How Freelancing Can Reduce Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh

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Research Topic

How freelancing can reduce unemployment problem in


Course Name: Marketing Research

Course Code: MKT 414

Submitted to
Dr. Md Abdul Momen
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
East West University

Submitted by
Kawsar Ahmed 2015-3-10-054
Tamim Hossen Mazumder 2016-1-10-131
Md. Abidullah Fahim 2016-1-10-238
Syed Osama Mosharraf 2015-3-10-174
Shafi-Ul Alam 2016-1-10-278
Tahsin Wahid 2015-3-10-058
Khandakar Sayhan Rahman 2015-3-10-177

Submission Date: 2nd December, 2019

Consent Form

1. I, hereby, agree that materials of this course (Data & Analysis) should be used only for this
2. I, hereby, also agree that I will not use any of the materials of this course for personnel
reason without taking permission of my group mates and course instructor.
3. If somebody wants to publish it, they must consult with the other group mates & course
instructor within 3 months.
4. The materials of this course can be used for the course and university purposes later.

Signature Form

Name Sign
Kawsar Ahmed
Tamim Hossen Mazumder
Md. Abidullah Fahim
Syed Osama Mosharraf
Shafi-Ul Alam
Tahsin Wahid
Khandakar Sayhan Rahman

Letter of Transmittal

2nd December, 2019

Dr. Md Abdul Momen
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Department of Business Administration
East West University

Subject: Submission of the proposal on How freelancing can reduce unemployment

problem in Bangladesh.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, the research proposal on “How freelancing can help in reducing the
unemployment problem in Bangladesh” is being submitted for your kind consideration as per
the requirement of the course, MKT 414 (Marketing Research).

The study has allowed us to learn about different particles in the creative industry, how
freelancing rapidly reducing the unemployment problem in Bangladesh and the issues that
make an impact to choose to freelance as a career. We would like to thank you for the
instructions regarding the preparation of this research. It would be our immense pleasure if you
find this term paper useful and informative.

Sincerely Yours,

Kawsar Ahmed
Tamim Hossen Mazumder
Syed Osama Mosharraf
Md Abidullah Fahim
Tahsin Wahid
Shafi-Ul Alam
Khandakar Sayhan Rahman

Supervisor’s Approval

This is to certify that the research paper on topic “How freelancing can reduce unemployment
problem in Bangladesh” is done by the group “Blue”, as a partial fulfillment of requirement of
the course MKT 414 (Marketing Research) in the Department of Business Administration, East
West University. This research paper has been prepared under my supervision & is an authentic
work by Kawsar Ahmed, Tamim Hossen Mazumder, Syed Osama Mosharraf , Md Abidullah
Fahim, Tahsin Wahid, Shafi-Ul Alam, Khandakar Sayhan Rahman.




Dr. Md Abdul Momen

Assistant Professor of Marketing
Department of Business Administration
East West University
Aftabnagar, Dhaka.


We would like to express our gratitude to the Omnipotent and Omnipresent Almighty Allah,
whose invisible guidance helped us to complete this report.

We would like to thank our course instructor Dr. Md. Abdul Momen for his inspiring
guidelines, valuable suggestions, constructive criticism and constant help throughout the work
and in the preparation of this paper.

Besides we are also grateful to the authors, researchers and article writers whose books and
reports have helped us to prepare our term paper successfully.

Finally, we would like to take the opportunity to express our wholehearted gratitude to our
fellow friends, near and dear ones who offered encouragement, information, inspiration, and
assistance during constructing this paper. We thank them all from the core of our hearts.

Executive Summary

In this era of technology, people now are open to so many opportunities and try to get the
maximum profit. As population of our country is increasing gradually, unemployment rate is
also increasing day by day. Freelancing in Bangladesh has created a big opportunity for those
unemployed person. Freelancing in Bangladesh is a thriving market and freelancers are earning
a lot of money from different freelancing medium. As a result, many unemployed persons are
trying to get in the market and make a handsome living for them. In this paper, we tried to find
out the factors behind people seeking for freelancing and how it results in reducing
unemployment problem of Bangladesh. As people are seeking for independent and flexible job
more, they choose freelancing. That is why, we need to know the reason behind their decisions
and also how it create impacts on country’s economy too. We prepared 3 questions, (1) Does
economic factors affect people to choose freelancing as career? (2) Does social factors affect
people to choose freelancing as career? (3) Does psychological factors affect people to choose
freelancing as career? From the research questions responses, we will prepare null and alternate
hypothesis. This examination is qualitative in nature. A responsive gathering of 200
understudies will be collected from different active freelancers who are currently working in
this field. This research will make a clear picture on why freelancing become a good option for
unemployed person of Bangladesh.

