11 FINAL JWT GK Checklist - Updated 29 July

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JWT/ Current Affairs Jan,

Salients Kashmir
Rivers of Pakistan Indus, Jhelum
Nishan e Haider
Afghan/ FATA border Geo
Passes Afg,
Outer Space
Misc World
Misc Pers
Wonders of the World

Pak Geo
Film Awards

JWT Jan 19
1. G20 Summit held din Buenos Aires from 29 Nov to 1 Dec 18 with the theme "Building
consensus for fair and sustainable dev" 2019 Osaka/ 2020 Riyadh
2. Bab Al Mandab in Red Sea con 12% of World Trade Tfc. (Djibouti, Eriteria, Yemen)
3. Paris Agreement Rulebook limits global temp rises to well below 2 deg (COP24 - Katowice ,
Poland) (The 2018 UN Climate Change Conf was the 24th Conf of the Parties to the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change, also known as the Katowice Climate Change
- Paris Agreement is an agreement within the UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change, dealing with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and fin
- Kyoto Protocol is an intl treaty which extends the 1992 UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
4. Baba Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism spent last 18 yrs of his life at Karturpur Sahib.
Kartarpur in Narowal District, Indian Gurdaspur District, connecting the Sikh shrines of Dera
Baba Nanak Sahib (located in Punjab, India) and Gurdwara Darbar Sahib Kartarpur (in Punjab,
Pakistan, located on River Ravi, part of the Delhi–Lahore Bus diplomacy, Venkaiah Naidu,
laid the foundation stone.
5. Franco-German Treaty of Peace and Coop in 1963 ending their bitter hostilities under the
ldrship of French President Charles De Gaulle and West German Chancellor Kurt Adenauer
6. The ozone layer protects the earth from UV rays, present in Stratosphere
7. Longest and largest bone in the body is Femur
8. Sonar is used to measure Ocean depth
9. Radio waves transmitted through radio broadcasting are reflected back from Ionosphere
10. No of OIC Muslim states is 57
11. No of EU member states is 28
12. Cold war pd : 1947 – 1991
13. NPT - Non Proliferation Treaty: three-pillar system:
a. non-proliferation,
b. disarmament, and
c. the right to peacefully use nuclear technology.
14. Collapse of USSR happened due to Eco Crisis
15. Quadrilateral Coord Gp (QCG) Consists of US, Pak, China & Afg
16. No of ASEAN states is 10. Manilla HQ
17. Bdry b/w Communist and Non communist ctys of East Asia is called Bamboo Curtain.
18. Largest enclosed inland body of water is Caspian Sea. Iran, Turkmenistan, Kazakastan, Russia,
19. Olympics/ Summer Olympics 2020 to be held in Tokyo
20. Murree is a mountainous area forming part of the outer Pir Panjal Rg
21. ML-1 : Rly tr from Kci to Peshawar
22. According to WEF's report "Regional Risks for Doing business" in which it listed Water
Crisis, Inflation, Terrorism, Failure of Urban Planning and critical infrastructure as
imed risks faced by Pak
23. Yasir Shah becomes fastest to 200 test wkts
24. Warrior VI - Pak China Spec Forces Ex
25. Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) Base estb at Keti Bandar, sind
26. US-Mexico-Canada signed a trade deal USMCA to replace NAFTA at G20 Summit.
27. US 5th Fleet - Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Suez
28. Luka Mordric (Croatian) wins 2018 Balon d'Or
29. Israel becomes a full member of FATF.
30. Afg opened a new intl trade route aimed at estb dir access to Central Asia and Europe known
as Lapis Lazuli Corridor (corridor begins from Torghundi in Herat of Afg, the port (on
the Caspian Sea) of Türkmenbaşy in Turkmenistan; to Baku of Azerbaijan, Tbilisi, capital
of Georgia, Georgian ports of Poti and Batumi; finally, the corridor will connect to the cities
of Kars and Istanbul, Turkey, at the entrance of Europe.
31. Republic of Macedonia will now be called the Republic of North Macedonia. (CNN)

JWT Feb 19
1. Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 - Policy for Eco Diversification
2. High Tech City of Neom, means New Future, In Tabuk, $500 Bn
3. Chang'e – 4 – Robotic Spacecraft landed on Dark Side of the moon by China in collaboration
with Dutch, Germany, Sweden and
- The far side of the Moon is sometimes called the "dark side" of the Moon, as most of it is
not visible from Earth due to tidal locking
- Tidal locking (also called gravitational locking or captured rotation), in the most well-
known case, occurs when an orbiting astronomical body always has the same face toward
the object it is orbiting. This is known as synchronous rotation:
4. US - Iran Nuclear Deal - Jt Comprehensive Plan Of Action (JCPOA) between P5+1
and Iran (Britain, France , US, China and Russia + Germany) Vienna
5. European Eco Community (EEC) estb in 1958 old name for EU (1993)
6. Mueller Report - Alleged Russian sponsoring of US elections of 2016
7. Deal of the Century -Proposed deal of Israel / Palestinian Conflict by US. Jerusalem as Israel’s
capital recognised by US
8. Three Axis in the Middle East as of 2019
a. Resistance Axis - Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah backed by Russia and China
b. Ctr Revolution Axis - Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan backed by Israel
c. Pro Change Axis - Qatar and Turkey
9. Bonn Conference 2001 - US led NATO alliance to estb presidential form of Govt in Afg
10. Bonn Conf 2019 – On climate Change
11. CENTCOM - Theatre Lvl unified Combatant Comd of US DoD (HQ at Florida). Kenneth
Mckenzie is the Comd
12. CASA 1000 – Central Asia South Asia, Export of surplus hydroelectricity from Kyrgyzstan
and Tajikistan to Afg and Pak.
13. APAPPS - Afg-Pak Action Plan of Peace and Solidarity
14. BRI - Forename ,The Silk Road Eco Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
a. Main idea is Connectivity
b. 6 x Corridors incl CPEC
15. Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes, formally established during the Han Dynasty
of China, European explorer Marco Polo (Italian merchant) travelled on the routes, German
geographer and traveler, Ferdinand von Richthofen, in 1877 CE, who designated them 'Seidenstrasse’
(silk road) or 'Seidenstrassen’ (silk routes).
16. COP24-Conf of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention of Climate Change at Katowice,
a. (Pakistan elected as Vice President and Rapporteur of the COP)
b. (Poland nominated Mr. Michał Kurtyka, State Secretary in the Ministry of Energy in
Poland, to serve as the President of COP 24),
c. 200 ctys participated, agreed on a set of rules to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions
known as the Paris Agreement Rule Book,
d. Theme of this year's COP is #ChangingTogether, COP 25 will take place in Chile
17. IPCC- Intl Panel on Climate Change says heating is the largest source of non agricultural
carbon emission fol by tpt and power generation
a. Limits global temp to well below two degree Celsius via the Paris Climate Agreement of
b. Staying within 1.5 degree
18. Greenhouse Eff -Solar Radiation absorbed by earths atmosphere and IR emitted by earths
surface bounces back and gets absorbed again
19. String of pearls -Geo Theory of China's intentions in the Indian Ocean
o Hambantota is a Sri Lankan Port
20. Bangladesh parliament - Jatiyo Sangsad (350 Seats) 5 yr term
21. Indian Lower House of Parliament - Lok Sabha
22. Indian Upper House of Parliament - Rajya Sabha
23. Congressional Pakistan Caucus Foundation launched to help foster friendship ,
understanding and coop b/w US & Pak (Dec 20)
24. Pak China Intl Jt Air Ex - Shaheen VII
25. Pak China Jt Mil Ex - Warrior VI
26. Pak Army AD Ex - Ex Bayza 2019
27. Mohmand Dam -Constructed across Swat river, 5 km from Munda HW
28. Pak Must do more before May 2019 to get out of FATF grey List
29. Belgium won Hockey World Cup in India (Dec 2018)
30. Lionel Messi - Golden Shoe award (leading European goalscorer)
31. UN GA ratified a UN deal on migration of a large body.5 Ctys opposed
32. Golden Globes
a. Best Film - Bohemian Rhapsody
b. Best Actor - Rami Malek
c. Best Foreign Language Film - Roma(Mexico)
33. Russia tests first HGV (Hypersonic Glide Veh) Avangard which flies 27 times faster than the
speed of sound making it impossible to intercept
34. Malaysia's King Sultan Muhammad V abdicated in a historic first for the cty
35. Macedonia parliament passed an amendment to constitution to rename the cty as Republic of
North of Macedonia
36. Afg participated in the first ever India-Central Asia Dialogue in Samarkand
37. Manu Sawhney replaced Dave Richardson as ICC Chief Exec Offr
38. Sunda Strait links the Java Sea with Indian Ocean

