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The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

The Instant Cash

Cheat Sheet |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

Are you struggling to make the money you want?

Trying out system after system and strategy after strategy but struggling to generate the
profits you deserve and earn the income you need to live your perfect life?

Then you’re in the right place.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve built five 7-figure businesses in five different industries and
coached more than 260 entrepreneurs to the million dollar level.

And along the way, I realized something surprising.

Making more money doesn’t have to be hard!

In fact, with the right tools and strategies, you can add an extra 15-30% to your bottom
line in the next week.

And you can do it without working more hours, investing thousands into paid ad
campaigns, or completely overhauling your business.

By using the five simple tools I’m about to share with you, you can squeeze every last dollar
of profit out of the systems and offers you already have in place.


Then read on and let me show you how to make more money TODAY. |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

Instant Cash Tool #1:

The Referral Script

Every entrepreneur “knows” that they should be asking for referrals.

But there are two problems:

1. Most of them don’t

2. And those who do have no idea how to do so effectively.

Today, I’m going to give you a simple referral formula that Bedros teaches to all of his Fit
Body Bootcamp franchisees and that I’ve personally used to close 6-figures in coaching and
consulting deals.

It goes like this. |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

Step 1: Set the Expectation

During your first call, meeting, or interaction with a new client, you want to set the
expectation that you’re going to be asking for a small favor in the future.

As soon as you close down a new client, you should immediately segue the conversation
by saying:

“Hey Name, I’m so excited that you’ve decided to invest in yourself and join
xyz program. Now, I’m committed to helping you achieve your goals and we’re
going to work together over the coming months to make sure you do just that.
But before we get into the [coaching call, fitness consultation, etc.], I want to
ask…If I help you achieve your goals, will you be willing to do me a small
favor to help me reach mine?”

And leave it at that.

If they ask for specifics, simply redirect the conversation by saying,

“We’ll talk about that after I’ve helped you achieve the outcome you’re after,
but for now, let’s get into [your coaching call, first day of training, etc.]”

Step 2: MEET and Exceed the Expectation

Once you've set the expectation, the next step in the referral machine system is to meet the
expectation that has been set, typically over a 6-8-week timeline.

If you’re a fitness coach, this means helping your new client lose fat or gain muscle. |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

If you’re a business coach, this means helping your client make more money or spend fewer
hours in the office.

If you’re a relationship coach, this means helping your client reduce conflicts in their
marriage, have a more fulfilling sex life, or simply learning to communicate more
effectively with their partner.

Whatever you promised your client during your first conversation, deliver on that promise.

When you can step into a client’s life and help them solve their biggest problems with
speed and efficiency, they won’t hesitate for a second when you ask them to refer a friend
or family member to your business.

Step 3: ASK for the Referral

Once you have set and met your client’s expectation, the next step is to ASK for the referral.
And this is where most entrepreneurs get it wrong…

Sure, they might ask for a referral, but they do it in the wrong way. They don’t make a concrete
request or provide done-for-you solutions that make it easy for client’s to make referrals.

They’ll say something like, “Do you know anyone who would be a good fit for my
business?… Yes? Great! Please connect me with them sometime.”

To succeed at the game of business and create money out of “thin air” you have to do better
than that.

You want to give your clients word-for-word scripts and, if possible, get them to make the
introduction on the spot, or, at the very least commit to a specific day when they will make
a referral. |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

To do this, you’re going to use a script like this:

“Hey, client name. So you remember a few months ago when we first started
working together how I said that I would help you achieve your goals if you
helped me achieve mine?

Well, we’ve been working together for 10 weeks, and so far you’ve, [lost 10 lbs.
of fat, increased your income 15%, doubled the number of date nights you take
with your wife].

And I would really appreciate it if you could connect me with any friends or
family members who you think could benefit from my services…Can you do
that for me?”

At this point, they will almost always say yes, after which you will respond:

“Great! So here’s what I would like you to do. First, can you write down the
names and numbers of two-three people who you think I could help and then,
would you mind sending a quick text introduction to them sharing who I am,
what I’ve helped you do, and why you think we should work together?” |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

If your business is done virtually and you don’t meet with clients face to face, you can ask
these same questions via text, email, or direct message and then send them a script like the
one I use in my business:

Hey Joey,

I want to introduce you to my coach Craig Ballantyne.

Craig has helped me double my income in the past six months while working
10 fewer hours a week and making more time to spend with Rosa and the kids.

Craig, meet Joey.

Joey is a former co-worker of mine who told me that he needs help scaling his
business beyond six-figures without putting in crazy work weeks.

I’ll let you two take it from here.


If you do nothing else other than implementing these proven scripts into your business, I
promise you can increase your revenue by 15-20% in the next 12-weeks alone.
Referrals are by far one of the most powerful hidden sources of profit in your business and
now…you know how to use them like an 8-figure Empire Builder. |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

Instant Cash Tool #2:

The “Rate Raise” Script

If you’re a service provider (think: coach, copywriter, marketing specialist, etc), your skills
should continue to grow and improve with every month you work.

The value you are able to provide 12 months from today will likely be 20 to 50% greater
than the value you provide today.

And as your results increase, your rates should increase with them.

One of the easiest ways to inject more cash into your business is to charge more for every
client you work with (as long as you can overdeliver on the amount you charge).