Table of Contents

Chapter – 1 .......................................................................................................................... 8
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Problem Statement .................................................................................................. 10
1.4 Significance .............................................................................................................. 10
1.5 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 10
Chapter – 02 ...................................................................................................................... 11
Literature Review ............................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Independent and Dependent Variables ................................................................... 14
Chapter – 03 ...................................................................................................................... 15
Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Data Collection ......................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Data Analysis ........................................................................................................... 16
3.4 Limitations of the study ........................................................................................... 16
3.5 Graphical Model ...................................................................................................... 17
3.6 Theoretical Framework ........................................................................................... 17
3.7 Hypothesis ................................................................................................................ 18
3.8 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 18
Chapter – 4 ........................................................................................................................ 19
Findings and Analysis ....................................................................................................... 19
4.1 Descriptive Analysis ................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Factor Analysis ........................................................................................................ 21
4.3 Regression Analysis ................................................................................................. 24
Chapter – 5 ........................................................................................................................ 27
Recommendation & Conclusion ....................................................................................... 27
References.......................................................................................................................... 28

Chapter – 1

1.1 Background

Freelancing is an occupation where an individual works for different organizations, rather than
for a single organization, also he does not have any specific work place. In this digital era,
where a people can work for local and international company just by sitting on his own home,
comfortable environment with flexible schedule, it is hard to stay as an unemployed for a long
time. If someone has technological or professional skills on particular area, he/she may use his
skills by helping others through internet. Freelancing can be a good option to reduce
unemployment problem of Bangladesh. Bangladesh has the access to adequate technological
opportunities, such as, internet, computer, Facebook, smartphone etc. As a result, a big portion
of unemployed person can earn money through freelancing platform, despite of having
educational background or not. It also helps them to work in the specific area where they are
expert only. So, it gives them freedom of choice on work selectivity, which turns into greater

When a person cannot find any productive job which will help him to earn money in a legal
way, he will be considered as an unemployed person. According to Bangladesh Bureau of
Statistics (BBS), the total number of unemployed stood 2.67 million out of a labour force of
62.1 million in the FY 2016-2017. The rate of unemployed person is increasing day by day.
There are different reasons behind this problem, such as, difference between job demand and
actual vacancy, lack of skills, lack of education etc. However, despite of having high school or
even university degrees, 1.04 million people cannot find jobs, which is 39% of the unemployed
workforce. [BBS, 2018].

The history of freelancing is not much older. For the last four to five years, it has gained huge
support from the local people of Bangladesh. Students, corporate job holders, uneducated,
housewives, girls and many others have accepted the challenge and working in this field to
earn a handsome amount of money. Freelancing stared is first journey on 1998, “GURU” was

the first freelancing market place. Currently, there are so many freelancing websites which are
continuously supporting their freelancers, such as,,,

Freelancing is a long process with combination of work, skills and dedication. For one project
there are too many freelancers who apply. This process is called “bid” in freelancing market.
Buyers select only one among all the applicants, so if someone wants to be noticed he must
have some portfolio. If he has skills and offer reasonable price for the project, he might gat
selected by the buyer. After completing the project, buyers send the money through
international payment system such as Paypal.

1.2 Objective

➢ General Objective
The main purpose of this research is to find out the reason behind why people considering
freelancing as their career and how it helps reducing unemployment problem of Bangladesh.
This study requires an intense research, what we will be conducting by the help of our
honorable faculty member Dr. Md Abdul Momen. We hope that, by the end of the study we
will obtain a clear picture of the study.