JWT Mar 19
32. Oscars 2019 (Dolby Theatre Los Angeles. CA, USA)
a. Best Picture - Green Book
b. Best Actor - Rami Malek
c. Best Actress - Olivia Colman (The Favourite - Movie)
d. Foreign Language Film – Roma
e. Best Director – Alfonso Cuaron (Roma)
f. Best Animated – Spiderman - Into the verse
g. Original Song - Shallow (A star is born)
h. Bohemian Rhapsody - 4 x Oscars
33. US wdr from 1987 Cold War Era INF (Intermediate Rg Nucl Force) Treaty with Russia
a. Barred from depl land launched cruise msls (500 - 5500 km rg)
34. NAFTA replaced by USMCA (US Mexico Canada Agreement) Trade Agreement
35. Venezuela Crisis (Capital Caracas)
a. Nicolas Maduro re-elected to a 2nd 6 yr term as President
b. US backed Juan Guaido declares himself President siting unfair elections
c. Trump blames ideology of socialism for all the mess
d. Venezuela has largest nickel and gold res along with largest oil supply in world
36. Sunset Clause In public policy, a sunset provision or clause is a measure within a statute,
regulation or other law that provides that the law shall cease to have effect after a specific date, unless
further legislative action is taken to extend the law.
37. Inter governmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) assesses that by 2100 earths temp
will inc by 1^C to 3.5^C and associated rise in sea level of 15 - 95 cm
38. EEZ (Exclusive Eco Zone) is a sea zone prescribed by the UNCLOS (UN Convention on the
Law of Seas) over which a state has spec rights regarding the exploration and use of marine resources
incl energy production from water and wind.
39. AMAN 19 - 6th multinational maritime ex in Kci, 46 ctys participated with the title "Together
for Peace". Also incl the 3 day conf - "Global Geopolitics in Transition : Rethinking Maritime
Dynamics in the Indian Ocean Region"
40. Industrial Revolution
a. 1st Industrial Revolution (1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840) - Mech, Steam
and Water Power
b. 2nd Industrial Revolution (late 19th century to early 20th century) - Mass Production,
Assy Lines and elec
c. 3rd Industrial Revolution - Cptr & Automation
d. 4th Industrial Revolution - Cyber Phy Sys, Networks, AI
41. Moscow Format - Afg Taliban meeting with 12 x Cty rep for Afg peace process
42. Nasr Msl - Shoot & Scoot (ctr measures after launch) / Quad Salvo ( 4 x Msls launched at a
time from MLRS)
43. Pak elected as Vice chair of Envmt's Forum of Ministers of Asia Pacific
44. Mohmand Dam - Constr on River Swat & 800 Megawatt
45. ICC new CEO - Manu Sawhney from India
46. Virat Kohli - 3 x Maj ICC awards (Best Test, ODI, Best Cricketer)
47. Asian Cup football won by Qatar
48. Macedonia becomes 30th Member of NATO
49. Theme for World Eco Forum 2019 Globalization 4.0 : Shaping a Global Architecture in the
Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
50. World Eco Outlook is a flagship of IMF
51. Kishenganga Dam being built by India on River Jehlum
52. Ratle Dam being built by India on River Chenab
53. Chagos Islands (British Indian Ocean Territory, an overseas territory of the United
Kingdom, usually abbreviated as "BIOT")
a. Located in Indian Ocean near Mauritius
b. Sold by Mauritius to Britain in 1965 and became British Indian Ocean Territory
c. Diego Garcia leased to US by Britain (Contains US base and GPS sys, nicknamed the
base the "Footprint of Freedom.")
d. Has US B 52 Bombers.
e. Mauritius presents resolution at UNGA to examine legal status of Islands in 2017.
54. Two deadly viruses Zika (virus disease caused by a virus transmitted primarily by Aedes
mosquitoes, which bite during the day) and Monkeypox (from infected animals) are reported in
55. China’s parliament changed the country’s constitution to allow President Xi Jinping to rule for
life. The constitution previously limited a president to two 5-year terms.
56. Heathrow airport - London
57. BREXIT : EU Treaties
a. Maastricht Treaty (officially the Treaty on European Union) was signed on 7 Feb
1992 by members of European Communities in Maastricht, Netherlands, to
further European integration.
b. Treaty of Rome founding treaty of EU, in 1957
c. Treaty of Lisbon (initially known as the Reform Treaty) is an intl agreement that
amends the two treaties which form the constitutional basis of the EU.
58. Theresa May, Conservative Party (tree logo) / Labour Party (Rose)
59. Donald Trump, Republican Party (elephant logo)
60. Costa Book Awards is one of the UK's most prestigious and popular literary prizes
a. The Cut Out Girl by Bart van Es has been announced as the 2018 Costa Book of the
61. Perihelion- pt in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is closest to sun.
62. Aphelion - pt in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is farthest to sun.
63. New Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro
Vocal government critic and anti-corruption activist Zuzana Caputova Slovakia’s first female
Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena
President Xi Jinping
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang
Voting begins in Finland's 'anti-austerity election'
PM. Juha Sipilä, President Sauli Niinistö
Indonesian President Joko Widodo
Worlds first 5G svc and phone launched in S Korea
UN Gen Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution moved by Turkey and co-sponsored by Pakistan
strongly condemning violence and terrorism targeting individuals belonging to religious minorities.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern 
Yellow vests mov or yellow jackets mov is a populist, grassroots pol mov for eco justice in France.
UAE highest civ honour, the Zayed Medal
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
David Malpass, unanimously chosen as the next president of the World Bank.
The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Progm is a progm estb in 1997 by
the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to encourage economic cooperation among countries in the
Central Asian region. Headquarters - Mandaluyong City, Philippines.
The 11 CAREC countries are:
People's Republic of China Georgia
Kyrgyz Republic
ADB Theme for 52nd Annual meeting in Fiji “Prosperity through Unity”
Labour Day on 1 May to pay tribute to workers who were killed by police for 8 hr workday in 1886 in
Chicago. First observed in Pak in 1972. This yr theme is “Uniting Workers for social and Eco adv”
Julian Assange Remained in Ecuadorian Embassy in London since 2012.
Op Swift Retort – PAF msn on LOC
Change of king in Japan mks the change or era.
Old era: heisi
New era: reiwa
2020 Olympics Tokyo
2024 Olympics Paris
2028 Olympics Los Angeles
Chrysanthemum Throne of Japan Royals
Emperor Kokaku stepped down in 1817
New emperor Naruhito
Old Emperor Akihito (emperor emeritus)
Marseillaise is the national anthem of France
The Battle of Cannae was a major battle of the Second Punic War that took place on 2 August 216 BC
in Apulia, in southeast Italy. The army of Carthage, under Hannibal, surrounded and decisively
defeated a larger army of the Roman Republic.
General Kenneth McKenzie Jr, the commander of US Central Command 
Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State.
Initial public offering (IPO) or stock market launch is a type of public offering in which shares of a
company are sold to institutional investors 
GCHQ (Govt Comm HQs) is UK cyber security agency.
FIFA chief Gianni Infantino
The latest edition of Wisden Cricketers' Almanack, considered the “Bible” of the game, is published
on April 11.
The first image is of a black hole in a galaxy called M87, was taken by Event Horizon Telescope
Filmmaker Shehzad Hameed Ahmad has nabbed two awards at 2019's New York Festival. He's been
awarded a Silver World Medal in the History and Society Category for his documentary The Rise and
Fall of Mujib and the Bronze World Medal in the Community Portraits Category for *Nepal's Child
Bryde’s whale is found in Arabian Sea.
Locally known as, the Indus dolphin is the second most endangered freshwater dolphin species in the
world, the first being the ‘functionally extinct’ Yangtze river dolphin.
Kuwait on Wednesday inaugurated one of the world’s longest causeways, linking the oil-rich Gulf
state’s capital to an uninhabited border region set to become a major free trade hub.
The 36-kilometre (22-mile) bridge connects Kuwait City to the northern desert area of Subbiya, where
Kuwait aims to create the “Silk City, Madina tul Hareer” project linking the Gulf to central Asia and
Bubiyan Island is the largest island in the Kuwaiti coastal island chain situated in the north-western
corner of the Persian Gulf, 
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty.
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
The Mohmand Dam is being constructed on the Swat River. The dam has the capacity to store 1.2
million acre feet of water. It will generate some 800MW of electricity.
Pakistan was 2018's 20th biggest military spender in the world with an expenditure of $11.4 billion, a
report published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) said.
The Armenian Genocide also known as the Armenian Holocaust, was the Ottoman government's
systematic extermination of 1.5 million Armenians mostly citizens within the Ottoman Empire.
Ecuador’s Waorani indigenous tribe won their first victory against big oil companies in a ruling that
blocks the companies’ entry onto ancestral Amazonian lands in Pastaza province for oil exploration
Iran's official news agency IRNA

