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Professional Communication

Non -Verbal Communication

 The communication that occurs without the use of words, spoken or written.
 It is concerned with body movements, space and vocal features.
 Personal appearance, facial expressions, postures, gestures, eye contact, voice, proximity
and touch are all non-verbal signals.
 The interpretation of non- verbal cues is a subjective concept.

Aspects of Non- Verbal Communication

 Kinesics – Study of the body’s physical movement. (postures, gestures, facial

expressions and body movement).
It is the study in which certain body movements and gestures serve as a form of non-
verbal communication.
It is important to study body language because it is estimated that the verbal component
of oral communication carries less than 35 percent of the social meaning of the situation,
while more that 65 percent is attributed to body language.

Body Language includes:

 Physical Appearance
 Posture
 Gesture
 Facial Expression
 Eye Contact

Refer to Page 40-43

 Proxemics – Study of physical space in interpersonal relations.

Refer to Page 44-45 for details

 Chronemics – Study of how human beings communicate through their use of time.
 Haptics – Communication through touch.
 Oculesics – Study of eye contact.
 Olfactics – It is an aspect of non- verbal communication dealing smell.
It includes the use of perfumes and spices.
 Paralanguage – refers to the study of human voice and how words are spoken. (Quality,
volume, rate, pitch, articulation, pronunciation and pauses)
 Sign Language - Audio signal: Ambulance siren
- Visual Signal: Skull with cross bone showing danger sign

Refer to Page 92-95 for details

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