➢ Specific Objective

1) Collect relevant and specific data for the research

2) Evaluate the information from different sources

3) Transferring those data into meaningful information

4) Identify how freelancing can reduce unemployment problem of Bangladesh

5) Understand freelancer’s psychology on why they are choosing this career

6) Identify the important factors

7) Finally, analyzing the data through SPSS and get the final result of the study.

1.3 Problem Statement

Located in South Asia, Bangladesh has huge amount of young people and growing population.
Most of them are living in below poverty line. Most of the economy is based on agriculture
and readymade garments sector. However, compared to neighbor country India, which has 55%
of the $3.4 trillion global market and employs 2.54 million people directly in the sectors,
Bangladesh is just an amateur. But, as outsourcing demand is increasing in the western world,
Bangladeshi freelancers are now fighting with other Asian countries freelancers too.

As there are no big opportunities for educated or non-educated people, they remain
unproductive and unemployed. As a result, despite of having a good result or graduation, they
cannot manage any official jobs which led to frustrations and so many psychological issues.
Software and IT industry is also booming in Bangladesh. People can easily educate them
through different trainings, and contact with foreign clients. It is high time, to give more
attention on this sector and achieve big success in the world market.

1.4 Significance

This study will identify the dependent and independent factors which influence on to choose
freelancing as career. Various factors will be discussed which might be the main reason for
people to choose freelancing and how it is contributing in the country’s economy. Universities
and readers will get to know the real factors and take further decision which will help to
improve the conditions.

1.5 Conclusions

This study will bring a clear picture on reason behind choosing freelancing and how it creates
impact on solving unemployment problem of Bangladesh. Current picture of freelancers is
satisfactory, but not in above average marks. To create the best opportunity, government and
stakeholders must take decisions.

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Chapter – 02

Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Industrialization brought about the ‘tyranny of the clock’, as workers’ daily lives were
subjugated to the rhythms of production lines and bureaucratic offices. Information and
communication technologies (ICTs) are associated with new forms of work organization that
rely less on regular rhythms and instead allocate tasks flexibly, on the basis of demand and
availability (Grimshaw et al., 2002; Holtgrewe, 2014). Most recently, so-called gig economy
platforms seem to give full control to workers over whether they work or not each hour and
minute of the day. In a series of surveys, 5–9 per cent of adult Internet users in various European
countries report working through such platforms weekly (Huws et al., 2016). An index
measuring the use of online gig platforms suggests that they are growing globally at an annual
rate of 26 per cent (Kässi and Lehdonvirta, 2016). This rise of gig work is expected to allow
people to combine work with a variety of life situations and choices, boosting productivity
while enabling workers to achieve a better balance between work and other commitments
(Malone, 2004; Gratton and Johns, 2013; Sundararajan, 2016).

To understand the potential for flexibility in online piecework, it is useful to view it against the
background of earlier technology-enabled flexible working arrangements, such as
telework/telecommuting, flexitime, and flexplace, which have been intensely researched
already since 1990s (for a review, see Baltes et al., 1999). The literature has identified various
potential advantages to flexible scheduling, such as reducing work-family conflict (Shockley
and Allen, 2007) and allowing paid work to be combined with life circumstances that prevent
regular work (Silver and Coldschejder, 1994).

Marler, Barringer, and Milkovic (2002) showed that these boundary less workers can be
distinguished from traditional “temps” by their preference for temporary work in combination
with their high level of skill and experience. The claim is that these “contractors of choice” are
especially likely to report positive outcomes about job and career satisfaction (Anderson, 2008;
Ajayi-Obe & Parker, 2005; Benz & Frey, 2008; Guest, 2004; Guest & Clinton, 2006).

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In a personal level, freelancing can be helpful for health. As 9 to 5 desk jobs can be often
frustrating and time-consuming, it should be also mentioned the flat rate of money is also
another issue. According to a Danish study, these efforts also make it easier for people to get
sick (Pejtersen JH, 2011). Freelancers are often more relaxed, get enough sleep for starting a
new work day and less likely to commute from one place to another as a 10-mile commute can
lead to a higher blood pressure and increased cholesterol (Christine & Carolin, 2012).