Israel's failed first moonshot was a robot craft namely Beresheet.

The Jallianwala Bagh massacre in the northern city of Amritsar on April 13, 1919. Brigadier General
Reginald Edward Harry Dyer is known as The Butcher of Amritsar
The ICC 2019 Cricket World Cup trophy is made by London based House of Garrard.
United Nations Security Council resolution 1267 was adopted unanimously on 15 October 1999. After
recalling resolutions 1189 (1998), 1193 (1998) and 1214 (1998) on the situation in Afg, the Council
designated OBL and associates as terrorists and established a sanctions regime to cover individuals and
entities associated with Al-Qaida, OBL and/or the Taliban wherever located.
Tehmina Janjua — the first woman appointed to the Foreign Office's top post of Foreign Secretary.
New apt is Sohail Mahmood
The most powerful operational rocket in the world, SpaceXs Falcon Heavy, launched its first
commercial msn from Florida by Elon Musk's space coy.
Falcon Hy carried a comm satellite for Saudi-based telecom firm Arabsat, which will beam internet and
television services over Africa, Europe and the Middle East.
Lewis Hamilton won the Chinese Grand Prix for a record sixth time to seize the overall lead from his
Mercedes team mate Valtteri Bottas in Formula One’s 1,000th world championship race in Chinese F1
Grand Prix.
 Michael Schumacher’s all time record tally of 91.
Victor Hugo's classic novel “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame”
Winner of Master Golf Tournament in Georgia Tiger woods. Its his 15th major. And he has got 5 th
Green Jacket. The green sport coat is the official attire worn by members of Augusta National while
on the club grounds; each Masters winner becomes an honorary member of the club. ... Winners keep
their jacket for the first year after their first victory, then return it to the club to wear whenever they
Aretha Franklin makes history with posthumous Pulitzer win
The Queen of Soul received the Pulitzer Prize Special Citation honor Monday, becoming the first
individual woman to earn a special citation prize since the honor was first awarded in 1930. The
superstar musician was the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame when she
entered the prestigious organization in 1987
Sadaf Khadem, who on Saturday became the first Iranian woman to contest an official boxing bout, 
Kamila Shamsie “Home Fire” and Mohsin Hamid “Exit West” have been shortlisted for the Dublin Lit
America's first female astronaut candidate, pilot Jerrie Cobb, who pushed for equality in space but
never reached its heights
Eileen Collins, NASA's first female space pilot and later its first female space comd.
UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
(UNRWA) is a relief and human development agency.
Justice Tahira Safdar as first woman chief justice of a Pakistani high court (Balochistan)
Queen of Soul or Aretha Franklin (1942–2018) was an American singer and pianist.
India 2nd largest importer of maj arms in the world. 9.5% of the global total
Karen Ulhen Beck, first woman to win the abel prize – math’s nobel, For her pioneering
achievements in geometric partial differential equations, gauge theory and integrable systems, and for
the fundamental impact of her work on analysis, geometry and mathematical physics.  Abel Prize is a
Norwegian prize awarded annually by the King of Norway to one or more outstanding mathematicians.
It is named after Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel (1802–1829) and directly modeled after
the Nobel Prizes.
Engro Poweregen Thar Ltd (EPTL) Lignite coal power plant in Thar (4th largest coal res)
Pak can become a $2 Trilion eco in next 28 yrs, if it con its popultaion growth by 1.2%
President Trump issued his first veto, rejecting legislation to overturn his declaration of a national
emergency to fund a wall along the southwestern border
New Zealand capital Wellington
PAF received BVRMs PL-15 upto 300km range
Intl Women Day 8 Mar. 2019 Theme “A bal world is a better world.”
India signed a $3 billion contract for the lease of an Akula-1 class nuclear-powered attack submarine to
be known as Chakra II from Russia for a period of 10 years.
Abu Dhabi Declaration: 46th session of Council of Foreign Minister of the Organisation of Islamic
Cooperation under the motto "50 Years of Islamic Cooperation: Roadmap for Prosperity and

Secretary General of the OIC, Doctor Youssef bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen

Republic of the Niger to host the 47th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation
of Islamic Cooperation in 2020.
Year 2019 as a Year of Tolerance in the UAE