You don’t want to scare away loyal clients by hitting them upside the head with a 50%
increase in your rate overnight.

Instead, you’re going to send this email: |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

Hey [Client Name],

As per our contract, I’d appreciate it if we could discuss reassessing the current
rate for my services. Next month I’ll be increasing my rates from $0.10/word
to $0.15 for all new clients to ensure I’m able to provide the highest quality
services possible and help you break through to the next level.

However, since you’ve been a long-time client and provide such a high volume
of work, I’m willing to reduce this new rate to only $0.125/word for our projects
moving forward.

This change will take place on December 1st, 2019 and I hope this will give you
ample time to consider it.


I encourage you to send an email like this every 6 months, increasing your rates by smaller
percentages more frequently instead of bigger percentages all at once.

It’s a lot easier for your client to stomach two 10% rate increases throughout the year than
one increase of 25%.

And if you run a product-based business? |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

Then try this…

1. Get clear on the numbers in your business right now. Figure out your current
conversion rates, average order value (AOV), lifetime value (LTV), and cost per
acquisition (CPA)

2. Next, once you know your numbers down to the exact cent, begin running small
pricing split tests on your products to see how they affect sales. For example, if you
have a $10 product that converts at 5%, what happens when you increase the price
of that product to $12 or $15? Does it affect the conversion rate? Or, if you decrease
the price to $8, can you get more sales at a lower profit margin?

The more frequently and rigorously you test the pricing of your products, the faster you’ll be
able to generate more cash.

In fact, my friend Vince Del Monte recently did--at the recommendation of our friend Joel
Marion, Founder of Biotrust Nutrition--this with an eBook he was selling for $39.

When he split tested his pricing and lowered the cost to $19, he more than doubled the
number of sales he generated (which increased his profits, customer acquisition, and
lifetime value all at once).

Know your numbers and then test, test, and test some more.

By making the right “tweaks” to your pricing structure, you can generate an extra 4 to
5-figures/month in as little as a week. |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

Instant Cash Tool #3:

The SPEAR Email

It’s been said that, in 2020, email is dead.

The truth is that “bad” email is dead.

But good email still works… great!

Email still is, and will continue to be, one of the most important marketing channels for any
online business owner who is serious about increasing their revenue.


Most business owners drastically over complicate their email strategy and, as a result, leave
thousands of dollars of potential revenue on the table each and every month.

If you want to make more money from your list, then keep it simple and remember to
throw a monthly SPEAR… or a message that is: Short. Personal. Expecting a Reply. |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

For example, my client Jason Capital has used the following email to drive tens of
thousands of dollars in new revenue to his business.

Subject Line: Still interested?

Email Body:


Are you still interested in building a 6-figure online income in 2019?


That’s it…

This might seem too simple to work, but it isn’t.

This strategy is used by top marketers all over the world and–if tailored to your specific
audience/niche–has the potential to drive thousands of new leads to your business every
single month. |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

Instant Cash Tool #4:

The 3-Step CTA

THE most common mistake I see people making on social media, blog posts, and other
digital content is that they don't give their followers a chance to buy.

They don't tell them what they offer, how they can get it, or why they need to get it now.

And if your audience doesn’t KNOW what you offer, how to get it, or why they need it...
they’ll never buy from you.

Luckily the solution is simple…

At the end of every blog post, YouTube video, IGTV, and story you publish, you're going to
finish it with a three-step call to action that tells people. |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

1. What they're getting: What problem can you solve for them? What offer or
solution do you have that will take away their biggest pains?

2. How to get it: Do they need to swipe up? Click the link in your bio? Go to your
website? Send a DM? Where do they need to go to take advantage of the offer.

3. Why they MUST get it now: Do you only have a few spots left? Are you closing
enrollment on your course? Running out of inventory? Build scarcity into your offer
and tell your followers why they MUST take action today.

To learn more about this CTA, you can check out this video I created for you here:

If your audience doesn’t KNOW what you offer, how to

get it, or why they need it...they’ll never buy from you. |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

Instant Cash Tool #5:

The “Blunt Post”

If you have a social media following of any king, one of THE easiest ways to get an
immediate cash injection into your business is by using something I call the "Blunt Post"
and it goes like this…

1. Create an Instagram or Facebook post

2. Tell people exactly what you're offering in the post image

3. Tell people how to get it in the post description |
The Instant Cash Cheat Sheet

For example:

That’s it.

It might be simple. But I’ve had clients with fewer than 1,000 followers use this exact
strategy to generate an extra $1,000 to $4,000 in (literally) 20-minutes or less.
Swipe it. Deploy it. And let me know how it goes! |
The Time Ownership Blueprint


There you have it.

Five simple tools to help you make “instant cash” this week!

Use these tools and I promise you’ll increase your income faster than you ever thought


These five tools are just the tip of the iceberg of what I teach to my mastermind and
1-on-1 clients.

And if you’re interested in doubling your income in 2020 while working less, making your
first million, and building your perfect business, then I want to help you become my
next millionaire client.

To learn more about the services we offer and how I can help you break through to
7-figures, send an email to with the subject line “Instant Cash”
and tell me a little bit about your business, goals, and obstacles and we’ll find a solution
that’s right for you.

To Your Continued Success, | 17

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