Aldoory (2007) summarized existing published research on gender in public relations and
categorized studies into three groups: 1) descriptive, 2) explanatory, and 3) critical. Descriptive
scholarship has examined women’s status and compared it to that of men in public relations,
focusing on discrepancies in salary, hiring, and roles (Cline, Toth, Turk, Walters, Johnson, &
Smith, 1986; L. A. Grunig, Toth, & Hon, 2001; Toth & Cline, 1989; Toth, Serini, Wright, &
Emig, 1998; Wright, L. A. Grunig, Springston, & Toth, 1991). Other studies in this group have
described sexual harassment and difficult experiences with seeking promotion (Hon, L. A.
Grunig, & Dozier, 1992; Serini, Toth, Wright, & Emig, 1998).

Sukman (2015) surveyed 23000 freelancers and she found 55% of respondents are university
graduates and remaining 45% respondents were completed high school. Kuek et al. (2015)
focused on freelancing potential as a new way for socioeconomic development for the
development of country governments and the development of practitioners, mainly in the
employment of youth, the exports of services, and contribution in the digital economy [7].
Dynamic relationship between self-employment and unemployment rate was explored by
Thurik et al. (2008) [9].

Stupnikova, Vanyashina and Serkova (2015) explained the conditions and opportunities of
freelancing in Russia in their paper [10]. Saleh (2014) showed that the growths in the labor
market are important to get anticipated changes progress potentials and reduce poverty in
‘labor-surplus’ economy like Bangladesh [6].

Qualitative research from India suggests that there is a cohort of Indian women who use OO
as a way to earn money while fulfilling traditional social obligations, including caring for
children and elderly family members [21]. Taskty (an Egyptian online freelancing company)
reported that some of their workers are Egyptian women from traditional households, who use
online freelancing as a way of earning money without needing to enter male‐dominated

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Youth unemployment remains a major development issue for many countries in regions such
as the Middle East, North Africa, Sub‐Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia. Of the 1.2 billion
young people in the world aged between 15 and 24, 87 percent live in developing countries.
Two‐thirds of them are either unemployed or trapped in low‐quality jobs (UN DESA 2012;
ILO 2013). The gap between new labor force entrants and new formal jobs created is enormous
in these countries. In Kenya, for example, 550,000 young people entered the job market
between 2009 and 2013, but only 70,000 new formal jobs were created during the same period,
absorbing just 12 percent of the entrants (IEA and FES 2010; UNDP 2013). High population
growth rates will only exacerbate the problem, increasing the number of youths attempting to
enter the labor market (ILO 2010).

In addition, this study outlines other nonfinancial benefits that OO can bring to a country: a
flexible working schedule allows individuals to take better care of their families, continue to
study, or start their own businesses while working and earning a salary. Furthermore, it
provides opportunities for on‐the job learning and skills development in areas such as
information technologies and marketing.

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2.2 Independent and Dependent Variables

Dependent Variable Independent Variables

1) Psychological Issues
• Tasks Flexibility
• Career satisfaction
• Health concern
• Female friendly

2) Economic Issues
• Self-Income
How freelancing contributes to reduce
• Entrepreneurship opportunity
unemployment problem
• Skill development
• Secured income

3) Social Issues
• Work-life balance
• High quality jobs
• Social acceptance
• Social obligations

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Chapter – 03


3.1 Introduction

As the main objective of this research is to find out how freelancing can help reducing
unemployment problem it is necessary to do the research by conducting survey on different
active freelancers and unemployed young people of Bangladesh. The study will be done by
distribution of self-administrated questionnaires. All the items will be developed by literature
review. Initially, the questions will be made in English and later they will be translated in
Bengali. The reason behind of translating of this question was to make our respondents
comfortable and easy for them to answer each and every question specifically.

This is a qualitative research. It is mainly exploratory research; however, it conveys some part
of conclusive research also. Questionnaire, interview and cross-sectional research design were
used to conduct the research.

The sample size for this study is 200. We will use 4 statistics tools to get the accurate analysis
of this research, and those are descriptive frequencies, T test, Regression model and correlation.

3.2 Data Collection

Data collection is one of the main part of research. We will collect data in two ways.
1) Primary Data
2) Secondary Data

▪ Primary Data: Primary data will be collected through interviews, survey and
questionnaire on 200 people. We will do a depth analysis on people perception on
freelancing through interview.