11th March of each year as a day of tolerance in all Member States of the OIC

34th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers

Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan (15 - 17 May 2007)
Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)
Joint resistance leadership (JRL) refers to the alliance of top ranked separatist leaders of Kashmir.
The resistance leadership includes Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Yasin Malik and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
‘The Blue Homeland’: Turkey’s history’s largest naval drill held in Black Sea, Aegean and East
Short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft. F 35
Russian FM Sergey Lavrov
Hayabusa2 is an asteroid sample-return mission operated by the Japanese space agency, JAXA.
A nation could enter into a "most favoured nation" treaty with another nation. In the treaty of Madrid in
1667 Spain granted England "most favoured nation" trading status. With the Jay Treaty in 1794, the US
also granted the same to Britain.
Chinese twin cities
Urumqi - Kci
Puyang - Gwadar
Xian - Multan
Xi’an is a large city and capital of Shaanxi Province in central China. Once known as Chang’an
(Eternal Peace), it marks the Silk Road’s eastern end and was home to the Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang
dynasties' ruling houses. At archaeological sites in Xi’an’s surrounding plains are the famed
Bingmayong (Terra Cotta Army), thousands of life-size, hand-molded figures buried with China’s first
emperor, Qin Shi Huang.
The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the
first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210–209 BCE with the
purpose of protecting the emperor in his afterlife.
The Keystone Pipeline System is an oil pipeline system in Canada and the United States,
commissioned in 2010 and now owned solely by TransCanada Corporation.
Easter Island, a Chilean territory, is a remote volcanic island in Polynesia. Its native name is Rapa
Nui. It’s famed for archaeological sites, including nearly 900 monumental statues called moai, - carved
human figures with oversize heads. Norwegian Museum had agreed to return these to Easter islands
which were taken by explorer Thor Heyedahl.
Pakistan Navy’s special ‘Task Force-88′ (TF-88) for maritime security of Gwadar port, 
Earth Day – 22 Apr
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro
Turkish President Erdogan founded Justice and Dev Party
Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
Aus PM Scott Morrison
Ukraine President Volodymir Zelensky won the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election; Zelensky's term
is expected to begin on 3 June 2019. Servant of People TV serial and Pol Party.
"Mission Shakti": India shot down a low-earth orbit satellite in space, propelling itself into an elite club
of nations (the US, Russia and China), with anti-satellite (ASAT) missile technology.
Dr. Abdul Kalam Island, formerly known as WheelerIsland, is an island off the coast of Odisha, India,
approximately 150 kilometres (93 mi) east of the state capital Bhubaneshwar. The Integrated Test
Range missile testing facility is located on the island.
The M3 connects the Lahore end of the M2 to M4 near Abdul Hakeem (a city in Kabirwala
Tehsil, Khanewal District).
The M-3 motorway is duplicate or parallel motorway of M-4 motorway and took eastern route from
Lahore to Abdul Hakeem city, while M-4 motorway which connects M-2 to same Abdul Hakeem city.
CARICOM stands for Caribbean Community and Common Market and is defined as an organization
made up of 15 Caribbean nations to promote economic integration among members. HQ is in Guyana
Capital Georgetown, currency Guyanese Dollar
Designated CEO: Manu Sawhney (Jul 2019–)
CEO: Dave Richardson (Jun 28, 2012–Jul 2019)
Chairperson: Shashank Manohar
Headquarters: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Membership: 105 members
Korean War 1950-53, ended with an armistice agreement not a peace treaty, Korean Armistice
Agreement, DMZ Demilitarized Zone,
The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual
reefs and 900 islands. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia
Sikorsky MH-60R multi-mission helicopters is a US anti submarine heli
Mount Kilimanjaro with its three volcanic cones, "Kibo", "Mawenzi", and "Shira", is a
dormant volcano in Tanzania. It is the highest mountain in Africa, with its summit about 4,900 metres
from its base, and 5,895 metres above sea level. The first people known to have reached the summit of
the mountain were Hans Meyer and Ludwig Purtscheller, in 1889. The mountain is part of Kilimanjaro
National Park and is a major climbing destination.
The first-ever, two-day Lake District Chakwal 4×4 Jeep Rally at Thoa Bahadur in Chakwal
Turkish president and his Russian counterpart will meet on April 8 for the opening ceremony of the
Turkey-Russia cross-cultural year.
Fayez Mustafa al-Sarraj is the Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya and prime minister of the
Government of National Accord of Libya that was formed as a result of the Libyan Political Agreement
signed on 17 December 2015. 
IT- SEZ to be launched in Isb
AFC (Asian Football Council) President  Sheikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa of Bahrain
Vice President Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat
Punjab games trophy won by Punjab
Ex Jinnah-10 Pak Turkey jt mil ex
The BrahMos (designated PJ-10) is a medium-range ramjet supersonic cruise missile that can be
launched from submarine, ships, aircraft, or land.
Supersonic travel is a rate of travel of an object that exceeds the speed of sound (Mach 1).
Speeds greater than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5) are often referred to as hypersonic. (6200
Facebook launched Innovation Lab in Pak, at National Incubation Cen, LUMS
Shariah laws introduced in Brunei
Independence Day of France, 14 Jul
Types of blackholes
Super massive
Event Horizon Telescope used for Blackhole imaging
Powehi name suggested by Hawaii scientists “the adorned fathomless dark creation”
Data stored in 5 Petabytes, 1 petabyte=1000 terabytes
START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) was a bilateral treaty between the US and the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) on the reduction and limitation of strategic offn arms. Proposed
by US President Ronald Reagan.
A4P, Action for Peacekeeping calls for women participation in UN peace ops
The Elsie Initiative Fund to increase uniformed women in UN
Pak meets tgt of 15 %
UN resolution 1325 on women and peace and security, urges all actors to increase the participation of
women and incorporate gender perspectives in all United Nations peace and security efforts. Passed by
Google closes down Google+
Google estb first AI cen in Ghana
Hero of the Russian Federation highest Russian mil Award
Order of St Andrew the Apostle highest state award
Grand Collar of the state of Palestine
Amir Abdullah Khan Award of Afg
Order of the King Abdul Aziz of KSA
The Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, CAATSA, is a United States federal
law that imposed sanctions on Iran, North Korea, and Russia.
Afg to launch Op Khalid against the insurgents in reply to Op Fatah – annual spring offn by afg
Bajaur and Khyber 3x Gen seats each in PA
Mohmand, Kurram, NWA, SWA to have 2 seats each
Aurakzai and FRs to have 1 seat each
KP assy to have 145 seats incl 115 gen seats, 26 res for women, 4 Non Muslims, FATA 21 (incl 16
gen, 4 women, 1 res for Non Muslim)
The Scaled Composites Model 351 Stratolaunch is an aircraft built for Stratolaunch Systems built by
Scaled Composites  to carry air-launch-to-orbit rkts. twin-fuselage design is the ac with the
longest wingspan ever flown at 385 feet (117 m), surpassing the Hughes H-4 Hercules flying boat's of
320 feet 11 inches (97.82 m). The aircraft first flew on April 13, 2019 in a maiden test flt over Mojave
desert California
Palestine/Prime minister
Mohammad Shtayyeh
President Mahmood Abbas
The Monroe Doctrine was a US States policy of opposing European colonialism in the America
beginning in 1823
Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the CIA-sponsored rebel
group Brigade 2506 on 17 April 1961
USA scores ODI status for 1st time until 2022 Cricket WC Qualifier. Previosuly it played in 2004
Champions Trophy.
Dardenelles joins Sea of Marmara with Aegean Sea
Stéphanie Frappart is a French football referee. She has been on the FIFA International Referees List
since 2011. In 2014 Frappart became the first woman to referee in Ligue 2, the second tier of
professional men's football in France. She served as a referee at the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup in
Bibiana Steinhaus (born 24 March 1979) is a German football referee took charge in Bundesliga match.
Hist will be made in Windhoek, Namibia, on Saturday, 27 April, when Claire Polosakwill become the
first woman to umpire a men's one-day Oman and Namibia
Parwaz hay Junon was first screened in KSA and now became 1st Pakistani film to be screened in
China after 40 yrs.
The Arms Trade Treaty is a multilateral treaty that reg the intl trade in conventional weapons. It
entered into force on 24 December 2014. 101 states have ratified the treaty, and a further 34 states have
signed but not ratified it.
2015 Iran Nuc deal with 6 ctys – UK, China, France, Russia, US and Germany – had given Iran
sanctions relief in exch for curbs on its nuc progm.
Agent Orange is a herbicide and defoliant chemical, one of the "tactical use" Rainbow Herbicides. It
is widely known for its use by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Op Ranch
Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971. Most contamnited area is Ben Hoa airport outside
Ho Chi Minh city.
BRAS – Baloch Raaji Aajoi Sangar
Woods is the fourth golfer to be awarded the Medal of Freedom, joining Arnold Palmer (2004), Jack
Nicklaus (2005) and Charlie Sifford (2014). The Presidential Medal of Freedom is given to individuals
who have made
India is set to get another 'eye in the sky' as Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch its
latest radar imaging satellite (Risat-2BR1) from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh on May 22. Risat-2BR1
is much more advanced than the previous Risat-series satellite. It has resolution of 1 m. The Risat sat
can take images of a building or an object on the earth at least 2 to 3 times a day," 
China Has Developed World's First Amphibious Drone Boat And It's Called Marine Lizard.
IP pipeline is also known as Peace Pipeline, from Iran’s South Pars field to Karachi and Multan.
Tehran formally gave notice for moving the arbitration court for not laying down the pipeline in
stipulated time under the IP gas line project and threatened to invoke the penalty clause of Gas Sales
Purchase Agreement (GSPA)
Mehrgarh is a Neolithic(7000 BCE to c. 2500/2000 BCE) site located near the Bolan Pass on
the Kacchi Plain of Balochistan, to the west of the Indus River valley. One of the earliest civilzations
where Farming and Husbandry started. Its older than Mohenjodaro.
In South China Sea, Vietnam, Phillipines, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan have claims.
Preble and Chung Hoon are US guided-msl destroyers.
Gaven and Johnson Reefs are in Spartly Islands, Soth China Sea
Zalmay Mamozy Khalilzad is a US diplomat and the Special Representative for Afghanistan
Reconciliation at the Department of State.
The Jt Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a detailed, 159-page agreement with five annexes
reached by Iran and the P5+1 (China France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United
States) on July 14, 2015. US President Donald Trump signed an executive order imposing sanctions on
Iran, relating to iron, steel, aluminium, and copper.
ECOSOC-UN Eco and Social Council
With the highest number of votes in the bag, Pakistan was re-elected as a member of the United
Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) 
Fakhar and Imam's partnership became the first to cross the 300-run mark (304) in ODI cricket.
Windies openers John Campbell and Shai Hope shattered the record for the highest first-wicket
partnership in (ODIs) with a stand of 365 against Ireland in Dublin
The Ring of Fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where many earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions occur. In a large 40,000 km horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly
continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts and plate movements. It has
452 volcanoes. It is also called as Circum Pacific Belt. The Ring of Fire is a direct result of plate
tectonics: the movement and collisions of lithospheric plates, especially subduction in the northern
portion. The western portion is more complex, with a number of smaller tectonic plates in collision
with the Pacific plate from the Mariana Islands, the Philippines, Bougainville, Tonga, and New
The Hopman Cup is an annual intl eight-team indoor hardcourt tennis tournament which plays mixed-
gender teams on a country-by-country basis. It was held in Perth, Western Australia in early January
each year, from 1989 to 2019. It was replaced on the calendar in 2020 by the ATP Cup, a new ATP
event, but the ITF is currently searching for a new venue.
The Hopman Cup XXXI was the 31st and final edition of the Hopman Cup tournament between
nations in men's and women's tennis that took place at the Perth Arena in Perth, Australia. Won by
Switzerland. Belinda Bencic / Roger Federer
Bogibeel bridge is a combined road and rail bridge over the Brahmaputra river in the north eastern
Indian state of Assambetween Dhemaji district and Dibrugarh district. Bogibeel river bridge is
the longest rail-cum-road bridge in India
Port Sultan Qaboos is in Oman, visited by PNS Shamsheer
Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, which is a method of growing plants without soil by instead
using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent
Sudan Qatar Sign deal to dev Suakin Seaport. Suakin is a port city in northeastern Sudan, on the
west coast of the Red Sea.
Pakistan has been re-elected to the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs,
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) HQs - Geneva
On Tuesday the US military announced that B-52 Stratofortress strategic bombers will be deployed to
the Middle East in response to what US Acting Secretary of Defence Patrick Shanahan dubbed
"indications of a credible threat by Iranian regime forces, Sputnik
JWT May 19
1. Deal of the Century (Israel-US Deal to resolve Palestinian Issue)
a. Allow Israel to annex large settlement blocs in the west bank and East Jerusalem (Both
occupied by Israel since 1967)
b. Trump's ack of Jerusalem as Israel's capital
c. Knesset's (Israeli Parliament) approval of a Jewish Nation State
2. In 1995 Oslo Accords, Occupied West Bank was div into three areas (Area A, B, C)
a. Area A - Palestinian Auth con civ affairs and IS Israel con external security
b. Area B - Palestinian Auth in charge of edu, health and Eco
c. Area C - 60% of West Bank, According to Oslo Accords con of this area was supposed to
be handed over to PA but Israel retains con of this area to date
3. Golan Heights
a. Syrian Territory illegally occupied by Israel in Six Day War
b. Officially annexed in 1981
c. Israel uses it as a buffer zone (Purple line) between itself and Syria for security
d. Rich n water resources and fertile soil
e. US recently recognized it as Israeli territory
f. Camp David Accord - Diplomatic relations b/w Egypt and Israel restored in 1978
and Sinai Peninsula returned to Egypt
g. Oslo Accords - 1993 when Israel recognized PLA as representative body of
Palestinians in return for PLA agreeing to Two State Soln
4. India's Msn Shakti
a. ASAT Test (Anti Satellite Test)
b. India 4th Cty to achieve this cap after US, Russia and China
c. India used Ballistic Msl
d. Outer Space Treaty prohibits the depl of WMDs in space
e. Launched from Dr. Abdul Kalam Island, formerly known as Wheeler Island
5. Hors de Combat - State and non state actors in non intl armed conflict who have laid down
their arms to be treated humanely according to Geneva Convention
6. IMF Report - Pakistan 3rd among cty facing acute water shortage
7. Pak to become most water stressed cty by 2040
8. Pak crossed Water Stress Line - 1990 (Demand for water exceeds the aval amount during a
certain pd or when poor qual restricts the use)
9. Pak crossed Water Scarcity Line - 2005 (Lack of fresh water resources to meet the water
10. NATO at 70
a. Primary task - (Def Western Europe from Russia and its allies)
b. Restricts its members to spend at least 2% of their GDP on def
c. 29 members. North Macedonia added this year. Waiting for ratification.
11. Three Gorges Dam-World's largest hydropower project on Yangtze River, China.
12. Hong Kong to build the world's largest artificial man made islands to meet its housing needs
near Lantau making it the most expensive project ($79 Bil)
13. Italy the first G7 member to join Silk Road Initiative of China.
a. G-7 : US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. These ctys, with the 7th
largest - IMF described - adv eco in the world, represent 58% of the global net wealth
14. US to have access to Oman's ports of Duqm and Salalah. A strat port deal which will allow
US more access to the Gulf Region & reduce the need to send ships through the Strait of
15. The era of Japan's next emperor began on May 1 known as Reiwa (Pursuit of harmony)
Previous era (Heisei - achieving peace)
16. Taliban's annual spring offn - Op Fateh
17. Abel Prize In Maths - awarded to Karen Ulhenbeck of US
International Cricket Council (ICC) is the international governing body of cricket.
Founded as the Imperial Cricket Conference in 1909 by representatives from England, Australia and
South Africa
Renamed the International Cricket Conference in 1965, and took up its current name in 1989.
ICC HQs, Dubai
2019 Cricket World Cup is the 12th edition of the Cricket World Cup, scheduled to be hosted by England and Wales.
The group stage format is a round-robin, where all ten teams play each other once, in a single group.
2023 Cricket World Cup will be the 13th edition of the Cricket World Cup, scheduled to be hosted by India in 2023. This will be the first time the
competition is held completely in India.
Ashes Series. The Ashes is a Test cricket series played between England and Australia. The Ashes are regarded as being held by the team that most
recently won the Test series. If the test series is drawn, the team that currently holds the Ashes retains the trophy.

