articles. Decorating the home; gardening; surface
(iv) Clothing decoration; interior decoration; construction of
decorative pieces; plaster of Paris work; chalk
Production of cotton; wool; silk and other fibres; and candle making; making limestone.
Weaving; Dressmaking; Knitting; Hosiery work;
Embroidery work; Dress designing; Leatherwork. (iv) Clothing
(v) Cultural and Recreational Spinning of different fibres; Dyeing and printing;
Making toys and puppets; Making and repairing Repair of garments; Laundry work.
musical instruments; Making games material;
Printing; Bookbinding; Making stationery; (v) Cultural and Recreational
Photography. Stagecraft; making costumes; holding exhibitions.

Further Suggestion on Socially Useful Productive year of preparation for the examination, i.e. Class
Work: IX and X.
Given below is an indication of how Socially Useful
2. Internal Assessment
Productive Work can be combined with the 'sixth
subject' to be offered in the ICSE examination: The Internal Assessments will consist of
assessment in (a) Socially Useful Productive
Allied Subject Craft - Socially Useful Productive Work
Work (b) Community Service. The work
1. Art (i) Pottery work undertaken by the candidates during the two-year
(ii) Sculpture: any medium preparation period in each will be assessed and
marked out of 50. From these assessments they
(iii) Weaving: any medium will be placed in an order of merit list giving them
(iv) Block printing, screen- marks out of a total of 100. The Council reserves
printing, batik, tie and the right to call for the records of the candidates'
dye, etc. on any work.
(v) Embroidery. 3. Socially Useful Productive Work
(vi) Puppet or marionette (i) This will be taken to mean work practice in a
making. main or subsidiary craft. In contrast to
community service it implies the making of
(vii) Printing from original
articles of social use or the practice of a skill.
wood or lino block.
2. Technical Drawing (i) Woodwork or Metal work. (ii) The areas of assessment of Socially Useful
Productive work may be classified as follows:
3. Home Science (i) Laundry Work or
Practical Cookery (1) Preparation 05
or Care of a House.
(2) Organisation 10
4. Cookery (i) Practical Cookery.
(3) Skills 20
5. Fashion Designing (i) Needlework and
Dressmaking. (4) Research 10
6. Music (a) Indian (i) Vocal, Instrumental, (5) Interest 05
Tabla, (iii) Preparation: It is important to select a craft
(b) Western (i) Piano or other instrument. which is socially useful and within the
candidates' capabilities. It may be necessary to
ASSESSMENT: (Classes IX and X) visit localities where certain crafts are
practiced and note details of the processes or
Evaluation is an important aspect of planning and methods involved.
execution of the Socially Useful Productive Work and
Community Service Programme in Schools. From the (iv) Organisation: The candidates should be able
beginning of the programme each step needs to explain in writing, the tools, materials and
evaluation. An illustrative guide to the areas of processes required as well as draw up a
assessment and weightage to be given is contained in timetable/ programme of work.
the following paragraphs. (v) Skills: The manual skills of the candidates
1. Selection of Socially Useful Productive Work should be assessed regularly and from the
and Community Service. finished product(s) and include the candidates'
abilities to follow processes/ methods of the
Suggested lists of the Main Crafts/Services and craft.
Subsidiary Crafts/ Services have been given in the
syllabus booklet. Candidates will be required to (vi) Research: This is the candidates' ability to
select one main craft and one subsidiary service analyse a process or method and suggest/
OR one main service and one subsidiary craft per implement improvements and also to
improvise wherever necessary.
(vii) Interest: This is an assessment of (ix) Interpretation of Grades:
candidates' industriousness, constancy and
Grade Standard
conscientiousness with regard to the work
undertaken. The candidates should be able to A Very Good
adhere to the timetable/ programme of work
B Good
drawn up by them.
(viii) Record Card: This should be kept for each C Satisfactory
candidate and the assessment of Socially D Fair
Useful Productive Work entered in it. A
specimen of the record card is given below for E Unsatisfactory (Fail)


Internal Assessment Card for Socially Useful Productive Work

Name of the Candidate: ___________________________________________________________________
Craft/Skill: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date of Areas of Assessment
Preparation Organisation Skills Research Interest
Grade Points Grade Points Grade Points Grade Points Grade Points

4. Community Service Service in the home and to their
(i) This will be taken to mean work done in the neighbours. Such service may take the
home, school and outside which is beneficial form of helping parents in cleaning the
to the community. house, making the beds, assisting in the
kitchen, cleaning the backyard, helping in
(ii) The areas of assessment for community
service may be as under: the garden, visiting the sick, teaching a
Marks child or children in the neighbourhood,
and so on.
(1) Preparation 05
(2) Organisation 10 Experiments should be tried in every
(3) Skills 20 school in which there are day scholars.
Parents should be asked to give each child
(4) Resourcefulness 10
a job of work to do which will last
(5) Interest 05
between 20 minutes to half-an-hour each
(iii) Preparation: It is important to select a day.
service that will be beneficial to the
community. It may be necessary to form (b) A diary should be kept for each child in
teams or squads and to select a leader. which the parents enter each day:
(iv) Organisation is the knowledge of the tools, (i) Nature of work;
materials and methods/process by which the
(ii) Time allotted:
work can be done, and the ability to draw up
a timetable or programme of work. (iii) Remark of the parent;
(v) Skills are the manipulative skills of doing the (iv) Signature of the parent.
work. The quality of the candidates' work
should be assessed. Thus, it will be possible for the school to
ensure that children do at least three to
(vi) Resourcefulness is the ability to complete the
three-and-half hours of Socially Useful
work in spite of problems and difficulties and
to improvise wherever necessary. Productive Work, per week.