▪ Secondary Data: We will collect secondary data through different articles, journals,
newspaper and websites. We found that Bangladesh has 27% growth in freelancing
market. (Forbes, 2019)

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3.3 Data Analysis

To fulfil the research objective, we will analyze the data by different tools and techniques.
These include descriptive frequencies, Paired T test, Regression model & Correlation. So, for
data analysis we will use about 4 statistical tools to get accurate result of research findings.
Human behavior depends on several factors like Psychological factors such as perception about
work place complexity, flexible time schedule. Economic factors such as, job during student
life, remote workers, contribution of the economy, training others. Social factors like
acceptance rate and flexible time schedule.

The data all independent variables will be tested first using Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test to
assess reliability.

▪ We will use descriptive frequencies to find out the demographic variables.

▪ We will use the crosstabs to find out the relationship of the demographic variables with
the dependent variable.

▪ We will use Paired T test to find out the accuracy of the hypothesis to put forward by

▪ We will use regression model to find out the independent variables have significant
relationship with the dependent variable.

▪ We will do Correlation to find out relationship between independent variable.

3.4 Limitations of the study

• Few resources or information may be outdated. Information time is important for

research because if there is a long gap between previous research and current research,
result will not be the same and trustworthy.

• Reliability of our information cannot be guaranteed as we are not professionals to judge


• Primary sources are susceptible to bias and exaggeration.

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• Most difficult part while collecting primary data will be the respondent’s mental
situation while surveying a questionnaire.

3.5 Graphical Model

3.6 Theoretical Framework

Freelancing is an uprising interesting issue for researchers. As it is contributing on the

economy, and huge number of people are seeking for this occupation. Few researches have
been done on this topic. As we have much idea about the topic, I will be helpful to justify the

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3.7 Hypothesis

H1: Psychological factors influence unemployed person to choose freelancing.

H2: Economic factors influence unemployed person to choose freelancing

H3: Social factors influence unemployed person to choose freelancing

3.8 Conclusions

From our research we will find few variable factors which will show the effectiveness of
freelancing in our country also few factors which is the reason behind not to choose freelancing
as a career. We hope that our reports will help to determine those problems and lead to complete
our survey successfully.

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Chapter – 4

Findings and Analysis

4.1 Descriptive Analysis

Educational I am
Gender Marital Status Age Level Unemployed for
N Valid 250 250 250 250 250
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 1.32 1.09 2.02 3.69 2.41
Median 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 2.00
Mode 1 1 2 4 2
Std. Deviation .469 .290 .310 .585 1.229

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Male 169 67.6 67.6 67.6
Female 81 32.4 32.4 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

Marital Status
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Single 227 90.8 90.8 90.8
Married 23 9.2 9.2 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

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Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Less than or equal to 20 6 2.4 2.4 2.4
21-30 years 234 93.6 93.6 96.0
31-40 years 9 3.6 3.6 99.6
Above 50 years 1 .4 .4 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

Educational Level
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid SSC 1 .4 .4 .4
HSC 90 36.0 36.0 36.4
Graduate 144 57.6 57.6 94.0
Masters 15 6.0 6.0 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

I am Unemployed for
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Less than 6 months 72 28.8 28.8 28.8
6 months-1 year 82 32.8 32.8 61.6
1-2 years 26 10.4 10.4 72.0
More than 2 years 62 24.8 24.8 96.8
5 8 3.2 3.2 100.0
Total 250 100.0 100.0

Gender * Marital_Status Crosstabulation

Single Married Total
Gender Male 160 9 169
Female 67 14 81
Total 227 23 250

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4.2 Factor Analysis

KMO and Bartlett’s Test

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .747
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 288.321
df 21
Sig. .000

KMO and Bartlett's Test is very important for any analysis. KMO indicate that the number of
respondents of my research study is enough for the study or not. The higher the value (KMO)
better it is. Bartlett's Test indicate that the significance level of the respondents.
Range: 0 to 1
Standard: The standard value of KMO is 0.70, but we can accept up to 0.60 of value.