Marylebone Cricket Club (the MCC) is a cricket club founded in 1787 and based since 1814
at Lord's Cricket Ground, which it owns, in St John's Wood, London, England. The club was
formerly the governing body of cricket in England and Wales and, as the sport's legislator, held
considerable global influence.
In 1788, the MCC took responsibility for the Laws of Cricket, issuing a revised version that year.
Although changes to the Laws are now determined by the International Cricket Council (ICC), the
copyright is still owned by MCC.
List of important boundary lines
Durand Line is the line demarcating the boundaries of Pakistan and Afghanistan. It was
drawn up in 1896 by Sir Mortimer Durand.
Hindenburg Line is the boundary dividing Germany and Poland. The Germans retreated to
this line in 1917 during World War I.
Order-Neisse Line is the border between Germany and Poland, running along the Order and
Neisse rivers, adopted at the Poland Conference (Aug 1945) after World War II.
Curzon Line - Polish and Russian frontier
Marginal Line was the 320-km line of fortification on the Russia-Finland border. Drawn up
by General Mannerheim.
Mason-Dixon Line is a line of demarcation between four states in the United State.
Macmahon Line was drawn up by Sir Henry MacMahon, demarcating the frontier of India
and China. China did not recognize the MacMahon line and crossed it in 1962.
Medicine Line is the border between Canada and the United States.
Radcliffe Line was drawn up by Sir Cyril Radcliffe, demarcating the boundary between India
and Pakistan.
Siegfried Line is the line of fortification drawn up by Germany with France border.
Maginot Line - Germany with France border
17th Parallel - boundary between North and South Vietnam before two were united.
24th Parallel is the line which Pakistan claims for demarcation between India and Pakistan.
This, however, is not recognized by India.
26th Parallel south is a circle of latitude which crosses through Africa, Australia and S
38th Parallel is the parallel of latitude which separates North and South Korea. Border b/w North
and South Korea is also called Armistice Line, Mil Demarcation Line
49th Parallel is the boundary between USA and Canada.
The Nine-Dash Line or "10-dash line" or "11-dash line"—refers to the undefined, vaguely
located, demarcation line used initially by the People's Republic of China (PRC), for claims of the
major part of the South China Sea.
Weber's line  - a hypothetical boundary lying approximately along the Australo-Papuan Shelf
and being sometimes preferred to Wallace's line that separates the ecozones between Asia
and Australia. 
Green Line. - Divides Cyprus b/w Greek south and Turkey North.
Green Line - to delineate the demarcation line between Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Syria from
the pd fol Israel's 1948 Independence War until the 1967 Six Day War when Israel captured the West
Bank, and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Gaza Strip from Egypt, and the Golan Heights from
Purple line was the ceasefire line between Israel and Syria after the 1967 Six-Day War and
serves as the de facto border between the two countries.
Bar-Lev Line - Israel def line in Sinai desert with Egypt.
Plimsoll line a mk on a ship's side showing the limit of legal submersion when loaded with
cargo under various sea conditions.
Deadline. a line drawn within or around a prison that a prisoner passes at the risk of being
DEW (distant early warning)line is a 3,000-mile line of radar stations north of the Arctic
Circle. It should notify the U.S. and Canada of the approach of enemy planes or missiles.