(vii) Interest is the assessment of the candidates' (c) The number of hours as far as the
constancy, industriousness and Community Service (Social Service) is
conscientiousness in doing the work and their concerned, in the case of day scholars,
abilities to adhere to the timetable or will then be written the home and the
programme drawn up by them. neighbourhood and may rightly be termed
(viii) A record card on the lines suggested for 'Homework'. The remarks to be entered by
Socially Useful Productive Work should be the parent should be specified, so that they
kept. may be converted into grades.
(ix) A practical scheme for day schools is given
(d) A suggested five points "remarks" scale is
given below:
(a) In the case of day schools, parents should
be involved in making their children A- Very good
aware of their responsibilities in the home B- Good
and to persons in the area in which they
live. They should be encouraged to render C- Satisfactory
D- Fair
E- Unsatisfactory (Fail)

(e) The class teacher should be required to terms of grades A, B, C, D or E based on the
enter the "grades" in a special register following scale and standard:
against each child. At the end of the
Grade Standard
month/term these grades may be
A Very Good
converted into points:
B Good
Standard Grade C Satisfactory
Very Good A D Fair
Good B E Unsatisfactory (Fail)
Satisfactory C
The grade of each candidate in Socially Useful
Fair D
Productive Work and Community Service for
Unsatisfactory (Fail) E
Class X, is to be submitted online through the
Council’s CAREERS portal by the due date.
5. Submission of SUPW and Community Service
The Head of the School will be responsible for the
correct entry of the result of each candidate in

(Recommended to form a component of SUPW)

The aim of the section on Contemporary Studies is (iv) Participate in meaningful, interactive exposure to
to provide to all students a comprehensive programmes that provide sensitization to
appreciation of the contemporary world and society poverty, exploitation and injustice.
and enable them to:
Note: Pupils are to be provided a general
(i) Understand modern development. appreciation of the following topics with a view to
cultivate and inculcate values promoting sustainable
(ii) Acquire skills that are necessary to withstand the
societal practices.
interrelationships in society, politics and natural
(iii) Appreciate the constraints and opportunities that
enable a social order to evolve.

1. Environment 4. Quality of Life

Civic Sense, Health and Hygiene • Importance of effective use of time; hobbies,
interests and importance of group activities.
• Types of pollution and effective measures for
prevention of pollution. • Doing the right things and doing things right.

• Conservation of natural resources. • Cultivation of attitudes that enhance

sustainable living practices.
• Waste products management.
• Striving to achieve excellence.
• Respect for laws regulating community living.
5. Culture, ‘Sanskars’ and Values
• Respect for other’s freedom.
• Tenets of important religions in India
• Concern for public property. supporting the cultivation of values and
• Need for inculcating hygienic habits. sustainable living practice (Two
stories/parables each of the holy books).
• Importance of vaccination.
• Role of caste and religion in politics with
2. Population Education reference to India, Japan and US.

Family planning, small family norms, gender • Prejudice and Stereotyping - stereotyping
mechanism, ways to overcome stereotyping.
equality. Female infanticide, abortion laws/
euthanasia. 6. The Role of Family
3. The cultivation of Aesthetics • Definition of family.
• •
Appreciation of art, music, poetry, literature Classification of family: nuclear, extended
and drama. and joint.

• Cultivation of soft sensibilities and promotion • Changing family values.

of values that enhance appreciation •of new Collective impact of values acquired in the
living practices. family on society.


1. Consolidating Nationhood 4. India and the world

• Appreciation of the Fundamental Duties and • India's positioning with respect to other
Rights as provided in the Constitution. countries.
• Citizen’s role in nation building. • Partnerships between the countries of Asia
and the Pacific and their influences on India
• Role of taxes - direct and indirect. and its people.
• Concerns related to lack of participation in
5. Globalisation
the national processes such as elections
• Understanding of globalization as a
• Awareness of consumer rights in order to worldwide aspiration linking humane values.
avoid exploitation.
• Modernism and Internationalism.
2. The Role of Media • Global Broadcasting and journalism, role of
• Press, film and television. news agencies, effects of the global reach of
broadcasting, risk to cultural values due to
• Media as a vehicle of social change. bombardment by foreign-based media.
• Impact of media on young people.
6. Concerns today
• Press reporting: biases & censorship.
• Nuclear disarmament – CTBT.
• Feasibility of restrictions.
• Human rights, Gia hypothesis, Malthus and
• Sensationalisation of news, exploitative Darwinism.
• Advantages and disadvantages to the
• Press Council – its structure and role. consumer of a competitive market.
• Dehumanization due to technological
3. Cultural Diversity - India
• Study of some major tribes of India and a • Advertising and its impact.
broad understanding of their social beliefs
and practices. • Impact of society moving towards ‘quick fix’
solutions leading to corrupt practices.
• The need for sustaining cultural diversity.
• Underemployment and Unemployment.
• The ethical and moral impact of the Internet.


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