Bartlett's Test
Significance level: 0.05

If the significance level is less than 0.05 it indicates that Chi-square value is reasonable and
number of respondents are ok. Than null hypothesis will be rejected. If the value is greater than
0.05 than null hypothesis will be accepted.

H0: Total number of respondents is not significantly adequate for the research
H1: Total number of respondents is significantly adequate for the research

Since, our KMO value is .747 that indicate that 74.7% of our respondents of our research are
representative to our research or we can say that the adequacy level of our sample size is 74.7%.
The value of our significant level is 0.000<0.05, then we can say that our sample size is
significant and our alternative hypothesis is accepted. We can carry our research through this
sample size.

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Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.796 .218 8.258 .000
SOE .457 .051 .501 8.988 .000
SOC .156 .050 .172 3.088 .002
a. Dependent Variable: FAC

Coefficient describes how independent variables influence the dependent variable. It relates
the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. It shows which specific
factor has an impact on dependent variable. In our research we have three independent
variables. By analyzing co-efficient we will be able to conclude whether those independent
variables have impact on the dependent variable “Factor that influence choosing freelance as a
career” or not. Hypothesis is tested here.

H0: Psychological issues, Economical issues, Social issues has no impact on “Factor that
influence choosing freelancing as a career”

H1: Psychological issues, Economical issues, Social issues has impact on “Factor that influence
choosing freelancing as a career”

The significance value has to be less than 0.05, if the factors value is more than 0.05 than the
null hypothesis will be accepted.

Factors Standard value Significant value Hypothesis test

SOE 0.05 0.000 Null hypothesis rejected

SOC 0.05 0.002 Null hypothesis rejected

Here, all two of our factors are rejected. So, we can say that there is a significant relationship
between factor SOE, SOC and dependent variable.

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Beta value

It indicates the changes in dependent variable for independent variable. It describes changes
how one-unit change in independent variable change the dependent variable. The higher the
value of beta than better it is. Higher value means the independent variable has greater impact
on dependent variable.

For SOE: Here the beta value is 0.501 and it indicates that if the factor 1 change by one unit
than the dependent variable (DV) will change by 0.501 unit.
For SOC: Here the beta value is 0.172 and it indicates that if the factor 1 change by one unit
than the dependent variable (DV) will change by 0.172unit.

Rotated Component Matrix

Rotated Component
1 2
PSY2 .677
PSY3 .854
ECO1 .672
ECO2 .657
SOC1 .728
SOC3 .623
SOC4 .727
Extraction Method: Principal
Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with
Kaiser Normalization.a
a. Rotation converged in 3

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Extraction Method: Principal
Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with

Kaiser Normalization

Rotation converged in 3 iterations.

From the rotated component matrix above, we found PSY2, PSY3, ECO1, ECO2, SOC1,
SOC3, SOC4 which belongs to –

PSY2 – Career satisfaction effects on choosing freelancing as a career

PSY3 – Health concern is a major issue in choosing freelancing as career

ECO1 – Self income opportunity makes an impact on choosing freelancing as a career

ECO2 – Entrepreneurship opportunity helps to choose freelancing as a career

SOC1 – Work life balance has impact on choosing freelancing as career

SOC3 – Social acceptance plays a vital role on choosing freelancing as a career

SOC4 – Breaking the social obligation can be a reason to choose freelancing as a career
We choose this question to make the rotated matrix less scattered and we reject the values
which were less than .45

4.3 Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis is an important statistical method that allows us to examine the

relationship between two or more variables. Regression Analysis helps understand how the
typical value of the dependent variable changes when any one of the independent variables is
varied. In additional these processes examine the influence of one or more independent
variables on a dependent variable. It includes many techniques for modeling and analysis
several variables. Here, we used Linear Regression to conduct the statistical study for our

Linear Regression:
Linear regression finds the linear relationship between target and one or more predictive
analysis. Linear regression has two types –

1. Simple and
2. Multiple
This regression examines two things-
▪ Set of independent variable determine or predicting a dependent variable

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▪ A specific independent variable significantly predicts the dependent variable

Variables Entered/ Removed a

Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method
1 SOC, SOEb . Enter
a. Dependent Variable: FAC
b. All requested variables entered.