Nishan e Haider

№ Recipient Regiment Sec Battle Date martyrdom

Saif Ali
1 JanjuaHilal-e- 5 AK,  1947 26 April 1948

Battle of Tilpatra,
2 Muhammad 2/1 PR 1947 27 July 1948

Tufail Lakshmipur, E
3 16 PR Border skirmish 1958 7 August 1958
Mohammad Pak

Raja Aziz
4 17 PR Burki 1965 10 Sep 1965

No. 2 Fighter
5 Rashid Minhas 1971 20 August 1971

6 4 FF Hilli, E Pak 1971 5 Dec 1971

7 Shabbir Sharif 6 FF Sulemanki 1971 6 Dec 1971

Muhammad Zafarwal-
8 20 L 1971 10 Dec 1971
Hussain Janjua Shakargarh area

Muhammad Pull Kanjri,

9 15 PR 1971 17 Dec 1971
Mahfuz Wagah-Attari

Karnal Sher 27 SR / 12
10 Kargil Kargil War 5 July 1999
Khan NLI 

11 Lalak Jan 12 NLI Kargil Kargil War 7 July 1999


Civ Award sets Order of precedence

Nishaan Nishan-e-Pakistan
Hilal Hilal-e-Pakistan
(Crescent)  Hilal-e-Shujaat
Sitara Sitara-e-Pakistan
(Star)  Sitara-e-Shujaat
Tamgha Tamgha-e-Pakistan
(Medal)  Tamgha-e-Shujaat
Military Awards
Op Awards, Non-Op Awards, the Tamgha-i-Difa and the Imtiazi Sanad.
Op Awards
Nishan-i-Haider. (Only those members of the Armed Forces, the Frontier Corps and the Frontier
Constabulary when serving under the Federal Government)
Hilal-i-Jur’at. (officers only)
Sitara-i-Jur’at. (Officers, Junior Commissioned Officers of the Army, the Frontier Corps and the
Frontier Constabulary when serving under the Federal Government, Chief Petty Officers of the
Navy and Flight Sergeants of the Air Force)
Tamgha-i-Jur’at. (Only non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the three Services, the Frontier
Corps, Frontier Constabulary and Pakistan Rangers when serving under the Federal Government)
Imtiazi Sanad (All members of the Armed Forces and civil armed forces who are mentioned in the
dispatches of the Chief of the Army Staff for gallantry not qualifying for a gallantry award, or for
distinguished services, shall become eligible for ‘Imtiazi Sanad’)
(Non-Op Awards)
 Sitara-i-Basalat.
 Tamgha-i-Basalat.
 Tamgha-i-Khidmat Class I.
 Tamgha-i-Khidmat Class II
 Tamgha-i-Khidmat Class III.
Ministers Pak / Indian
President – Arif Alvi / Ram Nath Kovinth (Vice President - Venkaih Naidu)
Def – Pervez Khattak / Rajnath Singh
Foreign Affairs – Shah Mehmood / S J Shankar
Interior Minister – Ijaz Shah / Amit Shah
Def Production – Zubaida Jallal
Comm and Postal – Murad Saeed
Human Rights – Shireen Mazari
IT – Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui
Law and Justice – Farogh Naseem
Power and Petroleum – Umar Ayub
Rly – Talli
Religious Affairs – Noor Ul Haq Qadri
Water Resources – Faisal Wada
Minister of State on Climate Change – Zartaj Gul
Advisor on Climate change – Malik Amin