From the table above shows that our two independent variable remain exist that we developed
before conducting the survey. It indicates that our independent variables have effect on
choosing freelancing as a career.

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .586a .344 .338 .48860
a. Predictors: (Constant), SOC, SOE

Model Summary table provides information about regression line’s ability to account for the
total variation in the dependent variable. It explains whether the independent variables are able
to judge the dependent variable or not. Model summary is comprised with R, R Square,
adjusted R Square and Std. Error of the Estimation.

R Square:
R square statistic provides a measure of how well the model is fitting the actual data and
variability in the data that is explained by the model. It is a number between 0 to1. A number
near 0 represents a regression that doesn’t explain the variance in the dependent variable well
and a number close to 1 does explain the variance in the dependent variable that means the
observations are predicted exactly.

From the model summary table, the value of R Square is .344 that means social issues, social
and economic can explain 3.44% of the total variance which is not up to the bench mark for R
Square. So, this factors or variables would not have the significant impact for further research.

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Adjusted R Square:

The adjusted R square is like R square with an adjustment to account for the number of
predictors in the model. Here, the adjusted value is .338 which is slightly reduced from .344
because it is adjusted after justifying the errors.

Standard Error of the Estimate:

Standard error of the estimate is the measure of dispersion or variability of predictions in a
regression. The small value of std. Error of Estimate represents that observed values are fairly
close to the regression line and the larger value indicates observed values are far away from
the regression line. The less the value of std. error of estimation the higher the probability of
best fit. In this model summary the Std. Error of estimation is .489.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests the hypothesis and is used to determine whether the null
hypothesis will be accepted or rejected. Here our hypothesis is:
H0: whether independent variables have the exploratory power to explain the dependent
variable or not.

H1: Independent variables have the exploratory power to explain the dependent variable.

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 30.357 2 15.179 63.579 .000b
Residual 58.012 243 .239
Total 88.370 245
a. Dependent Variable: FAC
b. Predictors: (Constant), SOC, SOE

This method how much independent variable explain dependent variable.

Decision about the hypothesis depends on P-value (level of significance) by comparing the
alpha value (.05). ANOVA is basically the justification of P-value and the justification will be
based on following criteria:
If P value< α, H0 is rejected.

If P value> α, H0 is accepted
From the ANOVA table, level of significant is .000 which is less than .05. That indicates

The null hypothesis is rejected and our alternative hypothesis that is independent variables have
the exploratory power to explain the dependent variable will be accepted.

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Chapter – 5

Recommendation & Conclusion

From our research we found that Psychological factor, Economical factor and Social factor
have impact on choosing freelancing as a career. Although, Economical factor and social factor
both are combine as our respondents think they are similar in such way. As they all are related
with our dependent factor, we can say that this has impact. Since freelancing provides an
individual a career satisfaction which work as a motivation towards choosing a career choice
in freelancing, so associated individuals should work towards encouraging freelancing. Besides
encouraging self-income and opening opportunities towards self-income, may increase
freelancer rate and decrease unemployment rate in the country. On the other hand,
entrepreneurship opportunities may be encouraged and issues that create obstacles for
entrepreneurs, can be solved through various government/ non- government plans. Besides,
social acceptance towards freelancing also have to increase through breaking social obligations
by the individuals of the society otherwise unemployment rate will affect the country.

Now after the survey and the analysis we came to know these findings. Again, to eliminate the
problem of unemployment, we would like to recommend the following initiatives from our
findings, because unemployment problem must be reduced to a minimal extent:
▪ Social values constitute one's conscience and inner feelings that guide towards the
righteous path, to build awareness and social revolution is necessary along with
breaking social obligations regarding niche jobs like freelancing.
▪ The government should widen its IT sector to get lucrative results of freelancing.
▪ The online payment system has to be encouraged by the government and various
international standard payment system has to be introduced.
▪ Education is the backbone of any nation. Not only should primary education but also
to a greater extent education must be available to every citizen.
We hopefully brought out the factors that influencing reduce the unemployment problem in
Bangladesh through freelancing. We intend to contribute a bit to the society and the economy
of the country, we hope that our findings will support in making the decisions that will eradicate
this massive problem from the country, only then this effort will be a triumph for us.

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