Governers CM
Bln Sardar Aman Ullah Jam Kaml Khan
GB Raja Jallal Maqpoon Hafiz Hafeez
KP Shah Farman Mahmood Khan
Punjab Ch Sarwar Buzdar
Sindh Imran Ismail Syed Murad Ali Shah
J&K Sardar Masood Khan (President) Raja Farooq Haider (PM)
EX KAKADU 2018 is fourteenth edition of naval exercise scheduled to be held between August 29
and September 18, 2018.
EX RIMPAC, the Rim of the Pacific Exercise, is the world's largest international maritime warfare
exercise. RIMPAC is held biennially during June and July of even-numbered years from Honolulu,
Hawaii. It is hosted and administered by the United States Navy's Indo-Pacific Command,
headquartered at Pearl Harbor,
EX Malabar is a trilateral naval exercise involving the United States, Japan and India as permanent
partners. off the coast of Guam in the Philippine Sea
Guam is an unincorporated and organized territory of the US in Micronesia in the western Pacific
Ocean, On December 7, 1941, hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Guam was captured by
the Japanese, who occupied the island for two and a half years
Ex Vostok - Russia conducted Vostok-2018 (East-2018) mil ex in cen and eastern Russian mili
districts from Sep 11 to 15, 2018. Mongolia, China.
Msn Gaganyaan : Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) unveiled details of its first indigenous
human space mission dubbed as Gaganyaan to be launched in 2022. The msn will be the first human
space mission to be indigenously developed by ISRO.
Ex Arabian Monsoon: Pakistan Navy and Russian Federation Navy are engaged in bilateral naval
exercise since 2014 under code name ARABIAN MONSOON
Ex Friendship 2018: Pak Russia Mil ex in Pabbi
Ex Turgutries: Pakistan Navy held its maiden bilateral ex Turgutries meaning ‘Drawn sword of
Islam’ with Turk naval forces in North Arabian Sea.
Ex Jinnah : Pak and Turk Spec forces in Turkey.
Ex AYYILDIZ-2019’: B/w Pakistan Navy’s Special Service Group and Turkish Navy’s Special
Forces, ‘Su Alti Taarruz’, at Karachi.
Ex Malpak II: Navies of Pak and Malaysia Navy, in Arabian Sea, comprised of the harbour and
sea phase.
Ex “AFFA AL SAHIL IV”: Pak Navy’s SSG and Royal Saudi Naval Forces Special Op Forces
(RSNF) in
Ex Peace Msn: The war games held under the umbrella of Shanghai Coop Org (SCO), and feature
soldiers from China, Russia and other SCO countries like Pak and Ind.
Ex Guruda V. Indian and French Air Forces in France
The Peninsula Shield Force is the military arm of the GCC formed in 1984.
Port of Darwin. Australia
"Great Wall of Sand" a series of uniquely large-scale land reclamation projects by the People's
Republic of China (PRC) in the Spratly Islands area of the South China Sea
S China Sea
Paracel Islands
Spratly Islands
Pratas Islands
Macclesfield Bank
Scarborough Shoal
United Kingdom consists of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern
A shoal is a natural submerged ridge, bank, or bar that consists of, or is covered by, sand or other
unconsolidated material, and rises from the bed of a body of water to near the surface.
Cabbage strategy is designed to occupy a larger Maritime zone for a particular nation in order to gain
exclusive national rights over certain bodies of water.
Cty's territorial waters are 200 Nautical Miles from its coast which is called as EEZ (Exclusive Eco
Zone) -EEZ was estb by UN in 1973.
Any area outside EEZ, falls under UN Maritime Law.
Catalonia is an autonomous community in Spain on the northeastern extremity of the Iberian Peninsula
Iberian Peninsula is a mountainous region that's most associated with the countries of Spain and
Nordic countries are generally considered to refer to Finland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden,
including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Åland Islands).
Scandinavian are in bold/ Italic.
The Faroe Islands is a self-governing archipelago, part of the Kingdom of Denmark. North Atlantic
Baltic states, northeastern region of Europe containing the countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania,
Seven Sister States. The Seven Sister States are a region in NE India, comprising the contiguous states
of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura.
Arctic Ocean. Maj subdivisions of the Arctic Ocean include fol:-
Norwegian Sea - Barents Sea / White Sea - Kara Sea - Laptev Sea - (Chukhi Sea above Bering Sea) -
Beaufort Sea (Amundsmen Gulf)
Caspian Sea Ctys: Turkmenistan, AZB, Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan (TARIK)
Mediterranean Sea. Sub-divided into other smaller seas which include following
Adriatic Sea.
Aegean Sea.
Ionian Sea.
Ligurian Sea.
Tyrrhenian Sea
Jura Mountains divide France and Switzerland
Lake Baikal in the mountainous Russian region of Siberia, north of the Mongolian border. Considered
the deepest lake in the world.
Rubicon river is in Italy
Duqm and Salalah Ports of Oman’s
Nile: Blue Nile and White Nile. Blue Nile begins at Lake Tana in Ethiopia. White Nile at Rawanda
and Burundi. The two rivers meet just north of the Sudanese capital of Khartoum.
Lake Superior, US-Canada
Dead Sea, Israel-Jordan
Angel Falls, Venezuela
Balkhash, Kazakhstan

Chihuahuan Desert - Mexicoand theUnited States

Karakum Desert - Turkmenistan -

Andes of South America
Rocky N America
Great Dividing Range – Aus
Kolyma – Russia
Alps – Europe
Atlas – Africa
Ural – at bdry of Europe and Asia in Russia
Zagros – Iran, Kurdistan, Turkey
Kunlun Mountains – China
Mount Fuji – Honshu – Japan
Altai – China, Russia, Mangolia, Kazakhstan
Mount Elbrus - Caucasus Mountains – Russia
Rakaposhi - Karakoram
A lagoon is a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by barrier
islands or reefs.
Atacama Desert is located in North Chile.
Kilimanjaro volcano is situated in Tanzania.
River Om Russia
River Amu Darya Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan -Aral Sea
River Selenga -Russia (Siberia), Mongolia
River Euphrates -Turkey, Syria, Iraq
River Tigris -Turkey , Iraq
River Jordan -Israel, Jordan
Sefid River -Iran
River Karun Iran
Peral River – Hong Kong

Orange River - Lesotho, South Africa, Namibia and Botswana

The Thames.
(2) Rhine.
(3) Rhone.
(4) Danube.
(5) Dnieper.
(7) Elbe.
(8) Volga.
(9) Dneister

# SEZs

1 Rashakai Economic Zone , M-1, Nowshera

2 China Special Economic Zone Dhabeji

3 Bostan Industrial Zone

4 Allama Iqbal Industrial City (M3), Faisalabad

5 ICT Model Industrial Zone, Islamabad

6 Development of Industrial Park on Pakistan Steel Mills Land at Port Qasim near Karachi

7 Special Economic Zone at Mirpur,AJK

8 Mohmand Marble City

9 Moqpondass SEZ Gilgit-Baltistan


▪ 1st AMENDMENT(1974)
▪Redefined Boundaries Of Pakistan

▪ 2nd AMENDMENT(1974)
▪Declared Ahmadis As Non Muslim's.

▪ 3rd AMENDMENT(1975)
▪Extend The Period Of Preventive Detention.
▪ Preventive Detention means detain a person at any unknown place whose acts are against the integrity
of State.

▪ 4th AMENDMENT (1975)

▪Give Additional Seats For Minorities .

▪ 5th AMENDMENT(1976)
▪Widened The Scope Of Restrictions On High Court.

▪ 6th AMENDMENT(1976)
▪The Judges Of High Court and Supreme Court Will Retire At The Age Of 62&65 Respectively.

▪ 7th AMENDMEND(1977)
▪Give Powers To Prime Minister To Seek Vote Of Confidence At any Time From The People Of

▪ 8th AMENDMENT (1985)

▪Semi Presidential System Of Government Introduced From Parliamentary System Of Government
▪Give More Powers To President Of Pakistan.

▪ 9th AMENDMENT (1985)

▪Amendment To Make Shariah Law As The Law Of The Land.

▪ 10th AMENDMENT(1987)
▪Fixed The Period Of Intervals Between Sessions Of National Assembly To Not Exceed 130 days.

▪ 11th AMENDMENT(1989)
▪Revision Of National Seats In Both Assemblies.

▪ 12th AMENDMENT(1991)
▪Speedy Trial Courts Was Established For A Period Of 3yrs To Trial Offenders Of Heinous Crimes.

▪ 13th AMENDMENT(1997)
▪ Curtail The Powers Of President To Dissolve National Assembly And Dismissing The Prime

▪ 14th AMENDMENT(1997)
▪Members Of Parliament Can Be Dismissed If There Is Found Any Defect.

▪ 15th AMENDMENT(1998)
▪Bill To Impose Shariah Law Was Never Passed

▪ 16th AMENDMENT(1999)
▪Quota System Term Increased From 20 to 40 years.

▪ 17th AMENDMENT(2003)
▪President Powers Increased

▪ 18th AMENDMENT(2010)
▪Name Of NWFP Was Changed.
▪Famous Article 6 Of High Treason Was Introduced.
▪Removed The Powers Of President To Dissolve Assembly Unilaterally

▪ 19th AMENDMENT(2010)
▪Islamabad High Court Was Formed
▪Deals With Appointment Of Judges Of Supreme Court.

▪ 20th AMENDMENT(2012)
▪For Free And Fair Elections.
▪Chief Election Commissioner Was Changed To Election Commission Of Pakistan.

▪ 21st AMENDMENT(2015)
▪Military Courts Was Established After APS Massacre

▪ 22nd AMENDMENT 2016

▪Changing The Eligibility Criteria For Chief Election Commissioner Of Pakistan.
▪ Bureaucrats and Technocrats also will become members of Election Commission of Pakistan.

▪ 23rd AMENDMENT April 2017

▪In 2015, National Assembly passed the 21st Amendment and created the military courts for the period
of 2 years .
▪The period of two years was expired on 6th January 2017
▪This 23rd Amendment was passed to re-establish the military courts for further two years till 6th
January 2019

▪ 24th AMENDMENT Nov 2017

▪Allow the conduct of delimitation of constituencies on the basis of provisional census results.

▪The Merger of FATA with KPK was signed by President Mamnoon Hussain on 31-May-2018

▪Seat adjustment of FATA
1. Secy GEN NATO- Jens stoltenberg (Norway) - HQ-Brussels Belgium

2.Secy Gen UNO - Antonio Guteress (Portugal) - HQ - Newyork USA

3. Amnesty intl- Kumi Naido - HQ - London, UK

4. ASEAN - Lim Jock Hoi - HQ- Jakarta Indonesia

5. Intl court of Justice - ABDUL Qawi yousuf - HQ- Hague Netherlands

6. ICC cricket - David Richardson - HQ- dubai UAE

7. IMF - Christine lagarde - Washington,

8. OPEC - Muhammad barkindo - Vienna Austria

9. SAARC - Amjad Hussain B Sial - HQ- Khatmandu Nepal

10. UNESCO - Audrey azoulay - HQ Paris

11. World met org (WMO) Petteri Taalas, - Geneva

12. Intl maritime org (IMO) - kitack Lim - HQ- London UK

13. EU - Donald Tusk - HQ- Brussels Belgium

14. FIFA - Gainnia Infantino - HQ Zurich Switzerland

15. Red Cross- Peter Maurer - - HQ Geneva Switzerland

16. World bank - Jim Yong Kim and - Washington

CEO Kristalina Georgevia
Costal Areas East to West : Port Qasim – Gadani – Somaini – Ormara – Pasni – Gwadar – Jiwani
Recently, through 25th constitutional amendment, (FATA) were merged with KP
Bajaur and Khyber 3x Gen seats each in PA
Mohmand, Kurram, NWA, SWA to have 2 seats each
Aurakzai and FRs to have 1 seat each
KP assy to have 145 seats incl 115 gen seats, 26 res for women, 4 Non Muslims, FATA 21 (incl 16
gen, 4 women, 1 res for Non Muslim)
The Quartet comprises the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and Russia. The
group was established in Madrid in 2002. The Quartet on the Middle East.
The Arab Peace Initiative, also known as the "Saudi Initiative", is a 10 sentence proposal for an end to
the Arab Israeli conflict that was endorsed by the Arab League in 2002 at the Beirut Summit and re-
endorsed at the 2007 Arab League summit and at the 2017 Arab League summit.
Arba Israel Wars
1947 1948 war: Yishuv (term referring to the body of Jewish residents in the land of Israel
corresponding to Ottoman Syria until 1917)
versus Palestinian Arabs and volunteers
1948 49 war: Israel and the Arab states
1967, Six-Day War
1973, Yom e Kippur
1987 -93 1st Intafada
1993 2000: Oslo peace process
2000 05: Second Intifada
2005 to present: The strengthening of Hamas in the Gaza Strip
Passover or Pesach is a major, biblically derived Jewish holiday. Jews celebrate Passover as a
commemoration of their liberation by God from slavery in ancient Egypt and their freedom as a nation
under the leadership of Moses.
Nuclear Progm
US -Manhattan Project / Codename for US Dev of atomic bomb.
USSR -First Atomic Bomb/ First Lightening
Maastricht Treaty established the European Union under its current name in 1993.
Brexit the UK government invoked Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union.
Good Friday Agreement between the British and Irish governments, and most of the political parties in
Northern Ireland, on how Northern Ireland should be governed.
The International Date Line is located halfway around the world from the prime meridian (0°
longitude) or about 180° east (or west) of Greenwich, London, UK, the reference point of timezones.
GPRS? General Packet Radio Service
US Secretary of State: Mike Pompeo
Meghan Morkel is Duchess of Sussex, Diana was Princess of Wales.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, 
Prince William, Duke of Cambridg
1. Earth is part of solar sys a gp of 8 planets (excl Pluto) and their moons.
2. The solar sys is part of Milky Way Galaxy (gp of more than 100 billion stars).
4. The closest star to the Earth is Proxima Centauri (4.22 lt yrs away).
5. Pluto. On 24 Aug 06 Pluto has been downgraded from an official planet to a Dwarf Planet (no more
a part of solar sys).
The Earth
1. Earth completes one revolution of the Sun in 365 days and 6 hrs in an elliptical orbit.
2. Pd of Axial Rotation. 1 day / 23 hrs 56 mins and 4 secs.
3. Leap Yr. The yr in which month of Feb is of 29 days. It results after every four yrs to compensate for
the 6 hrs in addn to 365 days taken by Earth to complete one revolution of Sun.
4. Equinox. On 21 Mar and 23 Sep days and nis are of equal length all over the world is called
5. Summer Solstice
a. Northern Summer Solstice. In Northern hemisphere on 21 Jun when the day is the longest and
ni is the shortest is called Northern Summer Solstice (Pakistan).
b. Southern Summer Solstice. In Southern hemisphere on 22 Dec when the day is the longest
and ni is the shortest is called Southern Summer Solstice.
6. Winter Solstice
a. Northern Winter Solstice. In Northern hemisphere on 22 Dec when the day is the shortest and ni
is the longest is called Northern Winter Solstice.(Pakistan)
b. Southern Winter Solstice. In Southern hemisphere on 21 Jun when the day is the shortest and ni
is the longest is called Southern Winter Solstice.
Wonder Location
Great Wall of China China
Petra Jordan
Christ the Redeemer Brazil
Machu Picchu Peru
Chichen Itza Mexico
Colosseum Italy
Taj Mahal India
Great Pyramid of Giza(honorary candidate) Egypt


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